South Tree * TWD

By thebrainswholie

45.9K 1.4K 679

Lillian, a name resembling a Lily Flower. or, A 10 year old girl with a tragic past. Lillian Brock, a troubl... More

1. Mean Guy
2. Understood
3. Helicopter boy
4. Trust you
5. They're back... and so are them
6. Confront
7. Not Okay
Season Two
8. Chase Her
9. Sharks!
10. I Missed You
11. Talk
12. Be Alright
13. No More
14. Colton...
15. Walkers
16. Funeral
17. Without Me
18. Dale
19. Another Funeral
20. It was him
21. Sick
Season Three
22. Big House
23. Close Call
24. Safe Place
25. Break through
26. Movement
27. Metal Arm
28. Locked Door
30. Decision You Don't Like
31. Attacked
32. Annoying Pests
33. What Happened to Lori
34. Pick a Damn Side
35. The End... or Something
36. Nicer Than She Thought
37. Not Real Life... A Nightmare
38. You Think She's Cute?
39. When He Coughed
40. I Don't Want To Die
41. Tell a Hero's Tale
42. Under the Bed
43. Keep On The Tracks
44. He Knew
45. Big Blast
46. The Church Pew
47. Ya Ain't Like Him.
48. Where's Lillian?
49. Self-Sabotage
50. CD Mix Tapes
51. Too Sad
52. Object Don't Talk
53. Party Pooper
54. Might Wanna Meet
55. Lilli-Bug... Whatever

29. Turn Your back

556 21 10
By thebrainswholie

Lillian wanted to run straight to her room but she stood next to Merle as they stood outside of the apartment door. When her dad finally opened the door, he had a glass of beer in his hand with a smile.

"Well, look who's finally decided to come home." Her dad hiccuped, a small giggle left his lips as he leaned against the door. Lillian refused to look at him.

"Lillian got into a little bit of trouble." Merle mumbled, nudging the girl forward before he turned to walk away quickly. Lillian looked up at her dad slightly, he was looking down at her with no expression.

Lillian's dad sigh. "Come on." He stepped out of the door way, allowing Lillian to walk into the apartment. She soon as she stepped foot in there, she wanted to immediately run into the room she was staying in and lock the doors but she stood awkwardly in the kitchen as her dad closed the door. He turned around to look at her as he took a big swig out of his beer.

"They're lying to you—" Lillian started but stopped when her dad held up a finger towards her.

"This is uh— this is a good place." Lillian's dad slurred as he made his way to the living room. Lillian stayed in the kitchen, her hands balled into her shirt. "You can't mess it up." He relaxed into the couch, taking a swig from his beer once more.

"Do you understand?" He looked over at Lillian, raising his voice as he slurred. Lillian responded with a nod. "Good. Come sit with your pops." He mumbled.

Lillian dragged her feet as she walked towards the couch and sat down next to him. Neither of them said anything. Lillian didn't know what to say. Should she tell her dad about the Governor? Would he ever care? Would he care if he held a gun up to her head and made her feel gross?

Her dad sat, taking swigs from his beer until it was empty. That's when he finally spoke up. "Get me another beer, darlin'." He cooed as he leaned forward, setting the empty beer bottle on the coffee table.

Lillian was quick to jump up and walk to the fridge. She grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and handed it to him, before she turned to walk away but she was quickly stopped by her dad grabbing her arm. His touch was gentle.

"Spend some time with me." He pleaded. Lillian turned around to see the soft look on his face. It almost made Lillian want to jump into his arms and cry but she reminded herself. He's drunk. He's way past the mean drunk he was on the everyday, he was drunk, drunk.

Lillian went to sit back down next to him. She felt like she had been sitting there forever but was probably only an hour if that as she waited for her dad to fall asleep. Eventually, he did, dropping the beer bottle onto the ground. It spilling beer onto the nice cream carpet. Lillian waited a few seconds after hearing the noise, to make sure he was asleep before she slowly pushed herself off the couch and made it back to the room she was staying in.

Lillian quickly grabbed her clothes that she discarded on the floor yesterday and made it her way quickly to the bathroom. She took off her clothes, throwing the shirt that she felt like she had been wearing forever and turned on the shower, making it as hot as she could. She stepped into the shower as soon as it started to steam and took a wash cloth to her skin, scrubbing every part of her.

