😍You Spin Me Round, Round ba...

By JazMonroes

687 62 19

Jasmine and Tom Hanson (Johnny Depp) fall in love while working on a gang related case at 21 Jump street. The... More

1: Introduction
2: How They Met
3. Living with a Gentleman
4. Hangin with the homies, Tom gets jealous
Note from Author
5. All over you, all over me 😍🔥😍🔥
7. A Positive Pregnancy Test
8. On The Run Part 1
9. On the run part 2: Tom gets arrested
10. Cheating hearts?? Or a loyal man?
11. Heartbroken 😩
12. Hooked on you baby
13. Tommy & Jasmine's Happy Family
14. A relationship on the rocks. Tom reunites with Linda McHugh.
15. Never can say goodbye!! :
16. Always and forever
17. Jealous ex lover
18. How deep is your love? Tom meets Alex
19. Fun at the carnival, Visiting grandma.
20. Note from Author
21. Don't take her, take me!!
22. A letter from a angel
23. A funeral & Anger
24. Moving on , holding on
25. Testing times
26. Let me love you
27. Separation
28. Alejandro Rodriguez
29. Broken hearts & confrontation
30. Mending broken hearts
31. Our Miracle Baby
32. The Hot Detectives & The Photoshoot
33. Tv interviews & Shy Tommy
Note from author
34. The Hanson Family Vacation & Our Last Blessing.
36. She's growing up!!
37. Jasmine and Kiyah's Secret
38. Secrets, Lies & Betrayal , Tommy finds out .
39. Let's Straighten It Out
40. Boys Will Be Boys
41. Tommy & Our Younger Kids
42. Double Date Fun & A Night Filled With Passion
44. Sorrow, Concern, & Fear
45. Divorce? Or Stronger Marriage
46. Graduation, Freshman Prom, & Marriage Proposal's
47. She's too young!
48. At your best, you are love!
49. New addition to the Hanson Family
50. When things go absolutely wrong
51. Feeling unwanted & our special night
52. Love in the Carribean
53. Note from author
54. Terror in the Hanson Family
55. This is unreal!
56. Saying Goodbye!!
57. Depression kicks in. Burying my King
58. The final chapter

43. Taking Care of Mommy

11 1 0
By JazMonroes

We woke up the next day it was after 12. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was totally messed up, and I had love marks everywhere . I felt like a teenager. I walked back into the bedroom.

Tommy: good morning sunshine?

Me: more like great morning.

We laughed then he kissed me. He looked at my hair and all of the love marks. He laughed so hard.

Me: Tommy it is not funny.

Tommy: I'm sorry babe. I got a little wild last night .

Me: a little wild, you were a lion in the jungle .

Tommy: and you were the lioness.

We laughed.

Tommy: don't worry babe . I'll pay for you to get it fixed.

Me: yes you will!

We laughed again. Judy and Booker came to our room. We let them in.

Judy: omg girl. I see you guys had a BLAST!!

we all laughed .

Me: girl yes ma'am. I gotta go get my hair fixed.

Booker: Hanson what did you do maul her? He was referring to the love marks.

Tommy: something like that !

They laughed. Tommy & Booker went to get us some food .

Judy: girl me and Booker had a great night too. Magical.

Me: we did too. I tried to take control but I couldn't he overpowered me. Happens every time.

Judy: so what's on the agenda for today?

Me: first of all I gotta fix my hair and cover these marks.

Judy: yes I can see that.

We laughed hard.

Me: then I was thinking maybe a walk on the beach, then dinner, and comedy show. You guys down?

Judy: definitely count us in!

Me: cool, bet!

The guys came back with the food . We ate and talked. Me & Judy went to the hair salon. I decided to get my hair silked out and wear it down. It was so beautiful. We went back to our rooms. Tommy was laying in bed watching TV.

Tommy: oh my goodness. It's so pretty, shiny, and long . His eyes got big when he said long.

Me: no sir you will not be grabbing this or messing it up again because I'm going to wrap it up .

We laughed.

Tommy: baby come lay with me? He had that look .

Me: oh no. I tried to run . He caught me. I screamed and laughed.

Tommy: you can't get away from me you should know that by now. He kissed me. I laughed.

Me: baby my hair, we gotta get ready.

