For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

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The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees

Fireworks on the Fourth.

489 26 0
By LillyBelle13

Oakley snuggled closer to Kayce as she tried to make herself fall back asleep. But Kayce's alarm started to go off and she felt him wake up next to her. He rolled over and turned his alarm off, yawning. Oakley groaned as she buried her face into Kayce's pillow.

"It's a holiday," She grumbled. "Why do you have an alarm?"

Kayce chuckled as he rubbed her back up and down.

"Because this is a ranch, baby," Kayce said, sitting up in the bed and stretching.

Oakley turned her head to look up at him with a glare. Kayce smiled, moving the hair out of her face. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss against her lips.

"Come down to the barn with me," Kayce said.

"I have my own animals in this house," Oakley stretched out before she sat up on her knees, running her fingers through her hair. "That need feeding and tending to."

Kayce leaned in front of Oakley, his eyes still sleepy. Oakley's face softened and she smiled at Kayce, blinking slowly.

"Let 'em sleep a little longer," Kayce said, his lips brushing against her again. "Come spend time with me."

Oakley let her brain catch up to what Kayce was asking and sighed.

"Fine," She sighed, her lips betraying her though with a small smile.

Ten minutes later, Oakley was walking down to the barn slowly with Kayce. It was early and cool that morning, the sky pretty in pinks and yellows as the sun rose over the mountains. Oakley yawned as they made it down to the barn, the wranglers were there already up and about with their normal activities.

"Morning," Lloyd nodded. "Why're y'all down here this morning?"

"Because my husband is weird," Oakley smiled.

Kayce gave her a look as he walked over to a stall and got the horse inside ready to be let out. Oakley grabbed a harness and headed to the net stall, helping organize the horses out so they could get some activity. She passed Jimmy while she was walking back.

"Hey," She smiled.

"Mrs. Dutton," Jimmy nodded his head.

"How's Mia?" Oakley asked.

"Well....uh..." Jimmy stuttered, causing OAkley to stop walking.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" Oakley looked concerned.

"Well, she's uh..." Jimmy sighed. "She's pregnant."

Oakley's lips broke out into a smile.

"That's wonderful, Jimmy," Oakley said. "Congratulations."

"Thank you," Jimmy nodded.

"How far along is she?" Oakley faced him more.

"About twelve weeks," Jimmy said.

"Is she feeling okay?" Oakley smiled.

"I-I think?" Jimmy shrugged. "We don't really know what we're doing."

"No one does, Jimmy," Oakley giggled. "That's what first-time parents are supposed to feel like."

"Then I guess we're on track," Jimmy nodded.

Oakley nodded.

"Well, tell Mia if she needs something to let me know," Oakley said. "Are y'all...I've seen her a few times but y'all have a place in town, right?"

"Apartment," Jimmy said.

"Might need to look at something a little bigger?" Oakley offered.

"Yeah, can't afford that," Jimmy shrugged. "We're good where we're at though...for now."

"Are you happy, Jimmy?" Oakley asked him.

"Yeah," Jimmy smiled. "Didn't think I wanted a kid but now...with her I do."

"I get that," Oakley laughed. "Well, I'm really happy for you two."

"Thanks," Jimmy blushed slightly.

Oakley turned and saw Kayce standing up near the dirt road. She walked over to him with a smile still on her face.

"What?" Kayce asked, eyeing her.

"Mia is pregnant," Oakley told him.

"Who?" Kayce asked confused.

"Honestly, Kayce," Oakley rolled her eyes. "Mia...Jimmy's wife? We went to their wedding?"

"Sorry," Kayce said as they started to make their way back up to the house. "There's a lot of wranglers and girls around here sometimes."

"Jimmy has worked for you for over a decade now," Oakley pushed his shoulder. "He and Mia have almost been married as long as we have."

Oakley went to push him again but Kayce caught her hand and pulled her into his side. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as they slowed their pace. Oakley reached her hand into his back pocket as they walked on.

"When is she due?" Kayce asked.

"She's twelve weeks now," Oakley calculated in her head. "So that means probably December or January?"

"Always seems to be lots of birthdays around those months," Kayce said.

"Guess people get busy in the springtime," Oakley laughed. 

"Yeah, ain't fun to do it in the snow," Kayce chuckled.

As they made their way closer to the main lodge, John walked out. He spotted them and met them in the backyard.

"Your children are up," John said.

Oakley glanced at Kayce.

"Funny, I thought those were your grandchildren?" Oakley smirked.

"Evelyn is trying to paint everyone's nails red and blue," John looked at Oakley. "Do I look like I need that done to me?"

