The beginning of forever

By GL0005

153K 5.1K 651

Freen Sarocha Chankimha, the magnetic force on campus, effortlessly weaves intelligence, charm, and talent in... More

1 - Little Bear
2- True meaning
3 - Seed of affection
4 - Flavor of the month
5 - You saved me and then drowns me.
6 - More questions than answers.
7 - Composition
8 - Sister
9 - I'm going to do it!
10 - Locket
11 - Secret
12 - Flavor of Forever
13 - Break a million promises
14 - Plastic tulip
15 - I'll cut your life short
16 - Exam
17 - Pageant
18 - What you think I deserve.
19 - Do you feel that?
20 - Just a tease...
21 - You are my stupid
22 - Clingy
23 - Freedom
24 - No touching
25 - The Heir
26 - Sunflower
27 - England
28 - A proper kiss
29 - Farewell
30 - Thousand miles away
31- Right thing to say
32 - Sun and Moon
33 - New Friend
34 - Let her go
35 - It will always be you
36 - Option
37 - Breathe Becky!
38 - Patricia
39 - Changed Status 😅
40 - Goodbye Freen
41- A little longer
42 - Just a taste
43 - What do you wanna know?
44 - Just love, trust, and us
45 - Special Chapter 1 - Sick of You
46 - SC 2 - My Everything!
47 - SC 3 - Not those eyes!
48 - SC 4 - Nothing's gonna change my love for you
49 - SC - Surprise
1 - I miss you, though
2 - Forever Jewelries
3 - Monthsary
4 - Where is the boss?
5 - You cheated on our forever.
6 - No longer a secret
7 - Make me understand
8 - Extra love
9 - Girlfriend
10 - Divorce
11 - Five more minutes!
12 - Her favorites!
13 - BB
14 - Still Sore?
15 - Have me tonight
16 - I'll play nice
17 - I said no!
18 - Her home
19 - Diet!
20 - In love! 😍
21 - Let's make some babies
22 - Beautiful reality
23 - My darling Sam
24 - Nothing Less
25- Rainbows and Butterflies
26- NOT ME
27- Promises
28 - What if?
29 - Our own love story
30 - I can't believe it
31 - Hear me out
32 - Last Night
33 - An Angel
34 - My truth
36 - Scorching Hot
37 - You've got to be kidding me
37 - Lunch surprise
38 - Another sunrise
40 - I'm home
41 - Take the wheel
42 - A treacherous maze
43 - Something is wrong
44 - ICU
Fan Meet
45 - The plan
45 - Becky's wife
46 - A big thank you

39 - Growing together

825 39 5
By GL0005

Book 2: So, this is Forever

39 – Growing together

Becky's POV

In the days that followed, Freen embarked on a deliberate journey to cultivate enriching conversations, fostering a nurturing space where our emotions and concerns found solace. Our dialogues spanned the spectrum from hopes and fears to vulnerabilities, with each exchange fortifying the bedrock of trust and empathy between us.

With steadfast dedication, Freen not only endeavored to mend past misunderstandings but also dedicated herself to nurturing a more communicative and resilient marriage.

As we traversed this path of rediscovery together, a palpable sense of optimism and intimacy bloomed. The barriers that once hindered our connection seemed to dissolve, replaced by a fortified bond grounded in transparency, empathy, and mutual respect.

Our relationship continued to flourish as we engaged in candid discussions, exploring not only our emotions and aspirations but also practical matters, such as my impending return to the helm of our company as CEO.

Freen attentively absorbed my enthusiasm for reassuming leadership within our business. Forever Jewelries held profound significance for me, and I eagerly anticipated immersing myself once more in its creative and strategic dimensions.

Her words of encouragement acted as a catalyst for my confidence, reaffirming our shared commitment to our endeavors. Now, on my third day back, I found myself immersed in my marketing team's proposal for the upcoming collection launch.

As the presentation unfolded, I marveled at the innovative concepts and meticulous planning laid out before me. Each slide showcased a fusion of creativity and strategic insight, evidence of my team's dedication to excellence.

"Please send me the presentation along with operational and marketing expenses. I'll review everything and decide on the best course of action," I stated with a chuckle, acknowledging the challenge of choosing amidst such excellence, a remark that seemed to lighten the mood among my team.

