For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

30K 1.2K 742

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees

Give it some time.

463 16 10
By LillyBelle13

Oakley jogged into the emergency room of the hospital. She walked up to the receptionist who looked at her expectantly.

"Beth Dutton?" Oakley breathed hard. "I'm her sister-in-law."

"Room 202," the woman said. "Down the hall, second door after the corner turn."

"Thanks," Oakley moved quickly again, following instructions.

When she turned the corner though, she saw she was the last one there. Kayce and Tate were seated on the bench outside the room. Ryan was also standing off to the side. John was standing in the doorway and Oakley could only guess Rip was inside.

Oakley stepped into the doorway, next to John, and saw Beth lying in the bed. Wires were coming out of her, and monitors around here were beeping. She looked as white as the sheets, two large bandages around both of her wrists. Rip was leaning on the bed with his elbows and had Oakley known he was religious, she'd have guessed he was praying. Maybe he was?

"Will she make it?" Oakley asked softly, holding her breath.

"She'll make it," John's voice was hoarse.

"What..." Oakley shook her head. "Same as the others?"

"Same as the others," John said.

"Excuse me?" A nurse popped up with some more supplies so Oakley moved out of the way.

The nurse walked in and started to change out one of Beth's IVs. Oakley turned around and saw Tate watching her like a hawk. His eyes were sad and Oakley knew he probably had no idea the amount of intensity that had taken place. Oakley walked over to Tate, bypassing Kayce on the bench. Tate stood up and Oakley wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you okay?" Oakley asked, feeling Tate nod his head into her shoulder.

Oakley tightened her hold around Tate, feeling him squeeze her harder and bury his face into her neck.

"It's gonna be okay," She whispered to him.

Oakley could sense Kayce standing up next to them.

"Where were you?" Tate mumbled.

"At grandma's with the twins," Oakley sighed, hating the fact she hadn't been there for Tate during all of this.

Oakley knew Tate wouldn't have gone with her and the twins earlier, especially if he knew all the details. Oakley knew Tate loved her, but his ties to Kayce would always be first and Oakley was okay with that because she knew that Kayce would do anything to protect Tate. But she needed to get the twins out of there and she also needed a break from Kayce. A door closing made her look over her shoulder.

Rip had come out of Beth's room, and he and John walked over to where they were all standing close. Oakley kept her arms around Tate. John was looking at Oakley.

"What?" Oakley asked him, her anger from earlier igniting.

"She didn't do that to herself," John said.

"Can we not?" Oakley asked, nodding to Tate.

John cleared his throat and looked over to Ryan.

"Tate?" John asked.

Tate pulled his face away from Oakley's shoulder.

"How about you and Ryan-"

"Leave so you adults can talk?" Tate finished.

John nodded his head. Oakley pulled Tate's head closer and kissed the side of his face.

"I'll come find you here in a bit," Oakley told him before Tate walked off with Ryan.

The four of them tightened their circle. As Oakley stood next to Kayce, she forced herself to not look at him. Oakley knew Kayce's eyes would be her kryptonite in some cases. John looked between all of them as he thought.

"Was she poisoned?" Oakley asked in a whisper.

"Same as the others," John nodded.

"There's a pattern, sir," Rip finally spoke.

Oakley looked over at him.

"Yeah," John's eyes settled on Oakley.

"What?" Oakley asked.

"May...Beth..." John looked at Oakley expectantly.

"You think I'm next?" Oakley asked.

"I need you and the twins back at the ranch," John said.

"John," Oakley sighed.

"I'm not asking," John sighed.

"No offense, but I felt safer this morning at my mother's than I have anywhere near the fucking ranch," Oakley hissed.

"We can only protect you at the ranch," John eyed her.

"And yet...the ranch seems to be the place you should go when you don't want to be protected," Oakley fired back.

"Oakley, I understand you're pissed at're pissed at each and every one of us, and you have good reason to be," John snapped. "But I want my grandchildren safe. I want them where I can see them and protect them."

"You just said I'm next," Oakley shrugged. "Why so much concern about them when I'm the one who apparently is next on the hit list? Or are you just moving your players around the field?"

"Is this a game to you?" Kayce asked, finally addressing Oakley.

Oakley's eyes shot to him.

"No, Kayce," Oakley snarled. "This isn't a fucking game...and even if it was, we all know whose side you're on."

