Just Dust N' Bones, Baby

By Brownstone59

8.6K 302 4K

Sequel to Welcome To The Jungle, Sweetheart. Well, more of a part two than a sequel... "I hate getting mad or... More

Fucking Prick
I CAN be gentle... But I won't
I hate Erin
Road to Nowhere
Baby Fork
The Shining and Cheerios
I'm Back Bitches
Baby it hurts
Small-Town Values
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
I Remember You
The Coolest Person Ever
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Big Brother
Bohemian Rhapsody
A Thousand Voices
Starry Eyes
Shut up bitch I'm on the phone
Dumb whore
Heart of Glass
The Funeral of William Bailey
I Can't Drive 55
Luck part 1
Luck part 2
Hopeless Romantic
Pretty Tied Up
I Used To Love Her (But I had to kill her)
Bad Kitty
Fill My World
Flying High Again
Kinky Little Princess
Goodbye To Romance
Who needs secrets, anyway?

Home Sweet Home

182 7 171
By Brownstone59

After eating breakfast, which was heavenly, they took a long shower. And Axl could honestly say, not just because Slash was in it with him, it was the best shower of his life. The water pressure was just right and the perfect temperature, all the soaps n' moisturizers n' shit smelled so fucking good, of course though it made it a little difficult when Axl used one scent and Slash used another, but it didn't even matter because it was so good, and they smelled great together. Axl never realized how feminine he was until he took a shower in rosehips and vanilla body wash and loved it. Of course though whatever Slash used didn't have a specific scent, just kind of a masculine scent, whatever the fuck it was it was just so nice, Axl couldn't stop hugging him.

Axl was in a very affectionate mood today, he wasn't particularly sure why. Not that Slash minded one bit if Axl wanted to give him a million kisses and wouldn't let go of him.

And this bathroom was a fucking sanctuary. It literally looked like one of those scenes of what heaven looks like. It was just so clean. There weren't any suspicious stains you don't wanna go fucking near let alone know what it is, no long, blonde, Steven hairs all over the soap, no spiders staring at you in the corner of the shower and watching you bathe like a fucking little eight-legged pervert.

And of course it all helped when you have a Slash in there too. Axl just couldn't let go of him. It was just impossible. Slash would go to get a handful of soap and Axl would just latch onto his arm. Within the previous night and this morning Axl had begun to develop a strange mannerism, not that Slash minded. He'd just latch onto Slash, hug him, cling to his arm or something, and not let go until Slash kissed him or hugged him or gave him some kind of affection. Again, not that Slash minded.

Axl always needed attention, it was just his personality, he liked to have the attention. And when Slash went out with him now he'd come to realize that wasn't just his frontman persona. Axl had always been a bit of a jealous-type, when he'd have a girlfriend and she went out all night or something or was gone for a while or payed attention to someone else, he'd get pretty jealous.

Slash wasn't any different, if anything Axl was head-over-heels in love with him so he'd be ten times more jealous. But he'd never had any reason to be, Slash was the most loyal person he knew, he barely ever even left his side. Axl was so perfectly happy being around him so much, all he wanted was Slash's attention all the time. And usually, he had it. He just couldn't get enough of him.

Slash even noticed it as he was kissing Axl's neck and he clung his arms around him tighter than usual. "You're awfully snuggly today," Slash noted, gently kissing over the million purple bruises scattered along his collarbone.

Axl hissed as he bit him quickly, drawing a twinge of blood and leaving a new mark on the center of his chest just below his neck, "-Rgh, I know, I dunno why but I can't help it, I just love you too much."

Slash grinned, "No such thing." He sweetly kissed up to his jaw again, "It's okay, I love you too Axl."

Then they had hot violent shower sex the end. Just kidding. It was a hotel and they didn't have to pay for the water bill so then they fucked again. But by the second time Axl's knees were so weak that he was struggling not to slip and fall straight on his face on the wet shower floor so that was the end of the shower-fucking adventure.

Axl brushed out his long red hair, examining his own figure in the mirror. Up and down his neck and his collarbone, he was now covered in little blue and purple bruises and faint red bite-marks, and his bruised hips were now darkened to a blue-ish gray. Axl tilted his head to the side, brushing his hand up his neck, trying to think what clothes could he possibly wear when he gets back to LA that could hide his marks.

