in my sleep | elijah hewson

Par honeystuckwithyou

21.5K 537 194

martha hendrix, upcoming musician stumbles across some familiar faces at a show of her own, little did she kn... Plus

00|in my sleep
01| perfect places
02|no hard feelings.
03| thats where youre wrong.
04|honey sweet
05|now you got me
06|kiss me.
07| this must be my dream
08|mardy bum.
09|one for the road.
10| dark red.
11| pencil full of lead.
12| 1901
14| live forever.
15| ballad of a homeschooled girl.
16| from eden.
17| radio.
18|stop dragging my heart around.
19| leather and lace.
20| sweet dreams, tn
23|shine a light
24| soundcheck
25| crazy little thing called love.
27|that's entertainment.
28|i wanna be yours.
29| outside
31| treacherous
32| slide out the window.
33| business.
34|shes casual.
new book| perfect storm
35| the louvre.
37| dublin in ecstasy.
new book.

30| smile.

387 11 1
Par honeystuckwithyou

*my longest chapter yet teehee apologies

i see the signs of a lifetime
you till i die.


Tonight's the night of the album release.

Martha's been so nervous all day, the girls have barely left her side though. They had a wholesome morning of pastries, chocolate strawberries and flowers, a proper girly morning with face masks and all sorts. Simone and Kyra knew it was needed.

It was such a wholesome day, they all got ready together too like they did when they first became friends. Martha's the youngest of them all, she met them when she was just eighteen and moved out. They always stuck by her side like two older sisters, even though there was nothing more than a year or two between them. They helped do her hair, and find the best outfit, and the right makeup. Martha has never felt so lucky in her entire life to be surrounded by people like that.

A bunch of flowers were delivered at lunch time too. A beautiful bouquet of the most stunning flowers, that looked just like they were made for Martha's flat. The note was very clearly from Eli, she could tell by the fact he'd called her Jim and because he wasn't able to make it tonight, she suspected he'd do something of the sort as an apology.

She was disappointed they couldn't come, but after spending the whole day with her best friends, Martha realised as long as she would she'd be okay. Eli texted her saying he was excited to hear the album in full for the first time, and that he'd call her later on in the night when she had a minute because he couldn't wait to talk to her about it openly without her telling him to just wait.

When the three of them were ready, they all headed out to the karaoke bar that was rented out for the night. All the cute lights and posters of Martha's album cover were adorable, Martha however hated the fact her face was plastered around the room. There was a table of some food, some champagne glasses and bottles, however there was a free bar for a couple hours too which would definitely be worthwhile.

'Before the others come,' Simone said, grabbing a bottle of champagne and some glasses from the table. 'Martha we are so beyond proud of you. You've worked so bloody hard for this and I hope you know how much you deserve it.'

'Couldn't be more happy for somebody if I tried.' Kyra threw an arm around Martha's shoulders. 'Nobody deserves this more than you.'

'Guys,' Martha smiled leaning into Kyra and opening her arms to Simone too. 'You can't make me cry before the night has even started.'

'Throwback to when we lived together and Martha kept us up all night with her music.' Simone smiled, joining their group hug.

'Yeah, never once did we get sick of it.' Kyra chuckled. 'We always came to sit with you, remember?'

'Yeah.' Martha nodded. 'Dunno how yous weren't fed up.'

'Never! Look how far you've come since then. Now we're not in your bedroom in our old cold dingy damp flat, we're at the bloody release party for your debut album.' Simone smiled.

'I could cry, fuckin' hell.' Kyra chuckled.

It was just the three of them there so far, taking it all in for a second with their arms around one another. Martha's friends were always most important to her, and Simone and Kyra meant every word they said. All three of them stood in that room under neon lights with tears in their eyes, an unbreakable sisterhood.

When they first met, in their overpriced flat in central London, Martha was up all night trying to make it work with her music. Never once did her flatmates complain, they were always so blown away, so fascinated by her talent that hearing her play through the thin walls always put a smile on their faces. If only they knew where they' be a couple of years later.

The sound of boots against the wooden floor echoed in the room, they hadn't started playing any music yet, and all that could be heard was the footsteps of the people working at the bar. None of them lifted their heads to pay attention to their surroundings until they heard an all too familiar voice.

'I thought this was supposed to be a party...'

Confused, they all broke the hug only to see that Eli was standing there, hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. Martha wasted no time in rushing over to give him a hug, a hug which lasted no more than two seconds before she pulled back more confused than ever.

'Oh my god! What are you doing here?!' She exclaimed.

'Couldn't miss it, could I?' Eli smirked.

'What about Freddie's birthday?' Martha asked him, to which he just laughed.

'There was no party,' he chuckled. 'The guys are here as well, just meeting Ciara and Rachel. I couldn't wait though.'

'Oh my god.' Martha smiled, giving him another hug, she'd never been so happy to see somebody. 'I thought you weren't coming.'

'Of course I'd come love,' Eli mumbled, holding her close as they swayed from foot to foot for a moment. 'Wouldn't miss it for the world, you know that.'

'I'm happy to see you.' Martha said, pulling back with the most pure smile on her face. Eli couldn't help but move his hand up to her cheeks and kiss her, he'd wanted to for the past few day they'd been apart and seeing her smile the way she did pushed him over the edge. He'd never felt so happy in his life.

