Roses & Thorns

By number1BTSfan

4.1K 316 366

"Nothing in life is a bed of roses." "But roses have thorns too." The nation's pride, a sophisticated fencer... More

Roses & Thorns
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036

Chapter 026

100 8 27
By number1BTSfan

*eunbi💘 added you to gyu's cc groupchat (unserious version)*

omg hey babe😼
i see you've made it into the gc😍

Unknown user
hey ryujin!😆
this is mark btw👋

oh my hello guyss
i've infiltrated the work gc HAHA

its the girlfriend privileges
but this is just where we chat
nothing abt work in here
it's all in the serious gc HAHA

i dont understand why we need so many gcs

beomgyu <3
i just woke up
why is my girlfriend in this chat

"girlfriend" 🤭🤭

she is part of the friend group now😤
it would be nice to have another girl and brain in here

aww part of the friend group🥹

hey wait what do you mean another brain

beomgyu <3
😐u have nearly burnt our kitchen down more
than once, i KNOW you not talking

okay but don't act like you havent tripped over
chairs that are so obviously in front of you

beomgyu <3
the chairs are supposed to be pushed in anyw🤬

see what i have to deal with every day

gosh it must have been hard
its okay unnie you have me now

okay wait lets move on to more important matters
mark baby what shld their ship name be👀


why did i ask you💀
remind me not to let you ever name our child

beomgyu <3


okay yo wait i got a good one

wait ur onto something
thats actually not half bad

beomgyu <3
why do we need a ship name

are u dumb
every couple has a ship name

beomgyu <3
okay then whats urs


marks other suggestions were birk and
eunark so💀

beomgyu <3

wait where did the min come from tho

my korean name is minhyung
but i dont like it so just call me mark🫠

minhyung? thats so cute HAHA

my minhyung baby🥺

beomgyu <3
ryujin im so glad ur here
now i dont need to suffer alone

bitch ur supposed to be calling ryujin petnames now
do it
call her baby

beomgyu <3
thats so cringe 😵‍💫

😑taking back my words
i dont wanna be your girlfriend anymore

beomgyu <3
no baby you cant leave me🥺
im sorry sarangheyo 🫰

ur hopeless goddamn

guys dont fight
ur only a day into ur relationship

beomgyu <3
thats jst how we communicate


beomgyu <3

i dont think thats how couples work guys...

im deadass on the floor u guys are too funny
ryujin if beomgyu ever makes u upset tell me
i'll beat him up for you

are u sure
beomgyu makes me mad every day

beomgyu <3

its okay me and mark can take turns
mark cant fight as well as me tho
so he can fill in for me for the more milder

he can catch these hands 👊

beomgyu <3
i thought u guys were my friends
why are u talking about beating me up😕

its because we're ur friends we're defending ryujin
we know for a fact youre annoying as fuck

beomgyu <3
wow fuck you man

hey no one is fucking anyone up

i think i just had a fever dream
wtf just happened 💀

theyre always fighting with one another
u'll get used to it one day
anyway eunbi ur mom called
she said shes coming over soon

shes gonna boss me arnd abt the wedding plans now😡
mark why didnt u say i was sick man

sorry baby she was very insistent
and she said she'd bring food so i cldnt say no to that

ok thats valid
me and mark have to go now
u loverbirds go and start figuring out how to do couple stuff

beomgyu <3

bye guys


beomgyu <3

what are you doing im so bored

woah whats with the switch up
i thought saying those things were cringe🤨

no but the more i think of it
if someone called me baby i'd melt
so gotta initiate it so I get that feeling soon

im making bracelets

that looks so fun
also i didnt know u cld make jewellery?

yeaa it's a hobby i wanted to get into in 2024 ^^
making bracelets while listening to nmixx is such a vibe
u shld come over and join mee

i suck at arts & crafts tho

its okay it wld be nice to have some company
u can choose the songs if u want...

say less im omw
shld i bring food
have u eaten

i ate a few hours ago

i'm gonna bring some food over
what are u craving

idk just bring something light
thanks babe

no way u called me that

hurry up before i lock the door

😐😐we were making progress

im giving u 15 mins

"Come in!" Ryujin shouted from her comfortable position, her eyes concentrated on the beads she was stringing together when she heard the doorbell ring repetitively. She heard the door open before she heard Beomgyu loudly taking his shoes off, the aroma of chinese food catching her interest.

"Wow, not even a hello?" Beomgyu scoffed as Ryujin took the paper bag from him the moment he entered the room, poking her nose into the bag to peek at its content. She gave him a disinterested wave, a gasp escaping her lips before she reached her hand in.

"Thanks babe." Ryujin exaggerated, a smirk playing on her lips as Beomgyu playfully nudged her, sinking down onto the floor to join her. He watched Ryujin open the packaging, digging the chopsticks that came with the food into the delicious noodles and taking a huge portion, managing to stuff it into her mouth.

