If Loving You Is Wrong 2

Por 1LoveMagic

178K 8.9K 1.3K

They're back and the ride is longer and crazier than ever. Only the strong survive so who will be by your sid... Más

If Loving You Is Wrong 2
Sip N Chat
Not An Update
Chit Chat
Part III
Authors' Note
So you know it's real....
While You Wait....
Another thing lol
New Collab Story
A Little Something Something
If loving you is wrong 3


2K 94 18
Por 1LoveMagic

The next Day.... We get dressed and leave for Jr's party. We arrive and it's already a lot of people. "Cay!" "What's up TJ?!? How are you?" "I'm good, how are you? Still looking good in swim suits I see." "Watch it TJ." He laughs. We keep moving and walk over to Mama Sharon. "Hey Cay!" "Hey Ma.!" "Hi Malik." She says hugging him. "What's up Mama Sharon? You look like nice." "Thank you." "Is Taty here yet?" I ask her. "No not yet."

"Cay!" "Kiya! Oh my gosh, look at you." "Girl look at you! I've missed you." "I've missed you too! Kiya this is my boyfriend Malik... Malik this Kiya." "Nice to meet you." "It's nice to meet you too." She says smiling. "Cay you know I'm still Team Jr and Cay but he's cute." She whispers. "Girl don't wait on that." I say laughing. "I heard about the party incident, y'all tagged her ass." "Girl don't even bring that up." She laughs.

Malik sees Taty and Jordan coming in and goes over to them while I talk to Kiya. I see Jr walking through. He comes over to me, and hug me. "What's up Cay?" "Hey Jr! Happy Birthday !" "Thank you, you look nice." "You don't look so bad yourself." "T sends his love, he couldn't make it today." "Aw man I really wanted to see him." "Your stuck with just me for today." "Oh the joy." I say being sarcastic.

"Baby don't play like you don't like that." He says with his accent coming out. "Uhm mhm whatever Jr." "Where ya lil so called boyfriend?" "Over there with Taty and Jordan." "What's up with that clown Jordan?" "He's cool people, I like him." "You would." I roll my eyes,"Where your little troll?" "Stop calling her that..." "Do you have a better suggestion?" "Her actually name." "Yeah... That's not happening." "She's walking around here somewhere." "Hm..." "Don't start no shit Cay." "Whatever Jr."

Malik comes over, "Happy Birthday man, preciate the invite." He says dapping him up. "Thanks and no problem." Jr says nonchalantly, looking at me the entire time. He licks his lips. "Well I have more people to speak with, so I'll see y'all around." Jr says walking away.

We go to the table. "Hey y'all." I greet. "Hey." "Chopping it up with the ex I see." Jordan says. "Why do you point out the obvious?" I ask Jordan. "Damn, my bad." He says laughing. "He still wants you." Malik says. "I could say the same for you too Taty." Jordan says. I look at her with raised eyebrows. "Y'all still talk?" I ask. "Yes occasionally." "Hmm interesting." "Y'all still talk like other than about Jayden?" She asks. "Like you said occasionally." "He came over the other day after getting Jayden trying to eat breakfast."

"That's right after he left my house from eating breakfast." "Really?" "Yes..." Malik and Jordan goes and gets us something to drink. "Jr says he misses me." She says. Was she really bragging about that? "Same here. He told me, MaKayla doesn't do it like me." "What? Take another woman's man or no" "Taty did you really just go there?" "I'm just asking what you mean Cay." "Not the way you said it like that. But did you really have to bring that up... Extra much. Y'all don't even have a reason to still be talking."

"Whatever Cay, that's what you say."Taty says. It gets quiet for a few minutes. "Girl we aren't about to bring up this old ass shit over Jr trifling ass. We have two fine ass fine over there, that actually treat us right." Malik and Jordan get back to that table. We sip on our drink. "Your right." Taty says. "Right about what?" Jordan asks. "Nothing, we had a moment but we're back now." She says laughing. I laugh too.

We see MaKayla walk by. "Damn we did that?" Taty asks. I glance over at Malik. "Yup." "You dropped something." Taty says to MaKayla. "What?" She asks. "Your dignity." Okay that I wasn't expecting her to say and it was funny. Well at least me and her thought so anyway, Jordan and Malik just sit there.

"Y'all need to leave that poor girl alone." Taty gets up and to go to the restroom. MaKayla walks through again, looking dead at me. "Cay..." "Yes Malik." "Come here.." I go to him and sit on his lap. "What she staring at?" I ask. "Don't worry about it Cay." "I'm just saying I can give her something to stare at." "Stop being a bully." Malik says wrapping his arms around me. He kisses the back of my neck. "I'm not." I say laughing.

