Suga A backstage Romance

By lilladymac

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book 3 in the 6 book series More

Sugas prologue
Song Tey-Ri
dress rehearsal
Teri and Rose
push and pull
anger and epiphanies
layers he didnt know she had
uncomfortable pleasure
confused tensions
now what
cold war
hell hath no fury... ?
what have they done?
Suga's doubts
tension high
how about Oppa ?
agreement made
point of no return
something different
more fun
crossing the line
absolutely NOT missing her
what to do ?!
Shes back
happiness and honesty
A new day
Jimin is a good friend
brothers and pain
lies and tears
as sweet as his name implies
out of his depth
we are family
goosbumps down your back
girls shopping trip
a breakaway
love and bravery
secrets and lies
back home
contract signed
security is happiness
stress apon stress
dark thoughts and misunderstandings
drunken word's
coming clean
divine blessings and heart-to-hearts

oh Hell !

25 6 4
By lilladymac

At 9:14 exactly Teri got a phone call which enraged her so much she almost quit there and then , her bags were already packed she could be back in Korea in 12 or so hours and put all this behind her ....only she didn't have anything or anyone waiting for her or missing her in Korea,  all she had was her plan , her plan to work hard. Save every penny she had and leave Korea and start over ....if she quit she wouldn't even have her plan.

Getting hauled in front of the supervisor and being told she  was being demoted to general runner had to have been one of the most humiliating experiences of her life.  And she'd had a few .

She knew behind her pale skin her cheeks must have been beetroot and she'd had to literally bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from arguing back.

Instead , while the supervisor  had been giving her a lecture on how the idols should be treated like  Gods, respected and obeyed she had been reciting the English alphabet in her mind , and then counting to 50 in English and in French.

The biggest humiliation had been getting on the transport for the airport , she'd not know exactly where to go so had gone and stood with the crew she knew only to be told she'd be on the other coach.

And now she was sat in the middle isle , middle seat squashed either side and unable to move on the plane..knowing her ex colleagues could at least stretch their legs .

She had a  crook in her neck which she was still trying to massage out after going through customs... and some how being the last to leave the airport she'd been forgotten. 

She swore , could this day get any worse.   

It did , not only had she had to get a taxi to the hotel but she was now sharing with 3 other members of staff , all of whom seemed to be really clicky and completely ignored her .

Infact as she was unpacking she was pretty sure they were talking about her and laughing at her.

By bed time she had the mother of all headaches , probably from holding her anger in all day,  and she was exhausted.

Sleep though did not come , in the few hours it took to eventually fall asleep  she'd gone through all 5 stages of grief ...

1 ..denial ..did this really happen ? Had her life changed so dramatically in less than 48 hours , had she really run out on Suga !!!

2..Anger ..A women had the right to say no at any given point,  with out fear of retribution..suga was being a fucking child punishing her instead of asking what was wrong ..he was abusing his power and feeling powerless pissed her off so much..

3..bargaining...maybe if she apologised,  maybe if she explained?,  Suga would forgive her , maybe if she worked really hard she could get her old job back ...

4..depression... she cried silently under the covers,  she cried for what almost could have been , she cried for the risk her plan had taken , she cried for her stupid self and her stupid body and she cried at the unfairness of it all .

5 ...acceptance..there really wasn't anything she could do, she couldn't change what had happened , she could learn from it... learn to avoid circumstances where she might get hurt , or she might hurt someone else ...

Eventually she fell asleep .

The morning brought about more side glances and bitchy smiles but she ignored them. She had decided when she woke up that the bastard wouldn't see her complain , she absolutely refused to give him the satisfaction,  so she had been the first to arrive at the briefing that afternoon , the first to volunteer for every single dogs job that was asked to be done and that is how she got through Spain.

Whilst being the invisible dogsbody she had caught Suga staring at her many times , but all that she had done was hold her head higher , run a little faster and smile a bit brighter , infact most of her fellow runners now respected her , and she was pretty sure at least 2 fancied her .. a guy a bit younger than her and a very pretty blonde girl...obviously it still wasn't common knowledge that she was a girl..or maybe it was and the blonde was gay.. unfortunately Teri didn't swing that way, which she had thought once was a shame , she wondered if a female would be so judgmental of her body.

Apart from Suga infact the only people she still didn't get along with were her 3 room mates and towards the end of the tour she knew if she didn't say or do something soon she was going to end up smacking at least one of them.

Things came to a head after the final show in fact...she'd been waiting backstage while the group performed and she had been laughing and joking with the young lad that liked her , nothing more than that , but when she had gone back to her room that night she found some one had poured a whole litre bottle of coke over her bed ..she was exhausted and had just wanted to go to sleep and now  instead she had to deal with this shit!

She turned to face the 3 girls who were stood in various poses of defiance...arms crossed or on hips..a smile on all their faces " what the fuck happened to my bed ?" She shouted , the middle one of the group shrugged and said " I don't know , but you probably shouldnt have been flirting with Lee Jo-Joon " she said  with a laugh.
The stress of the last few weeks just exploded with in Teri and she lunged for the girl , grabbed her arm and pulled her round in a very neat arm lock,up her back. The girl shrieked in pain and bent forward , the other girls were screaming at her to let go but she'd had enough, she marched the  girl over to her bed and threw her face down into the Coca-Cola messy sheets .

The girl scrambled to get up and started sputtering with indignation and shock.
Teri didn't give her even a minute to talk. She made herself as tall as possible , straightened her shoulders and said " I dont even know who the fuck you're talking about , and nor do i give a shit ....I'm taking your bed and if you or any of you have a problem with that feel free to come and tell me !"

She didn't even bother undressing , she climbed into the girls bed and pulled the covers over her head. She was shaking , she was angry tired and hurt and so done with taking everyone's shit...she had felt guilty for what she had done to Suga but now she was just plain pissed at him , and tomorrow she was going to find him and tell him.

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