Death's Destructive Family: D...

By HappyWriter62

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This is the sequel to my Destructivedeath story so if you didn't read that please read it first or you'll be... More

Chapter One: Nobody's Tasks
Chapter 2: Forbidden, Distant Family
Chapter 3: Threats and Daughterly Bonding
Chapter 4: Nobody's Warning
Chapter 5: Early Celebration
Chapter 6: Dating Time
Chapter 7: A Soul's Freedom
Chapter 8: Home Once More
Chapter 9: Baby Death
Chapter 10: Targets
Chapter 11: Shattered Entertainment
Chapter 12: Fears and Wants
Chapter 14: Reservations
Chapter 15: Cave Searching
Chapter 16: Beloved Dragons
Chapter 17: Home for Dragons
Chapter 18: The Big News
Chapter 19: Baby Girl
Chapter 20: The Loss of a God
Chapter 21: Activated Plans
Chapter 22: Death's Special Day
Chapter 23: Training and Comfort
Chapter 24: A Brewing Storm
Chapter 25: Lovespoon's Wrath
Chapter 26: A Split Soul Shard
Chapter 27: Clinging to Family
Chapter 28: G-Pa in Recovery
Chapter 29: Recovery Estimates
Chapter 30:A Messy Mind with Desires
Chapter 31: A Nice Day
Chapter 32: Bonding Time and Schemes
Chapter 33: Meddling Gods and a Rose
Chapter 34: Gather the Kids!
Chapter 35: Plans of Proposals
Chapter 36: Destiny's Deal
Chapter 37: Deals and Errors
Chapter 38: Bliss and Trouble
Chapter 39: Leaks Back Home
Chapter 40: Home Complications
Chapter 41: Leech Alert
Chapter 42: Destroyer-Centered Plans
Chapter 43: Rescue Mission
Chapter 44: Home Eavesdroppers
Chapter 45: Not the Type
Chapter 46: The Fool's Commitment
Chapter 47: New Passion
Chapter 48: Childish Crush
Chapter 49: Love Concerns
Chapter 50: Knowing Error
Chapter 51: The Proposal
Chapter 52:New Start
Chapter 53: Tangled Timelines
Chapter 54: Notes and Rascals
Chapter 55: The Big Day
Chapter 56: Shade, Havoc, and Rascal
Chapter 57: Calculations
Chapter 58: Gold and Marbles
Chapter 59: No More Spoilers
Chapter 60: Motivation and Puppet Problems
Chapter 61: Standards and Advice
Chapter 62: 404, Drunk Death, and Weirdos
Chapter 63: Redeemio

Chapter 13: Recovery and Fun?

42 1 12
By HappyWriter62

Error's POV days later

Uggh, took forever to reboot this time. My arm and leg haven't recovered though...I cannot move...But I have to find a way home...Make sure my family is safe...

I glance around, seeing the door shut and a plate of food beside me. Getting to eat might help me get out. I check the code for poison before eating. Then I open a portal and roll through, landing on a bed. I smile widely, recognizing the walls of my home. Then I open another, rolling through as I try to stand up. I couldn't without holding onto the wall.

"I'm nearly locked in on the stream's signal...They keep talking nonsense...Plans and weird stuff..."Shino says

"Any mention of his condition?"Palette asks

"ShINO? k1dS?"I call out

"Papa?"I hear the kids shout

Then before I could say anything, I felt my legs leave the ground. I glance over, seeing Reaper holding me in his arms.

"Hey, Glitchy.~ So happy to find you back safely.~ Are you okay?"He asks

They're here....He's here...It's all ok...

"I cAn'T f3eL mY l3fT sIdE......S0m3 weiRd0s k3pt m3 1n a r0oM....Ev3ry0n3 iS sAfE r1gHt?"I ask

He nods, kissing me on the cheek gently. I lean against him, sighing with relief.


"Oh, hey Nightmare. How is Palette?"Reaper asks

"He's recovering...But whenever he gets frustrated, he starts to morph so I have to train him to control it."Nightmare says

"Gothy hasn't left his side to care for him, dear."

"I'm not suRpRiSeD."I say softly

I smile at him as he kisses me on the head. I look up at him, kissing him happily. I feel put at ease with him, snuggling into his arms. His face burns up and he smiles at me.

"I el1miNaTeD aUs aNd s0uLs 0f sHaTtErEd's h3lPeRs s0 wE sHouLd b3 sAf3 en0uGh t0 gEt 0uT oF l0ckd0wn."I say

I wave my hand, releasing the lockdown. The three kids run over, hugging me and smiling expressing their relief. Reaper carries me around since I cannot move properly, seeing the rest of the gang in various rooms. I see Farmer caring for Horror who cannot leave the bed. Horror smiles widely at me, seeming relieved that I am back.

"Dad! You're safe!"He cheers

I smile at him as Farmer dozes off beside him.

"Daughter...I got Daughter's name...We agreed...."He says, trying to put his words together.