"I heard y'all finally got together." Jordan says. "Uhm mhm." I answer. "Good look my dawg." He says dapping Malik. I pull my hair back. "Damn Cay." Jordan says. "What?" "That hickey." I suck my teeth, and Malik laughs. I pull my hair back down in the original position. "Malik this is your fault. I keep forgetting that's there." "No that's your fault, and my bad want me to touch up on it tonight, so you won't keep forgetting."

"Shut up, that doesn't help anything." I say leaning back on him. Jordan laughs. Taty gets back to the table. "You missed Cay big ass hickey." Her eyes get wide. "Tell the world why don't you..." I say laughing. "Let me see Cay." Taty says. "I'll show you later Taty." She laughs, "Okay." "Casha," I look back and see Jr. "Yes, Jr?" He looks down at me and Malik. "Let me holla at you for a second." I debate on if I really want to get up. I get up anyway.

We walk over to the side of the house. "What's up with that?" He asks. "What?" "You in dude lap and you introducing him as your boyfriend..." "I tried telling you the other day." "That's bullshit Cay." I don't know where all this anger was coming from with Jr. "What the fuck Jr?" "Are you really with him?" "Yes I really am." He shakes his head.

"So you can move on, but I can't? Get the fuck outta here Jr. Stop making a double standard for shit. I stopped being yours the day we both agreed it was over." "Nah that's where your wrong Cay, you'll always be mine." I roll my eyes, this nigga can't be serious. "Jr it's your birthday, so I'm trying to be nice, please don't take me there."

"Admit you still care..." "I don't..." "Your lying." "You would know all about lying." He laughs. "Whatever Cay, act like I wasn't with you before. I know when something makes you mad, when your happy, and every little spot that makes you moan." I roll my eyes. "It was fun while it lasted Jr. But you can't get mad at me when both let go. Yeah that night of the party I said I was done, but how many times have I said that before? He treats me right, he doesn't tell me everything I want to hear but what I need to hear. You should be happy for me and yeah, you might know my spots but he will too soon." He face changes from a smirk to a frown.

"That nigga will never be me." "That's exactly what I need in my life." With that being said I walk back to the table. I sit back down on Malik's lap. "What was that about?" He whispers. "I'll tell you later." Jr doesn't say a thing to me, or even looks my way the rest of the party. "It's time for presents." Someone announces. "Me first." MaKayla loud ass yells out. She hands him a box. He opens it. It was a key. "It's being delivered tomorrow!" "Thank you baby." He says hugging her. Why would she give him the key now then?

"What did you get him Cay?" Taty asks. "Hell the best gift ever." "What?" "A son." She bust out laughing. "Cay your crazy." Jordan laughs. "I'm serious as hell." "I know!" I lean back on Malik. "Your ready to go?" Malik asks. "Kinda," "We can go if you really want to." I get up. "Y'all leaving?" Jordan asks. "Yeah." I say walking towards the gate.

Jr is walking the same way. "Leaving so soon Cay?" He asks. "Yeah..." "I'll call you later." "For what?" He doesn't say anything just holds the gate open for me. I can feel him staring. I look back and I was correct. "Ass looks real good." "Whatever Jr" I go to the car, and a few seconds later Malik comes out the gate. He unlocks the doors. I get inside, put on my seatbelt, and lean back.

"What's bugging you?" He asks. That conversation with Jr..." "What happen?" He asks driving off. "He's an asshole." He laughs. "What was said in the conversation?" "He gets mad because I'm with you and I introduced you as my boyfriend. Blah, blah, blah... Claiming I need to admit I still care and I'm still his." "Well one, your mine and you do still care." "No I don't." "Yes you do and it's okay Cay. That's normal shit. You were with him for a long time plus that's the father of your child."

"I guess Malik." "As for the other stuff, it's normal for your ex to get jealous, as I'm sure you were with MaKayla." "Mad, yes ... Jealous no." "Mad for what?" "I feel like she turned him against me." "You don't believe he let you go on his on?" "Not one bit..." "You think he still cares?" "That's obvious." "Well maybe you should try to have a normal conversation with him." "Normal? Me and Jr... Yeah that'll happen." "Cay, someone has to be the bigger person here." "Your right." "You can't hold everything in and expect to get over it. So just talk to him." He makes so much sense. "I will."