Oakley saw the nurse come out of Beth's room and look over at them. She met Oakley's eyes and nodded to the room, giving her the okay. Oakley stepped aside from the men and hurried into Beth's room, over to the bedside.

Oakley gently sat down in the chair and leaned close to Beth. The woman was sleeping soundly, probably knocked out from pain medication. Oakley placed her hand over Beth's softly and took a few deep breaths. She rested one of her elbows on the bed and leaned her head against her fist. Oakley would let the men out there play their games all they wanted. She would be in here, with Beth...and then she would go back to her mother's with the twins later.


About an hour later, footsteps made Oakley look over to the door. Kayce walked in, holding two cups of coffee in his hands. He held one out to Oakley. She looked up at Kayce before letting go of Beth's hand and taking the cup from him.

"Thank you," Oakley muttered.

Kayce's eyes then went to his sister. Oakley watched Kayce look at Beth for a while, his eyes holding so much pain. This wasn't the first time Oakley had been with Kayce while Beth fought for her life after being attacked. A fact, Oakley hated was true.

"Are Lee and Evie okay?" Kayce whispered out, his voice rough.

"They're okay," Oakley nodded, blowing on the hot coffee. "Don't know a thing about what's going on...just having fun with grandma."

Kayce nodded his head slowly.

"And you?" He looked at Oakley.

Oakley took a deep breath.

"I can't answer that," She shook her head.

"I uh...put a detail on your mom's house," Kayce cleared his throat. "One truck, two men...y'all won't see 'em unless you have to."

Oakley bit her tongue from fighting back. Truth was, after John confirmed Oakley would probably be next in some type of attack like Beth, she'd been terrified. While Beth had been staying in the apartment in town alone, Oakley rarely was. If whoever was doing this tried to attack Oakley, chances are someone else would be with her and there was a high probability it would be one of the kids...making Oakley extremely upset.

"Okay," Oakley sighed.


"Please, Kayce," Oakley closed her eyes. "I don't want to fight right now."

She heard his footsteps walk away from her before she opened her eyes again. Oakley went back to holding Beth's hand and sipping on the warm coffee.

Oakley stayed until eight when visiting hours were over. When she walked out of the hospital, and over to her truck, she felt the weight of today fall over her shoulders. Driving to her mother's house, Oakley let fresh tears roll down her cheeks, knowing she wouldn't be able to cry much in front of the kids.

Erin had bathed the twins and already had them in bed when Oakley walked through the front door. Kayce had been right, she hadn't seen the detail on the house, but there was a feeling around her and it made Oakley feel an ounce safer. She placed her bag on the table and found her mom back walking out of the guest room.

"They just fell asleep," Erin whispered, shutting the door. "Do you want to go in?"

"No," Oakley shook her head. "Let them sleep."

"How is Beth?" Erin asked.

"She'll make it," Oakley nodded. "Just a really bad accident."

"Poor thing," Erin shook her head.

Oakley had told her mom that Beth had fallen and cut herself badly. She didn't tell her mother the truth and it pained Oakley knowing she was doing to her mother exactly what had been done to her, not given the truth. She didn't miss the hippocracy of her actions, but Oakley also reminded herself she wasn't married to her mom, didn't share a bed with her mom, and didn't have a children with her mom.

"Are you gonna go back in the morning?" Erin asked as they walked down the hall to the living room.

"Probably," Oakley sighed. "Are you okay watching the kids still?"

"Of course," Erin nodded her head. "Don't worry about them. We'll find some crafts and things to do around here."

"Thank you, Mom," Oakley sat down on the couch.

She felt more weight come down over her shoulders and Oakley had tears in her eyes again. She was tired, she was scared, and all she fucking wanted was Kayce. Oakley wiped a few stray tears from her cheek but her mom saw.

"Oh, Oakley," Erin sat down next to her. "You just said Beth would be okay."

"I know," Oakley cried. "It's just...with Kayce and this...a-and it just hasn't been an easy summer, Mom."

Erin wrapped her arm around Oakley's shoulder. Oakley pressed her fingers against her eyes as she cried for a few seconds. Erin rubbed up and down one of Oakley's arms.

"Did you see Kayce today at the hospital?" Erin asked.

Oakley nodded her head, wiping her fingers under her eyes.

"Did you talk to him?" Erin continued.

"Not really," Oakley sniffed. "I just feel like my blood is gonna boil out of my skin when I see him...and then I just get really, really sad and I can't remember words."

