Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)

Por zhou_enlai

5.9K 129 74

steven universe is the son of famous rock star Greg universe and the alien space empress blue diamond, one of... Más

chapter 1 gem glow
chapter 2 eye in the sky
chapter 3 cheeseburger backpack
chapter 4 together breakfast
chapter 5 lazer finger
chapter 6 the diamond sisters
chapter 7 message from yellow
chapter 8 connie's questions
chapter 9 the rose quartz
chapter 10 blue the mascot
chapter 11 Durgy the blue tiger
chapter 12 human clothes
chapter 13 a fly around earth
chapter 14 in the mirror
chapter 15 water friend
chapter 16 barn training
chapter 17 a new purple friend
chapter 18 befriending a traitor
chapter 19 Connie's beach adventure
chapter 20 blue the selkie
chapter 21 meet the maheswarans!
chapter 22 Steven tag!
chapter 23 warp-robot
chapter 24 the other gem
chapter 25 the kindergarten
chapter 26 meeting the others
chapter 27 Steven's first space adventure
chapter 28 welcome to the zoo
chapter 30 face to face with yellow diamond
chapter 31 back to earth
chapter 32 the return of mr universe
chapter 33 greg's new fan
chapter 34 how Steven lost his tooth
chapter 35 double birthday
chapter 36 baby blue
chapter 37 three or one?
chapter 38 what is a true fusion
chapter 39 redemption and remorse
chapter 40 mr universe and the crystal gems
chapter 41 blue potato
chapter 42 steven makes a gem-book account
chapter 43 a shocking reveal at a party
chapter 44 hidden storage secrets
chapter 45 the blue juice
chapter 46 failed affair
chapter 47 leprechaun diamond
chapter 48 finding love in the hills of korea
chapter 49 who you really are
chapter 50 mr demayo
chapter 51 back in the kindergarten
chapter 52 from a diamond to a traitor?
chapter 53 the new house guest
chapter 54 the other kindergarten
chapter 55 inside durgy
chapter 56 song of the sea
Chapter 57 the moon base
chapter 58 the story of the cluster
chapter 59 bollywood diamond
Chapter 60 beach city bike gangs
Chapter 61 blue goes to the hospital
chapter 62 rose on the run
chapter 63 blue's meltdowns
chapter 64 empire city
chapter 65 a visit from homeworld
chapter 66 the real yellow
chapter 67 blue's trip to funland
chapter 68 the reveal of the greatest lie in history
Chapter 69 blue breaks

chapter 29 gareg, stayvaan and laysuh

62 0 2
Por zhou_enlai

Steven looked at his surroundings in shock, this was it, the human zoo. As he stood in the fake water that took him here, three people caught his attention. It was his father and two other people, all of them where wearing the exact same clothes.

"DAD!", Steven yelled, running to his father to hug him, "Steven!? She put you in here too!?", Greg exclaimed, running to his son and hugging him tightly. "Yeah! But I don't know why!? Is she trying to hide us!?", Steven asked his father, he felt so hurt that his mother was treating him, the son of a diamond in such a way.

"Gareg! Is this your friend!", one of the humans who was with Greg said, this human was a tall, dark skinned man with brown hair and the other one was a pale woman with blond hair and green eyes. "Wy-6, this is my son Steven!", Greg replied, Greg had already found friends in the zoo and had become a known name across all the other humans here. "Greetings stayvaan!", wy-6 said, "Hello there stayvaan! I am jay-10", the blond human also said.

As they where speaking, another person shot out the water, this time a woman. "Did mum bring another person here!?", Steven said, looking back at the person, "wait a minute...", Greg said, looking closer and realising how familiar that person looked as they got up, "blue-blue!? What are you doing here!?", Greg gasped and ran to see her.

"Hey Greg!", blue said, in her human disguise, "they took my shorts", she huffed. "You're also here?", Steven asked, raising an eyebrow. "Oh my! you also know this new girl?", wy-6 asked Steven. "Erm and her are family", he replied, weired out by how these humans acted and spoke. "Why did you put us in here!", Greg said to blue, he was mad but tried to keep calm. "Erm...", blue looked at the floor embarrassed, "ok...this is really stupid but I kinda got too scared to explain to the gems that you and steven are special", she studdered, trying to make eye contact with greg, "soo....I had a bit of a brain fart and just put you guys there and was planning to get you back when I'm able to go home but then I felt bad right after so I came here in My disguise to save you!". Greg face palmed at this, he knew blue could be kinda stupid but this was next level, "well at least you're here now", he mumbled under his breath.

Jay-10 and wy-6 quickly ran to blue to greet her and ask her name, Steven followed after them and looked at blue as they spoke to her, he was also very angry at her. "What is your name miss!", jay-10 asked blue diamond, this made her think for a while, going through all the fake human names she used over the years to find a good one. "I am.... Lisa hannigan!", blue proudly told them, Greg face palmed again and wispered "oh my god" to himself as Steven cringed. "Oh hello there laysuh welcome to our home!", wy-6 said.

Suddenly, while where all speaking, the pink earrings everyone wore started to light up and a voice came from them. "Hello everyone, you must be very hungry right now", the voice said, everyone in the zoo quickly agreed with this and went to plants where purple fruits appeared. "What is this...", blue said, playing with her earrings. "You don't know? Don't you run this place!?", Steven questioned her as he ate the fruit. "Gareg today the fruit is purple!" Wy-6 exclaimed to Greg, the people of the zoo really seemed to love him. "Honestly...I barely looked into this place, its my first time actually looking at the people here", blue whispered to steven.