"Would it put you in a better mood?" Oakley asked before leaning up and kissing Kayce's cheek before leaving them.

She made her way inside and found the kids in the kitchen. Tate was cooking some bacon in the skillet while the twins lined a baking dish with cinnamon rolls. She pressed a kiss to each of their heads.

"Good morning," Oakley smiled.

"Happy Fourth, Momma," Evelyn looked up at her.

"Happy Fourth, baby," Oakley walked over to Tate. "Smells good."

"Do we have eggs?" Tate asked her.

"We would if we had chickens," Evelyn piped up.

Oakley glared back at her.

"Don't push it," Oakley said. "Your father doesn't want them."

"But he's one person out of..." Evelyn quickly counted the room. "Five of us family members."

"I'm with Dad," Lee said.

"No you ain't," Evelyn glared at him.

"Yeah I am," Lee argued.

Kayce walked through the back door.

"I'm with you, right Dad?" Lee asked.

Before Oakley could step in, Kayce answered him back.

"Always, buddy," Kayce walked over to the coffee. "You and me."

Oakley looked at Evelyn whose face contorted into a large frown.

"Kayce?" Oakley asked.

He looked up at her and she nodded toward Evelyn. Kayce looked over and got confused. He looked back at Oakley and mouthed 'What did I do?'

"How about we just have bacon and cinnamon rolls?" Oakley chimed in. "We don't need much else."

"You don't want some eggs?" Kayce asked.

Oakley stepped over and swatted his arm.

"Ouch," Kayce glared at her.

"Fine!" Evelyn threw the empty cinnamon can down on the floor and stomped out of the kitchen.

"Hey!" Lee chimed in, running after her.

Oakley sighed, looking at Kayce.

"The fuck was that?" Kayce mumbled as he finished pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Nothing," Oakley said. "She's upset about the chickens."

"I told her," Kayce turned around but Oakley held up her hands.

"I know," She said. "But she's still she's sensitive around eggs right now."

"That don't make any sense," Tate mumbled from where he was flipping the bacon.

"I agree," Kayce nodded.

"Can we just try to be a little understanding?" Oakley looked between the two of them.

"She's six," Kayce raised his eyebrow. "She'll probably hate tomatoes tomorrow."

"Will you work with me here?" Oakley laughed as she grabbed the cinnamon roll tray and placed it in the oven.

"Sure, babe," Kayce swatted her ass as he stepped around her.

Oakley shut the oven door and glared playfully at Kayce. He grabbed a done piece of bacon from the plate next to Tate.

"What time's the things tonight?" Tate asked.

"Things will probably be set up around two," Kayce chewed his bite. "Fireworks will be around nine-thirty or ten."

"Can I help light them this year?" Tate asked.

Kayce looked at Oakley.

"Oh, now you're checking with me before you mouth off something?" Oakley giggled, crossing her hands.

"I feel like I'm in the middle of something," Tate smirked, looking between them both.

"You, finish the bacon," Oakley rubbed Tate's shoulder and stepped over to Kayce. "And you...go check on your daughter."

"She's fine," Kayce sighed.

"Go!" Oakley pointed out of the room.


"E...careful!" Oakley leaned across Kayce and helped Evelyn bite into her burger. "Too much ketchup, ma'am."

Evelyn looked up with her lips covered in red now. Oakley didn't bother wiping her off, she had a whole burger to finish. She leaned back and glanced down at Lee who was sitting on the ground between Oakley's knees, eating his hotdog. Kayce made sure Evelyn had a few napkins on her lap before he bit into his own burger. Oakley took a bite of her hotdog and looked over where Tate was with his friends.

"You're gonna scare her," Kayce mumbled.

"She hasn't even introduced herself to me," Oakley whispered.

Out of Tate's friends, Brandi was also here. Oakley's eyes had stayed on the girl for the last hour of so.

"Maybe 'cause you've been staring at her?" Kayce smirked as Oakley looked at him.

"Thought that was over," Oakley said, taking a sip of her beer.

"There's like...five of 'em over there," Kayce said.

"But one girl," Oakley noted.

"I seem to recall you being the only girl here for a lot of the time," Kayce said.

"And look what happened," Oakley nodded to their twins.

Kayce snorted.

"The least she could do is introduce herself to her host," Oakley bit into her hotdog again.

"Momma?" Lee looked up. "Are you talking about Brandi?"

"What?" Oakley looked down as Kayce started chuckling. "How do you know her?"

"She's Tate's friend," Lee looked confused.

"Did you meet her today?" Oakley asked.

"Nope," Lee shook her head and looked down to finish his hotdog.

