Two Types of Love (L.T) (H.S)

By FanFicGirls_

1.6K 61 3

NOT LARRY STYLINSON. Two best friends who just finished High School together who spend a lot of their time... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 / Epilogue
Author's Note
Forced Into Love (N.H)

Chapter 43

25 1 0
By FanFicGirls_

*A month Later*

*Harry's POV*

"Harry she'll love it, don't worry." Julia smiles at me and I bite down on my lower lip.

"Are you sure, what if she says no? What if she doesn't like the ring? I love her so much. I want this night to be perfect and-"

"Harry calm down. Kristine loves you and her saying no to you wouldn't be possible. The night Louis proposed to me was the most magical night of my life. I'm sure Kristine will have a similar experience."

I nod my head. "Ready?" Louis asks with a huge smile as he wraps his arm around Julia's waist, pulling her closer to himself.

"I am beyond ready."

"Good, don't overthink it, it'll just make you more nervous."

I nod my head and wait for Kristine. After a few more moments, Kristine comes down the stairs and I am speechless. No matter what this girl says, I am the lucky one.

"Ready to go Harry?" She asks me with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes." I glance over at Louis and Julia who give me a thumbs up. I want this night to go perfectly.

I put my sling my arm around Kristine's shoulder puller her closer to me. She lets out a giggle and rests her head on my shoulder as we walk.

*Kristine's POV*

The car stops outside a restaurant. "Stay here." Harry says and turns off the car and quickly gets out and runs to my side of the car and opens the door for me.

"M'lady." He jokes and I giggle. He holds out his hand and I take it instantly. He helps me up out of the car and we head into the restaurant.

It is nicely decorated and has a beach theme to it with everything blending together quite nicely.

We get to our table and Harry pulls out the seat for me. I giggle again and sit down.

"How did you find this place?" I ask him, looking around. It was a simple but well organized. It wasn't exactly crowded but it wasn't empty either.

"One of my many talents." He jokes as a waiter comes to take our order.

The waiter comes back with our drinks but with as well a bouquet of what looks to be a dozen roses.

"The first bouquet of many, curtesy of Mr. Styles." The waiter smiles at me and hands me the roses.

I smile and look at Harry who has a sheepish smile on his face.

"You didn't have to." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"I did have to. I have so much planned for today."

"Its only noon." I inform him and he chuckles.

"I planned out the whole day. Hopefully its one that you'll never forget."

"Like I could forget any date with you Harry. You are always so outgoing and make each and every one of them so rememberable. I honestly don't deserve everything you do for me. You treat me like a princess."

He smiles sheepishly and takes a sip of his tea, "Because you are a princess, you are my princess."

I blush and look down sheepishly like he was just doing and take a sip of my own tea. "If I'm a princess, than your my prince."

"And Knight in Shining Armor." He adds in.

I giggle and nod, "How could I have forgotten, you are my prince and knight in shining armor."


After lunch we got back into the car and I glanced over at Harry who seemed to be quite nervous.

"Where are we going next?"

"Thats a secret." He smirked over at me quickly before turning his eyes back to the road.

"Secrets? I thought we had no secrets Mr. Styles."

"Maybe one secret." He teases and I chuckle. "Is it a good secret."

"You shall see."

"Why can't you tell me?" I pout slightly and he lets out another one of the various chuckles.

"Because that would ruin the surprise part of it."

"Does it mean a lot to you to keep it a surprise?" I ask him curiously and he nods his head and I sigh, "Fine, I shall be patient, even though I really really don't want to."

"Thank you."

*Harry's POV*

I glanced over at her once we stopped to see her eyes light up. We were parked in the lot of a amusement park. A huge smile was on her face as she looked over at me and squealed.

She didn't bother waiting for me to open her door as she quickly got out. I chuckled at her and got out my self and followed after her. She was like a five year old child who kept looking back at me to see how far away I was.