"Laysuh! Here you go!", jay-10 said, suddenly appearing from behind Steven and giving blue one of the purple fruits, blue looked down at it and gave it to Steven when no one looked. As everyone ate the fruits the voice appeared again, "are you enjoying the fruit?", it asked, all the humans said they loved the food right after in unison, it creeped blue out. "What a strange place you" she whispered to herself, thinking back to all the memories she had of pink diamond talking about the zoo and people.

"Now it is time to play!" The voice said, all the humans started to roll down hills and laugh, Greg joined in but Steven and blue just looked at eachother. "Mum, get me out of here!", Steven complained, blue just looked at the humans and gulped, thinking about how weird this place this, "I'll try", she said to steven. "Come on you two, play along!", Greg said, coming up to see them after he saw they didn't follow him to "play". Blue reluctantly agreed and rolled down a hill, "maybe this isn't as bad as I thought", she said to Greg, Steven followed after, but he was having no fun at all.

Now everyone was laying on the floor from rolling around and the voice said to them, "now raise your hands like you're going to touch outer space", all the humans raised their arms to the ceiling, it was glass and revealed all the stars. As everyone had their hands in the air Steven attempted to send a thought to blue, "Mum! Get us out now! You are a diamond! You can command the gems to save us!", but blue wasn't listening, she was just following all the commands the earrings told her and had her hands in the air. "Mum please", Steven said, shuffling towards blue, "I don't wanna wear these weird costumes anymore", he wispered to her. Blue looked down at him and sighed "I'll find a way soon OK? It's just, I want to see what this place is really like, this place....she made". "Pink diamond?", Steven asked, blue, ignored this and just turned around and went to speak with wy-6 about something.

"Now it's time to smell the flowers", the voice commanded (albeit in a friendly soft voice), blue and Greg had their long hair braided by the humans during this. "Isn't this so fun stayvaan?", jay-10 asked Steven, he just rolled his eyes and said, what if I don't want to smell the flowers?", this seemed to have shocked jay-10 as she thought for a second and asked "why wouldn't you!?", she put one of the flowers in his hair. Steven stormed off to blue and Greg and knocked the flower off his hair, blue grabbed it and put it in her's. "Steven, come on, we will get out here soon", Greg said, trying to cheer up his son. "It better be soon, I can't take this crazy place anymore", steven said under his breath.

"Now it is time to take a relaxing bath", after all the "fun" it was cleaning time for the people of the zoo. Everyone flocked to an oasis and bathed or played in it. "Watch My splash gareg!", jay-10 said, jumping from a small hill and into the water. "You wanna see a real splash? Watch this! CANNONBALL!", Greg yelled as he dived into the water, making all the humans laugh, blue quickly copied him and did a much more dramatic dive, this time Steven actually joined in and jumped into the water to play with his family, using some of his powers to splash his dad. "It seems you're having some fun now, right schtu-ball?", Greg joked to steven. "Laysuh, gareg! Your splash was amazing!", wy-6 said, as the other humans congratulated their splashes.

The sun in the sky was now covered by something to represent a moon and the entire zoo went dark, "it is now time for bed everyone" the voice said and everyone got out the pool and went to sleep. Greg sat on a Bush and quickly fell asleep with everyone else but blue and steven stayed awake. "Now is our chance to get out!", Steven said, pulling his dad awake and making him and blue look for any door. They quickly found a badly hidden pink door, "mum how do you open this", Steven asked her, "there's no lock on this side, only on the other side it can be opened", she said, moving some of the plants covering it to look for a lock. "Then I guess I've got no choice!", Steven said, taking a running start and slamming on the door as hard as he could, the slamming was very loud and echoed throughout the entire zoo.

"Gareg!", wy-6 said, suddenly appearing from a Bush, "stayvaan!", jay-10 said, also appearing from a Bush, "and laysuh you're here!" They both said in unity. Greg, Steven and blue looked back embarrassed and in fear that they got caught. "So you three where the ones making all that noise!", wy-6 said, the tones of their voices where so happy and friendly sounding all the time it sounded fake, it felt unsettling to blue. "What are you three doing?" Jay-10 asked, "is it a game? If so can we play". "No we are trying to open this door!", Steven told them.

"What is....a door?" Jay-10 asked completely clueless, blue nearly yelled "what!?" Out loud but stopped herself in time. "It's like...a wall that opens!" Steven said, trying his best to explain something he never knew would even need to be explained. "Walls don't open!", wy-6 joked but jay-10 quickly responded, "I do remember hearing a story about a opening wall once!", this quickly got everyone's attention. "I remember hearing that a very long time ago a gem came through a wall to help someone who was......hurt".

"Hurt? What is this hurt?" Wy-6 asked, "I don't know", jay-10 replied, blue and Greg looked at eachother in shock, blue was shocked pink diamond was able to make such a place and Greg was shocked blue diamond was able to allow such a thing to exist and be so stupid about it! "I know what hurt is!", Steven proclaimed, jay-10 and wy-6 looked at him, fascinated. "Hurt is...the opposite of good, its a bad feeling, like you're upset", but Steven's explanation didn't work, they where still completely clueless about any of these "bad" things.

"Everyone it is time for the choosening", the voice suddenly said, Jay-10 and wy-6 quickly became very exited and changed the subject. "Gareg! laysuh! The choosening is about to happen!" They proclaimed, guiding them though the fake bushes as Steven followed after them. They lead them to a circle where everyone was standing around, Steven wasn't allowed to stand with everyone, only to watch outside. "The choosening Is a very special occasion we are so glad you are here", wy-6 told Greg as he stood next to him.

Somehow, without anyone noticing blue diamond left the circle, Steven didn't move but watched her, closely. She looked, making sure no one followed after her and stood by one of the walls then a door opened, revealing pearl! Steven was about to run after and follow her but the door closed right after in an instant.

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