The beginning of forever

By GL0005

151K 5K 650

Freen Sarocha Chankimha, the magnetic force on campus, effortlessly weaves intelligence, charm, and talent in... More

1 - Little Bear
2- True meaning
3 - Seed of affection
4 - Flavor of the month
5 - You saved me and then drowns me.
6 - More questions than answers.
7 - Composition
8 - Sister
9 - I'm going to do it!
10 - Locket
11 - Secret
12 - Flavor of Forever
13 - Break a million promises
14 - Plastic tulip
15 - I'll cut your life short
16 - Exam
17 - Pageant
18 - What you think I deserve.
19 - Do you feel that?
20 - Just a tease...
21 - You are my stupid
22 - Clingy
23 - Freedom
24 - No touching
25 - The Heir
26 - Sunflower
27 - England
28 - A proper kiss
29 - Farewell
30 - Thousand miles away
31- Right thing to say
32 - Sun and Moon
33 - New Friend
34 - Let her go
35 - It will always be you
36 - Option
37 - Breathe Becky!
38 - Patricia
39 - Changed Status 😅
40 - Goodbye Freen
41- A little longer
42 - Just a taste
43 - What do you wanna know?
44 - Just love, trust, and us
45 - Special Chapter 1 - Sick of You
46 - SC 2 - My Everything!
47 - SC 3 - Not those eyes!
48 - SC 4 - Nothing's gonna change my love for you
49 - SC - Surprise
1 - I miss you, though
2 - Forever Jewelries
3 - Monthsary
4 - Where is the boss?
5 - You cheated on our forever.
6 - No longer a secret
7 - Make me understand
8 - Extra love
9 - Girlfriend
10 - Divorce
11 - Five more minutes!
12 - Her favorites!
13 - BB
14 - Still Sore?
15 - Have me tonight
16 - I'll play nice
17 - I said no!
18 - Her home
19 - Diet!
20 - In love! 😍
21 - Let's make some babies
22 - Beautiful reality
23 - My darling Sam
24 - Nothing Less
25- Rainbows and Butterflies
26- NOT ME
27- Promises
28 - What if?
29 - Our own love story
30 - I can't believe it
31 - Hear me out
32 - Last Night
33 - An Angel
34 - My truth
36 - Scorching Hot
37 - You've got to be kidding me
37 - Lunch surprise
38 - Another sunrise
39 - Growing together
40 - I'm home
41 - Take the wheel
42 - A treacherous maze
43 - Something is wrong
Fan Meet
45 - The plan
45 - Becky's wife
46 - A big thank you

44 - ICU

1.2K 44 5
By GL0005

Book 2: So, this is Forever

44 – ICU

Freen's POV

I sat on the uncomfortable hospital chair, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for any news about Becky. The clock on the wall seemed to be moving in slow motion, each tick amplifying my anxiety.

Just as I was on the brink of despair, my sister Irin burst through the doors, a beacon of hope in the sea of uncertainty. With her medical expertise, she wasted no time in rushing to Becky's side.

But before she could even begin to examine Becky, I grabbed her wrist, desperation evident in my eyes. "Irin, please," I pleaded, my voice trembling with emotion. "Take care of Becky. Make sure she's okay."

Irin's expression softened with understanding as she gently pried my hand from her wrist. "Of course, Freen," she reassured me, her voice calm and soothing. "I'll do everything I can for her. She's in good hands."

I paced back and forth in the waiting room, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios.

Time dragged by, and my anxiety only intensified. I found myself lost in memories of our time together, each one a bittersweet reminder of how much Becky meant to me.

With each passing moment, I prayed for some sign of hope, some indication that Becky would be okay. But all I could do was wait and hope for the best, my heart heavy with fear for the woman I loved more than anything in the world.

Feeling restless and overwhelmed by the waiting, I decided to take a moment for myself. I walked down the corridor, my steps echoing in the empty hallway until I reached the hospital chapel.

Pushing open the door, I stepped into the quiet sanctuary, the soft light filtering through stained glass windows casting colorful patterns on the floor. Despite not being religious, I found myself drawn to the calmness of the space.

I found a pew near the front and sank down onto it, feeling the weight of the day pressing down on me. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of peace amidst the chaos. I clasped my hands together and bowed my head, sending up a silent plea to whoever or whatever might be listening.

"Please, let her be okay," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the hushed space. "I don't know what I'd do without her."

