For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

46.6K 1.5K 796

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees
Letting my mind wander.
Line everything up.
Round Two
Thankful for Family.
Timing ain't our strong suit.
Its okay to miss him.
Half of me.
Don't jump too quickly.

A turn of the truth.

695 23 31
By LillyBelle13

"How are we doing?" Oakley looked in her rearview window at the twins.

They weren't crying anymore, but they both had tear stains on their cheeks. Oakley had just taken the twins to get their second dose of their MMR shots. Both were troopers, but that didn't mean there weren't tears.

"I hate shots, Momma!" Lee said.

"I know, baby," Oakley nodded. "But they protect you and keep you from getting sick."

"I still hate them," Lee mumbled.

"Momma, can we get ice cream?" Evelyn asked.

"Just like your father," Oakley whispered but pulled over in front of the ice cream shop.

It was warmer out today, as Oakley and the twins made their way inside the shop. The twins looked into the freezer at their options while Oakley dialed Kayce's number.

"Hey," Kayce answered.

"Hey..." Oakley smiled at his voice. "We're at the ice cream finished with their shots and I was gonna see if you wanted us to bring you something?"

"That's alright," Kayce said. "But thank you."

"We don't mind," Oakley stood behind the twins and looked at the flavors. "They've got strawberry."

"I do like strawberry," Kayce mumbled.

"We won't stay long," Oakley smiled. "I know you're busy...but we could stop by and say hi."

"I'll come meet y'all," Kayce said.

"You sure?" Oakley asked.

"Yeah...I need some air," Kayce sighed.

"Alright," Oakley frowned at Kayce's sigh. "We'll see you in a minute then."


Oakley hung up and looked at the young lady behind the counter.

A few minutes later, everyone had their ice cream. Cookies N Cream for Evelyn, Chocolate for Lee, Coffee for Oakley, and as Kayce walked into the shop, Oakley held out a strawberry for him.

"Daddy!" The twins smiled with ice cream over their lips.

"Hey," Kayce smiled at them, sitting down next to Oakley.

"Here," Oakley also handed Kayce a napkin.

"Thank you," Kayce held up the ice cream to his lips.

Oakley rested her hand on Kayce's thigh as she watched him. He'd been quiet since the news of Doyle. His team had been helping investigate the death too. The autopsy results should be back tomorrow and Oakley knew it was on Kayce's mind.

"Daddy?" Evelyn asked as she licked off the ice cream from her cone that was dripping.

"What?" Kayce looked at her.

"Did you get the bad guys today?" She asked innocently.

"Bad guys?" Kayce raised an eyebrow. "What bad guys."

"The ones Momma said you were trying to win against," Evelyn looked at Oakley to make sure she was right.

Kayce also looked at Oakley in confusion.

"She heard you the other night," Oakley mumbled to Kayce. "I told her it was because sometimes the bad guys win...but what did I also say?"

Oakley looked at Evelyn expectantly.

"That Daddy always wins in the end," Evelyn smiled at Kayce. "Because you're Daddy."

Kayce leaned his elbows on the table, moving closer to the kids. Lee was also acutely aware of Kayce now too, his eyes watching his father like a hawk.

"Sometimes the bad guys do win," Kayce nodded. "But you have to look at like in terms of battles and war."

"Are we going to war, Dad?" Lee asked.

"No, son," Kayce shook his head. "But life is a war...each day, we have to choose to live, right? Each day might bring smaller battles to us to have to fight in, but the ultimate goal is to live a good life."

"So the bad guys won...a battle...but not the war?" Evelyn asked.

"That's right," Kayce nodded. "But they ain't gonna win the war. I won't let them."

"Well, I'm on your side, Dad," Lee finished his cone.

"Thanks, buddy," Kayce chuckled. "I need all the help I can get."

"Me too!" Evelyn smiled. "And Momma too!"

"And Tate," Lee added, glancing at Evelyn who nodded in agreement.

Kayce leaned back in his seat as the twins decided to try and name off all the wranglers as well. He took a deep breath and looked over at Oakley who had been quiet for a while, just listening. She reached up and tucked some of Kayce's hair behind his ear before moving her fingers down to rub small circles on the back of his neck.

