Roses & Thorns

By number1BTSfan

4.1K 316 366

"Nothing in life is a bed of roses." "But roses have thorns too." The nation's pride, a sophisticated fencer... More

Roses & Thorns
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 021
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 025
Chapter 026
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036

Chapter 024

118 6 6
By number1BTSfan

Beomgyu <3

rise and shine fangirl
7.26 a.m.

😭😭good morning to u too gyu

i jst saw an instagram reel on how to make your own photocards
shld i make some of myself for you


don't need to feel so honoured
how many doyoung pcs do you have be honest
u probably have 500++ since ur rich asf

😭can u stop
i dont have time to collect doyoung pcs 😪
dont act like ur not a fanboy or something urself
im pretty sure u like a girlgroup too
jst u wait until i find out who it is

good luck guessing 😁

is it le sserafim
it has to be

hmmm nono

well am i close


so annoying
what are you doing up so early

getting ready for work
im going in earlier so i can leave early to have dinner
with my brother and his girlfriend

ooo they came back to korea recently?

*gasp* u remembered?? 😍
u shld come and have dinner with us

LOL imagine if I did

they wld be so confused
my sister thought I was hooking up with someone bcz
i didn't come home last night
shes so annoying

plss i love ur sister shes so funny

no she isnt
i am😡

ur more annoying than funny if anything


isnt she so pretty

is that winter

so u like aespa?

no but then agn everyone and their mom in
korea knows who winter and aespa is 💀

🤡why is that kind of true

didnt know u had a type
ppl tell me i look like her yk LMAOO

💀not u getting compared to a female idol

is it the hair
i havent cut my hair in so long
bro u good
were u stunned by my beauty

LOL dont kid urself
i went to change songs
also i didnt know u wore glasses
u look cute

yea i know thanks 🥰

WOW not even a compliment back or anyth

i guess ur okay looking


i'll upgrade the compliment if u send me a selfie too

bro im on my way to the training centre


ur so bossy

wow 😍😍😍
how do u normally get to the training centre

by taxi but my friend is on her way to uni
and she said she could drop me off on the way

oo is it the one that lended u her car

yea chaeryeong shes so nice bless her

okay i have to go and finish this excel sheet
before eunbi comes for my ass
good luck on training today
and if that person bothers u agn jst punch them in the face

my career gonna be over if i take ur advice

😄u know u wanna do it

"Thanks Chae," Ryujin hums as she unbuckles her seat belt, slinging her practice bag as Chaeryeong came to a slow stop. Chaeryeong offers her a wave paired with a sweet smile, wishing her luck for her training. Ryujin returns the sentiment, wishing her good friend bye before closing the car door. She turned on her phone to reply to Beomgyu's message when a voice called her name.

Ryujin's head snapped up, her lips curling into a small smile seeing Sangyoon standing a few metres away. She lifted her hand to wave hello to her friend, but paused seeing the irritated expression on her face as she stormed over to Ryujin's direction.

"What's wrong? You okay?" Ryujin hums, fixing her bag on her shoulder as Sangyoon closes the gap between them, folding her arms as her eyes narrowed on Ryujin.

"Hyomin left you to clean up on your own, right? There's no way it took you guys that short to clean the whole place up," Sang-yoon asks straightforwardly, poking the inside of her cheek with her tongue as Ryujin averts her eyes, unwilling to answer the question.

"I swear to fucking god," Sang-yoon curses under her breath, uncrossing her arms before she marches into the building, her hands curled into fists. Ryujin, sensing the younger's reckless anger, followed closely in concern.

The lively chatter and hyper laughters came to an almost instant standstill when Sang-yoon slammed the door open. All eyes travelled to the girl's tall figure, her eyes scanning the room like a vulture. Ryujin entered the room after, gulping as she realized how everyone's eyes observed Sang-yoon carefully, as if intimidated.

Ryujin's eyes snapped back to Sang-yoon feeling her leave her side. Her eyes widen in shock when she sees the younger march toward Hyomin who had been scrolling through her phone. Ryujin stepped forward to stop the fight before it could start but was held back by one of the members of the team.

Ryujin opened her mouth to protest, but it was too late as Sang-yoon stood right in front of Hyomin, whose eyes slowly travelled upwards to stare at Sang-yoon dead in the eye.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" Sang-yoon seethed, her hands curling into fists. Hyomin scoffed, putting down her phone as she straightened her posture, coming eye to eye with Sang-yoon.

"That's no way to speak to someone older than you," Hyomin tutted, her eyes lazily scanning Sang-yoon from top to bottom. Sang-yoon didn't waver, a scoff leaving her lips. The tension was palpable, all the girls in the locker room remained quiet as eyes were glued to the fight starting to brew.