Slash rested his head on his shoulder, "You ready to go home now?" he asked calmly, looking at him in the mirror.

Axl straightened his shoulders back a little. "Yeah. It's been pretty fun though, tearin up Vegas with you though."

Slash laughed, kissing his collarbone, "Tearing up their mattresses, maybe."

Axl grinned, "Shut up, man.." Slash smiled, kissing his marked up neck more. "Let's get married."

Slash looked at him in the mirror, "What?"

"They've got a chapel literally next door why not baby?"

"Uh, 'cause we're gay and that's illegal?"

Axl rolled his eyes, "And we're strictly law abiding citizens."

"Axl I can't keep this conversation going any more 'cause after about five minutes you'll always get your way."

Axl sighed, dramatically, "It's fine, I knew we wouldn't anyway. There's lots of good reasons not to. I was js sayin. But y'know, even with all those reasons," he played with Slash's curls, "Wouldn't be the worst thing, baby." He kissed the top of his head, walking away.

Then he almost got the wind knocked out of him as Slash tackled him to the ground on his stomach. Axl gave an erf sound of suprise, "What the fuck!?" he exclaimed in surprise.

Slash kissed his shoulder, pinning him down underneath him, "There was no fucking way you could possibly believe you were walking away all sexy like that and being the most healthy-minded committed Axl Rose ever and expect you weren't getting fucked again."

Axl laughed, "Holy shit it's not even our wedding night."

Slash kissed his neck. "Love you, Axl."

"Love you too."

Slash grinned, "'Kay I'm gonna fuck your brains out now."

Axl cast him a raised eyebrow look over his shoulder. Slash laughed, "Out of love of course."

Axl rolled his eyes, "Sure.."

Slash snuggled against Axl. It was, maybe eight now when signs for L.A. started showing up. Slash slept a lot of the day, Axl didn't have a fucking clue why, his ass didn't hurt like hell every time he got in or out of his seat. Fuck it, it hurt 24/7. Fuck Slash, what a fucking asshole. "Baby? You awake?" Axl whispered.

Slash grunted, "Nn.. No."

Axl grinned. "I was just thinking... When we get back home, I'm really gonna miss sleepin in the same bed as you."

Slash picked his head up, "Why wouldn't we?"

"Sweetheart we can't sleep in each other's bed every night, the guys don't all know about us yet."

Slash sighed, "Yeah I guess..." Slash nuzzled Axl's shoulder, closing his eyes. "Hey Axl..?"

"Yeah baby."

"..Do you ever think about the future?"

Axl blinked, "About the future?"


Axl thought, "Well sure. All the time, honey."

"You do?"

"Of course."

"....Am I in it?"

Axl smiled with a little laugh, "Slash you are my future."

Slash sat up looking at Axl. Axl looked back at him, amused and slightly confused at his reaction. Slash swallowed, "W. Axl Rose that was the most romantic thing anybody has ever said to me."

Axl grinned, kissing his lips. After a moment Slash laid back down, resting his head in Axl's lap and letting him stroke his hair. "So what's gonna happen in the future?"

Axl thought, petting him, "Well, once the band's signed with a label, we'll be topping every chart in America with our first album, then by the time we have our second everybody in the world will know Guns N' Roses."

Slash smiled, closing his eyes. "Keep going."

"Then we'll all be rockstars, bigger than the Stones, like Aerosmith's manager's gonna be begging to let them open for us. We'll be playing for thousands and thousands of people at every gig, and while all other bands are all sad because they don't know when they get hitched if their broads love 'em or their money, and we'll be laughing cuz I've got you and you've got me."

Slash cuddled his legs.

"And when we've got so much money, the other guys are all gonna run off with their brides 'n you and me are gonna find this great big house with a pool on some L.A. hillside, and a jacuzzi that we can have sex in, with a clean shower and big-ass bed. And you'll have a room the size of a kicthen and it'll be fulla snakes, and we can have a studio with a grand piano and a buncha guitars."

"A million guitars."

"Yeah, a million guitars, and we can have a fluffy little cat named Killer or somethin, and an aquarium full of dolphins."

"You and your dolphins," Slash laughed.

