Hell's Personal Assassin: Boo...

By Forevermore2013

524K 22.1K 5.3K

She just wanted a more interesting life. That's it. For her, the daily routine was simple: wake up, school... More

Hell's Purge (intro/prologue/flash-forward)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
okay, fine, here it is...
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32- Part a
Wow... Just wow
Chapter 32- Part b
Please read
Chapter 32- part c
Life update
Chapter 33
Chapter 33 (continued)
Help me out!
Chapter 34
While i figure out the sequel
I made her red eye!!!!
I made her blue eye!!
Here it is
Please Read!!

Chapter 16

9.6K 465 135
By Forevermore2013

I've never wanted to decapitate someone so badly before.

This amount of hatred isn't healthy, even for a person destined for Hell.

"Let's see how good your senses are," he said in his smooth voice, making me clench my fists- nails drilling into my hand.

"I dare you to," I said as my eye started to twitch, making him cackle.

"Well, if it's a dare," he drawled as he slowly started to disappear into thin air. "I hope you like doggies, Michelle," he said, his voice quiet and somehow echoing in this forest.

"I hope you don't mind me killing some of your doggies," I said in a sarcastic voice, my vision clearing up rapidly.

"I don't think you'll be able to, sweet-cheeks," he said, but sadly I wasn't able to pin-point where it was coming from, since his voice was everywhere.

"How much money do you want to bet on that?" I said as I cracked my neck. "I need a couple hundred for college."

"We'll discuss that if you survive," he cackled, just as I felt a presence behind me. I immediately turned towards the cliff, just to see three huge, black dogs jump out of thin air. I ducked quickly, knowing that they were heading for my head.

I knew my theory was right when I felt the nails of one of the dogs scratch my back from my crouched position. I felt his nail drill into my ribcage, making me quickly grab his leg and tear it out. Still holding onto his leg, I swung my arm to the side, making the thing slam down right next to me.

"Pretty fast," the thing barked, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"Interesting," the man's voice boomed, making me scoff and stand up when I realized the dogs weren't attacking me. "Now, let's test your defense," he snickered, making the hellhounds grin- their eyes glowing a blood-red color.

"Good luck," I said to the dogs as I squared my shoulders, making them bow their heads in acknowledgement.

"Go," the man said in a bored tone, making me hiss at the dogs and them growl at me at the same time.

Automatically all three hellhounds lunged in the air- zooming towards me with fangs and growls, looking scary as Hell.

Excuse my horrible pun.

I didn't know what to do at first, but that didn't seem to matter since my body started to move without my brain's instructions.

As soon as they were at a good height I started to run towards them, kicking my leg out and sliding to the ground when I was a foot away so they couldn't get me. When I stood up and turned to face them I saw them all trip on their paws and fall off the cliff, howls heard as they fell.

But just because they were going to die, didn't mean I was done. Seconds after they fell four new bitches popped out of nowhere.

Again, excuse the pun.

These dogs were the definition of a bitch. They couldn't talk from what I could see, and they definitely didn't look respectful. I could see their eyes transition from red to yellow at a random pace as they stood there growling at me- a fiery foam coming out of their mouths.

I looked around with the corners of my eyes, trying to find a weapon to defend myself with as I started to cautiously step back, my eyes never leaving theirs.

"Check," I heard a familiar voice whisper in my ear as I heard the sound of something zooming towards me. I caught it without looking at that direction, eyes focused on what the hellhounds would do.

Trying to familiarize myself with it, I grabbed the spear with a sturdier grip and spun it around- twirling it behind behind my back, spinning it over my head, and swinging it into both of my arms, ready for an attack and happy with how easily this was coming to me.

One of them didn't want to just look at me anymore, so they started to stalk towards me, making me smirk - my shark-like teeth showing - as I waited for it to attack me.

As soon it sprung at me I readied the spear in my right hand, ready to throw it, and when it landed in front of me I threw it at him- watching the spear go into his head, through his body, out through his butt, and through the hellhound behind him; leaving me with two "doggies" and no weapon left.

Not sparing me a second, the last two dogs sprung at me, making me ditch the idea of trying to fish the spear out of a dead animal. Seeing the closest dog's head was a couple feet from me, I roundhouse kicked the side of his head- making his direction of force go from me and into the nearest tree. Though he wasn't dead, it did give me time to try and weaken the other dog as well.

Just as I turned to take care of the dog coming at me, I saw my life flash before my eyes when the thing hit me like a linebacker, my neck almost snapping when I hit the floor.

