The sunset strip girl

By lexalil

1.4K 96 30

This story is about a girl name Katherina she is a Mexican Puerto Rican girl. Moved in La 1980 but is about t... More

Baby Katherina
Moving to La
Life on the sunset strip
Love on the first sight?
Love on the first sight Pt2
Beach day
Beach day pt 2
So this is love?
Pick one
Pick one pt 2
A wild change
A wild chang pt 2
Las Vegas
Las Vegas pt 2
Las Vegas Pt 3
Dancing Pt 2
The day
The day Pt 2
Billy Idol
16 &17 missed.
What have i done?
A star was born again
Star girl
What kind of suprise?
Pam Pam Pam!
I like the way you kiss me
I like the way you kiss me pt 2
I like you
I like you pt 2
Love & Jealousy
The end


27 3 2
By lexalil

I couldn't sleep the whole night, i was only thinking about Kelly. Was i to rude to him? Did i hurt him saying those words?
I don't even know why the fuck am i feeling like this. This is who the fuck i am. If you don't like me then fuck off. I don't have to excuse myself being the way i am.
My life was always like this. Every time i meet someone and i start to like that person, either i fuck it up or the person.
Do i even have to excuse myself for being like this? All i know is that i shouldn't fall in love and my biggest mistake was that i kissed Kelly. I allowed him to come under my skin.
But fuck it. I need to get ready for work. Hopefully i'm not gonna see Kelly or anyone else.

I went in the bathroom to clean myself.
After i took a long bath, i decided to go downstairs.
I did my coffee took my cigarettes and went on the balcony.
It was beautiful outside.

Noas pov:
"Is she awake?" Phil asked
"I think so.. lets go look after her."
"Alright lets go."
I first knocked on her door but she didn't answered so i decided to open her door.
Fucking hell her room was a mess. She really scares me when she acts like this.
"Fuck.." Phil said under his breath
"Yeah I know.."
"Maybe shes downstairs."
We went downstairs and i saw her sitting on the balcony writing something.
It may be a new song.

"Oh hey you two.."
"How are you?" I asked
"Fine.. i'm doing fine.. how are you guys?"
"We are worried about you Kath.." Phil said
" Nah.. don't be. This is who i am. I can't change this."
"If you ever need to talk about something that maybe only a man could answer, you can always come to me, you know that right." Phil said
"Did i hurt him?"
"Kelly?" Phil asked while he came to sit next to me
"Nah, i think he's only disappointed. He is in love with you. He even told me that you're the one. But just give yourself and him some time. I'm sure you guys gonna find again to each other."
"Thanks Phil.."
"Any time angry cat." He said as he smiled at me.
Noas POVs ends

Yeah he's fucking right, i'm gonna give me some time. I still don't want a relationship, but i wanna be friends with him. And if he doesn't want to be friend with me, well that's alright.

"Noa, we need to get ready for work."
"Alright i'm taking a shower."
"Alright then girls i'm going then and let you guys alone, i'm gonna step by the bar later. See ya." He kissed Noa and then he hugged me friendly.

While Noa was in the shower i was doing my makeup. I wanna look good tonight. I don't give a fuck who's gonna be there. I just wanna work peacefully and have fun.

This is my make up and my outfit:

After a hour Noa was ready too.
I smoked my cigarette and went out of the apartment.

"So, todays Monday, it may be a lot of work or not at all. You already know the drinks name. I will only show you which table you have to serve, where the kitchen is and how the cash register works."
"Alright then. Hey Kath.."
"Are you mad at me?"
"No baby, why should i be mad with ya?"
"I don't know i thought maybe i did something wrong."
"No, you didn't. Just keep being my best friend and everything is perfect, alright? I love you don't forget that." I kissed her
"I love you too." She kissed me back

I always walk to work, it's only 10 minutes away from my apartment.
After 10 min of walking Noa gave me a strange look.

„What is it?"
„N.. nothing let's just go in."
„mmm, ok."
I don't know what she saw but I know she didn't want me to see it too.

„Hi Johnny." I kissed his cheek. I know what you guys think. But it's no like that, Johnny is into men's not woman's. I really like him, he's a good man.
„Hi beautiful.. so this is your bestie?"
„Yess. Isn't she beautiful?" I kissed her cheek
„Hi, I'm Noa nice to meet you and thank you for letting me work here."
„Johnny nice to meet ya, no problem we actually kinda need help those days."
„Why is that?"
„Three bands will be singing every single night. Here is the list."
Fuck me, Mötley Crüe, La guns and Poison will be singing the whole week.
Is this what i have to deal from now on?
Agh god.

