Death's Destructive Family: D...

By HappyWriter62

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This is the sequel to my Destructivedeath story so if you didn't read that please read it first or you'll be... More

Chapter One: Nobody's Tasks
Chapter 2: Forbidden, Distant Family
Chapter 3: Threats and Daughterly Bonding
Chapter 4: Nobody's Warning
Chapter 5: Early Celebration
Chapter 6: Dating Time
Chapter 7: A Soul's Freedom
Chapter 8: Home Once More
Chapter 9: Baby Death
Chapter 10: Targets
Chapter 11: Shattered Entertainment
Chapter 12: Fears and Wants
Chapter 13: Recovery and Fun?
Chapter 14: Reservations
Chapter 15: Cave Searching
Chapter 16: Beloved Dragons
Chapter 17: Home for Dragons
Chapter 18: The Big News
Chapter 19: Baby Girl
Chapter 20: The Loss of a God
Chapter 21: Activated Plans
Chapter 22: Death's Special Day
Chapter 23: Training and Comfort
Chapter 24: A Brewing Storm
Chapter 25: Lovespoon's Wrath
Chapter 26: A Split Soul Shard
Chapter 27: Clinging to Family
Chapter 28: G-Pa in Recovery
Chapter 29: Recovery Estimates
Chapter 30:A Messy Mind with Desires
Chapter 31: A Nice Day
Chapter 32: Bonding Time and Schemes
Chapter 33: Meddling Gods and a Rose
Chapter 34: Gather the Kids!
Chapter 35: Plans of Proposals
Chapter 36: Destiny's Deal
Chapter 37: Deals and Errors
Chapter 38: Bliss and Trouble
Chapter 40: Home Complications
Chapter 41: Leech Alert
Chapter 42: Destroyer-Centered Plans
Chapter 43: Rescue Mission
Chapter 44: Home Eavesdroppers
Chapter 45: Not the Type
Chapter 46: The Fool's Commitment
Chapter 47: New Passion
Chapter 48: Childish Crush
Chapter 49: Love Concerns
Chapter 50: Knowing Error
Chapter 51: The Proposal
Chapter 52:New Start
Chapter 53: Tangled Timelines
Chapter 54: Notes and Rascals
Chapter 55: The Big Day
Chapter 56: Shade, Havoc, and Rascal
Chapter 57: Calculations
Chapter 58: Gold and Marbles
Chapter 59: No More Spoilers
Chapter 60: Motivation and Puppet Problems
Chapter 61: Standards and Advice
Chapter 62: 404, Drunk Death, and Weirdos
Chapter 63: Redeemio

Chapter 39: Leaks Back Home

35 1 24
By HappyWriter62

Error's POV

I quickly answer, finding that Reaper's calling.

"Hello, my beloved Glitchy! How are you doing?"He coos

I pause, waiting to hear some noise as Bliss runs upstairs to check on his uncles. When I don't hear anything, I decide to quietly respond.

"HeY rEaPeR...I tHiNk i Am DoInG oKaY...S0m3tHiNg cAmE uP..."I whisper

"Oh really? Why are you whispering?"He asks

"OtHeRs aRe aSlEeP aNd i d0n't wAnT tO wAkE tHeM."I say

Then an alarm starts ringing and I hear a baby crying upstairs.

"Glitchy, what are you doing now?"He asks

"UmMm...I'Ll hAve t0 cAlL yOu bAcK."I say, hanging up

Approaching threat detected. Fire openly?

I glance out the window seeing large amounts of goop and frown. I step outside, shutting the door behind me and summoning blasters. I send them around the house to blast the goop crawling close and rising rapidly with a trail of burns like acid. I watch as the blasts tear through the goop, eliminating it or hearing it hiss as it flees. The amount quickly shrinks down, causing the small bits to flee. But the blasts shaved the goop down, revealing the souls that it consumed underneath and I see Palette collapse against the ground, gasping for air after being suffocated in that goop for who knows how long. I see the black mark on his cheek, indicating that he's from this future point in time and not my time.