Oakley stopped him, tipping his head back so he could look up at her.

"Oaks..." Kayce warned.

"Where did you meet her?" Oakley asked.

"In town," Lee shrugged. "Think we were at a gas station or something."

"With Tate?" Oakley asked.

Lee nodded.

"Can I finish my hot dog?" He asked.

Oakley let go and Lee stuffed the remaining bite into his mouth. She looked over at Kayce who was shaking his head, biting into his burger.

"You're not concerned?" She asked him.

"No," Kayce swallowed. "They're kids...this is the first time she's been here. There's a group of them and it's a fucking cookout."

"Well, I'll just point him to you when he comes to us saying she's pregnant," Oakley snipped.

"I think out of the two of us I do know how to handle a situation like that," Kayce smirked.

"Daddy?" Evelyn asked.

Kayce looked down at Evelyn.

"What's pregnant?" She blinked up at him.

Oakley smirked as she saw Kayce shift uncomfortably.

" know what that is, darlin'," Kayce said.

"I don't remember," Evelyn continued to look at him.

"It's when a Momma has a baby inside her," Kayce said, glancing at Oakley as if it ask if he was correct.

Oakley rolled her eyes but smiled. She leaned across Kayce, closer to Evelyn.

"Remember the baby horse we all saw be born?" Oakley asked and Evelyn nodded. "Well, the momma horse was pregnant until the baby was born."

"Who's pregnant now?" Evelyn asked.

"No on," Oakley got serious as she sat up. "God willing."

"God willing," Evelyn nodded before getting up to throw away her trash.

Lee got up and followed her, leaving Oakley alone with Kayce.


They both looked up to see Tate standing in front of them.

"We were thinking about going up to the hill on pasture two to watch the show?" He said.

"You don't want to shoot 'em off?" Kayce asked.

"Nah," Tate shrugged. "We're just gonna go hang out there if that's okay."

"Well-" Oakley started.

"Fine," Kayce nodded. "See y'all after."

Tate nodded and walked back to his friends. Oakley glared at Kayce.

"You tell him no now and that's all he's gonna think about," Kayce looked at her. "Ain't that what you like to tell me?"

"That's all he's thinking about anyway!" Oakley sighed.

"How about you give our son the benefit of the doubt first?" Kayce chuckled.

"And when he breaks our trust?" Oakley asked.

"Then you can put your boot in his ass," Kayce wrapped his arm around Oakley.


The cracks echoed throughout the whole valley. The reds and golds lit up the black sky above them, the stars sparkling behind them when they would evaporate. Oakley leaned against Kayce who was holding Evelyn in his arms. Lee was standing right in front of her, Oakley's hands on his shoulders. Another firecracker went off, making Oakley jump slightly into Kayce.

"Look, Daddy!" Evelyn pointed up.

"Pretty," Kayce mumbled, a smile on his face.

Oakley rubbed Lee's shoulders as their face lit up again with the next spark. The show was pretty good for a ranch. John had bought enough fireworks to last about ten minutes. The wranglers might also be having a little too much fun down the field where they were firing them off from.

Kayce sat Evelyn down and the twins ran up to where John was sitting. Oakley smiled as they all three laid back in the grass and looked up at the show. Kayce moved so he could wrap his arm around Oakley's shoulder. She snuggled into Kayce's hold and wrapped her arms around his waist. She felt Kayce press his lips against her cheek as two more cracks sounded above them.

About an hour later, both Kayce and Oakey were headed to the house. Evelyn was passed out in Kayce's arms and Lee wasn't too far behind his sister in Oakley's hold. While she waited for Kayce to open the door, Oakley looked over at Tate and his friends saying goodbye near their vehicles. She watched Tate and Brandi stand close to each other for a few seconds, big smiles on their faces. Eventually, Tate stepped over and hugged Brandi who returned it before getting into one of the vehicles.

Oakley walked inside before Tate could see her watching. She got Lee up and into his room, covering him with his blankets before shutting his door softly. Making her way back downstairs she found Tate and Kayce in one of the living rooms. Kayce had a whiskey in his hand, holding it out for Tate to take a sip.

"You ain't even trying to hide it from me," Oakley laughed as she walked over.

Tate took a sip and made a face, making both Kayce and Oakley laugh.

"That's why you don't have to worry," Kayce sat down on a couch.

Oakley tucked herself in next to Kayce while Tate sat down on the coffee table in front of them. It made Oakley feel good that he still wanted to hang out with them after his friends left. She smiled at Tate.

"Did you and your friends have fun?" She asked him.

"Yeah," Tate nodded.

