Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)

By zhou_enlai

5.9K 129 74

steven universe is the son of famous rock star Greg universe and the alien space empress blue diamond, one of... More

chapter 1 gem glow
chapter 2 eye in the sky
chapter 3 cheeseburger backpack
chapter 4 together breakfast
chapter 5 lazer finger
chapter 6 the diamond sisters
chapter 7 message from yellow
chapter 8 connie's questions
chapter 9 the rose quartz
chapter 10 blue the mascot
chapter 11 Durgy the blue tiger
chapter 12 human clothes
chapter 13 a fly around earth
chapter 14 in the mirror
chapter 15 water friend
chapter 16 barn training
chapter 17 a new purple friend
chapter 18 befriending a traitor
chapter 19 Connie's beach adventure
chapter 20 blue the selkie
chapter 21 meet the maheswarans!
chapter 22 Steven tag!
chapter 23 warp-robot
chapter 24 the other gem
chapter 25 the kindergarten
chapter 26 meeting the others
chapter 27 Steven's first space adventure
chapter 28 welcome to the zoo
chapter 29 gareg, stayvaan and laysuh
chapter 30 face to face with yellow diamond
chapter 31 back to earth
chapter 32 the return of mr universe
chapter 34 how Steven lost his tooth
chapter 35 double birthday
chapter 36 baby blue
chapter 37 three or one?
chapter 38 what is a true fusion
chapter 39 redemption and remorse
chapter 40 mr universe and the crystal gems
chapter 41 blue potato
chapter 42 steven makes a gem-book account
chapter 43 a shocking reveal at a party
chapter 44 hidden storage secrets
chapter 45 the blue juice
chapter 46 failed affair
chapter 47 leprechaun diamond
chapter 48 finding love in the hills of korea
chapter 49 who you really are
chapter 50 mr demayo
chapter 51 back in the kindergarten
chapter 52 from a diamond to a traitor?
chapter 53 the new house guest
chapter 54 the other kindergarten
chapter 55 inside durgy
chapter 56 song of the sea
Chapter 57 the moon base
chapter 58 the story of the cluster
chapter 59 bollywood diamond
Chapter 60 beach city bike gangs
Chapter 61 blue goes to the hospital
chapter 62 rose on the run
chapter 63 blue's meltdowns
chapter 64 empire city
chapter 65 a visit from homeworld
chapter 66 the real yellow
chapter 67 blue's trip to funland
chapter 68 the reveal of the greatest lie in history
Chapter 69 blue breaks

chapter 33 greg's new fan

67 1 3
By zhou_enlai

Mr universe's new gem inspired album, water witch had been a unsurprisingly huge success, for 2 weeks straight he held daily concerts across beach city, bringing people from far and wide to the small town and making a lot of money not just for himself but for beach city, just as the mayor said. you couldn't go anywhere in the entire town without seeing his posters and merch decorating the place.

Now, his last concert had ended and he was sitting down at his merch stand, signing albums, meeting fans, doing small interviews, etc. The last person in the line of fans to meet him was a very tall woman wearing a flowing white dress, when it was finally her turn to meet Greg he was very interested in this woman, she looked, familiar. "Space train to the cosmos..", she said, picking up one of his older albums and reading the name, that's when Greg recognised her, the only person who showed up to his original beach city concert, all those years ago.

" are..." he said, before stopping himself to compose his words in a much more, professional way as she looked down at him, with wonder and interest in her big eyes. "Weren't you the one who came to My first concert here?", he asked, looking up to this woman and her long, curly pink hair. "Yes I am, Mr universe", she said, her tone fascinated Greg, it sounded so kind, and familiar.

"Anyway, mr universe,", the woman, said, her tone changing, "have you seen a person around here named amethyst? She has purple skin and long white hair, she's quite small". Her words shocked Greg, she must be a gem and not only a gem but one of those crystal gems blue would always talk about, then he noticed her pink gem In her stomach, surrounded by a small yellow star in her white dress. "Yeah-I've seen her", Greg said, suddenly becoming quite pale realising blue would definitely murder him for this, "I saw her at a restaurant a couple days ago, haven't seen her since", he lied, becoming quite nervous.

"Oh, thank you Mr universe", the woman said, her tone sounding sad, it made Greg wonder, if there was more to the crystal gems, this woman didn't seem evil, maybe her and blue where more similar than they thought. "Ma'am, before you go!", Greg called to her as she started to walk away, she looked back, her long hair moving as she turned her head, "What's your name?", he asked, taking a large Mr universe shirt from under his table to give her then running to her. "I am rose", she answered. "Well rose, here's a free shirt, for being an original fan", Greg said, winking at rose making her laugh and blush. "Oh wow Mr universe, you really are something", she laughed as she left, holding the shirt he gave her.

Greg spent the night in his van, mostly because he was lazy but also because he was constantly contemplating whether he should tell blue he met the rose quartz! He decided to definitely not, if she found out how he spoke to her he'd be dead! Greg finally returned in the early hours of the morning, as he opened the door he saw Steven and blue diamond waiting for him. "DAD there you are!", Steven yelled, running to him for a hug, everyone, even pearl was wearing Mr universe shirts.

"We missed you, I'm sorry we couldn't see all the concerts", blue said, also walking up to Greg to see him, "it's only been one night but I missed you so much", she confessed, "pearl had to keep reassuring me you weren't dead!". To try and hide any suspicions, Greg tried to play it off, "oh blue-blue you don't need to worry about me, it's my life style!", he said, then very lightly kissed her on the cheek, he knew that would stop her from asking any sort of question that would reveal the truth, any small kiss would send her into fangirl freak out mode.

