Just Dust N' Bones, Baby

By Brownstone59

6.6K 277 3.3K

Sequel to Welcome To The Jungle, Sweetheart. Well, more of a part two than a sequel... "I hate getting mad or... More

Fucking Prick
I CAN be gentle... But I won't
I hate Erin
Road to Nowhere
Baby Fork
The Shining and Cheerios
I'm Back Bitches
Baby it hurts
Small-Town Values
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
I Remember You
The Coolest Person Ever
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Big Brother
Bohemian Rhapsody
A Thousand Voices
Starry Eyes
Shut up bitch I'm on the phone
Dumb whore
Heart of Glass
The Funeral of William Bailey
I Can't Drive 55
Luck part 1
Luck part 2
Pretty Tied Up
Home Sweet Home
I Used To Love Her (But I had to kill her)
Bad Kitty
Fill My World
Flying High Again

Hopeless Romantic

133 6 106
By Brownstone59

"What do you want to do, Axl?" 

Axl turned, blinking at him. "Huh?" 

"What do you want to do?" Slash asked sincerely. 

"What do I want to do?" he echoed. 

Slash had a wide smile, "Yes that is what I said." 

"Why do you ask? We never do what you want to do." 

"Because I like doing whatever it is you want to. Besides, you're the one who did the gambling and dancing and got us the money, it should be your choice how to spend your money." 

Axl thought, "What do you want to do, baby?" 

Slash shrugged, "I'm just happy doing whatever you choose. I just like being around you," he replied honestly. 

"Stop being so romantic and affectionate," Axl snickered, although he felt his face a little warm. 

"Sorry," Slash grinned, "You were the one who said you love me, once you've turned this on you can't turn it off." 

"Mm baby I knew once I turned you on I couldn't turn you off long before I said I love you."

"Whuh- nuh uh not true." 

"Yuh huh."

Slash rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say. So how do you wanna spend your money?"

"Hmm.." Axl thought for a moment. "Oh! I know!" 


"I want to live like a fancy-ass rich person."

Slash grinned, "Alright, how do you want to do that?"

"I wanna stay at a fancy schmancy hotel that would spit on us before we could even get kicked out, because we've got money so they don't have a choice but to let the two rich rocker punks off the street in."

"Is that all?"

"No. I also want you to take me for a date night."

"A date?"

"Yes. I'll leave the rest to you."

"But... I don't think I've ever taken anybody on a date before." 

Axl smiled, "You're so cute," he kissed Slash's lips. 

"I just don't wanna disappoint you if you were interested in going somewhere nice... I don't really know how to do that.."

Axl's heart melted, "Aw babyyyyyy," he kissed his lips five more times, "I love you. I don't really care where we go or what we do. I just think it would be fun to go out with you. It doesn't have to be romantic or anything." 

"Okay, alright, okay. We can go out."


"Should I be dressing nice?" Axl asked from the back seat as he got changed, while Slash zipped up his bag in the front. 

"You can if you want, but you don't have to be too dressy, they can't do anything if you wanna dress punk."

"Eh, I can dress nice. I never do, I think it'd be a little fun to get a little dressed up," he noted, using the reflection in his sunglasses as a mirror as he put his earring in. 

Slash climbed out of the car, opening up the door in the back to escort Axl out. "Such a gentleman," Axl snickered, taking his hand as he climbed out. "Well don't you look nice," Axl said with a grin, looking Slash up and down and admiring his outfit. He wore his leather pants and white button-up shirt Axl had never seen before, most of the upper ones unbuttoned. "You look so hot in those clothes," Axl smirked, wrapping his arms around his neck. 


Axl bit his lip, "Mhm.. Just wish I could," he kissed his lips, "Tear 'em all off." 

Slash put his hands on his hips, "Oh and like you're not the sexiest thing I've ever seen," he kissed his cheek, pointing out Axl's tight little rose-print leggings and his red blazer over his skin-tight cropped t-shirt. "I could just kiss you all over," he muttered, trailing kisses down his neck. 

Axl had to force himself to peel Slash's head off him, "Mm sorry baby not right now, we can have that kinda fun later." 

He sighed, "I guess you're right, c'mon babe let's go be fancy." 

Slash walked with Axl's hand in his to the fancy snooty dude in the suit at the front desk, "Hello, reservation under Saul Hudson for two please?" 

Axl raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Wow, reservations and saying please? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" 

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've always been this polite. I'm the last true gentleman." 

The guy seemed to examine them for a moment, "Yes, your table will be ready in about thirty minutes, sir." 

"Hm right, well if anything opened up sooner we'd really appreciate it," he shook the snooty dude's hand. 

Snooty dude looked down at the cash now in his hand. "Y'know, I think a table just opened up," he stepped out from behind his little podium desk thing, "Right this way." 

Axl grinned, "Smooth." 

"I thought for sure I was gonna drop it." 

"How much'd you tip him?" 

