Drug Dealer's Girl (Zed Necro...

By AuthorError

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Zed's in the prime of his life, stealing shit and selling drugs. However on the night of his 24th birthday h... More



268 10 2
By AuthorError

"I love you my angel—"

"Yeah yeah Todd we get it." Bella practically gagged as her best friend's fiancé was almost in tears as he wished his beautiful bride a goodbye.

"Bella!" Lacey shoved her friend out of the doorway. "I love you my snoogley—" Bella only groaned again. The champagne might've went right to her head.

While the rehearsal dinner was fun and all, her and the rest of the girls were ready for more champagne and that chocolate fondue fountain Lacey had promised..

Once her friend shut the door sighing, Isabella only shook her head.

"I didn't realize Todd was so.."
"Romantic? Sweet? Perfect?"


"Oh my god Bella when you fall in love one day you'll get it. It's magical.."

"...I think I'd rather get kidnapped again.."

"You are the worst.." Lacey shook her head, blinking back tears as she thought what tomorrow would bring.
"Oh lace don't cry—"
"Tomorrow is suppose to be the happiest day of my life.."

"It will be! I promise everything is going to—"

"—-be perfect?" Lacey raised an eyebrow, carefully wiping her tears away. "My best friend is taking off yet again and this time I don't know when I'll ever see her again.."

"..I'm sorry."
"You don't need to be.. I just want to go drink champagne until it comes out of our noses and eat our weight in chocolate covered strawberries.."

"The first one sounds absolutely painful.. but come on! I saw the waiters wheeling in the chocolate fountain while you were sucking your fiancé's face off.."


Isabella was in heaven, smiling as she got back to her room. She was a little drunk and sure things were kind of bittersweet but she was finally free again.

Tonight was the first night without her father keeping her under lock and key, the first night without Jacey since this other nightmare began.

She would get one last farewell with her best friend and others she had known since childhood before heading out on a new adventure. With her brother. It honestly sounded like the best thing they had happened in awhile.

Being tipsy she however didn't forget she needed a shower and to wash all her make up off. Plus.. she kind of wanted some alone time. She literally hadn't gotten any for months. At least not the kind she needed.

After lathering up and rinsing off in the shower. She moisturized her skin, slipping into something she hadn't dare to slip into because she didn't even want to hear Jacey's comments.

She giggled in the bathroom, laughing at her self as she pulled her hair tie out and let down her loosely curled hair.

Her make up was still on but she would take it off in a minute. She wanted to grab another glass of champagne and just enjoy herself. She wanted to look sexy and feel sexy. This was practically a mini vacation after the hell she'd been going through. Shrugging on her little black satin robe and she left the bathroom and popped open the small bottle of champagne from the mini bar. She was pouring the bubbly beverage when there was a bang. Jumping she nearly gave herself a heart attack. She looked over and saw that it was just the door to her private balcony smacking against the wall.

She forgot she left them open earlier to get some fresh air in..

Taking a gulp of champagne, she left her glass on the counter before hurrying over to the doors. She quickly closed them and secured the lock before looking up. She jumped as she saw a familiar face in the reflection, staring right back at her over her shoulder. She shook her head, she had to be drunk and seeing things but the smirk on his face only grew.

"No no no!" Before she could scream any louder a strong arm wrapped around her waist and a hand clamped over her mouth. His familiar scent washed over her and his warm breath tickled her ear.
"Hey Izzy.. Miss me?"


She thrashed in his arms, there was no way at she was going anywhere with him. This had to be a god damn nightmare.

"I'm not going to hurt you... As long as you behave." His threat didn't seem so empty, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She was already tired and it had only been a minute of trying to get away from him. She was not exactly in the right state for this either. She huffed, her arms were pinned to her sides and her robe lazily hung around her elbows as she was pressed against him.
"You scream, I'll make sure someone goes after brother dearest. Last I heard he was having a martini at the bar of the Hills Inn.." Bella froze, her body sinking against his as he listed the very hotel her brother was staying at.

Knowing he had her, he turned her around and let her stumble against the bed behind her.

Zed let his eyes take every inch of her in, she looked absolutely fucking delicious in the sheer baby blue lingerie.
"Looks like someone was being a bad girl, unless you put this on just for me?"

"You're such an asshole." She quickly pulled the robe around her body, hiding herself away from his heated gaze.

"Is anyone paying you a visit tonight?"

"No." Her cheeks felt hot as she admitted it out loud. Again letting him know no one was coming to help her and .. she was wearing this for herself.

Zed looked at her again, smirking as he realized she was telling the truth.

"Why are you here?" Bella cut straight to the point. "My father paid you. I haven't said anything. We're even."

"The attack on my crew.." Isabella frowned, sitting up as she crossed her arms over her chest.
"They want your brother's head."

"My brother wasn't responsible for that.."

"Right.. look I get it he's your brother—-"

"—-No you don't get it, my brother hasn't been running anything. Probably hasn't even been apart of the business since the last time you two tried to take a chunk out of each other .."

"..Why is that?" Zed straightened up, did she know?

"...Jacey is succeeding my father, he was most likely in charge of that run." He didn't miss the look of disgust on her face. "And if you want his head on a platter be my guest."

"Not a fan of your husband to be?" Bella bit down on her bottom lip. Her hand carefully rubbed her injured wrist reminding her of the monster she was marrying. Still, she shouldn't be confiding in Zed of all people.

"Did he do that ?" Jumping from the sudden feeling of his hands on hers. She looked up at him in shock as he gently took her hand and brought it closer. He could see the mix of blues and purples, the yellows of older bruises beginning to fade. It looked like some kind of fucked up bracelet of bruises around her small wrist.

