Death's Destructive Family: D...

נכתב על ידי HappyWriter62

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This is the sequel to my Destructivedeath story so if you didn't read that please read it first or you'll be... עוד

Chapter One: Nobody's Tasks
Chapter 2: Forbidden, Distant Family
Chapter 3: Threats and Daughterly Bonding
Chapter 4: Nobody's Warning
Chapter 5: Early Celebration
Chapter 6: Dating Time
Chapter 7: A Soul's Freedom
Chapter 8: Home Once More
Chapter 9: Baby Death
Chapter 10: Targets
Chapter 11: Shattered Entertainment
Chapter 12: Fears and Wants
Chapter 13: Recovery and Fun?
Chapter 14: Reservations
Chapter 15: Cave Searching
Chapter 16: Beloved Dragons
Chapter 17: Home for Dragons
Chapter 18: The Big News
Chapter 19: Baby Girl
Chapter 20: The Loss of a God
Chapter 21: Activated Plans
Chapter 22: Death's Special Day
Chapter 23: Training and Comfort
Chapter 24: A Brewing Storm
Chapter 25: Lovespoon's Wrath
Chapter 26: A Split Soul Shard
Chapter 27: Clinging to Family
Chapter 28: G-Pa in Recovery
Chapter 29: Recovery Estimates
Chapter 30:A Messy Mind with Desires
Chapter 31: A Nice Day
Chapter 32: Bonding Time and Schemes
Chapter 33: Meddling Gods and a Rose
Chapter 34: Gather the Kids!
Chapter 35: Plans of Proposals
Chapter 36: Destiny's Deal
Chapter 37: Deals and Errors
Chapter 39: Leaks Back Home
Chapter 40: Home Complications
Chapter 41: Leech Alert
Chapter 42: Destroyer-Centered Plans
Chapter 43: Rescue Mission
Chapter 44: Home Eavesdroppers
Chapter 45: Not the Type
Chapter 46: The Fool's Commitment
Chapter 47: New Passion
Chapter 48: Childish Crush
Chapter 49: Love Concerns
Chapter 50: Knowing Error
Chapter 51: The Proposal
Chapter 52:New Start
Chapter 53: Tangled Timelines
Chapter 54: Notes and Rascals
Chapter 55: The Big Day
Chapter 56: Shade, Havoc, and Rascal
Chapter 57: Calculations
Chapter 58: Gold and Marbles
Chapter 59: No More Spoilers
Chapter 60: Motivation and Puppet Problems
Chapter 61: Standards and Advice
Chapter 62: 404, Drunk Death, and Weirdos
Chapter 63: Redeemio

Chapter 38: Bliss and Trouble

37 1 6
נכתב על ידי HappyWriter62

Three months later, Error's POV

"LeAvE m3 aLoNe! I aM jUsT l0oKiNg f0r s0m3 f0oD, n0t k1sSeS!"I snap

"Error, my sweet black rose! My eternal, powerful, mysterious love! I'm so happy to see you again! Let me embrace you before we doze!"A voice shouts behind me.

What the heck is this? Is this Reaper a poet or something? Why is the other me into a poetic idiot? Uggh...

"I aM n0t y0uR eRr0r!"I snap

"Of course you are! I have one of your spare cloaks!"He says

I tie him in my strings and he freezes up quickly.

"I aM n0t y0uR eRr0r. We sWapPeD pLaCeS uNdEr tHe d1r3cti0n oF DeStInY."I say

"So that's why he suddenly wanted to see Fate...When will he be back for our date?"He asks

"268 dAyS."I say, checking the timer on my phone

"If you say so."He says, calming down.

He calms down so I release him, walking away. Then something pops up, asking why I didn't go with him. I enter that I'm not interested in him. He's obviously not my Reaper to love. It dings as if I got a question correct. I walk away, finding a meal at last and savoring it.

"So, how is it going with the deal?"A voice asks

"Oh, hEy bLuE."I say, glancing over as he sits beside me.

He smiles at me and I smile back at him. Here, he is the god of life funny enough. I see it as sort of fitting for him in comparison to Life especially when comparing our relationship to the one she has with Reaper. She and Reaper aren't exactly enemies, they just have different views on how to get things done with their positions. The same goes for Blue and I. We're not exactly enemies, we're friendly and can have conflicting views. He's a protector in the eyes of the multiverse and in personality while I am only known to most as a deadly destroyer that threatens everyone. Still, he's a good friend so this is a fitting position for him in this place. He was the first to realize that I wasn't the Error he knew and has been helping guide me about this version of the multiverse. He filled me in on everything, who is what now, and where to go so that I wasn't lost. And he keeps checking in about my deal, looking to help however he can...

....And he also saved me from the call with Reaper where he asked about my deal. He didn't realize it, he just wanted to heal me from the wounds I got but I took the chance to get away from the questions.

"GoInG aS wElL aS iT cAn. It'S mOsTlY jUsT a wAiTiNg gAmE wiTh oCcAsSiOnaL qUesTiOns tO cHeCk mY dEvoTiOn. I'M  oNlY 97 dAyS iNtO thE deAL tHoUgH So i hAvE a LoNg rOaD uNtiL i aM hOmE aGaIn. AbOuT aNoTHEr niNe mOnThS."I say

"Has Reaper caught on yet?"He asks

"I HAd t0 tElL hIm t0daY bEfOrE hE mAdE mE crAsH. He wAnTeD to HuG mE aNd m0r3 i tHiNk. I dUnNo, hE wAs tAlKinG iN rhYmEs liKe a pOeT oR sOmEtHinG."I say

"Yeah, your other self had it bad for poetry. That's basically how Reaper seduced him. That and chocolate. I told you how his feathers are destructive right?"He asks

"YeAH. He sHeDs TheM aS hE flIeS aNd iT kILls aNy sOuL oR dEsTrOyS aNy aReA iT toUchEs, rIgHt?"I reply

He nods.