"Do you even know how much pain Ryujin is in right now? She can barely lift her arm because of her shoulder, but she still pushes herself during training so much so her whole fucking arm is covered in muscle tape. And you still dare to make her clean the entire place when you are perfectly fine yourself? It takes another level of sick and twisted to do that, but I won't put it past you,"

Ryujin slipped out of her teammate's grasp, her steps quickening as Sang-yoon landed her first blow. She grabbed a hold of Sang-yoon's wrist, but the younger girl shook her off stubbornly, gritting her teeth as she maintained eye contact with Hyomin.

"Who do you think you are, Sang-yoon? You're just a small little village girl, your family hours away from you and you have no authority here too. Everyone here just treats you well because you're the youngest. Do you really think you're that perfect? Hah, being poor and self-centred isn't a good combination." Hyomin spat out, her eyes lighting up.

"Shut the fuck up about Sang-yoon. This is between you and me." her voice dangerously low, Ryujin pushed Sang-yoon aside as she glared at Hyomin threateningly. Hyomin scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"You're another one. You think you're some kind of saint, are you? Justice here justice there, it's all bullshit. You aggravate me so much with your empty words and fake kindness. You may have charmed everyone here, but you are just a bitch in my eyes." Hyomin's eyes narrowed.

"I hope you know how much of a jerk and a bitch you are. Not only to me, but to everyone. Everyone here is being forced to be nice to you because of your dad. It's so fucking annoying seeing you get ahead of everyone else because you have an advantage. I can see their talent but they're not getting anywhere else because of your corrupt ways. So you want to talk about bitch? Look at yourself first,"

Hyomin's hands curled up into fists, letting out an offended scoff. The series of events afterwards was a blur. Hyomin pushed Ryujin harshly before Sang-yoon jumped in, yanking Hyomin's hair. Their teammates tried to mediate the situation, trying to stop the fight between the two girls but it got worse as more people got involved.

"What on EARTH do you all think you're doing?!" Everyone pauses in their fighting, turning to the door seeing their coach fuming, glaring at all of them. They let go of each other, bowing their heads as their coach scolds them with their eyes. She lets out a deep sigh, her eyes fluttering close as she massages her head.

"All of you, in the practice room in 5 minutes. Anyone later than 5 minutes will be suspended for 2 weeks." Coach Yang deadpans, turning around and leaving the room, slamming the door behind her. The team scrambles, trying to get ready in the short time the coach gave.

Hyomin glared at Ryujin from across the room, and for once Ryujin glared right back.

"Disrespectful. All of you were disrespectful of this sacred place. This is a place where we work together harmoniously, and what I just saw was quite literally the opposite of that. I am very disappointed." Coach Yang folds her arms, pacing around the fencers who had stood in a line, hands at their sides as their heads bowed in shame.

"Who started it?" Coach Yang sighs, standing in front of the fencers. She raises an eyebrow seeing Sang-yoon meekly raise her hand after a team member nudged her. It was unlike Sang-yoon to cause drama, often being the mediator but Coach Yang clears her throat to cover up her initial state of shock.

"May I know why?" Coach Yang hums, standing in front of Sang-yoon. Sang-yoon raised her head slightly, glancing at her team members who offered encouraging looks and urged her to tell the coach.

"When you told Hyomin and Ryujin to clean up the training room, Hyomin had left Ryujin to clean up the place herself. I got upset because Ryujin's shoulder is injured and I confronted Hyomin about it. I didn't mean for it to escalate as it did. I'm sorry," Sang-yoon mumbles, her head dipping in shame under the glacial stare of their coach.

Coach Yang furrows her eyebrows at the news, she had made it clear for them to clean the place up together. She glances at Hyomin and Ryujin, who both did not meet her eye. She releases a stern sigh, stepping away from Sang-yoon after accepting her apology.

"Hyomin and Ryujin. I told you to settle your dispute, not make it worse and involve everyone in the team. This has gone too far. I want you guys to go and have dinner together after today's training. Sort things out, or at least come to an agreement to keep this to yourselves. If I hear that you guys didn't even meet or I hear of another fight, you can kiss your opportunity to represent Korea in the next competition goodbye."

Gasps rang through the training room at Coach Yang's strict punishment. If Ryujin wasn't included in the lineup, it would make winning a lot harder without their star player. Coach Yang shushed the fencers, and they fell silent again.

"Is that understandable?" Coach Yang asked sternly, looking at Hyomin and Ryujin. Ryujin nodded curtly, curling her hands into fists to stop them from trembling. Hyomin, too, nodded after a subtle sigh before Coach Yang dismissed all of them to start warmups.


Both girls entered the tent, relieved to see that it was relatively empty other than two people sitting at the corner of the pojangmacha. They sat down, ordering a few snacks to have with their drinks before they awkwardly sat in silence.

Ryujin closed her eyes tight, a headache brewing as she felt slightly tipsy. She had gotten a head start before they met up, finishing up a whole bottle of soju to herself to control her anger and calm herself down.

They didn't talk at all, the silence carrying through the wind other than the hushed conversation of the two friends at the other end of them. It didn't seem as they recognized them, occasionally laughing softly and pouring one another drinks.