She watched Kayce let his guard down with her. His eyes dimmed as he looked into hers and she saw the lines reappear on his face. Oakley gave Kayce a sad smile, running her thumb along his jaw before dropping her hand and finishing her ice cream too. A few minutes later Oakley had tried to clean the twins up as best she could before getting back in the car. They were outside, the twins in their seats. Kayce leaned back from saying goodbye at Evelyn's window. He turned and looked at Oakley leaning against the driver's door.

"You need a break," Oakley said gently.

"Need something," Kayce nodded. "Might be another late night."

"That's four nights in a row, Kayce," Oakley frowned, even though she knew he knew that.

"M'sorry...I know I haven't been around," Kayce dipped his head. "I just keep preparing for the worse with the Anderson case...I've got two guys up at the border and I don't think they're being ethical...two reservations in the east are disputing cattle...the new governor is asking for a meeting...I think it's probably-"

Oakley had cut him off by stepping into Kayce and pressing her lips to his. She kissed him sweetly, taking a few more seconds before pulling away a few inches.

"You can't fight every battle on the same day," Oakley whispered. "You won't win them all if you do."

"Doesn't feel like I'm winning any of them right now," Kayce sighed.

Oakley ran her hands down Kayce's chest.

"I love you," Oakley told him. "And even if you weren't naming off everything you're doing to prove you're once again gonna be late...even though you don't need to do that with me...I'd still be just as proud of you."

"Thanks, baby," Kayce gave her a tight-lipped smile. "I owe day."

She saw him have a thought pop into his mind. His slight frown made Oakley guess what it was.

"You need to get back," Oakley nodded.

"I do," Kayce sighed. "But I don't want to."

"What do you want to do?" Oakley asked.

"Get in that truck with you and keep driving?" Kayce sighed.

"I know," Oakley leaned her head up and kissed him again. "Be safe...if I'm asleep, wake me when you get home."

Kayce stepped back from Oakley and looked at the twins.

"Mind your mother," Kayce told them. "I love you two."

"Bye Daddy!"

"We love you!"

Oakley smiled, knowing that's also what Kayce needed to hear. He looked back at her, stepping around Oakley while pressing a kiss to her cheek. She watched him walk down the sidewalk, back toward his office.


When Oakley pulled up to the house later, she saw a random blue car in front of it. A woman was standing near the first step to the front porch. The woman was dressed in a suit with her brown hair pulled back into a sleek ponytail.

"Kids, stay in the car," Oakley kept her truck running and got out.

She she her door and walked slowly toward the woman.

"Who are you?" Oakley asked.

"I'm looking for Kayce Dutton?" The woman asked.

"Not what I asked," Oakley stopped walking.

"Sorry," The women laughed. "I'm Alexis Stone...from the Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council."

"Y'all wear suits and expensive-looking shoes now?" Oakley's eyes looked down at the woman's stilettos. "What do you want?"

The woman nodded her head slowly, taking a few steps closer to Oakley.

"I would be their attorney so yes, I wear suits and very expensive shoes," The woman blinked at Oakley.

"Yeah...we don't really like attorneys here," Oakley placed her hands on her hips. "Look, my kids are in the car and I've got wranglers watching you from down near the again, what do you want?"

"I need to speak with your husband," Alexis said.

" know enough to know who I am," Oakley said. "He's at his office...doing his job."

"When will he be back?" Alexi asked.

"If this is business then you can see him at his office just like everyone else," Oakley frowned. "Maybe not come to his house where his family is?"

"I'm not a threat, Mrs. Dutton," Alexis shook her head. "I need your husband's help."

"We're a little full on the 'helping of others' side of life right now," Oakley was honest. "What's wrong that you need him though...he's not got jurisdiction on reservations."

"That's why we need his help," Alexis said. "I know he used to live on the Broken Rock Reservation."

"Almost a decade ago," Oakley said.

"Right...but he lived there," Alexis nodded. "They still trust him and his son-"

"Our son," Oakley interrupted.