"How's my new fame?", lapis asked, coming from behind a corner and revealing her Mr universe shirt, "pearl got me this, because I'm now so famous they would've recognised the water witch from the album cover right?", she joked, pearl blushed and looked to the side, "I bought it because your new life as a celebrity would make doing such a normal task so difficult!", she said, her sarcasm shocked everyone, pearl having any sort of humour was very new and it quickly made blue and steven burst out laughing.

"So, since you're the one responsible for all this new fame and your money, what should my next album be about?", Greg asked lapis, winking at her. "Maybe you can do an album about each gem you know?", she suggested, Greg laughed at this, "I've got about 3 whole albums about blue over here and about 4 songs about pearl already!", he said pulling out some of his other albums to show her. "I gotta get new ideas, maybe you guys can take me on more of your space adventures and let me meet more gems?", he turned to blue, hoping his old universe charm would convince her to take him around space in her ship again.

"But dad, I thought you just wanted a more normal life in the carwash that's what you always told me?", Steven asked, pearl quietly agreed with him, "schtu-ball you don't understand, this is making me a lot of money!", Greg explained, but Steven just looked at his dad disappointingly, "you said money doesn't matter when living a happy life, what's going on!?", he asked, more frustrated. "Yeah, I remember you saying that too, and won't just making albums for money get rid of all your old passion?", blue said, joining in with Steven and remembering all her memories of greg talking about his love for music. this angered Greg, "what do you know!? You're just some alien!", he said, as she stormed out to go back to his van.

"What the...", lapis said under her breath, as Steven and blue ran out to find him, pearl stood next to lapis and spoke to her. "I told you, that Mr universe is a two faced manipulator, he controlls my diamond's heart", she wispered to her, lapis had many questions, mostly involving how that man controlled her diamond. "I don't get it, what does blue see in that human!?", she asked, pearl took a deep breath and looked to the floor before answering. "When pink diamond died, blue was so lonely and sad, he found her and took advantage of it, she started to lust after him and he used it as a weapon", pearl explained, her eyes filling with tears as she spoke.

Before Greg could drive away Steven jumped in front of the van and summoned his scythe, "DAD WHAT'S GOING ON!?", he yelled, walking close to the front of the van, blue flew down next to steven not long after. Greg rolled down the car windows and stuck his head out, yelling "You both don't understand, I need this money! I can have all my life figured out with this!", "don't you have that already!?", blue asked, "I TOLD YOU! YOU WONT UNDERSTAND!", he yelled back at her.

Steven was so mad and confused at what was going on, his dad just freaked out all of a sudden, it was like his mother's meltdowns but the roles are reversed. "Could you at least explain to me why?", blue said, her voice much calmer and quieter than before. "Fine", Greg huffed, opening the back doors and letting blue in, he didn't let Steven in and told him to go home, much to blue's protest.

"With this money, I can have everything in life and steven can have his whole future planned!", Greg told blue, his voice and eyes filled with wonder and excitement for the future, "if Steven lives a normal life here, we won't need to worry about nothing!", he exclaimed, holding blue's hand. "I think he wants to live as a diamond", blue said, looking down at Greg's hand on hers, "but I understand, why didn't you tell me that earlier?".

Greg looked back, now embarrassed at his behaviour, "it's just, this tour had been very stressful as its been the first in a while and because...because I met someone very important to me", blue looked up to him, her eyes wide, "who?", she asked. Greg became worried, oh no he's now done it, if she freezes she's reading his mind! " of my first fans...", he studdered, this seemed to have worked as blue's interest quickly vanished and he took a deep breath of relief, he needed to make sure this was never brought up again and he knew he could do something that would get blue's mind of all of this.

"So, for forgiving me for my behaviour just then and for making me look younger for my concert I want to thank you, my diamond", Greg said, winking and blue and starting to take his shirt off, he knew she would always freak out when he called her his diamond, her face had already gone purple. "How will you?", blue asked, clueless, it would be funny if it didn't ruin his flirting attempts. Greg rolled his eyes, "are you playing with me? Because it's not funny", he said but blue still looked clueless so Greg had to resolve to doing this more direct, "Do you wanna see the old universe charm!", he said, this seemed to work as she slightly nodded.

Steven walked home, scared and sad, as he opened the door her overheard pearl saying something to lapis about his mother, it was probably them praising her for her diamond work, nothing important. He walked to his bedroom in silence, not reacting to the gem's greeting him. He got dressed for bed and laid down, trying to sleep but couldn't. He looked out the large window next to his bed, he could see his dad's van then...BOOM. Blue diamond ran out the van, holding a guitar and yelling "I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO PLAY MUSIC!!" while Greg, who seemed to be only wearing a bed sheet covering over himself was apologising profusely.

Blue ran into the house, still holding the guitar and looking embarrassed, then calmed herself down and went to see Steven. "Hey there", she said, walking into Steven's room to greet him, "everything is OK now! Dad is fine!", she said, Steven pointed to the window and said, "what was that!?", blue looked out the window and saw the van, she saw Greg, now clothed being chased by durgy and hiding back in the van, Steven must've seen the entire, "incident".

"Oh that...erm well", blue laughed, becoming embarrassed and turning purple, "I learned today that I don't know what the old universe charm actually means and I was wrong", she confessed. "Wait isn't that when my dad would play the guitar shirtless and girls would scream?", Steven asked, "that's what I thought it was, turns out I was wrong", blue laughed, stroking her son's hair and kissing him goodnight "now I'm gonna go to bed, forget this ever happened!", she said, closing the door and leaving Steven for the night.

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