Ryujin caught herself staring, wishing that she and Hyomin could go back to that peaceful friendship before everything went downhill. She looked over at Hyomin, who had her eyes downcast as she ate her snacks silently.

"I'm sorry about what I said just now. I didn't know your shoulder was injured," Hyomin awkwardly clears her throat, still averting her eyes from Ryujin's. Ryujin's lips pulled up every so slightly, assuring Hyomin that it was fine.

"I shouldn't have said that about your father too, especially since I know the relationship between the two of you was sour," Ryujin mumbled, pouring herself a glass. She was too busy to notice the way Hyomin's grip tightened on her shot glass.

"Don't talk about him," Ryujin looked up at Hyomin hearing her mutter something under her breath. Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows, not quite catching what Hyomin had said. She shrugged it off, drinking the intoxicating liquid, enjoying the feeling of it smoothly travelling down her throat.

"Why did we end up like this? We were so close, but then you just shut me out. When I asked you about it, you snapped at me and that was the beginning of this sort of rivalry. Why did you shut me out?" Ryujin asked, her lips jutting out in a slight pout at the thought of it. It had hurt her when she lost a good friend without a reason.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ryujin asked, her eyes glazing over, her emotions heightened from the amount of drinks she already had. She had failed to realise how uncomfortable Hyomin was with this conversation.

"I was scared you'd take advantage of me,"
"Why would I? Especially after knowing about you and your dad, I'd always be by your side-"
"I told you not to mention him!"

Hyomin snapped, taking a sharp breath afterwards. Ryujin stared at her as she finished up the drink in her glass before abruptly standing up. They locked eyes, and Hyomin's eyes slightly softened seeing the disappointment in Ryujin's eyes.

"Let's just leave each other alone, okay? I won't disturb and annoy you anymore, and you don't have to keep on checking up on me. We'll just be casual teammates okay, strangers would be even better."

Hyomin turned around and left after leaving money on the table to pay for the meal. Ryujin's eyes lined with tears seeing Hyomin walk out, what did she expect? They could never go back to what they were last time.

Ryujin got up from her seat, planning to leave as well. She stumbled slightly, disoriented from the alcohol in her system. She left the pojangmacha after greeting the owner goodbye, dragging herself back home.

Her vision blurred, paired with her unshed tears and her pounding headache. She shouldn't have drank that much. Her hands cup her red cheeks, walking forward as best as she could.

She tripped over the pavement, nearly falling face forward if someone didn't catch her in time. She looked to her saviour, a drunken smile spreading on her lips seeing who it was.

"Beomgyu! I missed you," Ryujin giggled, cupping Beomgyu's cheeks. Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise, she was much more drunk than he expected. Her cheeks were a bright red, her eyes unfocused as a serene smile played on her lips.

He had gone out with Heeseung, hanging out with him at their usual spot. Heeseung wanted to leave soon when two girls came into the tent, so they decided to hurry up and finish their drinks. When he had heard the sound of a chair scraping back, he looked toward the two of them.

He frowned seeing one of the girls leave her friend there alone. Beomgyu tilted his head, and the girl seemed familiar. When she had turned around to bow goodbye to the owner, he realised that it was Ryujin herself. He hastily said his goodbyes to Heeseung, following after Ryujin to make sure that she'd be okay.

"Come on, let's get you home." Beomgyu sighs softly, swinging her hand over his shoulder as he carries her weight, walking carefully and slowly as Ryujin occasionally stumbles.

"Maybe I should have really punched her in the face. She hates me, but I don't why. Do a lot of people hate me? What if I annoy a lot of people?" Ryujin rambled on, Beomgyu glancing at her in concern at the words that spilled out of her mouth.

"Don't say that, I'm pretty sure many people like you. I like you," Beomgyu offered, seeing Ryujin's apartment in view. He halted when Ryujin stopped walking, confused as she took away her arm that was hanging on his shoulder.

"Then why won't you confess already? I want to be your girlfriend already." Ryujin asked straightforwardly, and Beomgyu's eyes widened at her statement. He feels his heart fluttering as Ryujin locks eyes with him. God, she was so cute when she was drunk.

"Do you mean that?" Beomgyu asks, a small smile playing on his lips as Ryujin nods her head, a pout forming on her lips.

"I'll prove it," Ryujin huffs, closing the gap between them. Beomgyu's eyes widen yet again and he freezes as Ryujin cups his face, pressing her lips onto his. His eyes slowly closed as well, wrapping his arms around her waist as the kiss deepened.

His eyes cracked open, his heart fluttering with disappointment when she pulled away. He smiled adoringly hearing Ryujin giggle, snuggling her face into his chest. He caressed her hair, enjoying her touch. He smiled warmly hearing her light snores, having fallen asleep in his embrace. He rested his chin on the top of her head, hugging her tighter.




hyomin gotta square up tho dw ryujin i'll punch her in the face for you
heeseung needs his idol image to be protected LOL
sorry for the inactivity though im DROWNING in assignments ugh sec 3 life is not fun

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