The Stars Are Blind ★ Nick Jo...

By Liz_Vega

62.8K 1.3K 441

After being forced to leave his family behind, Nick feels little to nothing and shows even less of his emotio... More

Meet The Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Final Chapter

Chapter 7

1.9K 47 13
By Liz_Vega

Chapter 7

Liz's POV

Blake and I left my house to go to work, not before reminding Nick to call if he needed something.

We entered the music store, said "hi" to Scott, who was the only employee currently in his shift. We both made our way silently to the back and to the manager's office. It was empty, naturally. I locked the door behind us and paced to the other side of the small office, and lifted one of the books from the dusty old bookshelf. The wooden piece of furniture slid to the side, revealing a secret metal enforced door, like the ones they have in banks. I tapped on the buttons the password code to gain access and after the scanner got my eye identification the door slid upwards, letting us in. 

Blake was unusually quiet today and I was about to ask him what was wrong, when my dad came into view.

"Honey, we need to talk" he said, his tone serious.

Blake waved me goodbye and kept walking deeper through the headquarters of "Witness Protection Program". I followed my dad into his very spacious "office". He hadn't even sat down on the chair behind his glass desk when I spoke up.

"Nick's an assignment isn't he, not your best friend's son?" I went straight to the point. The doubt had been eating me up inside.

My father lifted up an eyebrow.

"Is he or not?" I asked again. 

My father sighed, "Yes. He is" he confirmed. 

I let out a frustrated breath.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, anger seeping into my voice.

"Honey, calm down will you? I didn't tell you because he's my assignment, not yours. Why are you so concerned about this?" he asked slowly, watching me carefully. 

I let out a snort.

"I don't care, I just hate when you keep stuff from me. When mom died, you promised we'd be a team. You can't just lie to me, I'm your daughter"  I reminded him.

He nodded in agreement.

"You're right, I'm sorry. It's just that Nick's case is very special. I couldn't tell even you, orders from above" he explained. 

I raised an eyebrow.

"If you couldn't tell me a few days ago, why are you telling me now?" I asked hesitantly.

"Because I have to go. I have to pick up a new assignment over in Japan" he told me.

I nodded my understanding. But then a thought hit me.

"But, wait. What about Nick? Isn't he your assignment?" I questioned.

"I'm glad you caught up" my father said with a smirk, "and no, he's not my assignment anymore. From this moment on, he's yours" he announced.

I sat down hard on the only unoccupied chair in the room.

"What?" I asked in disbelief. 

"He will be your first big assignment... and trust me, it is big. A very important organization of thugs and gang-lords is looking for him back in America. He's more or less an accidental witness of a huge drug deal that was being made, now they want him dead. We had to get him out of the country in less than 24 hours. We made a cover story to keep his family out of the whole problem, a car-crash. No survivors. There's not guarantee they'll believe the whole accident thing so that's why he's staying with us" my father explained. 

I held my head in my hands and closed my eyes. This was not happening. I didn't want to be taking care of Nick, or to be held responsible for something happening to him. I almost got him killed teaching him how to surf for goodness sake!

"Dad, this is a really bad idea. Why don't you find someone else?" I asked hopeful.

"You know I can't do that. I'm following orders, just like you have to do. It can't be anyone else because you're the one closest to him, it'll be easier. Plus, Blake is always your partner, I don't think they are changing that yet, you guys work perfectly together, like if you both share one mind. I never seen so perfect teamwork in all my years working here, that's a compliment" my father said.

Despite myself  I smiled. He was right. Blake an I, were the perfect team. It helped that we grew up together and we know each other like the palm of our hands. But we didn't just team up for heroic things, we were also partners in crime. We did a lot of anonymous trouble around the island and this is something my father doesn't know, and God forbid he finds out. I'd be in loads of trouble.

"So Blake and I? He doesn't have any other assignment?" I ask.

"Not that I know of. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you" my father said.

I was about to tell him that I would worry because this was a terrible idea when a knock interrupted us.

It was Blake, and the captain of our division. 

"Sir" I said, standing up, respectfully. He shook my hand. 

"Good to see you Agent Vega, I'm sure your father filled you in on your new assignment?" he questioned. I always got distracted by his mustache, it was really bushy and dark.

I nodded my head at his question.

"I am filled in on the situation" I agreed.

"I decided to let you and Blake share this assignment because it's obvious you two work better when you're together and besides, this assignment it's very important. Nick Jonas is an international popstar, he's a very influential celebrity in the music industry, it's essential that we take the necessary precautions to keep him safe from harm" the captain said.

I let that information sink in.

Nick's an international popstar? Who would have thought? He doesn't look like one. 

I focused on the conversation at hand once again.

"Is there something else I need to know?" I asked. My father walked forward and handed me a file, with Nick's name on it.

"That's all his background information, including family, career, love life, and the details of your assignment. You will have to get close to him, agent, become his friend and hopefully he will give you information that will help us solve his case one way or another. It would be a shame if he wasn't able to go back to his family and his life ever again" my father said in a professional tone. I nodded. 

I was liking this assignment less and less by the minute. But at least Blake would be on it with me.

"Alright, I think that's all that you need for now. If you have any questions or concerns, you know what to do" then the captain was gone.

"Dad, I think this is too big fo-" but he cut me off.

"It's time you take bigger challenges. You are a great agent, baby, you'll be fine. I'm off to Japan in ten minutes. Call me only if it's an emergency and" this time I cut him off.

"And remember to call me only with the untraceable cellphone" I said in a monotone. He always told me the same thing and I already memorized it.

"Good girl. Now give me a hug" I stepped in his open arms and hugged him tightly.

"I love you" I murmured against his chest. 

He stepped away and pinched my cheek, like he did ever since I was 5.

"Love you too, honey. See you in a couple of days... Hopefully" he added as an after thought. 

Then I watched as my dad walked out of the office, knowing I wouldn't see him for a while. It sucked having a dad that was never home.

I sighed.

"You need to get closeeee to himmmm" Blake mocked while elbowing my ribs lightly.

I blushed for some reason and he started laughing.

"You're an idiot" I mumbled.

"I don't care, know why? 'cause you like Nick" he said teasingly.

"I do not like him" I argued.

"Then why are you blushing?" he asked with a grin.

"Because it's hot in here. Is the AC broken or something?" I asked. 

He seemed to think about it for a moment.

"I think it is. It shouldn't be this hot in here" he said realistically... and just like that I had distracted him from the previous topic.

"Yeah, it's weird. Let's get out of here pleaseee" I begged. 

He smiled down at me and placed his arm around my shoulder, leading the way out of the headquarters. While I debated how and if I should really get close to Nick. Because let's be honest, that was more dangerous than the actual protecting him part. 


A/N: Liz is a Witness Protection Program agent and Blake it's her partner!! Did you see that one coming?? Feedback it's appreciated.

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