For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

46.1K 1.5K 796

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees
Letting my mind wander.
Line everything up.
Round Two
Thankful for Family.
Timing ain't our strong suit.
Its okay to miss him.
Half of me.
Don't jump too quickly.

I wanna live the life we planned.

630 24 0
By LillyBelle13

Oakley was sitting on the couch with Lee leaning back against her. He had stayed home from school with a fever this morning and Oakley was soaking in the time he'd let her cuddle him. His deep breathing though, told her he was passed out again.

Oakley maneuvered around him, letting him rest against a pillow instead as she went into the kitchen. It was close to two and her stomach had been grumbling for an hour. Opening the fridge, Oakley pulled out some stuff for a sandwich. Her phone buzzed in her back pocket.

"Hey," Oakley said.

"Hey," Kayce sighed.

"What's wrong?" Oakley looked up from her food.

"Nothing...just nice to hear your voice," Kayce said.

"Rough morning?" Oakley asked but she knew the answer.

"How's Lee?" Kayce didn't answer her question.

"Fever has gone down but he's sleeping," Oakley said. "Finally making myself some lunch."

"I can stay with him tonight if you wanna go see Tate," Kayce offered.

"That's okay," Oakley sat her knife in the sink. "I'm okay here and plus...we both know you wanna see Tate."

"What time is it again?" Kayce asked.

"It's at five," Oakley glanced at the clock. "You'll need to leave here in an hour to pick up Evelyn and make it up there in time."

"Alright," Kayce said.

They were both quiet for a minute. Oakley knew Kayce did this when he didn't want to go back to whatever it was he was working on. He'd be content with just listening to the silence between them. She placed the top half of her sandwich on.

"I love you," Oakley said.

"Love you too, baby," Kayce said back to her.

"There's a warm bath with your name on it later tonight when you get home," Oakley smiled.

"Will my girl be in it?" Kayce asked.

Oakley's smile widened. Kayce hadn't been in a joking or flirty mood for a while now. She leaned her hip against the counter.

"If that's what you want," Oakley said.

"I want you," Kayce's voice was low. "We both know the bath is more for you."

"You don't like the bath?" Oakley joked, trying to keep this mood going.

"Baths are fine," Kayce said. "It's you being pressed up against me naked that's the real reason behind me going along with them."

"So the truth comes out huh, cowboy?" Oakley smirked. "Here I thought it was the bubbles and salts."

"It's just you, darlin'," Kayce chuckled deeply, making Oakley's insides warm. "Don't need anything else."

"Well, that I can do," Oakley sighed constantly. "You okay today? I know work is...and I know you'll be okay. I'm just worried about you."

"I'm okay, Oakley," Kayce said. "You don't need to worry."

"Fat chance that happening," Oakley leaned against the counter, putting her phone on speaker so she could eat her sandwich. "Don't forget Nancy's birthday on Thursday."

"Shit..." Kayce mumbled.

"This is why you have me," Oakley laughed. "We can get her some nice flowers from the store and you can give them to her."

"Alright, I'll try and remember," Kayce said and Oakley rolled her eyes.

"I'll put them in the list so we all remember," Oakley said. "And my mom's birthday is next week."

"She wanna come out for supper?" Kayce asked.

"I'll see," Oakley said. "Not sure what she'll want to do...she'll probably want to go to dad's grave."

"I can drive y'all," Kayce said. "Maybe have the kids and dad meet us in town somewhere even afterward."

Oakley smiled at her phone.

"You must not be too busy right now," Oakley finished her lunch.

"Swamped," Kayce sighed. "Just don't feel like doing that."

"What do you feel like doing?" Oakley picked up her things.

She looked back at her phone when she didn't hear Kayce after a few seconds.

"Kayce?" Oakley walked over and picked up her phone.

She saw it was still connected.

"Kayce?" Oakley asked again.

"I gotta go, baby," Kayce's voice was back to his regular-sounding, professional one. "I'll call you when I get Evie."

"Okay?" Oakley frowned. "Be careful. I love you."

"Love you too," Kayce said before hanging up.

Oakley always hated that part.


"How'd it go?" Oakley asked as Tate, Evelyn, and Kayce all walked in.

"Third," Tate smiled at her.

"Hey..." Oakley smiled. "Moving up."

"Still not first," Evelyn bounced past them.

Tate rolled his eyes at Oakley as he followed Evelyn. Oakley looked over at Kayce hanging his coat on the hook.

"She's in a mood tonight," Kayce sighed. "Been a pill for the last two hours."

"About what?" Oakley asked.