As we concluded the meeting, a sense of excitement mingled with anticipation for the opportunities and challenges that lay ahead.

However, amidst the buzz, a message from my wife disrupted my thoughts. "Already bought the tickets babe, I'll grab some snacks now. See you in a bit."

"Oh Fuck!" I cursed under my breath, realizing I had forgotten about our movie date. "I'm sorry, carry on. Just send me what I requested, and we'll reconvene on Monday," I hastily instructed my team before rushing to my office.

My secretary, trailed after me, concern evident in her voice. "Something wrong?"

"Yes, I completely forgot about my movie date with my wife," I groaned in frustration as I hastily packed my belongings.

"Oh! Does that mean we'll have to cancel the meeting with the Jackson Golds?" Sheila inquired, seeking confirmation.

I slumped into my seat, weighed down by the realization. Cancelling on the Jackson Golds, with whom we had been pursuing a partnership for some time, would undoubtedly reflect poorly. Yet, disappointing my wife was equally undesirable. I found myself torn, uncertain of the best course of action.

"Who should I contact first? The Jackson Golds to cancel or the driver to prepare the car?" Sheila pressed for a decision, her voice tinged with urgency.

Feeling the pressure mounting, I weighed my options carefully, striving to find a solution that would satisfy both parties.

"Let me call Freen first," I instructed Sheila, who nodded before exiting my office.

After a few rings, my wife's excited voice greeted me, "I'm in front of the movie theater, babe."

The weight of my forgotten promise settled heavily as I prepared to deliver the disappointing news. "Baby, I'm so sorry, but I forgot about our movie date today," I admitted, bracing for her response.

There was a palpable pause, followed by a resigned sigh. "The theater's just thirty minutes from your office. I can grab new tickets for a later showing; it's in another hour. You can still make it," she suggested optimistically.

"Uh, babe, I don't think I can swing it. I have an investor meeting that was scheduled," I replied softly, regret coloring my words.

Another silence ensued, heavier this time, laden with disappointment. "Oh, okay," she responded, her voice betraying a hint of sadness.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," I rushed to assure her, desperate to ease the tension.

"Yeah, sure," came her subdued response.

With a heavy heart, I bid her a brief apology before ending the call, knowing I had let her down once again.

"I'm sorry, baby," I murmured to the empty room, a knot of guilt tightening in my chest.

After hanging up the phone, a wave of remorse washed over me, compounded by the disappointment I had caused Freen. Yet, with the demands of work pressing in, I knew I had to compartmentalize my emotions and focus on the task at hand.

Collecting myself, I shifted my attention back to the imminent investor meeting, resolving to handle the situation with professionalism and integrity.

I swiftly dialed Sheila's extension. "Let's proceed with the meeting as planned," I instructed. "And please, order a bouquet of tulips for Freen. I have some mending to do later."

Sheila acknowledged the request with a brisk nod, her efficiency a welcome anchor in the midst of my swirling emotions.

With a renewed sense of determination, I delved back into preparations for the meeting, determined to navigate the challenges ahead with grace and composure. Despite the setback, I remained steadfast in my commitment to both my professional responsibilities and to making things right with Freen.

As the meeting with Jackson Golds progressed, Mr. Adams and I delved into a spirited exchange of ideas, each of us eager to explore the potential of our partnership. His enthusiasm mirrored my own, and together, we navigated through various avenues for collaboration with genuine excitement.

"Your company's innovative approach to jewelry design is truly impressive," Mr. Adams remarked, leaning forward with genuine interest. "I can see great potential for synergy between our brands."

"I'm glad to hear that," I replied, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "We're equally excited about the possibilities."

Our conversation flowed seamlessly as we discussed our respective company values and objectives. It was clear that there was significant alignment between our visions for the future.

"I must say, your plans for product diversification and brand growth are ambitious," Mr. Adams commented, nodding in approval. "I believe they align perfectly with our own aspirations for expansion."

"I appreciate your confidence," I responded, feeling a sense of camaraderie building between us. "Together, I'm confident we can achieve remarkable success."

As the meeting drew to a close, Mr. Adams leaned back in his chair, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "This has been an incredibly productive discussion. I believe there's immense potential for collaboration between our companies."