"Alright," Erin nodded. "That just means you aren't's okay. Like I told you, give it some time...give him some time."

Oakley looked at her mom, again slightly surprised she'd be defending Kayce like this to her. Erin let a small chuckle out of her lips and squeezed Oakley's arms.

"Like I've always told you," Erin smiled. "Kayce Dutton has a lot of faults in my eyes...but there ain't a doubt in my bones that man doesn't love you with everything he has."

"I think that's part of the problem with us," Oakley sighed, leaning back against the couch. "I think sometimes the love clouds the judgment needed."

Erin pulled Oakley close to her and kissed her temple.

"Try and get some rest tonight," Erin stood up. "I pulled a few blankets and there's two pillows to sure I can't make you take my bed?"

"No," Oakley stood up and grabbed the blankets from the table. "But thank you...goodnight, Mom."

A little while later, Oakley was on the couch, tucked in nicely and looking at the beams of her mother's ceiling. She was wide awake, knowing sleep wouldn't be a thing tonight for her, but trying at least. She heard her phone vibrate on the coffee table. Oakley picked it up and saw a text message from Kayce waiting.

Oakley waited for a beat and then swiped to read it. The light was a little harsh for her eyes at first.

Everything okay there? - Kayce

Oakley frowned, the depths of missing Kayce being ripped open again as she read his message. She leaned up on her pillows and typed away on her screen.

Twins are in bed. All is fine here. - Oakley

She waited a few seconds and saw the bubbles pop up to let her know Kayce was writing her back. Oakley took a deep breath.

I wish you were here. - Kayce

Oakley placed her phone down over her chest. She blinked fast to keep a new batch of tears away from the corners of her eyes. Her mother's words from earlier popped into her mind as Oakley picked up her phone to reply.

Give it some time. - Oakley

She held the phone up and waited for his response.

Do you hate me? - Kayce

Oakley let out a long breath of air she'd been holding.

No, I've never hated you. - Oakley

She waited for the three dots to disappear.

You just don't trust me. - Kayce

It was as if Kayce was working through his own thoughts to figure out Oakley's motives.

Goodnight. - Oakley

Oakley locked her phone and placed it back on the table. She rolled over, facing the back of the couch, and closed her eyes.


Oakley looked up when a nurse walked into Beth's room the next morning. She knew she startled the nurse because of how the younger woman jumped back.

"Sorry," the nurse smiled. "Just here to check on vitals."

"How is she looking?" Oakley asked.

"She had a rough night," The nurse took some notes. "Had to up her pain medication, but then she settled down. We'll check her stitches this afternoon to see how they're looking."

"Do you know when she'll wake up?" Oakley asked.

"She's pretty sedated," The Nurse said. "We'd like her to heal some more before we bring her back."

"Thank you," Oakley said as the nurse left.

She looked at Beth's face and sighed. Oakley had left the twins this morning with her mom, making pancakes and the promise of working in the vegetable garden this afternoon. The twins were excited, and left Oakley's heart at ease for them.

"Figured you'd be here."

John stood in the door, removing his hat as he stepped inside. Oakley held Beth's hand tighter.

"How's she?" John asked.

"They say she settled with more medication," Oakley answered.

"Been here long?" John sat down in the chair across from Oakley.

"Since eight," Oakley nodded.

"Twins with your mom still?" John asked.

"Yeah," Oakley sighed.

"Can I ask for y'all to come back to the ranch?" John looked at Oakley.

"You can ask," Oakley said. "But my answer is still the same."

"Oakley, you're in danger," John said.

"I'm sure," Oakley shook her head. "Kayce put security on my mom's house."

"Kayce..." John let out a sarcastic laugh. "He doesn't even know his left hand from his right at the moment. Poor thing's like a kicked dog."

Oakley glared at John.

"I was the one who said what we were going to do," John continued. "I told Kayce to not tell you. To lie to you."

"And he did it," Oakley said. "And look at what it did to us, John."

John didn't say anything to her.

"You made him break my trust," Oakley stood up. " did this."

"Then be pissed at me," John said. "Take it out on me."

"I will," Oakley said. "But I'm not married to you and right now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the man I am married to. Right now, I'm figuring out how to fix this because while I'm so angry I could spit, I'm also desperately missing the single most important person in my life."

John looked up at Oakley as her voice quivered at the end of her words.

"You're in danger, Oakley," John said. "Can we fix that and then you can figure out what to do about Kayce and me?"