"Anything to get a rise out of someone," Kayce shrugged.

"'s bedtime as is," Oakley looked at her watch. "Lee passed out about an hour ago."

"His fever gone?" Kayce asked.

"Last time I checked he was normal," Oakley nodded. "But I didn't want to wake him."

As if on cue, they heard Evelyn slam her door. Oakley looked at Kayce with a raised eyebrow. Kayce held up his hands.

"I asked her and she said...I'm a peach, daddy," Kayce dropped his hands.

"A peach whose bum I'm gonna smack," Oakley huffed.

"You do that and tell me how it goes," Kayce chuckled as he walked past her. "I need to make a few calls...can I meet you upstairs?"

"Upstairs?" Oakley asked, making Kayce stop in his tracks.

"Thought I was promised a bath with my girl?" Kayce smirked.

"Extra bubbles and the lavender scent coming up," Oakley winked.

Kayce rolled his eyes and walked on. Oakley made her way upstairs and over to Evelyn's room. The little girl was brushing her doll's hair when Oakley walked in.

"Momma, I think Lucy needs a new dress," Evelyn said, holding her doll up.

"Well, little girls who slam doors, their dolls don't get new dresses," Oakley smoothed Evelyn's hair back.

She watched Evelyn's eyes grow.

"I didn't mean to," Evelyn said.

"Really?" Oakley asked, sitting down next to her. "Because your Daddy told me you've been in a mood all afternoon."

Evelyn blinked up at her.

"Is there a reason you're picking fights?" Oakley asked her.

"No ma'am," Evelyn shook her head.

Oakley sighed.

"Evie, please stop picking fights with the boys and Daddy, okay?" Oakley smiled at her. "You'll find out your life will be a whole lot easier if you don't do that...take it from someone who knows."

"You pick fights?" Evelyn asked.

"Well, I always win with your brothers," Oakley shrugged. "But your daddy can hold his own with me."

"You and Daddy fight?" Evelyn's eyes were big.

"No, baby," Oakley laughed. "We love each other too much to, let's brush our teeth and put pjs on, okay?"


"Did you smack her bum?" Kayce asked from where he was leaning against the doorframe.

Oakley looked over her shoulder.

"Nah...pick your battles, right?" Oakley leaned up from where she had turned off the bath water.

Oakley walked over to Kayce and rested her hands against his chest. Kayce's hand found Oakley's waist as he looked at her with tired eyes.

"Maybe I could fight some of your battles?" Oakley tilted her head looking up at Kayce.

He smiled at her, his hands rubbing up and down her sides.

"I don't want you fighting my battles," He told her.

"How about I help you fight them then?" She tilted her head to the other side.

Kayce smiled, shaking his head as he leaned down. He kissed her sweetly, letting them both run out of air before pulling away a mere inch.

"I like that," Kayce mumbled.

"Good," Oakley smiled as she kissed him. "Now take your clothes off."

"Yes ma'am," Kayce stepped back and pulled off his belt while Oakley pushed down her jeans.

The two of them climbed into the tub, Oakley resting back against Kayce's chest with a sigh. For the first time in a long time, it looked like a night with no interruptions.

"Dad stopped by today," Kayce murmured after a while of comfortable silence.

"Your office?" Oakley asked looking over her shoulder at Kayce who nodded. "What did he want?"

"I don't really know..." Kayce trailed off.

"What do you mean?" Oakley thought that was odd.

"He didn't need anything," Kayce shrugged. "He just sat there for a while and we...talked."

"You talked?" Oakley asked.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded, his beard tickling Oakley's temple.

"What did you two talk about?" Oakley let Kayce wrap his arms around her more.

"The job," Kayce sighed. "How it's been a lot right now."

Oakley didn't say anything to that. Her first instinct was to question John, but after she thought about it for a moment, maybe it wasn't a bad thing for John to do. John had almost twenty years in the role before Kayce. Well, Jamie had it for a hot second, but then it was Kayce for almost a decade now. If anyone knew of what Kayce was going through, whether they agreed or not, would be John.

"Did it help?" Oakley asked softly.

"Yeah," Kayce breathed out. "I think it did...or it was nice to hear that he had these problems too."

Oakley took a deep breath.

"Do you wanna talk about those problems with me?" She asked, trying to be polite. "Or is your dad a better person for that?"

She felt Kayce press his lips to her temple.

"I always wanna talk with you," Kayce mumbled against her skin. "But you weren't Livestock Commissioner before...and there are just things I don't want you to have to focus on. There are more important things for you to focus on."

"You're important, Kayce," Oakley rubbed her hands up and down his arms around her. "What you go through is important."