Beomgyu laughed, shaking his head as he caressed her cheek lightly before he turned to the mess on the living room table. He was oblivious to Ryujin's shy stare, glancing over the sets of beads that Ryujin had taken out.

"What are you making?" Beomgyu asked to see the half-done work in front of Ryujin, watching as she put down her food to show him the reference picture. She scooted closer over to him, zooming into the picture she got off Pinterest.

"It's cute, right? I was thinking of giving one to Chaeryeong, the one who lives next door." Ryujin grinned after showing the bracelet design that she was taking inspiration from, putting her phone down on the table before she picked back up her unfinished bracelet.

"Can you only make bracelets?" Beomgyu asked as he cut off a piece of string, deciding to join the girl at the seemingly easy activity. She hummed, shaking her head as she carefully slid the bead into the string.

"No, you can make necklaces, rings, phone charms, jewellery. It's a really versatile hobby, that's why I wanted to pick it up." Ryujin hummed and offered Beomgyu a grin when he nodded in understanding.

"What are you going to make?" Ryujin asked, seeing as Beomgyu was picking out a few charms and putting it in front of him.

"My brother told me his girlfriend has been struggling a lot lately. Maybe whatever I make can help her when they go back to Cali," Beomgyu murmured, and Ryujin's eyes softened at the tone of concern in his voice.

Beomgyu's eyes widened, feeling Ryujin's soft lips come into contact with his cheek, pressing a light kiss before she turned back to her bracelet. Beomgyu stared, dumbfounded, at Ryujin who continued with her craft as if nothing happened.

"What was that for?" Beomgyu asked, his tone shifting into one of disbelief. A chuckle left Ryujin's lips, shaking her head as she disregarded Beomgyu's question.

"What are you going to make? Do you know what colour she likes?" Ryujin hummed as she scrutinised the charms Beomgyu picked out. It was all brightly coloured, so she assumed the girl was someone who was just as bright and bubbly.

"I don't know, but maybe something bright to cheer her up. I should search for inspiration. What do you think would be a good idea?" Beomgyu asked as he pulled out his phone from his pocket, searching online for any good ideas.

"It would be nice to make a phone charm. That way it's always with her," Ryujin smiled as Beomgyu agreed to the good idea, immediately searching up for photos of inspiration. Ryujin returned back to finishing up her bracelet, Beomgyu occasionally distracting her to ask if the picture he chose was okay.

After a few minutes, he finally decided on a design and he balanced his phone using the vase on her table, finally starting to get to work with the phone charm.

Ryujin had switched the playlist to something more r&b to suit the calming vibe and the two spent time in silence as they focused on their own thing. It calmed both of them, their hearts feeling at rest when they were with one another.

"What do you think?" Beomgyu asked enthusiastically as he presented the phone charm. Ryujin smiled seeing his good attempt, affirming his good effort and assuring him that it was a beautiful phone charm.

"We should make each other matching rings. No wait, it would be more romantic if we made each other rings that suit one another's vibe. It'll be a surprise, and then we will do a reveal. OMG, i'm a genius!" Beomgyu raved excitedly as he suddenly thought of an idea. Ryujin, who was finishing the food that was already cold, laughed at his excitement, and agreed to it.

Once Ryujin had finished up the food Beomgyu bought for her, they each spent a few minutes looking for design inspiration. Ryujin knew what she was already going to do, having spent enough time with Beomgyu to know what his personality was.

"Okay...start!" Beomgyu snapped his fingers dramatically, Ryujin shaking her head as he moved his hands around frantically. Ryujin tucked her hair behind her ears, bringing her knees close to her chest as she started to assemble the ring.

"No peeking!" Beomgyu playfully yells out, Ryujin chuckling as he shifted his body so his back was facing her and she couldn't see what he was making. The atmosphere soon grew silent again as the couple focused on their individual tasks, wanting to create a gift that was meaningful and properly suited their partners.

"I'm done. Are you done? Should we do the reveal now?" Beomgyu asks once he cuts off the excess string and tightens the ring so it would hopefully fit Ryujin's finger. Ryujin hummed in response, telling him that she was ready as well.

"Okay, in three, two, one!" Beomgyu counted down gleefully, spinning around as he extended his palm to show the ring on his palm. Ryujin also opened up her palm to show what she had made.

The couple released identical gasps of surprise, both being shocked at one another's interpretation of one another. Ryujin went for a soft blue theme with yellow stars, a charm of a guitar resting in the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, Beomgyu went for a combination of a bold and dark red, occasional hearts resting among the red and white pearls.

"It's literally so cute," Ryujin deadpanned, staring at the ring that Beomgyu made for her in adoration. Beomgyu cleared his throat, his cheeks tinting red seeing how much Ryujin did like it.