I nod, waiting for him to get his words together. Especially since his code was manipulating his speech.

"Daughter's Lovespoon..."He says

"ThAt'S a SwEeT nAmE."I say

"Can't wait for you to meet her..."He says, smiling widely.

Then we gather the kids and head back to our home.

The next few weeks were focused on recovering, trying to get movement back in the left side of my body. I slowly regain motion in my body and hear that Palette is recovering as well, getting trained by Nightmare. Horror sends me frequent messages updating me about the little girl's soul developing, calling her my granddaughter which makes me smile. He even imagines her bonding with me and learning to craft from me or playing with the kids, having fun with them and everything. He even has notes on what he plans to allow or not allow, like supervised visits with Killer so that his baby doesn't learn to curse or get stuck in Killer's chaos. He even asks me questions and I plan to teach him how to care for his daughter using what I learned from raising Goth or Shino from their baby ages.

Then Shino starts cheering.

"I made the repellent! I finished it! Raven! Want to go put this to the test?"She cheers, holding a jar filled with bubbling liquid.

"Gladly."Raven says

Goth opens a portal and the three go through while I am stuck on the couch with Reaper sleeping in my lap. I open a peekhole to watch over them, seeing it burn into Ink upon contact and send him running. The three eagerly use it to get revenge, making him hop around and actually look scared. Ink clearly didn't understand it and at one point was hopping like the floor was lava or walking on hot coals since his feet were covered with the repellent. It was hilarious and I recorded it as they had their fun.

"Should we take this chance to start Plan DP?"Shino suggests

Her brothers nod with wide smiles. They disappear from sight through another portal and I shut the peekhole. Reaper slowly wakes up and smiles at me.

"Hey Glitchy.~ How are you?"He asks

"S0m3oNe eNj0yEd h1s nAp. I'm 0kAy, g3tTiNg sTronGer iN mY lEfT aRm."I say

"Well, I certainly cannot deny enjoying myself and being comfy right your lap..."He says

I roll my eyes at his grin as he gazes up at me. He takes my hands and kisses both of them. He leans closer, kissing me with a grin as he sits up slightly.

"I love you, Glitchy.~"He says

"I l0v3 y0u t0o."I say

His face burns up and a big, sloppy smile forms on his face. He always looks so happy hearing me say that. He also loves my touch, wherever it is, and how my fingers run along his wings. Which I use wonderfully to my advantage now, petting his wings gently. I smile at him as his face becomes a blushing mess and his body shivers slightly.

"You certainly know how to get to me..."He says

"AnD yOu lOvE iT.~"I coo

He nods and we spend a few moments relaxing together.

"So? Any news on Dream's location?"He asks

"PaLeTtE kNeW wHeRe t0 f1nD hIm..S0m3wHeRe He hAtEd. NiGhTmAr3..f0uNd h1m buRiEd aLiVe tAnGlEd iN tHe r0oTs oF tHeIr Au'S tr3e sTuMp...ThE tRe3 tHaT hE dEstr0yEd. He iS rEc0veRiNg uNdEr BlUe's sUpErv1s1oN s0 h0p3fULlY tHeiR bAlAnc3 iS rEst0rEd. BuT d0 wE hAvE tO tAlK aBoUt hIm rIgHt n0w?"I ask

"Good point. Let's talk about you instead."He says, lifting my left hand.

I quickly catch onto where this is going to go. My left hand has become sharper with longer fingers that seem to fit a claw better than a hand. I avoid using my left hand for this reason, not wanting to hurt him or the kids with something as simple as holding their hands and scratching them.

"This is certainly a new development...But I love you. You are wonderful and this looks wonderful."He says, rubbing my knuckles gently

"UmMmm...I th1nK it'S a s1gn 0f s0m3tHiNg m0r3..."I say

"Well, I'll love whatever it is since it's you."He says

I smile at him, then jolt feeling something underneath me. Both of Reaper's hands are holding mine or resting on his chest so it isn't him being sneaky... I shift slightly, feeling something slip out.

"I d0n't tHinK th0s3 sh0tS wErE jUsT t0 w0unD mE..."I say

"Whatever it is, we can fix it. It's all going to be okay, Glitchy."He says

Then my phone rings and I answer, taking the chance to get my hand from Reaper before I hurt him.

"Hello, Sir. We are just seeking to confirm your new appointment with a Mr. Reaper? It was made by a Mr. Goth, Raven, and Ms. Shino. You'll be emailed the details momentarily."A voice on the other end says

What did they do now?

"WhAt aPp0inTm3nT?"I ask

"A reservation for a private space to relax in. Again, the email will explain. May I confirm it?"

The kids won't like it if I say no....

"YeS...."I sigh

"Lovely! I'll send you the details!"


"What was that?"He asks

"ThE k1dS sEt s0m3tHiNG uP fOr uS."I say, setting the phone down

"Sounds fun."He says, smiling up at me.

Yes...Fun...But can we truly have that with Shattered...Gaster...Who knows who else seeking to cause us trouble?


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