"I love you too," Kayce pressed another kiss to her skin.

Oakley sighed, knowing she wasn't going to get much from him tonight on the subject. She watched her toes peak up, out of the water. The light pink color matched her daughters from a painting session a few days earlier. With a sigh, Oakley dropped her foot back under the water.

"Tell me about your day," Kayce said into her ear.

"Not much other than snuggling with Lee," Oakley leaned her head back onto Kayce's shoulder. "Hopefully it was just some twenty-four-hour thing."

"Hopefully he doesn't pass it to the others," Kayce said.

"I'm sure they'll all get something eventually," Oakley said. "It's getting colder."

"Need to winterize here in a week or so," Kayce nodded.

"Soon it'll be Thanksgiving," Oakley's mind was thinking ahead. "Then the holidays...and everyone's birthday right after that."

"But then summer," Kayce whispered.

"Mmm, yeah," Oakley smiled, making Kayce chuckle.

"Wish everything I said put that smile on your face," Kayce squeezed her gently.

"You do make me smile," Oakley giggled. "In your own way at times."

They sat in a few minutes of silence after that.

"You are happy, Kayce, right?" Oakley asked.

She felt Kayce pause his actions of rubbing soothing circles on her skin under the water. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Yes, baby," He kissed the spot again. "I am happy."

"Okay...that's all I really want in this life," Oakley nodded.

"Hey..." Kayce whispered, making Oakley look back at him. "I'm happy with you."

"Okay," Oakley smiled at him. "I'll stop asking now."

"Ask anytime," Kayce pulled her tighter against him. "I'll always answer it the same though."

Oakley giggled as Kayce playfully nipped at her neck. She reached under the water and pulled one of his hands out, looking at his palms and fingers.

"Time to get out," Oakley said. "You're a prune."

"I'm outside all day," Kayce defended himself. "I have dry skin."

Oakley leaned up and looked back at him.

"You have dry skin?" She laughed.

"What? I do," Kayce shrugged, laying his arms on the edge of the tub.

"I have lotion then you can use," Oakley got out of the tub, reaching for her towel.

"Then I'd smell like I rolled in lavender crap," Kayce watched her wrap the towel around herself after drying off a bit.

"Oh...damn, that's a good idea," Oakley smirked.

Kayce rolled his eyes as Oakley walked over to the sink. She brushed her teeth as Kayce got out, wrapping his towel around his waist. As Oakley rinsed her mouth out, Kayce wrapped his arms around her from behind.

Oakley held onto his hand as she leaned back against his warm chest. She watched as Kayce leaned his lips down to her shoulder and kissed along her skin until he reached her neck. Gently, Kayce let his teeth sink into her skin. Oakley's fingers pressed against his wrist.

Stepping forward, Oakley turned around and faced Kayce. Her hands went into his hair as she kissed him fully. Kayce's arms wrapped around her as he backed her up against the sink. Oakley's gasp allowed Kayce to deepen their kiss.

She felt her towel slip down as Kayce's hand pulled at the fabric. Oakley moved her lips down Kayce's jaw as she let her hands slip down his shoulders. One of Kayce's hands moved up to tangle in the back of her hair as their lips met.

Oakley's tongue traced along Kayce's ear as his hands moved to her ass, hoisting her up to wrap her legs around his waist. Kayce walked them out to the bed in a sloppy kiss haze. His towel dropped somewhere along the floor, Oakley's joining as Kayce sat down on the edge of the bed.

Oakley cupped his cheeks as she kissed him, her knees digging into the mattress. Kayce's rough hands move up and down her sides. His whole body was tense against Oakley's, she could feel it.

"Relax, baby," Oakley mumbled as her lips brushed his.

Kayce's fingers dug into her skin. He moved, flipping her over, onto her back with him now standing at the foot of their bed.

"I can't tonight," Kayce moaned as his lips dipped between her breasts.

He trailed sloppy kisses down her body. Oakley bent her knees, leaning up on her elbows to watch Kayce kneel at the foot of the bed now. Kayce's eyes met her as he hooked his arms under her legs, and pulled her by the waist toward him.

When she felt Kayce's lips between her legs, Oakley leaned her head back. His tongue made her forget how long it had been for them to be like this. Her chest rose up and down as Kayce held her waist against the mattress.

"Kay..." Oakley breathed out as her shoulders touched the bed.

Her hands came down to tangle in his hair. She wanted to move but he held her tightly. Opening her eyes, Oakley looked down at Kayce. Her legs started to tingle as her fingers tugged in his hair.