The minutes stretched on, each one filled with a mix of hope and fear. I tried to focus on the present moment, on the stillness and quiet of the chapel, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Becky and the uncertainty of her condition.

Eventually, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, like a gentle wave lapping at the shore. I knew I couldn't control what happened next, but I could hold onto hope and trust that everything would work out in the end.

With renewed determination, I rose from the pew and made my way back to the waiting room, ready to face whatever news awaited me with strength and resilience.

Feeling the need to be close to Becky, I hurried back to the emergency room, hoping to find some reassurance. But as I reached the bustling area, my heart sank when I realized she was no longer there.

Panic surged through me as I frantically scanned the room, searching for any sign of her. I approached the nurses' station, my voice trembling as I asked, "Where's my wife? Where's Becky?"

The nurse at the desk looked up, her expression sympathetic. "I'm sorry," she said gently. "Your wife was transferred to the VIP ICU Room a short while ago as per Dr. Irin's order. They needed to monitor her closely."

My stomach churned with worry at the news. Intensive care sounded serious, and I couldn't help but fear the worst. But I pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on finding Becky and being there for her in any way I could.

"Can you tell me where is it?" I asked, my voice shaky but determined.

The nurse nodded, giving me directions before offering me a reassuring smile.

Taking a deep breath, I followed her directions and made my way to the ICU, my heart pounding with each step. I prayed silently to whoever might be listening, hoping for a sign that Becky would be okay.

As I walked through the hospital corridors, my mind raced with worry for Becky. The VIP intensive care unit was a place I never imagined she'd end up, and the seriousness of her condition sent a shiver down my spine.

The hallways seemed endless as I followed the nurse's directions, my heart heavy with fear. I'm not particularly religious, but in that moment, I found myself silently praying to whoever might be listening, begging for Becky's recovery.

Finally, I reached the entrance to the ICU. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, steeling myself for whatever awaited me.

As I approached the VIP ICU room, I noticed my sister and another doctor deep in discussion by the window. Their heads were bent together, their voices hushed as they reviewed Becky's chart.

I quickened my pace, my heart pounding in my chest. The sight of them filled me with a mix of relief and anxiety. Irin's presence brought some comfort, knowing that Becky was in capable hands, but the serious expressions on their faces made me uneasy.

I paused at the doorway, unsure whether to interrupt their conversation. But my concern for Becky overrode any hesitation, and I cleared my throat to get their attention. "Irin, what's going on? How is Becky?" I asked, my voice trembling with worry.

Irin turned towards me, her expression grave. "Becky's condition is stable for now, but she's still unconscious," she replied, her tone serious. "The doctors are monitoring her closely to determine the cause of her fainting spell."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me at the news of Becky's stable condition, but my worry persisted. "Do they know what caused it?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

The other doctor, a tall man with kind eyes, stepped forward. "We're still running tests to rule out any underlying medical conditions," he explained. "It could be a number of things, but we're doing everything we can to figure it out."

I nodded, trying to process the information. The uncertainty was unsettling, but I had to stay strong for Becky. "Can I see her?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

Irin nodded, her expression softening with sympathy. "Of course, let's go inside," she said, leading me into the room.

As we entered, I saw Becky lying in the hospital bed, surrounded by medical equipment. She looked so fragile and peaceful in sleep. My heart ached at the sight, and I moved to her side, taking her hand in mine, then I noticed an envelope on her side.

I looked back at Irin with a questioning look and she just mouthed, "open it", which I did.

As I carefully opened the envelope, my heart pounded with anticipation and fear. Inside, the gray blobs against the black background of the ultrasound film created an ominous sight. My mind raced with worry as I tried to decipher what I was seeing. Were those irregular shapes tumors? Was my wife facing a serious health issue like cancer? The possibility sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling of dread that washed over me.

I studied the ultrasound, squinting at the indistinct shapes, hoping for some clarity. Then, a piece of paper slipped out from the envelope and fluttered to the ground. I reached for it, my hands trembling, and read the words written on it. "Hi Dada, we are your new babies."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I felt a surge of disbelief wash over me. My mind struggled to process the implications of what I was reading. Could it be? Were we expecting a baby? It seemed impossible, yet here was the evidence right in front of me.

As I looked back at the ultrasound, it suddenly dawned on me—the blobs weren't tumors, they were something else entirely. The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning, and I felt a flood of emotions wash over me—relief, joy, and overwhelming gratitude.

