😍You Spin Me Round, Round ba...

By JazMonroes

538 61 19

Jasmine and Tom Hanson (Johnny Depp) fall in love while working on a gang related case at 21 Jump street. The... More

1: Introduction
2: How They Met
3. Living with a Gentleman
4. Hangin with the homies, Tom gets jealous
Note from Author
5. All over you, all over me 😍🔥😍🔥
7. A Positive Pregnancy Test
8. On The Run Part 1
9. On the run part 2: Tom gets arrested
10. Cheating hearts?? Or a loyal man?
11. Heartbroken 😩
12. Hooked on you baby
13. Tommy & Jasmine's Happy Family
14. A relationship on the rocks. Tom reunites with Linda McHugh.
15. Never can say goodbye!! :
16. Always and forever
17. Jealous ex lover
18. How deep is your love? Tom meets Alex
19. Fun at the carnival, Visiting grandma.
20. Note from Author
21. Don't take her, take me!!
22. A letter from a angel
23. A funeral & Anger
24. Moving on , holding on
25. Testing times
26. Let me love you
27. Separation
28. Alejandro Rodriguez
29. Broken hearts & confrontation
30. Mending broken hearts
31. Our Miracle Baby
32. The Hot Detectives & The Photoshoot
33. Tv interviews & Shy Tommy
Note from author
34. The Hanson Family Vacation & Our Last Blessing.
37. Jasmine and Kiyah's Secret
38. Secrets, Lies & Betrayal , Tommy finds out .
39. Let's Straighten It Out
40. Boys Will Be Boys
41. Tommy & Our Younger Kids
42. Double Date Fun & A Night Filled With Passion
43. Taking Care of Mommy
44. Sorrow, Concern, & Fear
45. Divorce? Or Stronger Marriage
46. Graduation, Freshman Prom, & Marriage Proposal's
47. She's too young!
48. At your best, you are love!
49. New addition to the Hanson Family
50. When things go absolutely wrong
51. Feeling unwanted & our special night
52. Love in the Carribean
53. Note from author
54. Terror in the Hanson Family
55. This is unreal!
56. Saying Goodbye!!
57. Depression kicks in. Burying my King
58. The final chapter

36. She's growing up!!

8 2 0
By JazMonroes

Time jump: Me and Tommy had another girl. Her name is Harmony Noelle Hanson . She was my twin. I mean she looked identical to me. My other girls had my features but Julianna had tommy in her and Kiyah started looking like her real daddy as she got older. I said to myself finally a mini me. And boy was she a mini me. She acted like me, walked like me, had my attitude everything. Tommy would laugh . He calls her J#2 . Short for Jasmine #2. It was official I had a teenager JaKiyah was 15, the twins were 11, Juliana was 10 and Josiah was 4.  Harmony and Josiah were best friends more than sister and brother. They would play together. I think it's because they are close in age. My older kids just went with the flow . They loved each other but there were times when I think they hated each other. You know normal sibling rivalry. All of our kids were fighters thanks to their dad.  The twins would fight all the time. I hated it.  Sometimes I would break it up and then sometimes Tommy would have to step in. I would ask them how is it that they spent 9 months in the womb together but can't stand each other for 5 minutes now. They fought alot but they definitely had each other's back when it came to other kids or situations. My older girls got along great but since JaKiyah became a teenager she shuts all of them out. Typical huh? 

Zach and Judy's son  Jerome are best friends and of course her daughter Mariah and Julianna are best friends inseparable. Me and Tommy was really happy. I got my tubes tied after Harmony was born. Tommy didn't speak to me for 3 days but he got over it. He learned to live with it. I didn't understand back when I first got pregnant with Harmony he told me he was okay with it but when it was finally time to get it done he was upset. I guess he thought I would change my mind. Nope! I was done. 6 is enough. We are good now though everything was going great untill one day JaKiyah wanted to talk to us about something. We both thought "oh shit" what if she wants to or is thinking about having sex"?

"Mom, dad I have something to tell you"

We both looked at each other .

"Yes baby"?