Tommy: I'm not gonna mess your hair up I promise and we can get ready later. He kept kissing me. I moaned softly.

Me: Tommy?!?

Tommy: baby please, just a little bit please?

Me: I gave you a lot last night. We laughed

Tommy: and now I want some more . 10 minutes please?

I laughed. He was so sexy when he begged. How could I say no.

Me: okay, okay but don't mess up my hair.

Tommy: yes ma'am.

We made love. 10 minutes turned into a hour. After we were done. We were laying there. Tommy was smiling.

Me: Tommy you said 10 minutes.

Tommy: come on, I can't believe you fell for that.

We laughed.

Me: so you tricked me?

Tommy: me? Would I do that? He laughed. I hit his arm.

Me: well I'm going to take a hot bath . Tommy's eyes lit up .

Me: alone Tommy. I laughed

Tommy: okay okay. He laughed

I got my outfit ready for the night. Wrapped my hair . Tommy watched me the whole time. He thought he was slick. I walked past him into the bathroom, he jumped up and tried to follow me. I laughed and shut the door quickly. We laughed.

Tommy: you're not being fair baby!

Me : you'll live!

I took a hot relaxing bath. I was a little sore. Tommy is a little big if you what I mean. It felt so good. I got out. I decided to get dressed in the bathroom because once Tommy sees me naked, i wouldn't stand a chance. I put on a red & orange fitted sundress and black sandals. Diamond stud earrings and a gold necklace that Tommy got me for my birthday. I unwrapped my hair. Then added a little lip gloss and sprayed on my favorite perfume. I walked out . Tommy saw me.

Tommy: damn girl you're killing me!

Me : Tommy go get ready. I'm going to check on Judy.

Tommy: cool. But a kiss first.

I kissed him. He licked his lips.

Tommy: omg tasty. I wonder do all of the other parts of your body taste as good as your lips.

I laughed.

Me: stop being horny. Go get ready.

I went to check on Judy. She opened the door. She had on a pink sundress and white sandals .

Me: Judy girl you look hot!!

Judy: thanks!! You look hot too Mrs Hanson. Look at that booty girl! We laughed

Me: 6 kids and my husband!

It was true I had a little booty back there but not too much. 6 kids did do my body justice. I work out sometimes to keep it toned.

The girls were eventually ready. We went to the beach, dinner & dancing, and a comedy show. Sunday we decided to stay in the bed all day and just enjoy each other and boy did we! It was time to go back home to our kids. We had an amazing weekend but we missed them.

Time jump: Me & Tommy went back to work. lately I have been in so much pain. I tried to hide it the kids noticed. I was sitting on the couch one day and Zach saw me frowning from the pain.

Zach: mama are you okay? He rubbed my back

Me: yes baby, my stomach and back just hurts a little.

Zach: do you need a Dr?

Me: no baby I'll be okay, just help me to the bedroom.

He helped me to the bedroom. I laid down. He laid beside me and hugged me.

Me: thanks son. My big strong man. I love you.i love all of you.

Zach: I love you to mama. You rest I'm going to go call daddy.

Me: okay. I fell asleep .

Zach went and called Tommy.

Zach: daddy you gotta get home , mommy isn't feeling well. She says she is hurting.

Tommy: okay I'll be right there. where is she now?

Zach: in the room sleep.

Tommy: okay I'll be right there .

Tommy came home and got in bed with me. He stroked my hair and he eventually fell asleep. Later I woke up and saw him. He woke up .

Tommy: baby are you okay?

Me: just a little pain, it happens everytime I get my period.

Tommy: what do you think it is babe?

Me: I think it's because my tubes are tied. The Dr told me it would be painful down the road.

Tommy: Jasmine that's why I told you not to do it.

Me: I know I wish I would have listened now.

Tommy: I'm making you a appointment it gotta be something they could do.

Me: okay baby.

Tommy called and made me a appointment. I was to tired to do it. Tommy told me to stay in bed untill my appointment day came up . The kids were so sweet . They would bring me food, drinks, help me to bathroom, come lay with me , sometimes sleep in the room with us. Tommy was there too. He would hold me, give me back massages, and bring me heating pads. I couldn't wait to get to the Dr. This pain was unbearable!

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