"You're John Dutton," Oakley shrugged. "Don't you already have a plan?"

Oakley walked out of the room.


Oakley had three missed calls from Kayce throughout the day. She had pulled into a gas station and decided to call him back since it was nearing four o'clock. It rang once before he answered.

"Hi..." Oakley said.

"Hi," Kayce said. "Thank you for calling me back."

"What do you need, Kayce?" Oakley asked as she leaned against the truck.

"I just left Beth," Kayce said. "Dad said he saw you this morning."

"I was there," Oakley said. "And again earlier this afternoon."

"Where are you now?" Kayce asked.

"Getting gas," Oakley put the handle back on the pump.

"And then?" Kayce asked.

Oakley sighed, feeling exposed right now so she got back into the truck.

"Then home to the twins," Oakley sighed.

"Not home," Kayce said.

Oakley was quiet, pushing down every nerve in her body that wanted to fire back at Kayce. She knew what he was doing but she wasn't going to budge. She needed some space from him and this situation. And if it was as dangerous as everyone was saying, then she needed her children to be away from it too. Her heart then thought about Tate and Oakley felt a crippling wave wash over her.

"How's Tate?" Oakley asked.

"Missing you," Kayce sighed. "I'm not good at talking to him about things like you are."

"What have you told him?" Oakley asked.

"That you're with your mother," Kayce said. "Twins are with you and that you wanted to spend some time with her."

"That doesn't sound bad?" Oakley frowned.

"He sees right through me," Kayce said. "He knows something's going on."

"Wish I could see through you like that," Oakley said it before she could stop herself.

Kayce was quiet for a few seconds.

"You haven't apologized," Oakley continued, feeling the words tumble out of her mouth. "Not once...not even for any little part of it."

"I'm not sorry for protecting you," Kayce told her.

"What about hurting me?" Oakley asked. "Lying to me? Lying about things that had to do with our children? Any of that?"

"Oakley..." Kayce sighed. "I know you don't understand the reason behind what I did."

"Oh, I think I do," Oakley responded. "You thought lying was the best thing to protect me and the kids. That and You can't say no to your father."

"It's different this time," Kayce said.

"How?" Oakley asked.

"Because I agreed with him!" Kayce snapped.

The pump clicked, signaling Oakley's truck was full. She breathed hard as she got out and placed it back and closed her gas door. Oakley climbed into the truck and started it, waiting for her phone to connect to the system.

"So, you're not sorry...for any of it?" Oakley felt like she was sucker punched.

"Someone's coming after my family," Kayce said, and Oakley could tell he was trying to control his temper. "And they're after you think I have time for anything else? You think anything else is on my mind? I'm consumed by you...your safety. And you won't let me near you, and I'm terrified something's gonna happen and I wouldn't..."

Oakley griped the steering wheel as she waited for Kayce to continue.

"Oakley I'd lose my mind if something happened to you," Kayce said, lowering his voice. "I couldn't...I wouldn't be able to live. So no, right now that's all I'm concerned about and I'm not sorry for how I choose to protect what I love."

It was such an opposite collision of emotions. Oakley's heart was split in two, her love for Kayce and the hurt of the lies.

"You said I was her," Oakley said quietly.

Kayce was silent for a moment.

"You said I was just like her," Oakley took a shaky breath. "How much more can you hurt me?"

"You were leaving," Kayce said. "With the kids."

"Because you put us in danger," Oakley said. "You were going to expose them to..."

"Me?" Kayce answered. "My family?"

Oakley sighed, knowing this was going nowhere for the moment.

"Any new information?" Oakley asked after a minute.

"Signs point to one person," Kayce said. "Not many clues to who...but it was one guy on the camera behind the building of Beth's apartment."

"So, it's a guy?" Oakley said.

"From what we could tell," Kayce said. "He wore a mask."

"Well...that's something," Oakley sighed. "I promise to tell you if I see or hear anything too."

"Oakley," Kayce sighed frustrated.

"Kayce, let me have an inch of control here!" Oakley snapped, blinking back tears. "You lied broke my trust. I understand you love me, that you're wanting to protect me. But you hurt m-me...this time it was calculated, I was p-part of a scheme...and you picked your father's authority over a promise you made to me."

Kayce didn't say anything to Oakley.

"I love you, Kayce," Oakley's lip trembled. "I love you more than anything else on this earth...but this time...I just need to take care of myself so I can take care of our kids...because I feel like I'm about to loose it all."