Slash kissed his cheek, "Don't you worry your pretty little face about it, you're just going to enjoy a date night with your man." 

Axl raised his eyebrows, "Excuse me? My man?" 

"Mhm. But keep in mind that's not me referring to you as my girl, you're my man too it just doesn't have the same ring to it if you're noticeably more effeminate than me." 

Axl rolled his eyes with a smile, "Whatever works for you sweetheart." 

Slash sat down at the table across from him and the waiter brought them their menus. Axl's eyes widened. "What?"

"The menus aren't made of paper, they're like, binded in leather or something...!"

Slash grinned. Axl opened them up, "Holy shit they have more than two things on the menu! They probably don't even serve grilled cheese! Oh wait they do, but it has like seven different cheeses and sourdough bread and it comes with soup I don't even know how to pronounce! Holy shit their salad is more expensive than our rent!" 

"Axl don't look at the prices, just let me know if there's something you want," Slash said, scanning through his own. "Are you allergic to anything?"

"Only stupid people," he mused with a grin, not looking up. "Why? You can order whatever you want too y'know."

"Well I mean I just wanted to know if I ate shellfish or something and then we made out if that could kill you." 

Axl laughed, "No you're fine, baby." 

"Alright, I probably wasn't gonna order any fish or something anyway, lobster are kinda freaky looking and I don't wanna be kissing you and smell like fish." 

Axl rolled his eyes, "Wow you sure planned ahead." 

Axl looked up from his menu, "Y'know baby it's okay if you want the grilled cheese. It's not gonna make me love you any less." 

"No I want.. Fancy food." 

Axl smirked, brushing his hand along the side of Slash's face, "I know that's what you want, baby. If you get something else I can order it and I'll let you have some of mine?" 

"No no, I wanted to treat you to something nice tonight and that's what you'll get." 

"Goddammit Slash quit being weird..! Not everything has to be fancy schmancy..!" 

Slash looked down, "I'm sorry.. I just thought that's what you wanted..... I thought you were, getting kinda sick of, not being able to enjoy luxuries, or anything.." 

Axl sighed, his gaze softening, "Slash I didn't want to go out tonight because I want to be a fancy person, in case you haven't noticed," he lowered his voice, glancing around not to upset any snooty people, "I hate fancy people..!" 

Slash blinked. "You do?" 

"Fuck yeah I do..! They don't have to work for what they've got, they just go out and buy a five-pound lobster at high-class restaurants with Daddy's credit card..! And the people who did have to, aren't snobs because they've been where we are before. They know what it's like to not have these things, that's why you never see any nice rich person here..!" 

"How could you know?" 

"Slash I can't count on both my fingers and yours how many glares we got coming in here, that tells me all I need to know." 

"Axl I thought you weren't gonna let those people bother you anymore.."

"I'm not, it's not my fault if they judge us, 'cause like I said before, they're stuck-up rich snobs with their prejudice and painted-on smiles. I can't change if they want to be like that and judge us, but that doesn't mean I hate them any less." 

"Then why did you want to go out tonight?" 

Axl sighed, "Because we never get any opportunities do anything like this. I wanted to see what it was like. I thought it would be kinda fun to enjoy some luxuries and make fun of rich people with my punk-ass boyfriend. These folks with their fake smiles pretend to take pleasure and look down on people like us. But I don't care, if they want to do that and pretend to be happy, while we are actually the only ones here enjoying ourselves, let them look down all they want." 

Axl caressed Slash's cheek, "I don't need to hang out with Saul Hudson, reservation for two. I don't know that guy, I don't know any fancy-ass Mr. Hudson. I just love the broke lead guitarist of my band with a badass everything and the sweetest person I've ever met who never let a single dollar or lack of one bother him. So Mr. Hudson, I'd really appreciate it if you could bring Slash back so I could spend time with my goofy trashy boyfriend tonight, who I actually do love." 

The sweetest smile ever spread across Slash's lips. He climbed out from his seat, made his way to the the other table, (and Axl couldn't ever imagine the term being swept off your feet before anywhere outside of a romance novel, but y'know what there wasn't a better term to use that could describe it.) Slash swept Axl off his feet (fuck you romance writers), holding both sides of his face and kissing him passionately on the lips, standing up in the middle of the entire room right in front of everybody. Axl almost squeaked into his lips in surprise, but let himself sink into his lips, closing his eyes and resting his hands on Slash's chest. 

Everybody else in the room was gone, with the way they eyed at them, looked at them like they were crazy, whispered to each other, and the fact that both Axl and Slash knew they were going home to their wives or their husbands or parents or grandparents saying: There were two punk fags making out in the middle of the restaurant tonight! But actually, you wouldn't believe it but Axl swore he could hear maybe just one, maybe even two people, go aww under their breath

He didn't care about any of it, all that was there anymore was Slash. Nothing else mattered, everybody else had disappeared, it was just the two of them. 