"He once left a crater outlined in feathers in a random AU with a box of chocolates and a poem taped to it for your other self. A month after that Reaper became his boyfriend."He says

"InTeReStInG..."I say

"How did you get with your Reaper?"He asks

"WeLl iT wAsn't aS gRaNd aS tHAt. AfTeR dEaliNg wiTh iNk aNd a siTuAti0n tHaT mAdE m3 feAr l0s1nG hiM, I c0nf3sSeD aNd tHe rEst wEnT fr0m tHeRe."I say

"Well, that's very sweet. What future do you plan with him?"

"I'vE mAdE pLaNs t0 pr0pos3 t0 h1m iF tHAt's wHaT y0u m3aN. I pLaN a g0od fuTur3."I say

"Well then I hope you hid the ring in a good place given that you're going to be stuck here for a while."He says

I nod with a grin, confident that I did.

"OnLy wInGs, a mEtAL dEtEct0r aNd h1gh s3curiTy clEaRanCe c0uLd reveAl iT t0 s0me0n3 seArChInG."I say

He nods with a grin.

"You are quite creative with your solutions."He says

I finish my food as he smiles wider. I get up and we just walk along a path to chat...until a hole appears out of nowhere and pulls me through it. I hit the ground hard and turn over to see it shut, Blue's shouts getting cut short. It's extremely dark out and there's street lights in the distance. I quickly realized that I had fallen through a portal, not a hole.

Uggh, whyyyy....? Where did I get sent now?

"Grandpa? What are you doing here?"A voice asks

I glance over, seeing a young boy with a shield and a scythe in his hands. He has a purple star on his cheek and purple clothes with darker pants. He has light red mixed with green on his scarf. One eye is light green and yellow with white at the center while the other is white with faint yellow color. There seems to be a faint ring of yellow and purple coming from him.

"Huh? WhErE aM i?"I ask

"Oooh...What time are you from? Are you married yet?"He asks

"No0o...."I say, getting to my feet.

"Ooh, you must be another relative from the past. Well, I'm Bliss and you're going to be my grandpa someday. Now please stay behind me."He says, raising his shield as it gets darker.

I see black goop trickle across the ground and slowly start to rise up, reaching out with sharp tips as if they're Nightmare's tentacles. Bliss quickly slices through them using his scythe.

"Back off! Get lost! You don't belong here!"He snaps, the glow around him getting brighter

It hisses, backing away from him for a few moments. He glances back at me and nervously smiles.

"You're the fifth relative that has fallen here either from the past or future. But don't worry, I can keep these things back. I just can't kill them since they're soulless."He says

"WhAt iS tHaT?"I ask

"The result of Grampmare screwing up again. A test blew up in his face that split him from his goopy negativity. It has spread wildly, causing instability and we noticed time holes appearing, dropping random people from random times here. Now that includes you, proving that it's caused instability in the timeline. These things seem to be searching for positivity and souls to feed off of. They already caught Dad but Auntie Shino is already giving Grampmare a scolding lesson on experiment safety since he caused this. Just stay behind me and you'll be ok."He explains as a sharp tip reaches for him

I snap my fingers, blasting it away as it hisses. He glances over in shock, then at me.

"NeVeR tAk3 y0ur eYeS oFf 0f tHe thReAt wHeN tHeY'r3 s0 cl0s3. AnD jUsT BEcAuSe i Am fRoM tHe pAsT dOeSN'T mEaN i cAn'T hElP. NoW, wHaT's a sAfE pLaCe t0 g0?"I ask

"I'd say your house technically but I don't want to wake up my baby uncle...Ugh, of course this happens when you take a vacation...It's as if Grampmare is against the idea of you relaxing and starts causing trouble."

"WhAt?"I say

"Ok, so in the future you have a son that's meant to be older than me but trouble turned him into a baby. My papa suggested a vacation for you and Grandma and this unfolded as soon as you both took it. Uncle Raven and Auntie Shino are meant to be watching him but now Uncle Raven is probably stuck alone with him...or asleep...hmm..."He says

"OkAy, s0 w3 juSt g0 tHeRe quiEtLy aNd fiGur3 0uT a pLaN."

He nods, then turns his scythe into a paint roller. That confirms it. He's the son of Goth and Palette. I smile, blasting the goop away as we go through. He shuts it and I see that the entire house has been baby-proofed with the extra protection of strings blocking any dangerous spots. Sort of like the protection I put on the stairs to block Reaper from tripping down them. It's quiet...peaceful...Nice...I walk over, examining new pictures on the walls. I see an adult Palette crying in one as he hugs Goth who holds a baby Bliss. They don't look much different than they do for me currently but Palette noticeably has a black star on his other cheek that mirrors the purple one on Bliss.

" dad was pretty emotional that day as far as my papa says. Dad apparently was so overwhelmed with positive feelings and joy that he cried. The first way that he described it was pure bliss, which became my name evidently. And he's gotten control over past tests on him from some golden leech as my cousin calls him so now that black star is evident of that on him. It's a mark to show that the effects aren't ever leaving him but he has control of it...It's part of my dad now...But he just uses it to be more creative. Have you ever seen paint mixed with tentacles? It's certainly interesting how he turns the corruption forced into him into something artistically positive."He whispers to explain to me

"IntErEsTiNg..."I say, knowing Shattered is the golden leech.

Then my phone loudly starts ringing from my pocket.



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