"Well..." Alexis gave Oakley a small smile. "For this, I'll say his son is half Kayce had more pull with this."

"What is this?" Oakley narrowed her eyes. "Can you please answer my question?"

"We want to set up our own version of Livestock Commissioner," Alexis said. "We know getting the policies in place will take a few years...maybe five. But we'd like for Kayce to be on the council putting it together."

"You want your own Livestock Commissioner?" Oakley asked. "But yall go across state lines?"

"Lines we didn't draw..."Alexis gave her a sad smile.

"Right," Oakley nodded.

"Yes...and having someone who already is one and has been, would be beneficial," Alexis nodded. "Then in five years we'll hold an election and have our first one come aboard. Of course, they'll need a team and stations and all of that...this is very preliminary, but we'd like for Kayce to help us get things started."

Oakley took a deep breath.

"Do you have a card?" Oakley asked. "Kayce's been...well, it's been a busy few weeks and he won't be back here until later tonight."

"Sure," Alexis pulled a card from her pocket and handed it to Oakley. "He can call anytime."

"Thank you," Oakley nodded.

Alexis walked back over to her car. Oakley watched her open the door and pause, looking back at Oakley.

"Who knows?" Alexis called out. "Maybe when we're ready to put together our team his son would be interested in following in his dad's footsteps? Thanks again!"

Oakley felt her smile drop as Alexis got into the car and drove off. She looked over at her truck and saw the twins watching her. Lee pushed Evelyn out of the way so he could see out the front window.

But that wasn't the son Alexis was talking about.


Oakley stared at Kayce from across the kitchen island. She had just told him about her conversation with the attorney from earlier. Kayce was looking at the business card in his hands and thinking.

It was late, close to midnight and the twins had been asleep for a few hours. Oakley picked at her bottom lip as she waited for Kayce to say something. He leaned back up and tossed the card on the counter.

"I can't take on one more thing," Kayce looked up at Oakley. "What do you think?"

"They didn't ask me," Oakley shook her head.

"But I am," Kayce said.

Oakley sighed, dropping her arm to cross over the other around her middle. She had a lot of opinions about this, some good and others not. But she kept thinking about one thing in particular. It had been nagging her all day long since Alexis Stone left. Oakley's eyes looked back over at Kayce.

"I think maybe...this is something to add to your list," She said softly.

"Why's that?" Kayce tilted his head to the side in question.

"She was right about one thing," Oakley looked at the card as if it were the woman. "You and Tate have a stake in this. They couldn't...and wouldn't, ask anyone else to help them. Those people trust you, Kayce...and Tate is one of them too. So I see why they would come to you."

Kayce looked at Oakley for a few seconds.

"I won't do this if it makes you uncomfortable," Kayce said gently.

Oakley looked up at him.

"I'm not uncomfortable," Oakley said. "Just sad."

"I know," Kayce nodded. "I know the memories that place brings for you...even though you've done pretty well at hiding your feelings about it over the years."

"I made a promise to Monica," Oakley frowned. "And maybe...this has been what Tate's been feeling this year? With the connection back to the reservation?"

"You think he'd want to join their commission?" Kayce asked.

"I don't know," Oakley shrugged. "I can't imagine worrying about both of you like I do with just you now...but I know that Tate has had this pull from his first home for a while now. While I don't really understand all their ways, maybe this is one of those things?"

"Maybe I'll see what the first meeting is about?" Kayce offered.

"Yeah..." Oakley took a deep breath. "I think this is something that's supposed to happen."

"I'll call her tomorrow," Kayce glanced at the card before walking around the island to Oakley.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her into his chest. Oakley hugged Kayce back, snuggling her nose into the crook of his neck and sighing out loud. There was the sound of a truck pulling up.

Kayce pulled back and looked at his watch. It was Tate, coming back from being out with his friends.

"A fucking minute to spare," Kayce mumbled.

"Leave him be," Oakley smiled. "He's technically on time and it's summer."

The back door opened and Tate walked in through the kitchen.

"Hey," He said.

"Hey," Oakley smiled. "Have a good night?"