Just then, I felt Becky's hand slip into mine, her touch grounding me in the midst of my swirling thoughts. She looked at me with a mischievous smile, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"I hope with this, you'll be confident enough that you can get me pregnant," she said, her voice filled with playful anticipation.

A rush of warmth filled my chest as I looked into her eyes, realizing how lucky I was to have her by my side. With a smile, I squeezed her hand tightly, feeling a newfound sense of hope and excitement for the future.

Overwhelmed with emotion, I wrapped my arms around Becky, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I can't believe it," I murmured against her hair. "You're pregnant! With twins!"

Becky laughed, her joy contagious as she hugged me back. "We're pregnant. You're gonna be a Dada again!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

I pulled back slightly, cupping her face in my hands as I searched her eyes. "Yes we are, baby," I said, a mix of amusement and affection in my voice.

"Huh! I got you pregnant again!" I teased her feeling proud. "Those kiddos are mine right, my love?" I raised my eyebrows and asked.

Becky swatted my shoulders, "Of course Freen! No doubt there!" she pulled me close and whispered on my ear, "Nobody can have your BB but you. Only you Sarocha!" she teased me which made my cheeks red instantly.

I chuckled and smiled to my eyes with her declaration, but then I realized something. "Wait! If you are pregnant but we are in the ICU, it means there is something wrong?"

It was then that I noticed a mischievous grin tugging at Becky's lips. "It's just for drama, babe."

Becky couldn't contain her laughter any longer. "I decided to play a little prank on you," she confessed, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"When I woke up and you weren't there, Irin and the other doctor told me what happened, so I decided to surprise you. I asked them to get me to the ICU for some drama," she said, her laughter ringing through the room.

I couldn't help but pout at Becky's revelation. "You got me good, babe," I said, trying to hide the smile that was creeping onto my face.

Becky grinned mischievously, clearly pleased with herself. "I couldn't resist. But hey, you're happy with the revelation, right?" she teased.

"Of course," I chuckled, shaking my head in disbelief. "You're something else, you know that?"

She nodded, still grinning from ear to ear. "Yep, and you love me for it."

"I couldn't argue with that," I admitted. Despite the initial shock, I was grateful for Becky's prank. It reminded me of how lucky I was to have her in my life, and it brought a sense of joy and excitement for the future.

I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. "But just remember, payback is a must. Better prepare yourself tonight," I teased.

"A raincheck is due for the payback, Freen," Irin interjected with a smile.

Becky and I exchanged a questioning look. "Hey, not part of the prank," Becky said defensively.

Irin scoffed. "This part is true, believe me, Freen," she began. "Becky fainted because of lack of nutrition. You're not eating enough for a pregnant woman with a baby growing inside, not to mention that there are two of them. We're lucky you didn't miscarry."

"So at this stage of the 10th week of pregnancy, we want to supply your body with what it needs and no exertions," Irin continued. "So, Freen, no sex until after the first trimester." Irin looked at me, rolling her eyes.

I blinked in surprise, the playful mood shifting to a more serious tone. "Wait, what?" I said, my mind trying to process the sudden change in conversation. "Not just the sex part, but the part where we almost lost our babies?"

Becky's expression mirrored my confusion as she turned to Irin. "Is this for real?"

Irin nodded firmly. "Absolutely. I guess because you weren't aware that you were pregnant, no precautions and extra care were taken, and maybe you were stressed with work?" my sister asked.

Becky and I looked at each other, both knowing what we were thinking—that we were stressed about the almost breakup of our marriage. And I felt guilty for it, something my wife caught immediately.

She held my hand and kissed it. "Hey babe, if your beautiful mind is thinking it was your fault, please stop. You know it's not, and we're way past it." She pulled my hand and placed it on her stomach. "We're together, and we're having our twins."

I felt a rush of emotions as I caressed Becky's stomach, feeling a mixture of relief, joy, and gratitude. Despite the challenges we had faced, here we were, expecting our twins.

Becky squeezed my hand, her eyes filled with love and reassurance. "We've got this, Freen. We'll take care of each other and our babies."

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination wash over me. "Absolutely, we will."

Irin smiled warmly at us. "That's the spirit. Now, let's focus on keeping both mom and babies healthy and happy. Are you planing to say this to your firstborn already? Zea has the right to know."

Irin's suggestion caught me off guard, but it made sense. Zea, our firstborn, deserved to know about the exciting addition to our family. I glanced at Becky, who nodded in agreement.

"You're right, Irin," I said, turning to Becky with a smile. "Zea should know now."