"Dad!"Bliss shouts, running out to him.

He kneels down, hugging Palette and helping him up. I chuckle as they worriedly check each other for injuries and start bickering with each other about being careful. It's like seeing Palette argue with a mini version of himself after all the times that I saw Palette bicker with Goth about self-care. That's part of the reason I approve of his relationship with my son since they both are selfless to some extent but ironically remind each other to care for themselves as well.

"Papa will be so happy to see you!"Bliss tells Palette

"How are your uncles? Is your auntie safe?"

"Mhm! Auntie says that she's coming home to reset the alarm system she and Gramps made for the house! She's done scolding Grunklemare! Papa has been protecting Uncle Horror's home!"

"That's good. That's good....I'm glad that you're okay..."

"Buuut more time holes made deliveries. A younger Gramps came!"He says

"I thought I heard his blasters..."

Palette glances over and I wave to him. Then I see two figures land behind him. I see another version of me wearing a flower crown beside another version of Reaper.

"WhaT'S tHiS aLArM aLeRt 0n mY pHon3? ArE y0u aLr1gHt?"He asks

"Hi Gramps! Grunkle-Mare caused trouble and it was closing in on the house! Uncles are safe though!"Bliss says

"Oh, we've heard what he did. Your aunt filled us in."Reaper says

They help Palette up and they glance at me curiously, noticing me.

"What's that?"Reaper asks

"Who. You mean who is that. And the answer is that Past Gramps fell here. He blasted the icky mess away and freed Dad!"Bliss says with a bright smile.

"Is *Spoiler* oKaY?"My future self asks with a wink

"Yep! He's with Uncle Raven inside!"

"G0oD."He says

I see more acid dripping from trees, forming goop that's sneaking up behind them. I quickly blast at it, alarming them as it flees with a hiss. The future version of me smiles, walking over and extending his fist. I extend mine hesitantly and he bumps it.

"We'Re lUcKy tHaT y0u dr0pPeD iN oR h1s cRaP w0uld've c0nsuMeD mY s0n's h0m3. ThE lAsT tHiNg w3 n3ed 1s l0s1nG m0r3 oF tHem. C0rReCtiOn, tHe lAst tHiNg NiGhTmArE nEeDs iS moRe fOr sHiNo t0 scOlD hIm aBoUt."He says with a chuckle

I nod, chuckling. I can only imagine how horrible things would be if Bliss's home was consumed, taking him and his uncles away. But it is sort of funny to imagine an older Shino scolding Nightmare. Sure, she's an adult by this time but she'd still be a child in comparison to Nightmare's age and so he'd still be getting scolded by a child. And I know how she gets when she's passionate or angry so I can only pray for Nightmare since she can be pretty merciless at times.

"So0o, h0W fAr In aRe y0u f0r th3 deAl?"

"AbOuT tHrEe mOnThS."I say

"NoT f0r l0nG."He chuckles

I nervously grin, knowing that he probably has an idea of what's going to happen yet it's concerning.

I just smile, taking the fact that they're supposed to be living a happy life if it weren't for Nightmare as good news. Things are certainly better for them as they seem to be very happy.

He notices my gaze at the flower crown and chuckles.

"KiDs kn0w h0w t0 mAk3 swe3t g1ftS."

We go inside as he goes to check on "Spoiler". I think it's being censored since I'm from the past. Bliss runs over to me with a grin, showing me a drawing that is partially cut off on Reaper's side.

"I haven't seen Grunkle Paps in a while and have no idea what the JERKS meant to be Gramps and Gran on Dad's side look like, just their names. I know that Grunkle Nightmare did more of a family role for Dad then them anyway. Uncle Killer is funny but Uncle Dust won't let me see his eyes, yet always smiles at me beneath his hood. Uncle Farmer is always tired between work and keeping his family together. Uncle Horror is generous and caring to the point that his husband has to remind him to care for himself and SLEEP. Then there's Lovespoon running wild hehe. I can only imagine if they had more kids. But we have a good family and I can't wait to finish this tree!"He says, guiding me as he points to each branch

I chuckle at his explanation. It does sound like things they'd do. Almost as if they haven't changed even this far into the future.