I finally caught up with her at the entrance where she looked like a little child that is opening up presents on Christmas Day with a huge grin on her face.

"You excited?" I chuckled again and she rolls her eyes playfully as the huge smile on her face doesn't seem to go away.

"What do you think?"

"I think you are very excited."

"Indeed I am."

We finally get into the Amusement Park. It cost extra, but I was able to get a pass so we could skip lines, yet the cost of it didn't matter when I watched her look around the amusement park.

"What shall we do first?"

"That!" She points at a random ride and grabs my forearm as she pulls me to one of the rides.


We were now on the Ferris wheel and it had stopped at the very top. "This is amazing Harry."

"An amazing day for an amazing girl." I tell her. She is beyond amazing and I wish I could give her so much more than what I have given her. She deserves the world and everything amazing in it.

She giggles, "This is so incredible, I don't know how this day could get better than this."

"You haven't seen all of it yet, so don't make calls just yet. I have something amazing planned for you." I tell her.

"Whatever it is, I am sure I will love it." She smiles at me reassuringly like she knew that I was worried about her not liking it. I just can't picture my life without her in it and I have to remember to thank David for bringing her on tour with us. I don't honestly know where I would be right now if I didn't have her.

"I hope you will." I say with an unsure tone. What if she doesn't want to marry me? What if boyfriend and girlfriend is as far as we will ever get? I can't picture anybody else having her because I am simply to selfish to ever let her go.

"I know I will Harry. there is no doubt in my mind about it."

"You can't take that back by the way." I chuckle and she nods her head.

"I wasn't planning to. Harry I love you. Any time that I get to spend with you, I love."

"You're not just saying that?" I ask her. I know she isn't, but it is always nice to have that small bits of reassurance.

"No. Harry I love you."

She kisses my cheek and pulls away at the Ferris Wheel begins moving again.

Stupid Ferris Wheel.


It was now five, we had spent a good four hours at the amusement park. Kristine held a giant teddy in her arms as we walked back to my car. "I don't know what to name it." She chuckles as she puts it in the back seat.

"That is up to you to decide love." I tell her, curious to see what she would name the bear.

She tapped her finger against her chin before her eyes widen. "I think I am going to name it Harry Jr. after my oh so amazing boyfriend who got it for me."

"I like that name." I chuckle and she nods. I don't like the name, I honestly love it. She named it after me. I had to look away to stop her from seeing the blush that was forming on my cheeks.

I start driving towards the beach. The final place for today. I glance over at her for a quick second before turning my eyes back to the road again. Kristine Styles.

I just can't help but to repeat that in my head. It sounds perfect to me.

I just hope it sounds perfect to her as well.

She puts on the radio and we obnoxiously sing any and every single song that plays with the windows rolled all the way down.

I can't help but to notice that Kristine keeps looking over at me with a huge smile, that I can't help but to return each time.

*Kristine's POV*

Harry parks the car. I look around to see no other cars whatsoever. The place almost looks abandoned.

"I had rented the place, it is only going to be you and me, love." Harry answers my question before I can even think about asking it.

I chuckled, "Of course you did."

"Now wait here, and don't run off like you did at the amusement park."

I roll my eyes, "It was an amusement park, what can I say."

He laughs and gets out of the car and comes over to my side and opens the door for me and sticks out his hand, which I gladly takes. He helps me up and turns around and crouches down slightly.

"What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Get on." He says and I chuckle again but get on his back. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

He starts running and I can feel every step he takes. I let out a loud laugh.

I close my eyes tightly and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

We slow down and he chuckles. "You can open your eyes love."

"Are you sure?" I ask teasingly.


I open my eyes to see a beautiful set up. I let out a small gasp, "When did you get the time to set this all up?"

"I had some help." He carries me over to the couch and drops me.

"Don't do that." I chuckle and slap his shoulder as he sits down next to me.

"Did I scare you?"


He chuckles, "You don't sound very convincing."