As soon as I hit the ground it landed on top of me and growled, as it attempted to cut through me with its claw. Seeing that, I blocked the attack and grabbed its leg- knowing my grip on it wouldn't last long.

Doing the first thing I could think of on instinct, I grabbed the nearest thing to me (which happened to be a big branch that fell off a tree) and slammed him in the face with it, not wanting my actual hands anywhere near its mouth.

I got up from the ground as quick as I could, hoping that the dogs were still not completely conscious so I could think of a next move.

"It only gets better, Michelle," the man cackled, now sending in two dogs with three heads each.

What the hell does this guy do in his free time? Is he some type of fucking scientist?

"Once I'm done with these weirdos, you're going to wish you were never made," I growled, watching cautiously as the four dogs circled me.

"Okay, sure," the man said lazily. "But we both know you can't get past a cerberus. None of these are even trained hunters, here. They don't know strategy. They just know murder."

"Huh," I mumbled as I looked at the animals's disturbing, blood-thirsty faces. "That's good to know."

"Nice knowing you, pumpkin," the man cooed, making a growl vibrate in my throat as the cerberuses and hellhounds all lunged for me at the same time.


Eight cereberuses, ten hellhounds, and one bloodbath later I stood with the last hellhound, eying him with completely black eyes- officially done with this man's bullshit.

I'm just sad that this dog's going to have to go through torture because of it.

"I can't wait to kill you, so I can gut you out and eat you up," the hellhound cackled, making my claws grow and my fangs lengthen.

That's it. I've had enough.

"You're dead," I said, before running over to him without five seconds passing by, immediately digging one of my claws into it's neck.

It's made a strangled choking sound and reached a foreleg over to swipe me across the face. Even though I've been fighting with these things for what feels like days, when it was probably just a couple hours, the anger and blood-thirst that was in me at that point was enough to shock me awake again.

So, without hesitation, I grabbed his foreleg with an emotionless face and broke it by slamming the joint that connected the two bones onto my knee, watching half of his leg come off with a blank face. As the thing howled I threw his leg in a random direction and used my grip on his neck to throw him onto the floor- the ground and trees shaking harshly from the force I used.

"I'll k-kill you," the thing hissed as he tried to sound tough, blood trickling out of its mouth as his eyes rolled to the back of it's head, some of the black blood hitting my face as it erupted from his mouth.

I didn't care, though. The blood on my face and clothes didn't faze me at all. After what that dick put me through, I was getting less and less emotional the more I had to fight.

"Say good-bye to talking, doggie," I deadpanned as I dug my nails up from his neck, my hands coming out through his mouth- ripping that chunk of him off of his body. An ear-piercing, gut-wrenching screech came out of the hellhound, before it went silent.

Not thinking it was dead, I threw the chunk aside and thrusted my claws into his chest, tearing apart its torso.

"Hm... The heart seems to not be beating anymore," I observed as I ripped it out of his body. "You should really get that checked," I informed the dog as I tossed it onto his face carelessly.

"Well, for a girl with vary little experience, you sure know how to defend yourself," the man said, making me look straight ahead and slowly stand up.

"What do you want from me?" I asked, my claws shrinking.

"I want to see what's so special about you," he asked, suddenly appearing right in front of me.

If he thought that would scare me, I'm sad to announce that it didn't even made me flinch.

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You're different," he stated as he took a step towards me, making my nails lengthen into talons.

"I'm aware," I hissed, showing I didn't want him stepping any closer.

"I wonder if I told you who I am, would you suddenly grow terrified of me," he thought out-loud, making both of my eyebrows raise in interest.

"Why don't you find out," I offered, fangs lengthening. I couldn't see his face. It was all a faded grey where his face should've been

So when I saw a huge grin form on his face, going ear to ear with the sharpest teeth I've ever seen, I came to the conclusion that I knew who this guy was.

"I'm who you might call," he started before disappearing into thin air, only to appear right behind me. "Satan."

And that's when I felt it.

An enormous amount of pain drilling into the back of my head, not leaving room for any thought at all, besides thinking about the pain I was in.

"Y-You," I mumbled, fighting through the pain, forcing the tears not to come out. I gripped the back of my head, my legs giving out as soon as I touched a piece of my hair.

"M-Me," he mocked, making me glare at him.

Don't let him control you.

Fight through the pain.

"You're lower than low," I hissed, making him cackle.