"Well there's this boy DeAndre he's really cute. I think he likes me. Anyways he asked could he take me to the movies or to the mall one day". ?

Tommy got upset.

He said "um yeah that's a no"!

I looked at Tommy.

"Wait babe, let her finish."!

"Jasmine there's nothing to finish. She's not going ".

"Tommy please listen to her damn".

"Fine". He listened

"Mom , dad I've been a really good girl, I'm responsible, I watch my brothers and sisters. I get good grades in school .I don't understand?". I would be really careful. I know about sex but I'm not ready to do it yet like ew gross".

I laughed . Tommy stared at me .

"Ok baby I understand all of that and I'm so proud of you but no. End of discussion ". He walked away.

"Tommy wait"?

He yelled "nope don't wanna hear it".

Kiyah ran to her room crying . I couldn't believe Tommy. I mean she is 15. I worry about her too but we have to let her do something or she will rebel against us and I didn't want that. I know I got pregnant in high school and I definitely didn't want her to make the same mistake but we have to learn to trust her she hasn't given us a reason not too. I went to her room .

"Baby are you okay"?

"No mama I don't understand why, I'm being responsible. I came and talked to y'all about what I wanted to do. I could have lied and said I was going with friends but in reality went with him. Why is he doing this to me?" I rubbed her back and kissed her .

"Baby your daddy sees you as that little girl he met years ago . He doesn't  see you as a teenager .i know it's unfair but he's just being protective over you . It's his job. Don't be mad at him. Don't worry I'll talk to him".

"Tell me about DeAndre "?

"Mama he's so cute. He's really tall, he has a low haircut, he's slim, really smart, funny he has hazel eyes. He plays football. He's really nice to me. He doesn't hang out with the wrong crowd. He's cute. When he talks to me I get butterflies. He writes me notes. They aren't nasty or anything but I've got them hid from daddy and my brothers."

"Wow he sounds like the perfect guy. He sounds like your real daddy and Tommy mixed together." I would love to meet him".

"Mama daddy isn't going to let me see him he made that clear". She cried. I stroked her hair.

"Baby you let me worry about Tom Hanson . I can handle him ".

We laughed. I kissed her then went to find Tommy. He was sitting in the living room drinking a beer. He looked at me . I sat beside him .

"Jasmine I knew this was going to happen, she was going to grow up, and vroom here comes the boys. I'm not ready to let her date. Because if he hurts her I'm going to hurt him . I'm trying to protect her". He started to cry.

I rubbed his shoulder.

"Tommy baby I understand I want to protect her too. I want to protect all of them . But rather we like it or not . They're going to grow up. They're going to want to venture out and do things baby. Go out with friends, date , go to parties eventually have sex. And it's our job as parents to make sure we teach them the right way to do things, be responsible, and make good choices.  We have to trust them. She did the right thing Tommy by coming and asking us instead of sneaking out with him. We gotta give her credit babe."

"Yeah I know I'm so proud of her man . I know she's not my biological daughter but I love her like she is. I don't wanna control her . "

"Tom Hanson you are her daddy. You've been in her life since she was 3. You are the only man she knows as daddy. You took on that role with no problem. You are her daddy. Fuck the science". And you're doing the right thing looking out for her that's what daddies do. You're not controlling her ".

"Ok. Well I'll let her date him. But maybe we should invite him to dinner or something first I wanna feel him out before he takes my baby anywhere because if he hurts her or tries anything with her jasmine I swear".

We laughed. 

"By the way Hanson this is only the beginning you're gonna have to go through this like 5 more times. Not so much with the boys because they are boys but you do have 2 more daughters in there".

He downed the rest of his beer "omg don't remind me"!!

We laughed hard.

"You know it turns me on when you get into daddy mode. It's really sexy ".

He smiled.

"Come in the bedroom and show me how much"

We laughed.

"Later first go talk to your daughter. I gotta go check on the rest of the bunch".

Tommy sighed.

"She probably hates me".

"I'm sure she doesn't but it's only one way to find out". I pointed towards her door .

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