"Yeah, just hung out at Jared's," Tate shrugged. "His dad said he'd take us up to Whitefish later this summer...if I can go?"


"Sounds great," Oakley interrupted Kayce.

"Thanks, Tate smiled. "I'm gonna head up...goodnight."

"Goodnight," Oakley watched him walk out of the room.

She looked at Kayce who had his eyebrow raised at her.

"If you fight him all the time, then sooner or later he's gonna stop asking," Oakley squeezed Kayce's middle.

"He's dancing the line," Kayce said.

"He's seventeen," Oakley reminded him, stepping away from Kayce but lacing their fingers together. "Come on."

They walked upstairs and got ready for bed. Oakley sighed against her cool pillow as Kayce turned the lights off. They both faced one another as the silence of the house leveled out.

"When can we go back to camp?" Oakley asked him.

"You and the kids can go back any time," Kayce said. "You could go tomorrow?"

"I don't want to leave you here," Oakley said.

"I'll need a few more days," Kayce sighed. "I know the kids are antsy...don't keep 'em here and drive yourself mad because of me."

"I'm already mad," Oakley giggled and she saw Kayce crack a smile.

"You drive me mad," Kayce looked over at her.

"Take it back," Oakley leaned up from her pillow.

Kayce moved to hold both of Oakley's arms as she swatted at him. Both of them laughed until they settled back into their pillows tangled together. Kayce's fingers danced under Oakley's shirt and traced patterns over her skin.

"Thank you for supporting me the past week," Kayce mumbled.

"I want you happy again," Oakley rested her cheek against Kayce's chest. "I wanna see you smile and those lines on your face to go away...I wanna have our summer back."

"I know," Kayce's lips brushed against Oakley's forehead.

They were quiet for a while until Oakey thought of something.

"Kayce?" Oakley asked. "If it comes back that Doyle Anderson was murdered...we know it wasn't Jamie."

"Right," Kayce nodded.

"And if it comes back him just...dying," Oakley thought. "Then do you think we'll be done...with all the Jamie stuff?"

"Still got the police questioning him to think about," Kayce said. "But it's getting harder for the line to be directly tied to him."

"So...this might be the end?" Oakley asked.

"For the outside part," Kayce said.

"Guessing the inside part is me?" Oakley muttered.

"What's it gonna take for you to not feel how you do about him?" Kayce asked gently.

"I don't know," Oakley sighed.

"You still won't talk to him?" Kayce asked.

"I'm too mad," Oakley shook her head. "I'd be afraid of what would come out of my mouth. I'm scared I'd make it worse right now."

"At least you recognize that," Kayce sighed. "You do know that...all of us have...done that before."

"Yes," Oakley leaned up and looked down at Kayce. "But you hold remorse Kayce. And none of the people you've killed were because you planned on murdering them. You took out bad're still one of the good guys, despite what you might think of yourself."

"Your opinion of me is the only one that matters," Kayce said.

Oakley leaned down and kissed him.

"Give me some more time, baby," Oakley whispered. "I'm getting there, I promise."


Oakley had been waiting for her phone to ring all morning from Kayce. He had told her before he left for work the results should come in after ten or so. It was now almost eleven and she hadn't heard from Kayce.

The twins were running around, exploring in the backyard. Oakley sat on the steps to the porch and watched them. Tate had gone off with his friends somewhere, promising to be home for supper. She watched Evelyn weave in and around the trees and smiled. Her phone started buzzing so Oakley immediately answered it.

"Well?" Oakley asked.

"Well, what?" Beth's voice rang out.

"Oh, sorry," Oakley sighed.

"What's wrong?" Beth asked.

"I'm waiting for Kayce to call me," Oakley told her. "I thought you were him."

"You need to check ID when you answer phones," Beth snickered.

"Thanks," Oakley snapped. "What're you doing?"

"Driving to the ranch," Beth said. "My husband is coming back this afternoon."

"Rip's coming back?" Oakley asked.

"Said he and Dad were needed in town for a few days or something," Beth said. "Know something about that?"

"Uh...probably because May's father's autopsy results were supposed to come in this morning," Oakley said. "That's what I was waiting to hear from Kayce."