"I couldn't agree more," I replied, returning his smile. "I'm genuinely excited about the possibilities that lie ahead."

Mr. Adams nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed. I believe our brands complement each other perfectly, and together, we can achieve great things in the market."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," I affirmed, feeling a sense of optimism growing within me.

Before parting ways, Mr. Adams extended his hand once more. "I look forward to continuing our discussions and finalizing the details of our partnership. This could be the beginning of a truly remarkable journey together."

"Likewise," I replied, firmly shaking his hand. "I'm confident that with our shared vision and commitment, we can achieve remarkable success."

With that, we concluded the meeting on a high note, both energized and optimistic about the future of our partnership. As Mr. Adams left the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the exciting opportunities that lay ahead.

Feeling a pang of gratitude, I glanced down at my phone to find a string of messages from my wife. Her words of encouragement for the meeting, along with the news of Irin and Noey's visit, brought a smile to my face. Despite my slip-up in forgetting our date, her unwavering support remained steadfast.

Replying quickly, I expressed my appreciation for her understanding and assured her of my commitment to making it up to her. With a renewed sense of determination, I tucked away my phone, feeling bolstered by her presence, even from afar.

As I left the meeting room, thoughts of the evening ahead with my family filled me with warmth and anticipation. Despite the challenges of the day, I knew that with their love and support, anything was possible.


Freen's POV

Upon realizing that Becky couldn't make it to our planned date, I felt a pang of disappointment. However, understanding her responsibilities as the CEO, I quickly set aside my feelings and decided to head home to prepare dinner instead.

Anna, our housemaid, graciously offered her help with the cooking, allowing me to focus on preparing a meal for our unexpected guests. When our daughter arrived home, I suggested she rest while Anna and I took care of dinner preparations.

In the midst of cooking, I noticed that my previous message to my wife remained unread. Assuming she was still occupied, I sent her another message, "Babe, Irin and Noey are coming over for dinner to visit us."

As the evening unfolded, enveloping our home in the comforting aroma of home-cooked meals and the lively sounds of laughter and chatter, there came a gentle knock at the door. It was Irin and Noey, their arrival infusing our gathering with an extra dose of joy and energy.

Hurrying to welcome them, I greeted them with warm embraces, feeling their infectious enthusiasm instantly brightening the room. With Anna's assistance, we all congregated around the dining table, exchanging stories and reveling in each other's company.

Just as we were about to begin dinner, our daughter Zea inquired eagerly, "When is Mommy coming home, Dada?"

Glancing between Irin and Zea, I replied, "I believe Mommy's still in her meeting, sweetheart. Let me give her a quick call."

Before I could reach for my phone, however, a delightful surprise unfolded. My wife entered the room with a cheerful announcement of her arrival, prompting a flutter of excitement in my heart. Despite my inner sulkiness, I couldn't help but smile at her presence. Zea rushed over to greet her with unbridled enthusiasm, while our guests welcomed her warmly.

Continuing to maintain my facade of sulking, I theatrically pulled out a chair for my wife and gestured for her to take a seat at the table. "Please, join us," I said with exaggerated formality, secretly pleased that she had finally joined our gathering.

Despite my outward display of sulking, there was a warmth in my eyes as I watched her settle into her seat. Her presence filled me with a sense of contentment and gratitude, despite my lingering pout.

And so, we dined together as a family, accompanied by Irin and her wife Noey, the evening unfolding into a delightful celebration of love, laughter, and togetherness.


Freen's POV

During our dinner, our adorable daughter requested a movie night, and we all couldn't resist her sweet plea. So here we are, settled into the cozy confines of our home theater, excitement for our impromptu movie night filling the air. Irin, Noey, my wife, and I gathered around, deliberating over movie choices and arranging the setup.

"I'll go grab some snacks from the pantry," I offered, eager to contribute to the evening's festivities.

As I busied myself with arranging chips on the kitchen counter, I suddenly felt a warm embrace from behind, accompanied by a familiar scent.

"Hi, baby," Becky whispered, her lips grazing my shoulder.

"Hello. Glad you didn't forget to come home," I replied, a hint of sarcasm in my tone.

Becky chuckled softly. "Fair point," she conceded, turning me around to face her.