"C'mere," Oakley begged.

Kayce shook his head no, his tongue swiping out and making Oakley's eyes roll backward. She tried moving her hips but Kayce growled at her.

"Kayce," Oakley panted.

He moved his hand to open her thighs more. With every dip of his tongue, Oakley started to see stars. Her insides tightened as she breathed out in gasps.

"Please..." Oakley whispered before her insides snapped.

Pleasure coarse all over her as her body jolted. Kayce held her down as she rode out her waves against his tongue. Once slumped back fully, he rose up and over her. Oakley was panting as her eyes opened to look up at him.

Oakley leaned up, wiping Kayce's chin before kissing him sloppily. He put one knee on the bed as his hands roamed over her skin. She bit down on his bottom lip as he pulled back. His eyes were dark as he looked at her. She could feel the heat from his skin under her fingertips.

"I love you," Kayce told her.

"I love you," Oakley blinked back at him.

Kayce reached his hand behind Oakley's head and pulled her lips to his in a searing kiss. He then moved them both up the bed, letting Oakley fall back on the pillows with him on top of her. Her nails scratched down his back as Kayce pushed inside of her.

Their lips touched as Kayce held himself up with his hands. Oakley's knees opened as she blinked up at him. As soon as she got used to him, Kayce pulled back out, slamming right back after less than a second.

"Oh!" Oakley gasped.

One of Kayce's hands tangled in her hair next to her head while his other hand reached under her knee. His hips snapped against her as Oakley held on to what she could of Kayce. His pace was faster than normal as his face nuzzled into Oakley's neck.

"Kay-ouch!" Oakley jerked away as Kayce bit down on her shoulder.

He didn't stop though as he moved in and out of her sharply. Oakley wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she bit her lip.

"Kayce," She tried to swallow as she patted his back.

It was like he didn't hear her though. She felt his teeth graze over her skin along her collarbone and Oakley had enough.

She used her strength to push up against Kayce's chest, surprising him and moving quickly to roll him over, settling herself on top of him still inside her.

"Hey," Oakley said sharply.

Kayce was breathing hard as he stared up at her. His hands were held up as if he didn't know if he should touch her or not. Oakley pushed her hair out of her face as she looked down at him.

"What're you doing?" Oakley breathed out.

"What?" Kayce asked.

She leaned her top half closer to Kayce's face.

"That's not making love to me," Oakley shook her head gently.


"Don't baby me," Oakley interrupted him as she leaned back up. "Do I need to show you? Has it really been that long, Kayce?"

"Huh?" Kayce looked confused.

Oakley circled her hips slowly. Kayce's eyes went to her waist where she placed his hands on her hips. She watched him swallow hard as his eyes ranked up her body to her face.

"I wanna feel you," Oakley breathed out, letting her knees press against the mattress as her hips moved over him.

"Shit..." Kayce hissed, his fingers pulsing against her hips.

Oakley smirked as she leaned back down, letting her nails lightly scratch down his chest. She pressed kisses along his neck until she moved her face right above Kayce's. His eyes were clearer now as he let a lazy smile grace his lips.

"Want me to make love to you?" He asked as if he was still checking.

"Mmhmm," Oakley bit her lip as she nodded her head.

"Alright, darlin'," Kayce sat up briefly and wrapped his arms around Oakley.

He moved her back under him and this time held her against him as he moved in and out of her slowly. Oakley was almost purring as Kayce's lips brushed her with each thrust.

"Like this?" He smirked.

"Yes," Oakley replied breathless, her eyes fluttering.

"Eyes on me," Kayce picked up his pace.

Oakley opened her eyes and smiled up at Kayce. Her legs smoothed along his as her hers found the mattress. She picked her hips up to meet each of his thrusts.

Kayce kissed her, holding onto her hips as his thrust got sloppy. Oakley felt that familiar tug and moaned against Kayce's tongue. He hooked his arm under one of her knees and hit her with a new angle.

"Kayce," Oakley gasped.

"Mmm, I'm right there, Oaks," Kayce breathed against her ear.

"Oh God," Oakley felt her legs shake as she let another wave of pleasure roll over her.

"Fuck," Kayce roared into her ear as he stalled deep inside her.

They paused until Kayce couldn't hold himself up and dumped against her and the bed. Their breathing was ragged as they laid there. When Kayce's hands smoothed over her skin, Oakley blinked her eyes back open.

She turned her head to the side and saw Kayce watching her. A love-stuck look on his face and Oakley's heart melted. She watched his eyes look around her until his lips dipped in a frown. Kayce leaned forward and kissed her shoulder over the mark left from where he bit her.