"I really like Lovespoon. She's very funny and crafty. She helps make trips and sell the crops to other towns. My uncles worry about her when she does these trips but she's very strong. They're concerned that the wrong guy will cross her path but I doubt it. She'd kick any guy's ass before they get the chance. She's not the type guys can charm if you know what I mean."He chuckles with a glance at me

"Bliss! We don't use that language in this house!"Palette snaps, making him laugh.

"It's true though! She says that if she wants to hear a guy's flirty liners that she'll just visit Gramps and listen to Gram in the kitchen!"He says

"HEY!"Reaper snaps

"Okay, she has a point there."Palette says

I chuckle.

"Now girls on the other hand...."Bliss mutters before trailing off

I catch onto what he means and chuckle.

"What are you suggesting?"Palette asks

"I'm just saying that we shouldn't eliminate the possibility of a guy not being the one to look out for! It isn't just men in those towns!"

"Dear Asgoro....Just come help me clean the kitchen."Palette says

"No, Dad. You should rest. You just got freed."

"Bliss. You-"

"Don't make me call Papa and say that you're pushing yourself after getting freed."

Palette goes quiet and Bliss grins.

Smart kid knows how to handle his parents.

"So, iS iT poSsIbLE tO lEaRn wHaT tO sToP niGhTmARe fRoM dOinG tO pReVeNt tHiS meSs Or dOeS tHaT tHreAtEn tHiNGs tOo mUCh?"I ask

"IT's wOrTh a ShOt."My future self says, walking over to me

He proceeds to whisper details to me that I write down on my phone under a ban list. Then a portal starts opening underneath me.

"LoOkS like tHey'Re tRyInG tO fiX tHe tImEliNe. So lOnG."He says

"Bye past Gramps!"Bliss says, waving to me as I fall through

I drop through the portal, landing roughly on the ground with only corn to cushion my fall. I sit up, finding that I'm in a corn field. Then a scroll appears in front of me, reading:Forget the year-away requirement. More important things came up and you're needed here. I'll return the other client to their home and figure something out for them. You just keep the future mess from doing harm here.-D

I hear some giggling nearby and push through the corn, seeing Lovespoon hopping about as she collects carrots with Horror a short distance away feeding chickens. I see an opening in the distance and goop leaking through it, sneaking closer to them and starting to rise up to strike.

I don't think so.

With a snap of my fingers it gets blasted away and a second blast knocks it back through the opening. Another opening forms and it rises to strike Horror from behind but I blast that too. I quickly fill code screens to seal those openings shut, catching their attention.

"G-Pa! What brings you here?"Lovespoon cheers, running over to me eagerly

"And what were those blasts for?"Horror asks worriedly

"JuSt clEaNiNg uP a mESs iN tHe tImEliNe. YoU cOuLd say ThAt I wAs aSsIgNeD tHe jOb tO plug tHe hOlEs fRoM lEaKinG."I say, hugging Lovespoon gently

My code screens run to locate any leaks or goop from the future and it dings, indicating three other locations. One in this AU, another at home, and the last at Nightmare's castle to no surprise. I know the obvious targets and frown. I excuse myself from them, tracking it to their home and seeing it trying to sneak up on Farmer. I knock it away and seal the opening shut, then code it so that no more "leaks" can occur in this AU. I slip away through a portal before Farmer even spotted me.

I find the leaks in Nightmare's castle, sealing them and knocking any goop trying to come through it. I find the last one trying to sneak up Palette, him being the obvious target of positivity for it to consume or eliminate. I knock it away and reinforce the castle's protection much like I did with Farmer's home. Palette was listening to music on headphones so he didn't even notice. Then I return home, finding the leaks and sealing them before it could even target anyone. I plop down on the couch, having my code screens run plans for reinforcements as I take the chance to relax.

Good to be home...That should be done soon...And then we can move forward.


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