She felt dirty, even though she took a shower not even 24 hours ago. She felt all of the eyes, the hands, that touched her and felt them burn through her skin. She didn't understand it. She didn't understand why she felt so dirty. Something felt wrong and she didn't know what did or how to fix it. But kept feeling the Governor's touch, the way he spoke so softly and nicely to her but it all felt so wrong.

After her shower, she pulled on the dirty clothes that she arrived in. The clothes that were so dirty, made her feel safer than the shirt did. She ignored it as she rushed out of the bathroom, back into the guest room. She quickly shoved whatever was outside of her bag, into it. She threw her backpack over her shoulder, walking back into the main room where the door was. She was quick to walk to the door, but glanced at her passed out dad who laid on the couch.

This was her chance. She could leave, right now. She would find Glenn and Maggie, she would save them, and they would go back to the prison together. She took her backpack off of one of her shoulders, to get her knife that was in it. That's when she remembered that while scavenging, her dad found a gun that had a full clip in it. A pistol. She remembered him saying something about 17 rounds.

Lillian quickly, but quietly made her way to his room. She pushed the door open to the pitch black room, flipping on the light. She looked towards the bed, the first thing she saw was the flannel. She had nearly forgotten about it. She ran over and snatched it up, under it was the gun. She took off her backpack to slip on the flannel and put the gun in the back of her waist band. She was quick to put her backpack on as she walked out of the room, not bothering to turn off her light.

Lillian walked right out of the apartment, shutting the door quietly behind her before she ran down the stairs, to the bottom of the building. She heard screaming and gun shots outside which made her stop in her tracks. She listened to the noises as well as her loud heart beat.

This might be her only chance. It was now or never. She could get away from her dad, from the governor, for Merle.

She opened the door to see smoke and people running around. She cursed herself to stop hesitating and so keep moving, so she did. She took her gun out of her belt loop, holding it with both hands as she ran quickly towards the place the Governor kept her.

"Lilli!" She suddenly heard from a group passing her. Gun shots came from the pdirection she was running, bullets hitting the ground around her feet. She looked to see who it was, Rick. Lillian immediately get relief as she began to run along side the group.

She wasn't paying much attention to anything but keeping low to the group with her gun ready. She didn't know how to use it, but she would damn well try if she had to. She tried to block out the gun shots but every cluster of shots that rang made her jump. She ran close to Maggie as they advanced towards a building.

"Go, go, go!" Rick screamed again as they all used the building as cover. Lillian panted, catching her breath as she looked around to see who all was there. They were all familiar, including the prisoner that her dad was once held up with.

"How many?" Rick asked over all of the noise.
"I didn't see." Oscar, the prisoner, told him.

"Don't matter. There's gonna be more of them." Daryl told them as he reloaded a gun.

"Are you okay honey?" Maggie kneeled down in front of Lillian, moving hair out of her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yes. Are you okay?" Lillian questioned. Maggie only nodded and gave her a tight lipped smile. Lillian looked over to see Daryl looking back at her. His face looked confused yet relieved.

"We need to move!" Daryl told them.

"Any grenades left?" Rick asked Daryl. Daryl hummed in response as he picked through the weapons.

"Get 'em ready. We gotta gun it yo the wall." Rick told them. The one thing Lillian knew how to do was to click off the safety, which she made sure to do as she prepared to start running again. She was really scared, but she was with her family, she felt brave. She was brave. She tried her best to take deep breaths.

"You guys go ahead. I'm gonna lay down some cover fire." Daryl told them as he passed a gun to Glenn.

"No, we gotta stay together." Maggie told him as she stayed tight against the wall.

"Too hairy. I'll be right behind you." Daryl told them. Lillian stepped forward, placing her hand gently on Daryl shoulder. He responded by quickly taking it into his, giving it a squeeze before he stood up with a grenade in his hands. "Ready?" He asked but wasn't really expecting an answer before he threw a smoke grenade out in the street.

That's when they started moving. They all screamed for each other to keep up. Lillian made sure to stick near Maggie as she went straight for the wall. Maggie shielded Lillian as she waited for the Oscar to help Glenn up onto the hood of the bus. Maggie reached beside her and lifted up Lillian onto the car. Lillian took Oscar's hand as he also helped pull her up.

A loud shot rang, causing Lillian duck down as she held a hand over her ear, the other hand holding the gun up. She looked down at herself, just to make sure and that's when she heard Oscar beside her. He fell to his knees, crying out in pain before falling off of the bus.

Lillian watched as Maggie was quick to kneel over him. Lillian knew where she was standing was exposed, she could very well get shot like he did. She put all of her strength into pulling herself onto the roof of the bus. Glenn had his hand reached out as he laid stomach down on the bus. Lillian took his hand and managed to get up, laying on her stomach as well.