Kayce then moved to kiss her slowly. Their eyes tangled together as Kayce pulled away mere inches.

"I'm sorry," His eyes darted to the mark.

Oakley shook her head. Reaching up she pushed his hair away from his face.

"I brought you back," She smiled at Kayce.

Kayce rolled onto his back and brought Oakley against his chest. She snuggled into his embrace, her cheek resting against his brand.


She hadn't been asleep too long when Oakley woke up. She was still lying against Kayce but needed to go to the bathroom. Carefully, she got out of the bed and made her way over to the bathroom, grabbing one of Kayce's long sleeved shirts and pulling it over her head. 

After washing her hands, Oakley looked at herself in the mirror. She might be tired, but there weren't dark circles under her eyes like there had been. She looked happy as she stared back at herself.

Oakley tuned off the light before rolling the door back. She stepped over to the bed and crawled back in, leaning down so she watched Kayce sleep. He didn't look tired. There weren't lines on his face. Oakley smiled as she watched his chest rise and fall.

"Stop staring," Kayce slurred out.

Oakley giggled as she scooted closer to him. Kayce moved his arm to wrap around her as they settled against one another. She watched as Kayce discovered the shirt she was wearing. He opened one eye as if to confirm it before he leaned his head back against the pillow.

"Nice shirt," He mumbled.

"Didn't think you'd mind," Oakley pressed a kiss against his chin.

"Nope," Kayce sighed.

It was quiet between them for a while. Oakley thought Kayce might have fallen back asleep until he started talking again.

"I don't know how many more bad cases I can take with this job."

Oakley still as she breathed in deep. She leaned up on her elbow and looked at Kayce's profile in the moonlight. His eyes were open, staring at the ceiling. She didn't want to, but Oakley had come to the realization that this wasn't her specialty...try as she might.

"What does your father say?" She asked softly.

Kayce turned his head to look at her. Oakley gave him a reassuring smile as though she meant to ask him that.

"He uh..." Kayce cleared his throat. "Said it's always gonna be part of the job. Can't really change it."

"Alright," Oakley nodded. "So, we can't change that part of it...what can we change though?"

"I don't know," Kayce looked at her, a bit of hopefulness in his eyes.

"We can change how we approach it," Oakley said, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "How can you change the role so that it's not as...difficult in this sense?"

"You can't change the bad guys, baby," Kayce sighed. "They're always gonna be out there."

"But what can you change?" Oakley asked.

Kayce thought for a moment.

"I could quit," He said quietly.

Oakley had a feeling this was where Kayce's brain was leading him, but she needed Kayce to say it out loud first. She leaned her head down, kissing his chest before resting her chin against his skin.

"Is that what you want to do?" Oakley waited for Kayce to answer.

"I wanna be around long enough to live the life you and I want to," Kayce's hand rubbed up and down Oakley's back.

That put things into perspective for Oakley. She swallowed hard before taking a deep breath.

"Here I was telling you the other day you couldn't come cause you're too important to us," Oakley frowned. "But now...maybe that's exactly why you should? You're too important."

"You'd be okay with that?" Kayce asked.

Oakley didn't answer right away. Yes, Kayce's job gave her more sleepless nights and anxiety attacks than she could count. Yes, she always feared one phone call would be the one to tell her Kayce's not coming home. But...this was his life, his job...and he was damn good at it.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her.

"I'm thinking..." Oakley sighed. "Kayce, I'm the first to admit the dangers of this role. I'm the first to admit I hate when I watch you walk out the door every morning. But I also am the first to admit that you have done this role so well. You have served Montana better than anyone else in my opinion."

"Because I have you to come home to," Kayce murmured.

Oakley leaned up and kissed his lips sweetly.

"But if this isn't what you want to do anymore, then that's what we'll do," Oakley said. "We can figure out what's next and when we find it, then you can retire from Livestock Commissioner."

"You won't think I'm a quitter?" Kayce asked.

"No, baby," Oakley shook her head. "The farthest thing from in fact."

Kayce nodded his head but didn't say anything.

"Do you have an idea of how long you want to continue?" Oakley asked.

"Maybe 'til the springtime?" Kayce shrugged. "Gives 'em enough time to figure out who to appoint after me."

"Okay...then until then, how about you take some of your own advice?" Oakley reached out and ran her fingers through Kayce's hair. "Quiet that mind and try and get some sleep?" 

She watched Kayce roll his eyes but eventually smile up at her. He reached up with his hands and gently pushed her head back down to his chest. They snuggled into each other as they finally got some sleep.

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