𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐙𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐡

By SheWrites45

4.6K 139 42

A tale about a mafia boss and a highly disturbed girl. After a turn of unfortunate events that led Zaliah to... More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 45

60 2 0
By SheWrites45

I Stay In Love- Mariah Carey
Zaliah pov

"Remember you invited me for dinner as soon as I got back." Damn. I think I did do that. It's pretty obvious I'm not going to cook.

"Hey let's go to that burger place you like, I think Marcelo is working late" as I mentioned Marcelo I looked down at my watch. He should've gotten home before me. I'm worried. Last time he showed up late he ended up not showing up at all. I just want him to be safe.

I hope he'll send a text to let me know he's going to be home a little later. Especially after the kidnapping. I also understand that's more work for him. He downplayed all of it to make me not worry but it only heightens my worry.

"Yeah that's fine, let's go take your sexy ride I heard about." letting out a laugh, we hooked arms as we made our way to the elevator. " How did you know about that?" I asked as I clicked the elevator button.

" Daisy has been keeping me in the loop" my nose scrunched up in surprise. He's been talking to Daisy? Nico looked over my way. Out of the corner of my eye I can see him pause.

"What the fuck is that?" I flinched back as he moved my braids behind my ear, showcasing my scar.

I thought my makeup covered at least most of it. Obviously since it's a scar I can't cover all of it. "Nico-"

"Did he hurt you?!" His finger gazed over the scar as I smacked his hand away from me. "What!?" I raised my voice at the accusation.

He would never hurt me, at least I'm sure physically. That's a funny thing to think, seeing Marcelo shoot me before...

"Did Marcelo hurt you!" The elevator doors opened. As if this couldn't get worse. Marcelo was standing there, unbothered. His hands were stuffed in his pocket. It was obvious he heard him by the way his jaw was clenched.

"No, that's a stupid accusation . Can we just go?"

"Where are we going Tesoro?" We?? Right now is not the time for him to be possessive.

The moment Nico stepped out the elevator I knew all hell was going to break loose. He has my temper..

Although he's upset for nothing.

"Did you put your hands on my fucking sister?!" Marcelo's face stayed neutral as he reached up, taking his shades off.

"Nico jus-" it was too late. His left arm hooked back punching the shit out of Marcelo. Marcelo head whipped to the side as he grabbed his jaw. For a second he paused before he retaliated by reflex. Yet it was even worse.

Nico doubled back at the impact. At that moment I placed myself in between them. Nico's face was red as he touched his split lip.

For a moment Nico looked at me, his eyes were watery yet they held nothing. His hand went to balance himself as he pushed off the wall storming away.

"Why the fuck would you hit him!" I called after Nico as I followed him out. Stopping within distance of Marcelo. Turning around I looked at him. He was still watching me.

"I'm so sorry-" I started.

"I understand." He nodded his head in the direction that Nico shot off into. Attempting to give him a smile I turned around and followed Nico out.

Right now there's something wrong with my brother. Pushing open the doors I followed him out to his car. "Nico! I know you hear me!"

"Just leave me alone!" He yelled.

Okay what's really his issue?

Fastening my pace I was able to catch up with Marcelo. Grabbing his arm, he turned around. Tears gathered in his eyes.

I instantly dropped his arm in realization that he's actually upset.

Something's really wrong.

"I failed you. I was supposed to protect you- I-"

"Nico, he didn't hit me. Believe it or not we actually love each other." I snickered trying to lighten the mood. "Plus if he had hurt me don't you think he'll have a matching scar?"

Nicos eyes fell down to his feet. "I talked to dad.. he told me- you were assaulted?" My breath hitched to my throat.

Why was dad telling him this?

"I really don't want to-" can he stop cutting me off?

"I was supposed to protect you, Zaliah. You devoted yourself to taking care of this fucked up family only to get stabbed in the fucking back." Letting out a sigh I wrapped my arms around Nico.

"It's okay. It's not your job to protect me." I can protect myself.

He shook his head. "Someone has to

"The man you just accused of hurting me does." Nico lifted his head from my shoulder frowning.

"So where the hell did the scar come from?" I might as well tell him the truth now.

"I had a seizure.. I hit my head." I explained shortly.

"What?!! Why didn't you tell me? Are you okay? When was this?" The worry that I wanted to avoid.

I simply just shrugged. "Just know I'm all better now. I don't want to talk about the past and I don't want you to worry."

Nico placed his head in his palm shaking his head. "I feel like an asshole. I'm so sorry. Tell Marcelo I'm so sorry."

"He'll be okay, why were you talking to dad anyways?" I asked as we began walking towards my car. Bringing up dad I wanted to steer the conversation away from

The thing I love about my brother is he doesn't push. He didn't push the subject anymore. And I'm glad.

"He calls every now and then... he said he's trying to change." Nico shrugged.

"I hope he changes for you" I whispered more so to myself..

If I wasn't enough, I pray Nico is.


"I should get home" I mumbled standing up. Using the table to steady myself up. I'm stuffed. I had to unbutton my pants. If I knew we were gonna stuff our faces I would've worn something more flexible....

Oh who am I kidding! I would've worn the same thing.

I rarely wear sweatpants..

"It's been fun. Felt like old times" A familiar feeling settled in my stomach... old times..

"I'm sorry Nico.. I know that we don't hangout like we used to." I grabbed my purse as we made our way out.

"It's fine we're busy now... that's a good thing." He nudged my shoulder with his. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"It's okay. You know if Marcelo were to ever hurt me I would do something about it." I nudged a rock with my heel.