"Shhh, they're beautiful, intelligent, and secretly evil, just like me. Anyway, and Michelle'll live next door to us and she'll have some gorgeous luxury flat or somethin where we can take care of her 'n William. And every night we'll hang out with the guys and go to the studio and jam, and go out to the bar after and drink to all our successes."

Slash just smiled, "I'm happy with any future as long as you're in it."

Axl smiled and gagged on the affection, "Ekh cheesy romance overload! System failure!"

Slash laughed, "Oh shut up Mr. Aquarium fulla dolphins."

"Shut up when we're livin there together it'll be your aquarium too so you'll have to learn to like it!"

"Can we get alligators too then?"

"No they'll eat my cat!"

"Oh and my boa constrictors wouldn't?"

"Just be grateful I'm letting you keep those in the house they'll terrify the shit outta me!"

"Whu- since when are you afraid of snakes?"

"Since they're living in my house and are big enough to eat me in my sleep!"

"Okay okay I'll put a lock on the snake room door."

"It's called compromising, sweetheart."

Axl didn't have a fucking clue what time it was when they got to their place. He just parked the car, grabbed his crap, and went inside, a half-asleep Slash on his shoulder. It honestly couldn't even be too late, compared to the fact it wasn't uncommon for them to stay up until five a.m. or later. Or, earlier, I guess. But they were just pretty beat.

When they came through the door, only Duff was in the living room, Steven most likely asleep being that he wasn't jumping all over them the second they came through the door. Michelle was probably asleep, and Izzy, who fucking knows. "Hey you guys're back..!" Duff smiled, setting down his vodka.

Half-asleep Slash smiled, staggering from Axl's shoulder to Duff, "Duffy.." he muttered sleepily, hugging his neck from behind the couch, "Missed you..." he mumbled, before patting Duff's head and turning and kissing Axl goodnight, straight on the lips, no hesitation, apparently not caring about Duff in the room at all. "I'm going to bed," he said, yawning and heading towards his room, and, from the sound of it, flopping onto his bed without closing the door or taking off any of his clothes, not even his sneakers.

Duff took a sip of his vodka, "Did he just kiss you?" he asked Axl curiously.

"He had a few drinks on the car ride back."

Duff just nodded, taking another swig, "It's good to have you guys back. Stevie'll probably be jumpin all over you tomorrow morning."

Axl grinned, "I know." He self-consciously brushed his hair around to hide most of the marks on his neck, grateful that it was pretty dark in here so Duff wouldn't be able to notice. He'd already put on his collar and a crap-ton of other necklaces to distract from it. Axl yawned, "I'm gonna turn in too though, I'm beat." Literally, Axl thought, trying not to limp as he walked.

"'Kay, night man."


Axl tiredly tossed his bag of shit onto the floor, acknowledging the lump of human under the covers. Michelle rolled over and picked her head up, "Axl? Is that you?"

"Nope. Grim Reaper."

He heard her laugh a little, "You guys're back..! How was your sex-fest vacation getaway?"

"Oh shut up.."

"Whad'd you guys do? I mean, aside from each other, I don't need all those details."

Axl sat on the other side of the bed, taking his jewelry off, "Pfft, like I'd tell you."

"Axl I live in the basement below you guys, I hear details whether I want to or not."

"Whuh, you're kidding!"

She cleared her throat, "Oh Slash...Aaah..! Harder baby..!"

Axl felt his face flush madly red, taking a pillow and whacking it in her face, "Shut up!!"

Michelle laughed, "I'm sorry I'm sorry, you can tell me about your adventures outside of California now."

Axl pulled his shirt over his head, "Oh fuck no, I'm way too tired. I'll talk in the morning." He climbed out of his jeans and under the blankets.

"Shit I'm sorry I've been staying in here while you were gone, it's just really cold in the basement, I can leave now."

Axl shook his head, "I don't give a single fuck if you wanna stay, Michelle."

Michelle smiled, resituating herself while Axl shifted around a little, making himself comfortable, "What, you miss cuddling with Slash?"

Axl sighed, "Yes.."

Michelle rolled her eyes, laying down, "Okay but if I hear any Oh Slash's in your sleep we're done here."

Axl grinned, "Night sweetheart."

Michelle rolled her eyes, "'Night Red........And uh, hey, Axl..?"


"...I missed you."

Axl smiled. "Missed you too. Now shut up or go to sleep, fucker."

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