My phone rings it's Jr. "What?" "Where you?" "Home." "Yo boyfriend there?" "No, why?" "Ima swing through." "For...?" "I didn't know I needed a reason to..." "You need to..." He sighs, "To talk..." "Okay." I hang up and put on some clothes. Malik was out running errands with his mom. Our conversation is still in my head. Since Jr's coming over now it would be the perfect time to do it. I pour me a glass of wine, I'm going to need it being around Jr. Jr knocks on the door. I finish my glass and head to the living room to open the door.

"Why is it so cold in here?" He asks coming in. "Why you complaining already?" "I just asked a question." "And so did I..." He sits down on the sofa. "You ain't gone offer me anything?" He asks. "Nigga, no... What do you want?" "I wanted to apologize for how I acted at the party earlier." "Hm." "It was immature of me." "Jealousy is an ugly trait." "I'm not jealous."

"Okay Jr." "I'm not." "Oookay Jr." "Man anyway, that's all I wanted." "Well to be completely honest after talking to Malik, I want to talk to you too." "About?" Jr asks. "You wanted me to admit that I still care and I do." "I know you do and I do too..." "So what do we do from here? It's clear were stuck with each other because of Jayden." "I think we're good parents it's us being friends that we need to work on."

"Your lil jealously acts don't help." "You and Taty fighting MaKayla ain't help." "Well..." "I can't promise I won't get jealous of you and ol boy." "And I can't promise I won't drag MaKayla." "For what tho?" He asks. "I don't like her Jr. I feel like she turned you against me." "No one could ever turn me against you." "But you did Jr." He sighs, "I'm sorry." "Sorry doesn't fix everything."

"I know but still." "Whatever." "Why you shutting down on me?" "You don't understand." "So help me Cay." "I gave you all of me Jr and for things to end the way they did... I mean I know we both let go but still that's damaging." "I didn't expect for things to happen the way they did." "It's fine, I just needed to get that off my chest.." "I understand Cay."

It gets quiet for a few minutes. "What the fuck is this? That nigga gave you a hickey? I swear to God if y'all were fucking while my son was over here-" "Chill the fuck out I wouldn't and don't do that in front of Jayden." "Cay that's fucked up!" "Stop yelling at at me and the fuck, no it's not. I'm not your wife, your girlfriend, your side chick , none of that shit so I can do what the fuck I want with my man." "I'll be by to pick up Jayden tomorrow." I say after a few minutes of silence. He gets up and leave.

To think we were making so much progress, and it goes down the drain. I lock the door and head to the room. Malik comes inside, I didn't even hear to door open. "What's up baby?" "Nothing, just finish talking to Jr." "I thought I saw his car leaving out." "Probably..." "How did it go?" "It was all good till he saw the hickey." He laughs, "Well damn." "I'm done with it, I said what I had to say. I took in mind what you said and went from there." "Good..."

"Come here." He sits down on the bed. "Yes Casha Harris." I lean up and kiss him. "Thank you for being you." "It's not an easy job but someone has to do it." He says laughing. He looks at my lips. "Malik.." "Yes." "My eyes are up here." "I know where they're at." "So stop staring at me lips, if you aren't about to kiss me." He gets closer and moves my hair from my face. He leans in as if he's going to kiss me, but he doesn't.

We're looking at each other eye to eye and his lips lightly brush my lips. "Stop teasing Malik." He laughs, and we fall back on bed. His kisses weren't rough, his were soft and gentle. I reach to take my shirt off. "Let me." He says moving my hands. He removes my shirt and unhooks my bra, cupping my breast. He takes one to his mouth, keeping eye contact with me. God that's a turn on. He moves to the other one. "Lay back." I do as I was told.

He moves back up and lightly bites my neck. "Malik..." I say laughing. He ignores me and keeps going. He moves to my stomach, and removes my shorts. His hands massages my thighs. "Oh my-..." "Malik." He sticks in his tip, playing with my entrance. "Baby stopppp," "You want it?" "Yes..." "How bad?" "Malik." I'm tired of the talking, give me the D. He smirks. "How bad do you want it?" He whispers in my ear.

"Very bad." "That's all you had to say baby." He goes in a little further. "God Malik," He slowly begins to stroke. This was feeling amazing! "Don't close your eyes..... Keep them on me." I bite my bottom lip. He starts kissing my neck while still stroking. I couldn't help the moans that were escaping my mouth. He moves to my lips. A few later... "Malik.... I'm about to-" We climax together. "Round 2?"

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