"How were the fireworks from the hill?" Kayce asked.

"Good," Tate said. "Felt closer to them."

"Might have to watch 'em from there next year," Kayce said.

"What about up near the river band?" Tate asked.

"Not a bad thought," Kayce said. "Might be hard to see with the trees full through."

"Oh, yeah," Tate thought for a moment. "Remember on the res when they caught one of the dumpsters on fire?"

"I remember almost burning my arm off," Kayce nodded.

"Oh yeah," Tate laughed. "Your whole shirt was gray from the smoke."

"Y'all did fireworks on the reservation?" Oakley asked gently.

"Sometimes," Tate said.

"When some of the elders weren't there," Kayce explained. "I think we maybe saw two shows the whole time we were there."

"I love fireworks," Oakley leaned down and rested her head against Kayce's thigh, stretching her legs out on the couch.

He was warm and she was starting to get sleepy. She felt Kayce run his fingers through her hair as she listened to him, and Tate talk about little nothings. She closed her eyes for a while, Kayce's fingers almost putting her to sleep. She didn't even open them up when she heard the back door open and shut, meaning John was now back too.

"Goodnight, y'all," John said.

"Night," Kayce called out.

"I'm going to bed too," Tate stood up.

"Night, son," Kayce said softly. "Love you."

"Night, you," Tate's voice faded as he walked away.

Oakley felt Kayce's fingers gently tug at the base of her neck. She leaned over and looked up at him.

"You ready for bed?" He asked her.

She could see his whiskey glass was still halfway full.

"Finish your drink," Oakley smiled, turning forward again and shutting her eyes.

She and Kayce sat there for a little while longer. Oakley rubbed her thumb back and forth against Kayce's leg as she listened to his glass clink every time he took a sip. His fingers ran through her hair gently as they were quiet.

"Baby?" Kayce whispered.

Oakley opened her eyes and looked up at him. Kayce leaned down until his lips brushed against her ear as he spoke.

"Can I ask you a question?" Kayce asked.

"Sure," Oakley yawned.

"Kind of a serious one," Kayce mumbled.

Oakley opened both her eyes fully now. She leaned up, sitting next to Kayce and looking at him with a slightly concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Oakley asked.

"Nothing, I promise," Kayce reached with his hand and cupped her cheek, his thumb gently rubbing under her eye. "Just a question."

"Alright," Oakley tilted her head against Kayce's palm. "What is it?"

She watched Kayce take a deep breath, making her even more nervous as to what he was going to ask her. His eyes danced across her face as he looked at her.

"Kayce...?" Oakley pressed him.

"Did you see Jeremy Stone earlier?" Kayce asked.

"Uh..." Oakley narrowed her eyes in thought. "I saw April and their son, but I don't think...I talked to him."

"I saw him for a bit before the fireworks started," Kayce said.

"Okay?" Oakley didn't see how this led to a question yet.

"He's taking over the Cattleman's Association in September," Kayce cleared his throat. "His father is retiring."

"Good for Mr. Stone," Oakley said. "He's been there before we were born."

"Yeah," Kayce nodded. "Long time."

"What does Jeremy Stone have to do with you asking me a question?" Oakley scooted closer to Kayce.

"The Cattleman's Association is pretty powerful in Montana politics," Kayce said.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "So?"

"Jeremy asked me about...what my thoughts were on the future of the Commissioner's spot." Kayce blinked back at Oakley.

"Your Commissioner's spot?" Oakley asked and Kayce nodded. "Does he not want you to be Livestock Commissioner?"

"That's what I asked him," Kayce said.

"And?" Oakley pushed her hair back.

"He said he'd like to talk to me about my next steps after my time as Livestock Commissioner," Kayce swallowed hard.

"Next steps?" Oakley asked. "Steps to what? You're not retiring?"

"I think he'd like me to," Kayce nodded.

"But...Jeremy Stone has been a friend of yours for years," Oakley said. "He came to our wedding...his father helped get your father appointed as Livestock Commissioner back in the day. Why would he want you gone?"

"That's what I asked him," Kayce said.

"I hope you asked him to leave too," Oakley frowned.

Kayce smirked at her.

"No, I didn't ask him to leave," Kayce shook his head. "I asked him why he'd want me gone as Livestock Commissioner though."

"Hope his answer saves him from getting a visit from me right now," Oakley mumbled.

"I don't know," Kayce shrugged and then gave Oakley a nervous look. "His dad is gonna run for governor."

"Lawrence Stone is going to run for governor?" Oakley blinked in surprise. "Wow...really?"

Kayce nodded his head slowly.