„Come on i show you you're tables." I said to Noa while she was following me.
„Alright, now this fucking shit here ( cash register) sometimes likes to act like a slut, if something doesn't work you call me or Johnny. Here is the kitchen, if you're hungry you can feel you're self like home. Oh and they may be some costumers that will like to have some shots with ya, don't drink with them you can pretend that you're drinking but don't drink for real. And if someone haves a problem with something you call me. Is that alright?"
„got it."
„Ok now let's get to work."

Everything was perfect. Noa does her work wonderfully. Johnny is flirting with a guy. Everything it's normal. No stress no assholes.

I was at one of my tables until i saw Kelly with a blonde girl holding hands. Phil Traci and Steve are here as well.
Really? So he really wasn't playing around when he said he's gonna look after someone who really wants him.
That's alright, Fuck him.
I got back to the bar and i checkt myself in the mirror. I put some more lipstick on. I placed my breasts and why do I do this?
Because I'm gonna show Kelly that I can get someone better then him too.

I walked over to the table where Kelly and the others were sitting. I caught Kelly looking at me for a sec but then he looked away when he realized that i was coming towards his table.

„Well hello there, you look beautiful tonight Kath." Traci said
„Does that mean i'm ugly?" I joked with him.
„NO, i didn't meet that." Traci said
„It's alright i know what you mean, and thank you."
„Where's Noa?" Phil asked
„ She's either doing her table or fighting with Johnny over some high heels."
„Alright thanks." Phil said as he walked away from the table.
„So what can i get you?"
„I want a milkshake." the blonde girl said
„Yeah.. uh look sweetheart this is a bar no restaurant, you either get some alcohol or water." I said with a fake smile
„ Then bring me some water.. jeez." She rolled her eyes.
„And you? What you want?" I looked at Kelly
„A bottle of Jack Daniels." he looked at me
„Xxl Bier please." Steve said
„ Vodka shots." Traci said
„Alright I'll be right back."

Kelly's pov:
„What a bitch." Michelle said
„What did you say?" Traci said
„I said she's a bitch."
„Listen, i don't know what's you're name is but be careful talking like that. Be happy she didn't heard you saying that, cause you're perfect little angel face will be destroyed." Traci said

Is this how she's gonna be to me? Wearing those tight ass clothes while she ignores me completely?
Fuck no. She wants to play then im gonna show her who's the real player.
And yes Michelle is my girlfriend. I know her since 2 years, she's into me, and she really wants me.
Kelly's POVs ends

I was walking towards where the others were sitting when i saw Kelly kissing that girl.
Fuck, is he really with her now? Or does he just wants to make me jealous?
Nah fuck that. I'm not gonna be jealous over one like her. I can get someone better then him too.
But he'll never have someone like me.

"Alright, here is you're water, a bottle of Jack daniels, vodka shots and a xxl bier."
"Thanks Kath." Traci said
"Any time." I walked away while I had a small eye contact with Kelly.
I know he doesn't fucking like her. He doesn't look at her the way he looked at me. He's doesn't have this hunger in his eyes when she looks at her.
He can lie to himself but no to me.
But fuck it i don't care anymore.

Kelly's pov:
Is she really ignoring the fact that I just kissed a other girl?? She really makes me so aggressive right now. She really meant it when she said "let's either be just friends or acting like we don't know each other."
Fucking hell she really meant that.
But I just can't get over her. I miss her. I fucking miss her laugh, her lips.
Right now i wish i could just go over there and kiss her.
Fuck she's so hard to resist.
Kelly's POVs ends

I was coming from the kitchen when I saw Billy idol, Vince, Nikki, Mick and Tommy sitting at one of my table.
Fuck, now i have to deal with them too.
Alright Soph be nice, be nice, be nice, be nice.
This was I was telling myself the whole time while i was walking to my table.

"Hey, how are you guys?" I said with a smile
"Whoaa look at you.. you look beautiful." Tommy said
"Thanks t-bone."
"You still mad on us?" Vince asked
"Nah, fuck that." I said
"Nice to see you again Kath." Nikki said looking straight in my eyes but I ignored him.
"So what can I get ya?"
"For all of us some Jack Daniels."
"Alright then, I'll be right back." I said

Billy's pov:
"I know her from somewhere."
"Who? Kath?" Vince Said
"Yeah.. oh I know. I was at the rainbow when two guys were bothering a girl, I was too drunk to help her. But she beet the shit out of one of them."
"So the rumor is true." Tommy said
"What rumor?" I asked
"The thing you just said, everyone is talking about this. The girl that Kath helped that night told everyone about what happend." Tommy said
"Those motherfuckers needs to take care, you have fun doing it until one of those girls comes out and beet the shit out of ya." I said
Billy's POVs ends

I brought their drinks when one of those drunk idiots started to fight.
They all started to punch each other.
Fucking idiots.