"That's none of your business." Bella gently reminded, pulling her wrist away but wincing as she did. She pulled at her robe again, making sure it stayed closed and hiding her arm in the process.


"Don't call me that!" Her tone became harsher and it only infuriated him more that she wasn't giving him a direct answer or eye contact for that matter.

"Eyes Izzy." Gritting through his teeth, he tilted her chin a little rougher than necessary. Reminding her who was in charge, reminding himself why he was here..

"What.do.you.want?" His cock throbbed in his pants as she talked to him with such attitude. His palm practically twitched, images of spanking her perfect ass in the front of his mind. Her standing in front of him with just a tiny robe and mouth watering lingerie underneath was also was not helping.

"I think we can help each other.." Searching her eyes he watched as she took the bait. "How so?"

"Give me an opening. A time and place where Jacey might be alone. No security. I'll take care of him for you." Bella's lips parted in surprise she looked at him waiting for him to say it was a joke. "My guys want revenge, I just need to give them someone's head.. and it seems like it might help you out as well."

"I...I.." Her brain racked itself for a second. She tried thinking about her options but Zed's intense stare was not helping her think. Her and Bucky would be fleeing the country in 24 hours...

"It—- it would have to be tomorrow .. b-but you can't kill him at Lacey's wedding—"

"I can be discreet. Dump his body off later somewhere." She cringed as she heard him explain his plan. They were literally talking about facilitating a murder! "But why tomorrow? Wouldn't it be let security another day?"

"Yes but .. the only reason he wouldn't have security around him is if.. if he was with me." She carefully explained, watching his eyes flicker as he caught on to what she was saying. "And .. I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm not coming back."

"You're running?" Zed was shocked as she nodded slowly. "My father doesn't care about me, or what Jacey's been doing to me and they keep using Bucky's life as a pon to do what they want.." She took a deep breath, mentally scolding herself for breaking so damn easily when it came to the man in front of her.
Maybe it was the mental games he had played but something about him seemed so familiar. Like he was an old friend.

"I can't .. I can't take it anymore." Her lip quivered and she tried her best to push down her tears. Zed couldn't stop himself, his hand palmed her cheek.

"It's okay Izzy.." Her tear filled eyes met his, causing something to stir in his gut. "I'll take care of him." She felt her heart hammering in her chest. The warmth radiating from his body and the way his calloused fingers brushed softly against her cheek had her thinking of things she shouldn't be.

"What do you want in return?" She swallowed, trying to remind herself that he was the one that started this mess. A devil in the flesh.

"Setting it up is payment enough." He assured her, his fingers gently fell from her face. Looking over at her dresser he smirked as he saw her flute of champagne still waiting.

"Got another glass?" She nodded, her eyes watched him carefully as he grabbed the empty flute from the mini bar. Filling it with the expensive bottle sitting on her dresser.
This felt...Weird.
To be in agreement with someone that kept you locked away in a room and used you like a personal sex doll for months.

Handing her back her glass, he held his up. Clinking their glasses together. He would've much rather it be whiskey but it would have to do.
"Let's make a plan."


It was already decided Zed would sleep on the floor of her room. He needed to stay inside the venue to be able to carry out his plan. His duffle bag was already stashed under her bed from when he broke while she was in the shower.

When Zed took out the blueprint of the venue her stomach slightly twisted. Realizing this was the same thing he used to figure out where she would be. Pushing her feelings to the side she focused on what he was saying.

"Timing is everything, after the ceremony would be best. No one would notice you slip away.. and if he went missing for a few hours the reception could be the perfect way to kept his security detail busy. They won't want to cause a scene especially not here.."

"As long as I can get my head of security Marcel to encourage him to meet me back here.. right after the ceremony..." She used her finger to trail down the small blueprint of the wedding venue. "You just need to wait in the bathroom or the closet and take him out preferably before he actually tries to touch me." Zed watched as she cringed at the idea of Jacey's hands on her.

"Easy peasy.." He looked over at her she was gulping down the flute of champagne. He could tell she was nervous. One slip up with security and she would have the biggest target on her head.

"When he comes in.." Zed grabbed her uninjured hand, pulling her up. "Lead him to the bed.."

"Obviously.." She rolled her eyes only to bite down on her lip as he gave her a look. "I think I'm perfectly able to seduce someone.."

"Maybe." She gaped at him, as he casually shrugged. He was pushing her buttons on purpose.

"I need you to have him facing you." Bella huffed as she was pushed down onto the bed. Luckily the bow keeping her robe together was secure but it wasn't like she wasn't use to wearing nothing around the guy.

"His back needs to be towards the closet, the more of a surprise the more likely I'll be able to take him down quickly and quietly.." His knee was between her legs, his hands on either side of her head as he stared down at her.

"So just like this?" Her hands cupped his jaw bringing him within an inch of her lips.
"Just like that."

"Then I think we have that settled.." She breathlessly whispered, trying her hardest to keep her cool. Zed's warm fingers tucked a loose piece of hair out of her face.
"..Has he touched you?"

She let go of his face, huffing in disbelief.

"That's none of your business." His eyes grew dark at her response, his hand only caressed down her neck to her shoulder. His finger snapping the strap of her bra in place. "Who are you wearing this for?"

"Myself." She whispered sensually, confidently as she saw the vein in his neck begin to pop out. His breathing was becoming uneven as he stared down at her.

"Who do you think about when you touch yourself?" Zed pushed, "do you think about him?"

She shook her head 'No', letting out a shaky breath as he trailed his fingers between her breasts and over the material there.

"Do you think about me?"

Her cheeks flushed, giving her away and giving him exactly what he was looking for.

"Good girl."



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