"You know," Oakley thought about it. "He'd probably be a good one in that spot. He's a bit of a hothead, but he's got a decent approach to education and healthcare...which has been needed since before your father."

"Sure," Kayce shrugged.

"Wait," Oakley shook her head. "Why does Lawrence Stone running for governor mean you can't be Livestock Commissioner?"

"Because...Jeremy said his dad was looking at the possibilities of filling his cabinet once elected," Kayce said.

Oakley leaned back slightly from Kayce. Her mind was racing through the different members of the cabinet and staff.

"Kayce..." Oakley shook her head slightly. "Where...does he want you if he doesn't want you as Livestock Commissioner?"

Kayce rolled his now empty glass around in his hands for a few seconds.

"That would be Lieutenant Governor," Kayce said.

Oakley felt the air leave her lungs for a few moments. Kayce watched her carefully as she took in his words.

"He hasn't even announced yet," Kayce said. "And it wasn't a formal was just...old friends talking."

"Wh-What did you say back to him after he told you that?" Oakley asked. " you want that?"

"I don't think I do," Kayce said.

"You don't...think?" Oakley asked.

"I don't know," Kayce shook his head. "It's a lot and I-I don't think I'd even be good at that...I'm barely good at this job I it's...I ain't the politician in this family and I can't imagine what Dad would do or say...feels like a fucking nightmare just thinking about this with you."

Oakley took a long, deep breath. She tried to read Kayce but all she could see was even more confusion than what Oakley was feeling herself. Kayce's eyes looked vulnerable too, a look she particularly hated anyone making him look that way. She turned inward more, leaning up against Kayce's chest, their faces close to one another's.

"That's...huge, Kayce," Oakley said.

"I know," Kayce nodded. "I guess I just needed to know what you thought about it...good or bad."

"What do I think?" Oakley asked. "I-I think..."

She trailed off for a few seconds and tried to form her words carefully. She looked back at Kayce and gave him a small smile.

"I think it's a wonderful compliment," She told him.

"Really?" Kayce asked her.

"It is," Oakley nodded. "And Kayce, I'd vote for you for anything. But need to really think about this...this changes everything...could change everything we know. Our lives, our kid's if it's anything you even remotely want to think about, you just need to think about that."

"It's all I've been thinking about since he said it to me," Kayce sighed, rubbing his face.

Oakley frowned, seeing the stress it was already causing to weigh on him. She reached up and moved his hand back down, leaning in and kissing his lips softly. She rested her forehead against Kayce's as they sat there.

"I don't know, baby," Kayce sighed. "I would regret it for the rest of my life if I tore this family apart like my dad did."

"You're not your father," Oakley told him. "You wouldn't do that."

"I'm not a politician," Kayce leaned his head back.

Oakley gave him a sad smile.

"Think that means you'd be perfect for it," She let out a few giggles. "Jesus Christ, this was not what I thought you were gonna tell me."

"Sorry," Kayce rubbed up and down her side.

"Did he give you a time frame for an answer?" Oakley asked.

"No," Kayce shook his head. "He'd have to be all in and he can't even file until late November."

Oakley nodded.

"Leuitenant Governor?" Oakley asked, making sure.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded.

"That's a Helena job, baby," Oakley said.

"I know," Kayce sighed. "I didn't agree to anything."

"Okay..." Oakley rubbed her face.

She dropped her hands on her lap and looked at Kayce.

"Well, there's no need to do anything about it right now," She said. "Like you said, it was just a conversation."

"Just a conversation," Kayce nodded. "Just wanted to tell you about it."

"Thank you for telling me," Oakley said to him.

"Always," Kayce looked at her.

She stood up and held her hand down for Kayce to take.

"Come on," Oakley smiled.

"What?" Kayce stood up slowly.

Oakley pulled him behind her, out of the room, and over to the stairs. She listened for a few seconds and looked over her shoulder at Kayce.

"Think everyone's asleep," She smiled.

"Probably," Kayce yawned. "We should join them."

"Or," Oakley turned and rose up on her toes, holding Kayce's face with her hands.

"Or?" Kayce held her waist.

"I've never slept with a potential Leuitenet Governor before," Oakley smirked.

Kayce squeezed her sides, making Oakley giggle and jerk away from him. He pulled her back, rolling his eyes.

"That ain't funny," Kayce snapped.

"It's a little funny," Oakley wrapped her arms around his neck. "But seriously...make love to me, Kayce."

Kayce reached down and scooped Oakley up into his arms. She smiled as he slowly walked up the stairs with her. As he got to their room and kicked the door closed gently behind them, Oakley pressed her lips to his.

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