Slash slowly drew his lips away, and Axl stared at him with huge, round eyes. The corners of his eyes watered, and it was as if magically in that moment Axl realized, Oh fucking shit I like romance now don't I. 

"I love you so so much, Axl..." He brushed his lips against his, "I can't even beginning trying to put to words right now how you make me feel." 

Axl looked him directly in the eyes, "...Saul Hudson... That was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done in the history of the world." 

Slash grinned from ear to ear, his face red, "Sorry..." 

Axl almost punched him in the face, "Don't. You dare. Be sorry." 

"But I thought romance wasn't our thing.." 

Axl sighed, "Oh fuuuuck... Fuck. Forget it. I don't like mushy but there wasn't a single thing about that that was mushy. You just made every single nerve in my body scream so if you want to be like that now do whatever the hell you want." Slash smiled, kissing his lips softly again, holding Axl's body in his arms. Axl brushed noses with him, "Just... At limits okay, because if you're like this all the time I don't think my heart could take it." 

"You got it." 

Slash went to go sit down again but there was no fucking way after that that he could possibly expect Axl was ever letting him go now. Axl snatched Slash's chair and dragged it over to sit next to him. Axl sat back down and forced Slash to sit next to him. "Also I'm just gonna say it now, if you didn't think you were scoring tonight before that you are really in for something later now." 

Slash smiled bashfully, "What do you want to order?" 

Axl picked up his menu, "Hm I think I want the filet mignon," he said, pronouncing it exactly the way it was written. 

Slash drew the attention of a waiter with a dramatically snooty hand wave. The stone-faced waiter made his way over, "Are you two gentlemen ready to order?" 

Axl cleared his throat and stuck his nose up like he were high and mighty and a slight british accent came out, "Yes, we two gentlemen would very much so like to order if the service permits us to," he narrowed his eyes, making Slash grin with his mocking imitation of the rich people they sat around. 

Slash played along, "Yes, sir I will have the artisan grilled cheese sandwich with tomato biskyew." 

"Tomato bisque?"

"Yes, that."

Axl leaned out, "And I would like the 8-ounce fillett mignun." 

The waiter blinked, "Filay menyon, sir?" 

Axl sat up, "I'm sorry did I stutter?" Slash rested his elbow on the table, his hand over his mouth trying not to laugh. 

"Of course not sir, just, didn't hear you the first time. How would you like it?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"How would you like it cooked, rare, medium rare, medium well, or well-done?" 

"Do I look like a fool to you..!? Medium well of course, do you take me for some imbecile??" 

"No sir." 

"Thank you, and make it snappy." 

The waiter turned to leave when Slash stopped him, "Oh yes and your most exquisite bottle of wine please." 

"Right away sir." 

"I should hope so," Axl scoffed, flipping his hair. Slash grinned as the waiter walked away and the second he was out of earshot Axl's face was covered with a wide grin and he was barely keeping himself from giggling. 

"Make it snappy?" Slash mimicked in amusement. 

"I do a pretty good snob impression do I?" 

"Oh yeah baby. If I were him I'd be spitting in our wine by now." 

Axl laughed, "He asked how I wanted it and I was this close to saying I want it rough, Daddy."  

Slash laughed, "I don't think I would've been able to keep a straight face with that one." 

In a few moments the waiter returned with their bottle of wine and glasses, unscrewing the cork and prepared to pour the drinks. Slash pretended to be offended, his voice heavily British, "Pardon me, but I last I checked we are not helpless twits who cannot pour our drinks for ourselves!" 

Axl added, trying not to break into laughter, "I am not some useless little ninny!" 

Slash couldn't help but giggle at ninny, "Or a dunce!" 

Axl snickered too, "A pinhead!" 

"A simpleton!" 

"An ignoramus!" 

"A nincompoop!" 

By now they could barely breathe let alone stop laughing, and neither of them had even noticed the waiter already left. Axl was laughing so hard his stomach was burning and he could barely keep himself from falling over. He let himself fall onto Slash's shoulder to keep himself up and Slash balanced himself against him, wheezing and trying to breathe. Again, everybody was looking at them like they were crazy, laughing hysterically in the middle of the restaurant. But who the fuck cares, they were the only ones actually genuinely having a good time. "God I love you," Axl laughed. 

Axl swallowed his last bite of food, dropping his head on his shoulder, "Okay so I'm gonna say something, and I don't want you to be offended by it honey, but that might've been the best thing I've ever eaten." 

Slash took a drink from his glass, "Why would I be offended by that?" 

Axl grinned, "Y'know, I just didn't want you to feel like you were in second place, baby." Slash smiled. "Because you know you're delicious...." Axl kissed Slash's neck. Slash stroked under Axl's jaw. 

The waiter came by, "Everything to your liking, gentlemen?" 

"Yes it was delightful."

"Would you like to order dessert?"

Slash blinked, looking down at Axl. He smirked back. "No we'll be taking that to go." 

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