"Think Jamie killed him too?" Beth asked.

Oakley stayed quiet. So, Beth did know all the information about the situation. Which makes sense, seeing as how Rip probably knew everything and would have told her.

"I've learned through all of this to wait for the facts and not assume," Oakley said.

"What a bullshit response," Beth laughed.

"Hey..." Oakley said. "What do you know about the Rocky Mountain Leaders of Tribal...something?"

"Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council?" Beth asked.

"That one," Oakley nodded.

"Not much," Beth said. "They've done work with the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and I've seen them around the capital at times...why?"

"They want Kayce to join a committee," Oakley said. "They want their version of Livestock Commissioner and want his help to create it."

"Interesting," Beth said. "Is Kayce gonna do it?"

"He's going to meet with them," Oakley said. "Because he lived on Broken Rock and Tate is technically half...they have some respect from the tribe."

"How do you feel with all that?" Beth asked.

"I'm fine," Oakley said quickly. "Or as fine as I can be."

"It's funny how even though she's gone, she's still part of your life, Oakley," Beth said with a soothing voice. "She still dictates your world at times."

"I think she always will to some degree," Oakley said. "When it comes to Tate at least."

"I have respect for you in dealing with that like you have," Beth said. "I don't think I could do what you do."

"Funny, I'd say the same to you," Oakley smiled.

"Yeah well...thank God they have us, right?" Beth smirked through the phone.

"Will you stay here for supper?" Oakley asked.

"Sure," Beth said. "I'll see you later."

"Bye," Oakley hung up.


Oakley looked up at Lee who was standing in front of her.

"Hey," Oakley smiled. "What's up?"

"Look," Lee pointed.

Oakley looked and her eyes got big. Slowly she stood up from the step and watched how four sheriff trucks pulled up to their house, lights on.

"Get in the house," Oakley told Lee. "Now."

Lee ran inside and slammed the door. OAkley looked over at Evelyn near the trees.

"Evelyn!" Oakley called. "Inside, now!"

Evelyn ran to her mom, seeing the trucks, and quickly ran up the stairs and into the house. Oakley pulled her phone out and dialed Kayce's number. He didn't answer and two deputies were now out of their trucks and walking toward Oakley.

"Hey...I'm looking at four sheriff trucks with lights on in front of the house," Oakley said. "I need you here."

She hung up and walked over to the deputies.

"We're looking for Jamie Dutton?" One of them said.

Oakley felt her stomach drop.

"Why?" Oakley asked.

"We have a warrant for his arrest," The deputy said.

Oakley swallowed hard.

"B-Based on?" Oakley stuttered.

"Do you know where he is ma'am?" The deputy asked.

"He's uh..." Oakley was panicking.

"Ma'am, if you know where he is and refuse to tell us then we can arrest you too," The other deputy said.

Oakley looked back and forth between them.

"That won't be necessary."

Oakley looked over and saw John walking out of the house to them.

"Sir," The deputies stood taller.

"He's right there, being put into your truck," John pointed behind them.

Oakley looked and sure enough, Jamie was handcuffed, and being placed into one of the trucks. A deputy shut the door and nodded to the two standing in front of Oakley.

"Thank you, sir," The deputy said to John.

The two of them walked off. Oakley was so confused as she walked over to John. He placed his hand on Oakley's back as they watched the trucks disappear. Oakley was trying to control her breathing.

"It's alright," John told her quietly. "Kayce's meeting them when they get to the booking station."

"What happened?" Oakley looked at John.

"Jamie's fingerprints were found with Doyle Anderson," John said. "He was poisoned."

"How'd you..." Oakley trailed off. "That's why you were coming back today with Rip and would be needed in town."

"I'm sure I will be," John nodded.

"Jamie killed Doyle?" Oakley asked. "How?"

"He didn't," John shook his head.

"But his fingerprints?" Oakley was confused.

"That's what we've got to figure out," John sighed. "On top of everything else."

"Everything else?" Oakley asked.

John stepped back and looked at Oakley.

"Oakley, Jamie didn't kill Doyle Anderson," John said. "Just like he didn't kill May."

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