"I know. I just don't want to miss anything"

"You'll be the first to know"

Nico stopped walking, causing me to stop in my tracks. "I just want you to be happy after everything."

"I'm really happy with Marcelo." I said truthfully. Looking over at Nico he dug something out of his pocket. Soon the streetlight gave me a view of the blunt he was holding.

He looked over with a smile wiggling his eyebrows. "What do you say? For old times."

"It hasn't been that long has it?"

"It's been almost a year."

"Marcelo," I called out as I stepped out of the elevator. He might not be home. Setting my purse on the decorative table by the elevator. "Shh" Marcelo came out of nowhere. I was shocked to see him rocking Clementine.

"When did you take up babysitting?" I whispered. Walking over to look in his arms at the sleeping Clementine. He looks good with a baby... really good.

She looked really little in his arms. Her eyes were closed as her little lips were slightly parted.

"When Carlos called me after having a breakdown." He walked over to the pink bassinet, setting her down. "It's nice to see you all fatherly." Marcelo gave me a limp smile before nodding his head towards our bedroom.

Either he wants to talk about what happened earlier or he's feeling frisky...

I really hope he's feeling frisky.

Walking into the room as soon as I stepped food in he whipped around. "What the hell was that earlier?"

"I don't know."

"Why did he think I would hurt you?!" He raised his voice slightly.

I popped a shoulder. "I don't know." Wait- I actually do know. I let out a small laugh with my inner dialogue.

If only people could hear this.

"Zaliah." He said in a warning tone.

"He saw my scar. He thought you did it. It's only because my father got into his head about my past." I sat on the edge of our bed. Staring at the floor that looked like it was moving.

"Are you high?" My nose scrunched up at the very true accusation.

"What? No." I laughed looking away. Marcelo let out a 'Hm' sound before he forced his way in between my legs and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him.

"You know I would never hurt you."

"I know," a small smile made its way on my lips. Marcelo's lip twitched up into a smile before he bent down placing a tender kiss on my lips. His lips felt soft as they collided with mine. A circus erupted in my stomach as the grip on my chin tightened.

Soon I heard the baby crying. Either Marcelo didn't hear her or he's ignoring her. He continues deeoning the kiss as his tongue explored my mouth. "The baby's crying." I mumbled against his lips.

"What baby?" He said before attempting to move closer. I placed my hand on his stomach stopping him. Gosh his stomach is rock solid. It's probably all that fat free shit he eats.

"Your niece." I laughed as realization settled in for him. "We're going to finish this later." He said in a cocky tone as he was quick to leave the room.


"It's just a diaper Tesoro." I moved as Marcelo tried to budge it my way.

"Yeah a diaper full of shit." I pushed his hand which was holding the fucking dirty diaper, away.

"The trash is right there." His eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

"And you're holding shit." Marcelo frown twitched as he tried to stay serious but ended up chuckling. "And what are you going to do when we have kids?" He walked over to the trash. I paused at the sentence.

Why is the thought exciting yet scary? The scary part is the very thought of growing up, and being a mother. After all that I went through would I even be a good mom?

Exciting part is creating a family with Marcelo.

"You'll just be changing diapers" I smiled at Clementine. She laid on the couch in front of me. She was very much awake and giggly. She looks like Carlos.. A lot.

"If that's the price I have to pay in order to start a family with you... I'll say it's a pretty good deal." He's talking like this is about a rotisserie chicken on sale at the grocery store. This is about starting a family.

Rolling my eyes I looked over at him. "When is Carlos coming?" I diverted the subject.

"Apparently he and his hot date moved to third base." Looking down At Clementine I poked her cheek as she smiled.

"How do you feel about another sibling?" I coed as she giggled

"I'd hope he'll be more safe.. no offense Clem." Marcelo said before taking a seat beside me.

Her little eyebrows knitted together creating a frown. She's so full of personality.

"I think she took offense." I chuckled.

We ended up watching Clementine overnight. Getting her to sleep was literally the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Well technically I just watched Marcelo try to put her to sleep. I didn't want to interrupt their Uncle/ Niece moment.

Up and all, Carlos ended up getting lucky tonight and I ended up unlucky.

It was around midnight when I finished getting ready for bed.when I got out of the bathroom Marcelo was on his old man timing.

Sitting there reading with his glasses on before he go to bed. It's almost a routine. Most nights he reads to me because I like the sound of tv but apparently tv distracts him...

So I guess I can settle for his voice.

Clementine bassinet was in here so we couldn't really talk loud. Even though she's a pretty hard sleeper we don't wanna risk it.

"I'm exhausted." I mumbled as I finished rubbing the lotion onto my arms while settling in bed.

"Says the one who got punched by a quarterback." Marcelo commented sarcastically.

I almost forgot that happened today.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." I looked at his face. It was just a bit swollen. Hardly bruised. "It was actually quite impressive." Marcelo did a slight nod. Of course it's impressive, I taught him.

"Tomorrow I have an early meeting, do you want me to wake you?"

Shaking my head I threw the covers over myself. "No, we have to plan Lotties baby shower so I should already be awake." Lotties in her third trimester now. So we decided to go ahead and plan her baby shower. She's thirty weeks old right now.

We don't know the gender yet. She wants it to be a surprise at the baby shower. I'm supposed to find out in the morning to help plan the reveal with Daisy.

"My phone ringing broke me from my thoughts. Oh Lottie! It's almost as if she sensed I was thinking about her.

"Hey Lottie! I was just thinking about you. Are male strippers appropriate for a baby shower?" Marcelo looked over at me with an obvious look as he shook his head.

The sound of a sob made my smile drop. "Lottie?"

"I-I'm bleeding"

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