"Don't get up." He told her before he called out for Maggie who had just been calling for Rick. Maggie finally climbed up onto the bus, followed by Rick.

"Daryl!" Rick called out to him as he climbed the hood.

"Go!" Daryl called back. That put worry on Lillian's face as she stayed in place, waiting.

"Lilli. Lets go." Rick gave her a nudge but she didn't move. "Lillian. We have to go. Daryl will catch up." Rick told her. His voice was stern as he spoke to her. Lillian gave in, turning around to step on the actual wall like Rick did. She waited for him to jump down, before he turned around and held his arms up towards her. She leaned down to him, he took her and set on onto the grass before they all started running.

They made it to a couple of cars, crouching down next to them.

"Get down." Rick told them. Lillian peaked around the car, enough to see that they were right in front of the gate. She turned back, clicking the safety back on to the gun she held, then holding it in one of her hands. Lillian heard Rick mumble something about Daryl as they waited. She looked around them constantly, waiting for Daryl to show back up but someone suddenly came into view as she crawled out from underneath the train car. And it was definitely not Daryl.

This person was a woman, who had blood on her forehead. Lillian was quick to flip the safety back off as she held her gun up to the new woman

"Where the hell were you?" Rick asked, his tone aggressive and angry as he stood up, followed by Maggie. They all pointed their guns at her as she stood. "Put your hands up."

The woman did what he said, putting her hands up. That's when he demanded she'd turn around, so she did that too, slowly. They all kept their guns pointed at her as Rick took her katana from its sheath.

Rick lowered his gun, letting closer to the woman. "Get what you came for?" He asked before he back up.

"Where are the rest of your people?" The woman questioned.

"They got Oscar." Glenn told her from beside Lillian, he was standing up as well with his own gun pointed at her. Lillian stayed on the ground, standing on her knees as she pointed her own gun.

"Daryl is missing. You didn't see him?" Maggie questioned the woman.

"If anything happens to him—" Rick started but was interrupted.

"I brought you here to save them." The woman added.

"Thanks for the help." Rick respond, his tone was almost sarcastic.

"You'll need help to get them back to the prison or to go back in there for Daryl. Either way, you need me." The woman told them. Lillian was confused about the entire situation. Rick knew this woman. Somehow they all did but Lillian didn't. She was confused as she lowered her gun.

"I have a plan." Rick told them. Lillian was all ears as she took a stand, ready to help.

"Maggie, you're with me. Michonne, i trust you will take Glenn and Lillian back to the car on the road. That's how you will help." Rick told her before looking over at Lillian. "You sure you want to come with us?"

"I'd rather be anywhere but here." Lillian told him. Rick gave her a small nod, giving her a light pat on the shoulder.

"You have a gun?" He asked her, which she responded with a nod. "Good. Keep it on hand, be ready. Go." He told them.

That's when Michonne started leading them back to the car. They all stayed low and quiet for the most part, aside from Glenn letting out noises of pain. Lillian wish she could stop hearing it, it upset her to see and hear him in such bad condition. Once they got to the road, Lillian laid down.

She was part on the grass, part on the road but it made no difference at this point. Wasn't like cars were really used anymore. Lillian had her hands rested on her stomach, her gun laid next to her along with her backpack. Eventually the sun rose, she was getting impatient. Her back hurts from lying for so long so she just continued to.

"Glenn!" Rick whisper yelled to him. They all stood up from how they were. Lillian pushed herself off the ground, picking up her gun as she followed behind Glenn and Michonne into the woods.

"Rick. Rick. Rick." Glenn whispered yelled back, following where his voice came from. "Oh, thank god." Glenn breathed out as Rick, Maggie, Daryl, and Merle all came into view. ... Merle?

"Now we got a problem here. I need you to back up." Rick approached Glenn with his arm held out as Glenn and Michonne both took big steps, holding their weapons towards Merle. Lillian didn't though, she stood to the side and watched. She didn't want Merle around either but she didn't want to kill him. That was Daryl's brother.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Glenn yelled. Michonne trying to get around Rick but he blocked her with Maggie helping. Daryl stood in front of his brother as he tried to help deescalate. Lillian's hands flew to her ears, trying to block out the noise as best she could with the gun in her hands.

Rick pointed his gun at Michonne. "Put it down!" He yelled.

"He tried to kill me!" Michonne yelled back.