"Why thank you," he replied, reappearing in front of me with his grin gone.

Take back your mind.

Prove you're stronger than him.

"You have no right to do this to m-me," I stuttered, holding back screams.

"Oh, but I do. And until you agree to die, I'll put you through all the pain and torture I have to offer," he stated, crouching down to look at me.

"I'm not going to die, and I won't let you control me," I seethed, releasing my hair and digging my nails into the ground, clawing and squeezing it.

"Why don't I test that theory," he sneered, making me look up and glare at him with my blue and red eyes. As soon as our eyes met I saw his stance stiffen. "Oh my God," he whispered, standing up quickly and swiftly taking a couple steps back. "It's true. It's really happening." The pain in my head lessened as he stepped back, dropping his guards.

"Wh-" I started, but was cut off when he disappeared, my headache completely gone after he left.


"Hi, mom," I said through the phone, watching the man who's phone I borrowed stare at me with curiosity. "How are you?"

"MICHELLE, YOU IDIOT! Where the hell are you?" she screamed through the phone, making me flinch. "I was told you were leaving from school early and you still haven't came home! I tried your phone, but you weren't answering it, and you finally decide to call back after eight hours of being missing! I called the police, Michelle!"

"Listen, I'm sorry mom, but I-"

"No," she said sharply, making me shut my mouth and close my eyes as a sigh escaped my lips. "You'll explain everything to me when you get home. Now, where are you?"

I gulped and slowly brought the phone down from my ear, looking over to the man. "How do I explain that I'm in a different country, without her passing out?" I asked him, making him shake his head and shrug.

Right. He doesn't know English.

"Hello? Michelle?" she yelled through the phone, making me sigh and bring the phone back up to my ear.

"Hey, mom," I mumbled, making her sigh in relief.

"So? Where are you?" she asked, making me close my eyes and think about it.

Lie? Or tell the truth?

"I'm in, um..." I said, desperately trying to find a way out of this. "In a, uh... town square."

"In a town square? Which one?" she asked, making me gulp and open my eyes.

"The one in Brazil," I answered, making the other line go completely silent. After waiting five minutes for a response I sighed and said, "He-"

"Michelle! Hope! Mother-fucking Antoinette! You better be fucking kidding me, or I swear on my life that I will kill you with my bare hands!" she screamed, making me cringe.

"I'm so-"

"Don't you sorry me! Your head will be on a platter tomorrow if you don't catch a flight back here right now!" she said, making me sigh.

"No, mom, you're getting this all wrong. I didn't come here free-willingly," I whispered, making another wave of silence take over.

"Holy shit, were you kidnapped?"


"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I should've-"


"Are you safe? Are you thirsty? Did you esca-"



"Mom!" I yelled, making people on the street look at me like I was crazy. I ignored them, too focused on trying to find out how to explain my dilemma.

Well, funny you asked mom. It started off with me waking up to the fact that I'm some sort of demon, with other supernatural guys trying to help me out, and a guy that's apparently my master zapping me over to a different country in the blink of an eye and locking me in a random family's basement. Not to mention the fact that I killed an innocent girl, murdered at least a dozen hybrid dogs from Hell, and met Satan himself. Did I forget to say that there are demons in my head and people want me dead? Because if I didn't, then there are demons in my head and people want me dead.

But I mean, Samuel technically did kidnap me...

"I'm safe. I escaped. I just need to find a way back home," I said, hearing sniffles in the background.

"I'm s-so sorry, I'm such a horrible motherI didn't mean t-to yell and h-h-h-"

"It's okay mom. Listen, we'll talk tomorrow. Don't bother flying down to get me. I'll find a way back by myself. Okay?" I said, making her mumble a couple incoherent words. "What?"

"I said, 'Yeah, okay'," she said sadly making me sigh.

"I'll talk to you later, alright? I need to make a plan now," I said, making her sniffle again.

"Are you sure you don't want me t-"

"Mom. I'm eighteen. I'm an adult. You can trust me to come home unharmed. I promise," I measured, not hearing anything on the other end.

"I still thing I shou-"

"Mom. Stop," I commanded, making the line go silent again. "I need to go now. Bye, mom. Love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart," she said, sounding a little... off. Like all emotion left her voice and she turned into a robot.

"Bye," I said slowly one more time with caution, before ending the call and handing the phone to the stranger.

"Obrigado," I said to the man, making him smile.

"De nada," he replied making me smile back before walking away, into the town square.

Now, what?

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