"I made it because we became a couple on Valentine's day. And also because you're so bold and strong like this red, but also so pure and innocent like the colour white. And hearts because obviously, you're so in love with me," Beomgyu explained, a light smile decorating his lips despite his teasing voice. Ryujin laughed, shaking her head before she explained her ring.

"I used a starry night theme because when I look at you, I'm calm just like when I see the sky at night. The stars are like your bursts of energy, so of course there's many of those. And the guitar is because you left such a huge impact when you serenaded me that night," Ryujin explained shyly, and Beomgyu's smile widened at the explanation behind the ring.

"Couples should start making their couple rings and not just buying them. This is so meaningful and cute," Ryujin hummed as she flexed her fingers, the cute ring resting on her index finger perfectly. Beomgyu nodded in agreement, adoring the ring that he had slid on his left index finger.

"Let's take a picture. Oh my god, we can become one of those couples doing a soft launch on instagram." Beomgyu gasped as he moved closer to Ryujin, their shoulders brushing against one another. Ryujin let out a laugh at Beomgyu's comment, shaking her head as she moved her hand closer to Beomgyu's.

Beomgyu linked their fingers, using his other hand to take a picture of their intertwined fingers. He struggled to find the perfect angle, but spammed away once the lighting and placing satisfied his expectations.

"So cute. Okay now selfie," Beomgyu directed, flipping the camera to face them before extending his arms to put the camera further away as Ryujin shifted into screen.

"Wait I kinda look bad right now," Ryujin quickly excused and pulled away when she saw her face on camera. Beomgyu scoffed, looking at Ryujin in disbelief.

"What are you on about, you look good," Beomgyu assured the girl, but she was insistent that she needed to fix something. Beomgyu reached out to fix her hair, tucking a few hair strands behind her ears and brushing her bangs.

"There, happy? Now let's take a picture," Beomgyu sassed, pulling Ryujin into the frame. Ryujin rolled his eyes at his bossy attitude but still rested her head on his shoulder, smiling to the camera. Beomgyu rested his head lightly on hers, both of them flashing a small smile to the camera as Beomgyu clicked on the camera.

"Imagine I accidentally send this to someone who doesn't know about us. Lol," Beomgyu randomly states after putting down his phone, smiling innocently at Ryujin who nudged his shoulder with a warning glare on her face.

"Okay enough of this, my butt is cramping. Let's do a dance party," Beomgyu pushed himself off the ground, stretching his body before he grabbed Ryujin's phone, changing the song to something more upbeat.

"You're crazy," Ryujin shakes her head in amazement as Beomgyu suddenly breaks out into a crazy dance, his hair going all over his place as he moves his head. He let out a laugh, grabbing Ryujin's arm before pulling her up.

"You know you wanna do it," Beomgyu gave her a grin, grabbing her other arm as he led her into a groove, his body moving side to side with ease. Ryujin shook her head, a peal of laughter escaping her body as she started to groove with Beomgyu freely.

They moved in sync, big smiles decorating their lips as they had fun with the upbeat music. Ryujin occasionally let out a laugh at the silly dance moves Beomgyu pulled out, too embarrassed to join in.

"Do a twirl," Beomgyu laughed breathlessly, grabbing Ryujin's arm and pulling her closer to him. He twirled his girlfriend, his heart warming hearing the laugh that left her lips, her hair swishing almost perfectly with her twirl.

"My turn!" Beomgyu gleefully exclaims, raising Ryujin's arm and forcing her to twirl him as he spun around. Ryujin shook her head at her goofy boyfriend, complying to his request and spun him around.

Ryujin let out a shriek of surprise when Beomgyu suddenly pulled her, resulting in her crashing into his chest. Flustered, a blush bloomed on her cheeks as she looked up at Beomgyu questioningly. A smile decorated his lips, his eyes slowly travelling to her lips. Both of them were out of breath from dancing their heart out, the music slowly drowning out as they got lost in each other's eyes.

"God, you're so perfect." Beomgyu whispered, his voice a lower tone than normal that did many things to Ryujin's poor heart. Her own eyes flickered to his lips, a smirk decorating her lips as she lifted her hand.

Beomgyu's eyes fluttered, feeling her finger tip trace his lips before resting on her cheek. He locked eyes with Ryujin, who had a playful glint in her eye and a smug smirk on her lips.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked, and Beomgyu leaned in immediately. Their lips met halfway and Beomgyu tilted her slightly, Ryujin raking her fingers in his hair as they kissed passionately. Their hearts moved in sync as they shared a kiss that deepened their relationship, the hype music booming in their ears the moment they pulled away.

"Clubbing with you would be so fun," Beomgyu grinned boyishly before the two of them went back to dancing to the hype song, not letting go of each other's hands.

i cant wait for everyone arnd them to find out ;)
alsoo my exams are overr it went kinda bad LOL but we digress
hopefully i'll churn out more chapters as my school break approaches (but i'll be going on holiday soon so we'll see!)

love you all and please stay safe and healthy <3

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