"If it wasn't for him—" Glenn started to yell. Maggie was suddenly behind Glenn. Three people had their weapons drawn towards Daryl, Merle, and Rick.

"He helped us get out of there." Daryl defended.

"Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you." Rick shot back at Daryl, even though he still had his gun towards Michonne.

"Hey, we both took our licks, man." Merle told them, defending himself.

"Jackass." Daryl grumbled at his brother.

"Hey, shut up." Merle grumbled back at Daryl.

"Enough!" Rick yelled, turning his back. Michonne took the opportunity to get closer. Lillian thought all the arguing was dumb. It would work out much better if they all just talked to each other calmly. Of course, Lillian was upset at Merle. Hell, she was furious with him but she isn't going around pointing guns and swords at people. Sometimes she swore that adults were dumber then kids were.

"Put that down!" Rick yelled at Michonne.

"Hey, hey, relax!" Daryl yelled at his brother as Merle began to argue back. He turned to yell at Glenn. "Man, get that thing out of my face!" He swung his arm up. Everyone relaxed slightly. Michonne lowered her katana and
Rick, his gun. Lillian took her hands off her ears as everyone seemed to quiet down.

Merle laughed. "Man, looks like you've gone native, brother."

Daryl quickly turned. "No more than you hanging out with that psycho back there." Daryl swung his arm up as he walked closer to his brother.

"Oh, yeah, man. He is a charmer, i got to tell you that."  He said sarcastically. Lillian wanted to throw up just remembering about him.

"Been putting the wood to your girlfriend Andrea. Big time, baby." Merle added, moaning at the end as he stuck out his tongue.

Lillian furrowed her eyebrows. Andrea was dead. They lost her way back at the farm. There's no way she was in Woodbury. Then again, they lost Merle too. He was here now.

"What?" Glenn questioned, as he lowered his gun. Maggie did the same. "Andrea's in Woodbury?"

"Right next to the Governor." Daryl told him. Michonne lunged at Merle with her katana again but Rick was quick to block her.

"I told you to drop that!" He yelled at her once again. "You know Andrea?" When she didn't respond, he asked again quieter.

Lillian scoffed. Of course everything is connected these days. Her scoff got the attention of Merle.

"Ahh. Look at you, out here. Where's daddy, chicky?" Merle questioned Lillian in a teasing tone. Lillian shot him an angry glare as Daryl smacked his brother on the chest, telling him to shut up.

"Yep, she knows Andrea." Merle told Rick, since Michonne wasn't answering. "Her and blondie spent all winter cuddling up in the forest. Mm-mmm-mmm. Yeah. My Nubian queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of ironic now that i think about it"

"Shut up, bro." Daryl warned his brother for the millionth time.

Merle only chuckled before he continued. "Hey, man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dying."

"Is that why she's with him?" Maggie asked Merle.

"Yeah. Snug as two little bugs. So what you gonna do now, sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs, and cowards."

"Shut up!" Rick scolded. Lillian thought about how they all probably already hit the world record with how much they've said it in the past couple of minutes.

Merle laughed. "Oh, man, look at this. Pathetic. All these guns and no bullets in them." Lillian wanted to prove a point as she held her gun with both of her hands, flicking the safety off, and cocking it back. The sound got only Rick to look at her but when she actually shot the gun at the ground, everyone looked towards her with wide eyes.

"15 rounds, Merle." Lillian commented, her voice mean. She didn't expect what came from the gun. How loud the noise was, the kickback, the power that she held in her hands. She was brave. She was pretty badass as Colton would say.

"Merle, shut up!" Daryl turned back to his brother as he yelled. Rick looked at Lillian, motioning for her to lower the gun back to her side so she did.

"Shut up yourself! Bunch of pussies you roll—" Merle started to yell back as he turned his back mistakenly, because Rick then hit him with the blunt end of his gun making him pass out.

"Asshole." Rick muttered.

Lillian took the calm opportunity to put her gun back in her waist band. She nervously walked up to Daryl, wrapping her arms around his waist. Daryl responded by holding the back of her head to him, his other hand resting on her back. She left go of him, taking a few steps back. She looked at his face, softly smiling. Daryl held back a smile making a small light 'hmm' noise. Lillian was glad that was back with them. Back with her family.



what she had no idea about is what is left at home and what isn't...

(feeling good)


and incase you didn't hear it today i appreciate you!

p.s don't forget voting and commenting helps me a lot with motivation. lets me know y'all still want to read my story <3

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