"You don't have to do that by yourself," Kayce said.

"Right now, I feel like I do," Oakley said. "Because I don't trust you. Do you know what that's going to my brain? This has fucked me over and one second all I want to do is is run into your arms and feel safe and then it's like a slap in the face because the pain of being lied to and you not sorry about really fucks with my mind, Kayce. I understand that ranch. I understand our family...ours...but I thought you and I had a promise that was unbreakable. So let me have a little bit of space to work through this because when you're near me, it's like I'm eighteen years old all over again and you've completely shattered my world with breaking my trust."

There was more silence and Oakley felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"How do I fix this?" Kayce asked quietly.

"An apology would be a nice start," Oakley said. "But you're not I don't know. But I do know I need to get back to the twins."

"I want to see them," Kayce said.

"You can see them anytime," Oakley started her truck. "Never said you couldn't see them."

"I'll be there shortly."


Kayce's truck was parked out front when Oakley pulled in. She was surprised, but Kayce must have been close when they have been on the phone. She parked and got out, walking into the house and hearing laughter coming from the living room. Kayce was on the couch, Evelyn laying on top of him and Lee trying to arm wrestle with Kayce. Erin was putting a casserole dish in the oven and smiled at Oakley.

"Momma!" Lee laughed. "Daddy's here!"

"I can see that," Oakley smiled at Lee, setting her purse down.

Evelyn rolled off of Kayce and ran over to Oakley who leaned down and hugged the little girl. Oakley kissed Evelyn's forehead and stood back up. Kayce wrestled Lee to where he was sitting on him, but not hurting him. Lee's chuckle made everyone in the room laugh. Oakley's heart ached at the sight and sounds but she smiled through it. Erin walked over to Oakley, wiping her hands on a towel.

"I've got bridge tonight at Martha's...but there's a chicken casserole in the oven and it should be ready in an hour," Erin handed Oakley the towel. "There's plenty for everyone."

"He's not staying," Oakley whispered to her mother.

"I'll see you all later!" Erin called out as she walked to the front door and left.

Oakley and Evelyn walked over to the boys who had settled down. Evelyn crawled onto Kayce's lap, Kayce pressing a kiss to her cheek. Lee wiggle out from Kayce and leaned into Oakley who pressed a kiss to his head.

"Did you two have fun with Grandma?" Oakley asked.

"We worked in the garden," Lee told her.

"Lots of veggies?" Oakley smoothed his hair back.

"So many tomatoes," Lee laughed.

"We should make a tomato pie then," Oakley laughed.

"That's what Grandma said!" Evelyn smiled, her little arms around Kayce's neck.

"Well, how about you two go wash up for supper," Oakley stood up. "I'll see if I can't make something green to go along with this casserole."

She heard the twins run down the hall as she pulled out two zucchinis. When she turned around Kayce was standing next to the couch with his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you for coming by," Oakley surprised him. "They needed to see you."

"Needed them," Kayce mumbled.

Oakley looked up at him.

"And you..." Kayce told her, walking closer to Oakley. "Do you need me."

Oakley sat the cutting board down and gave Kayce a sad look.

"I always need you," Oakley said.

Kayce placed his hands on the back of the stools under the kitchen counter. Oakley picked up a knife and started to cut the zucchini. She could feel his eyes on her and was glad to have a task to distract her somewhat. She felt Kayce walk around and stand next to her, leaning against the counter. Her chopping slowed as Oakley raised her head to look at Kayce.

"Oaks..." Kayce leaned his head closer to hers.


Both of them looked over at Lee.

"There's someone at the door I think," Lee pointed.

Kayce immediately ran over to the door while Oakley called out for Evelyn as she grabbed Lee. Evelyn came running down the hall, unsure of why there was a commotion. Oakley grabbed her and pulled both the twins close. She watched Kayce pull his gun out from its holster and reach for the knob. Oakley held her breath as Kayce opened it.

She watched him look to the left and right, leaning out of the door. He pulled the door shut again and locked it, looking back. Kayce shook his head slightly to Oakley. She pulled Lee out from her side and looked down at him.

"Lee, are you sure you saw someone?" Oakley asked him. "Could you have seen a shadow or something?"

"It looked like a man," Lee said.

Oakley looked up at Kayce with fear all over her face.

"You're coming home," Kayce told her, marching over. "Now."

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