Becky's eyes lit up with excitement. "I can't wait to tell Zea about being a big sister!"

Irin beamed at us. "It'll be a special moment for all of you."

"I hope she takes it well," I uttered, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness at how Zea would react to the news.


Freen's POV

The next two days were a whirlwind of activity. Becky was discharged from the hospital, and though she was tired, her excitement to be back home with Zea and me kept her spirits high.

As we settled back into our routine, anticipation filled the air. In the afternoon of the second day back home, Zea returned from her summer camp, bounding through the front door with a backpack slung over her shoulder and a wide grin on her face.

"Mommy! Dada!" Zea called out, her voice echoing through the house.

Becky and I exchanged a glance, both of us eager to share our news with her. As Zea entered the living room, her eyes widened at the sight of her mother sitting on the couch.

"Mommy, I'm back!" Zea exclaimed, rushing over to give Becky a tight hug.

Becky chuckled, returning the embrace. "I missed you, sweetie."

Zea's attention then turned to me. "Dada, did you miss me too?"

I ruffled her hair affectionately. "Of course, kiddo. We both missed you so much, our little bear."

Zea beamed, satisfied with the answer. "I've got so much to talk about the camp."

Zea's excitement was palpable as she bounced around the room, eager to share her camp adventures. Becky and I exchanged a knowing smile, silently agreeing to let Zea revel in her stories before we shared our news.

As Zea animatedly recounted her camp experiences — from roasting marshmallows by the fire to conquering the climbing wall — Becky and I listened intently, cherishing every moment of our daughter's enthusiasm. Her laughter filled the room, and with each tale, it was clear just how much she had enjoyed her time away.

Once Zea had finally exhausted her tales, Becky took her hand gently. "Zea, sweetheart, we also have something to tell you."

Zea's eyes widened with curiosity. "What is it, Mom?"

Becky looked at me, and I nodded, giving her the signal to reveal the news.

"Zea," Becky began, her voice filled with excitement, "You're going to be a big sister to two little babies."

"Me? Big Sister?" Zea's jaw dropped in disbelief. Then, her eyes fell on Becky's belly.

Becky nodded, her smile radiant. "Yes, sweetheart."

Zea was silent for a moment, processing the news. Her expression was a mixture of shock and wonder. "Two babies?" she finally whispered, almost to herself.

Becky nodded again. "That's right, Zea. You're going to have two baby siblings."

Zea's face lit up with a smile, but then a hint of uncertainty crept in. "Will you love the babies more than Zea?" she asked, a glint of tears starting to form in her eyes.

Becky's smile softened, and she pulled Zea into a comforting embrace. "Oh, honey, we could never love anyone more than we love you. You will always be our firstborn, and these babies will just add more love to our family."

I knelt down beside them, reassuring Zea, "Having siblings doesn't mean we love you any less. It means our love grows bigger because we have more people to share it with."

"Promise Dada? You and Mommy will still love me?" Zea asked, her big eyes looking at me.

I chuckled at how adorable my kid is. "We promise."

Zea nodded slowly, processing our words. "Okay, I'm good," she said, wiping away her tears. "I'm going to be the best big sister ever!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her toes.

Becky and I exchanged a glance, smiling at Zea's boundless enthusiasm. "You'll be amazing, Zea," Becky said, her voice filled with warmth.

I nodded, joining in. "Absolutely. Those babies are going to have the coolest big sister."

Zea's smile widened, her cheeks flushed with anticipation. "I'll teach them how to play hide-and-seek and read them bedtime stories every night!"

Becky laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "I have no doubt about that. They're going to adore you."

Zea's excitement bubbled over as she began to brainstorm all the things she would do with her new siblings. "We can have picnics in the backyard, and I'll show them how to catch fireflies!"

I couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm. "Sounds like a lot of fun, Zea."

As Zea continued to chatter excitedly about all the adventures she envisioned for her new role as a big sister, Becky and I exchanged knowing smiles. Our hearts swelled with love for our spirited daughter and the expanding family we were about to welcome.

"It's going to be quite the adventure, isn't it?" Becky said, her voice filled with warmth.

I nodded, wrapping an arm around Zea's shoulders. "Absolutely. And you're going to lead the way, little big sister."

With Zea's infectious excitement lighting up the room, we knew our family was ready for the wonderful journey ahead, filled with love, laughter, and endless adventures.


Author's note:

Here's another update, fresh off the press! Dive in! Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! 

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