She pulled me closer, but I resisted, maintaining my sulkiness as I looked down.

"My love, look at me, please," she urged, meeting my gaze with her warm brown eyes.

"I'm really sorry. The past three days have been overwhelming, and that meeting was important. I knew you would understand if I proceeded with it instead," she explained, her voice sincere.

"Please forgive me," she added, her smile growing wider, dimples on full display in an attempt to soften my resolve.

While I understood her perspective, I wanted her to grasp mine too. "I get that you chose the meeting, babe, but you wouldn't have had to choose if you hadn't forgotten our date and scheduled your meeting," I pouted, trying to make my point.

She gently caressed my arms, her touch reassuring. "And that's entirely correct, baby. I'm sorry. You know I love you, right? Forgetting our date doesn't change that," she affirmed.

"Of course I know. But... but it won't hurt to convince me more," I teased, a grin spreading across my face.

She chuckled, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Oh, my bunny wife is so cute. Then let me convince you more," she whispered, leaning in to kiss me passionately, her actions speaking louder than words.

Her lips brushed against mine tenderly, igniting a familiar spark that instantly melted away any lingering traces of my sulkiness. The warmth of her embrace enveloped me, drawing me closer as our kiss deepened, each gentle caress a silent reassurance of her love and devotion.

Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the moment, the world around us fading into the background as our connection grew stronger with each passing second. The soft brush of her fingertips against my cheek sent shivers down my spine, electrifying every inch of my being with a rush of emotion.

In that fleeting moment, all doubts and worries vanished, replaced by an overwhelming sense of love and intimacy. It was as if we were the only two people in the world, our hearts beating in perfect harmony as we surrendered to the undeniable chemistry between us.

As we finally pulled away, breathless and smiling, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over me. In Becky's arms, amidst the warmth of our home and the laughter of our loved ones, I knew that everything would be alright.

"Alright, alright," I relented, unable to resist her earnest apology and the sweetness of her kiss. "But you owe me one, alright?"

Becky's face lit up with a bright smile, and she nodded eagerly. "Deal. I promise to make it up to you, baby," she said, sealing the promise with another tender kiss.

"You really know how to get me," I chuckled. "Let's go before they start searching for us, especially Zea." I pulled away from her embrace, ready to grab the chips and head back, but she gently halted me.

"Hey, babe. You've changed. You no longer hesitate to voice your concerns or worries. Thank you," Becky expressed appreciatively, and I couldn't help but feel a blush spread across my cheeks, realizing the truth in her words.

With a warm smile, I gently squeezed her hand. "Thank you, too... for trusting me again," I replied softly, feeling grateful for her understanding and support.

"We're growing together," I murmured, the realization settling in as we made our way back to the home theater.

Becky smiled, her eyes reflecting a shared understanding. "Yes, we are," she affirmed, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance.

Back in the home theater, we settled down, putting the snacks on the table. Becky took a seat on the couch, and when I looked at her, she tapped the space in front of her, gesturing for me to sit. I obliged, leaning back into her embrace as she showered my shoulders with soft, small kisses.

Halfway through the movie, our dear daughter had already dozed off, her gentle snores filling the room. Becky and I exchanged a knowing glance, silently agreeing that it was time to tuck her into bed.

"Irin, you already know the way to the guest rooms," I said, turning to my sister. "Don't drive at this hour. We all have the day off tomorrow, so why not stay for the night?"

Irin smiled appreciatively, nodding in agreement. "That sounds like a plan. Thanks, Freen," she replied warmly, grateful for the offer.

With Zea safely tucked into bed, Irin settled into one of the guest rooms for the night. As Becky and I bid goodnight to our guests, a sense of contentment washed over me, grateful for the warmth and laughter that filled our home.

As we made our way to our own bedroom, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the love and support of our family. Despite the ups and downs, we were surrounded by people who cared for us deeply, and that was something truly precious.

Climbing into bed beside Becky, I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. "I love you," I whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.

Becky smiled, snuggling closer. "I love you too," she murmured, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Author's Note:

Here's another update for all of you! Your comments and feedback are incredibly motivating for me, so please don't hesitate to share your thoughts once more. Your input inspires me to keep writing and crafting more content that you'll love.

Have a blessed day everyone !

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