"KATH! Do something." Johnny looked at me not able to come out from where those mans were fighting.
What the fuck should I do.
Uh.. uh oh god.
"Take this." Noa handed me a microphone.
"What should I do with this?"
"Jeez Soph sing the song on the radio."
The song on the radio?
It was "one way or another" I love this song but I can't just..
"KATH!!" Johnny screamed again.
Fuck it.
I went up on the bar while I gave Noa the sign to turn the music a little louder.
And I started to sing.

One way or another I'm gonna see ya
I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya, meet ya, meet ya
One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya
I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya

I started to move myself a little. To catch their attention.

I will drive past your house
And if the lights are all down
I'll see who's around

I continued to sing when i saw they were stopping fighting.
I gave Noa a sign to come up to so she can dance with me together.

One way or another, I'm gonna find ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way or another, I'm gonna win ya
I'll get ya, I'll get ya

Me and Noa were dancing on the bar. They all started to sing with us.

And if the lights are all out
I'll follow your bus downtown
See who's hangin' 'round

One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip
A slip of the hip or another, I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna trick ya, I'll trick ya
One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna trick ya, trick ya, trick ya, trick ya
One way or another, I'm gonna lose ya
I'm gonna give you the slip

One way or another I'm gonna get ya
(Where I can see it all, find out who you call)
I'll get ya, I'll get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya
One way or another I'm gonna get ya
(Where I can see it all, find out who you call)
I'll get ya, I'll get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

At the end of the song they all applauded us.

Motley Crue pov while Kath was singing:
"Ish she singing?" Vince said
"Dude she's singing." Tommy said smiling
"She's good." Billy said
"Jeez she's amazing." Nikki said
Motley Crue POVs ends:

La guns pov:
"What the fuck is going on with them?" Phil asked
"I dunno man they most.. yo check this out." Traci said while he was tapping Kelly on his shoulder.
"Is she gonna to sing?" Steve sais
"Well I hope not, i don't wanna hear her bitchy voice. She can't sing anyway." Michelle said
"SHUT UP!" They all said together
La guns POVs ends:

The whole night everyone was telling me how great I was and that I should start to sing. Well i don't, i don't hate singing I just don't think that it's for me. But I had fun doing it.

It was 4 in the morning it was just me Noa Johnny Motley Crue and La guns.
I was waiting for Tommy to get the fuck up so I can go home as well.

Well after a hour sitting around waiting for Tommy to come back to life. I saw Kelly again looking at me.
I stood up and went to his table

"We don't need anything." Michelle said
"What's your name sweetheart?" I asked her with a fake smile
"Michelle.." she gave me a rude attitude
"Well Michelle im working here so i need to look after my tables as long you still sit with your dirty bitch ass on this seat." I said and gave her the same attitude back
"What did you just call me?" Michelle stood up.
"Ah girl, don't even try." I tried to walk away but she pulled me back and tried to hit me. I punched her in her face. Then the boys were trying to keep us apart. Kelly touched my waist but it was already to late so I had to say something.
"You keep you're fucking hands away from me and take care of you're girlfriend before im not knocking her out." I walked away from him
"Hey you ok?" Nikki asked me
"Yeah I'm fine she didn't hit me, but thanks for asking."

I was finally finished with my work. I'm exhausted. I just wanted to sleep.
Well I was walking alone because Phil wanted to take Noa to his place for two days. Love shit stuff it ain't my problem.
So I had the apartment for myself.
I could finally walk around naked.

The whole night was really weird. Billy was keep looking at me, Nikki was being way to nice, Tommy felt asleep and we couldn't wake him up, Kelly was trying the whole time to talk to me then his bitch tried to hit me hahaha now that was fun. Yeah I hope tomorrow will be not like this.

I was at my apartment finally. I went right upstairs to take a shower.
After I took a shower i wanted to clean my room but nah i had no energy.
So I was walking naked through the house because I love to do this.
And someone knocked at the door.
I opened the door. It was Kelly and Nikki.
God can't I have a night without to deal with something.

They were looking at me with shocking eyes.
"What?" I said
They both pointed at me with they're fingers while they were still shocked.
I looked down to me and I realized I was naked.
I smashed the door and took a towel over me.
I open the door again.
"So, what you guys want?" I asked them
"Uhh, c.. can we talk?" Kelly said
"Ah no! It's 5 in the fucking morning im fucking exhausted and I don't need to hear you out how sorry you are for the way you reacted yesterday and I don't need you to tell me how much you want to get to know me, we can be friends Nikki but not more then that. And with you Kelly I dunno i rather forget everything."
They both had no words.
"Did I answer you're questions? Yes I did alright then good night and hope I'm never gonna see ya again." I closed the door

I really don't want to deal with them right now. Maybe tomorrow maybe next week maybe never I just want to sleep right now. Tomorrow is gonna be a long fucking day as well.

Thank you for reading my story. I appreciate, hope you guys like the story so far. ❤️

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