"I wasn't suppose to be."

*Harry's POV*

I hadn't been sure about the set up until I saw how excited she looked about it. She looked more excited for this than she had for the amusement park.

"Harry, this is beautiful." She tells me. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer to me than she already was.

"Anything for you."

"I told you I would love it."

"That you did, that you did."

*Kristine's POV*

Harry had brought this wonderful pasta that was more than delicious. This part of the day has to be my favorite though. We are just cuddled together talking about future.

"Have you ever thought about marriage?" Harry asks.

"Yes, I think every girl thinks about it quite often to be honest."

"Who do you picturing marrying?"

"Right now, I picture marrying you. Sorry, if that creeps you out or anything, but I don't picture myself being with anyone else besides you Harry."

"Good, because I feel the same." He mumbles quietly under his breath but I don't know if I had heard him correctly, yet I don't feel like asking him if he had said anything in the first place.

"Where do you see your self living in a few years?" I ask him, closing my eyes slightly as I have my head placed against his chest, oddly finding the sound of his heart beat relaxing.

"I don't know, where ever you are is that place that I'll be."

"Cheese." I chuckle.

"Lots and lots of cheese." He says.

*Harry's POV*

We were both just sitting quietly, cuddling together. It was beyond perfect. The sun was beginning to set and the candles were lighting everything up beautifully. Everything was coming together just the way I had planned it to.


"Hmm?" She hums.

"Would you like to dance?" I ask her she giggles and nods her head, slowly getting up.

I go on my phone and start playing Night Changes.

"Dancing to your own song? A little bit cliche isn't it?"

"I'm fine with being a little cliche with you."

I wrap my hands around her torso and she wraps her arms around my neck.

"We're only getting older, baby, And I been thinking about it lately, Does it ever drive you crazy," I begin singing along as she rests her head on my shoulder. "Just how fast the night changes, Everything that you've ever dreamed of, Disappearing when you wake up, But there's nothing to be afraid of, Even when the night changes, It will never change me and you."

The song continues to play and Kristine begins to sing lightly, "We're only getting older, baby and I been thinking about it lately, Does it ever drive you crazy, just how fast the night changes? Everything that you've ever dreamed of-"

I begin singing lightly with her, "Disappearing when you wake up. But there's nothing to be afraid of, even when the night changes. It will never change, baby. It will never change, baby. It will never change me and you."

We just stand there after the song finishes, swaying slightly back and forth. I have to do this now. "Kristine I have to ask you something."

"What is it?" She asks pulling away slightly.

"Kristine I love you more than anything in this world. You are my day and night. Ever since I met you, I knew you were something special. I knew you and I were going to get along quite well. Something that I didn't know, is how much I ended up falling for you."

*Kristine's POV*

"How much I would miss you when you leave, only if its for an hour. How much I would cherish your laugh, your voice, your personality, everything about you." Harry continues, looking me straight in the eye, "I want to protect you from everything evil in this world that could possibly harm you. I'm not good enough for you, but I am by far way to selfish to let you go."

He lets out a chuckle, "When you were gone those however many month, I didn't only lose you but I lost apart of my self I though I was never going to get back. When you left, you took a huge part of my heart with you. When I finally saw you after all that time, I knew you were the one, the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with you."

A few tears slips down my cheek and he wipes them away with his thumb, "You've changed my life and I can't picture a day that you aren't mine. To say it, Kristine Nyk will you marry me?" He got down on one knee and pulled out the most gorgeous ring I had ever seen. Now, it all made sense why he had been so nervous.

"Of course! Yes! I'll marry you!"

He jumps up and picks me up and twirls me around.

Once he puts me down, he embraces me in a quick hug before he pulls away and slips the ring onto my finger.

"I love you so much Kristine."

"I love you too Harry, more than you could ever believe." I tell him, kissing him.

I am engaged to the man of my dreams. Life could not be anymore perfect than it is right now.

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