Martha really did have no idea Eli was coming tonight, seeing him there took her by total surprise but she couldn't be more glad to see his face. It meant a lot that he showed up, she wrote this whole album all whilst she got to know Eli, he was there throughout the whole process. Having him there just felt right, she was so happy.

'Alright you two, pack it in.' Simone cut them off, the two of them burst it laughing and letting one another go for a brief moment, Eli's arm was still hovering on her lower back though, he'd kissed her too much to let go. 'We've seen enough.'

'Did yous know he was coming?' Martha asked, looking between all three of them until somebody nodded. 'What!? Guys!'

'Sorry.' Kyra chuckled. 'Worth it?'

'Only just.'

Eventually, some others started to arrive. Some of Martha's friends, some of the girls, some people she's worked with, and people she's come to know. Despite the amount of kindness everybody had to offer Martha, the nerves wouldn't settle. The whole plan for tonight was to let loose, celebrate her biggest achievement, but she was still so on edge.

The other guys arrived, Ciara and Rachel with them, and Martha rushed over to give them all a hug. She couldn't believe they all fooled her by saying they wouldn't come, even the girls made it here too. Even with all her nerves, being here with all her friends, familiar faces who are only here to celebrate Martha felt so special. She'd never felt so lucky or appreciative.

An hour went by, everyone arrived and started to mingle with one another. It's the kind of thing where everyone knows of one another, but perhaps it was too early on in the night to strike up random conversations with people you don't know well. at least they all had Martha in common.

Martha did the rounds of saying her hello's to everyone. There were people who showed up she didn't expect to. The invite was extended to catfish, as she became such good friends with them all on tour, she didn't expect van to show however. when she saw his face among the small crowd of people, she was shocked.

She didn't quite expect to see him there, she didn't know how to go about it all. She told Eli, just in case, but he just smiled and told her not to worry. He wasn't like that, he wasn't going to be cruel unnecessarily, he was always partly glad he'd showed up. He knew they were all good friends between things went west. It wasn't his place to be annoyed, but he knew what Martha was like, a constant over thinker.

It got to the point where everyone was asking Martha to give the all a perform error of her album, karaoke style. Everyone who knew Martha in that room could see it made total sense that she was spending the night of her record release at a karaoke bar, it couldn't have been more right.

'Alright, before I start, thanks for coming! I'm so happy, oh my god I didn't expect half of you to turn up. No offence! I just...oh my god I'll shut up,' She laughed. 'Fuck me, This is exactly what my albums about, shooting myself in the foot all the bloody time, so...don't be too harsh, yous know what I'm like.'

Everyone gathered to hear Martha's music for the first time, just her, a shit microphone, a small stage, in some random karaoke bar. Nobody had heard any song in full, not even Eli of the girls, so everybody gathered in total anticipation.

When the first song played, everyone was totally shocked in the best way. Smile, the opening track, was the most perfect one to begin the record. Smiles took place across everyone's faces as they watched her in her element, nodding their heads and grinning at lyrics they liked. It was a strong start.

'I know you all think I'm unhinged, we'll wind her up and this honeybee stings, did you think I was a puppet on strings? Wing it up and this honeybee stings.'

In a way, Martha chose the perfect song for her single. Everybody called her unhinged once she released that, and smile was written far before ballad of a homeschooled girl was out. She just about predicted the reaction that song would get, and subtly nodded to that in her opening track. 

The next song was the single, the two went perfectly together and the energy created in that room was unmatched. All her friends were cheering louder than ever, right in front of her with no barriers or security guards in the way. It was such a special night.

The next couple songs were a lot quieter, Martha was nervous to play them knowing she wrote them at a time where it was Van who she'd just stopped seeing. The things that went down between them were written in the lines of some of Martha's lyrics, and in a small karaoke bar, there wasn't much escaping she could really do.

Lacy was more of a personal song, but when she got to girlfriend and liability, it was a daunting moment. However when it got round to it, everyone just smiled, watched Martha proudly without judgement because the songs she'd written were so beautiful. Yes people could put two and two together, but everyone was mature enough to get over it. The room being half filled with musicians helped too, they were all used to writing songs about this, that and the next thing. Even when she did look over at Van, he stood with the same smile everyone else wore.

'Oh my god, three sad songs in a row it sounds so depressing now I'm singing it live.' Martha chuckled. 'The next ones a little bit more fun, it's called love is embarrassing.'

This was a fun one to sing live, Martha couldn't wait until she was back on a proper stage, with all her new music being able to perform it all live with her band. It was another high energy song, everyone seemed to love it. Simone, Kyra, Rachel and Ciara were all dancing with one another yet also trying to take in the lyrics which they so desperately loved.

Eli was right in front of her, the biggest smile on his face as he nodded along and smiled at her spoken little lines here and there. He loved how good of a performer she was, even in a place like this she had the room captivated. It was mesmerising hearing her sing. He's never been more proud to see someone do what they love, and you really could see how happy Martha was in the moment.

It was so much fun, she sped through the next couple offing without saying too much about them, it was fairly obvious what they were about. Towards the end of the album it sort of changes its tune, becomes a little less self deprecating and more hopeful. There were songs about Eli she had to sing and with him standing right there in front of her, it became a slightly terrifying moment.

She played full machine, Eli stood there with a smile on his face as he came to recognise a couple lyrics from when he was sat in Martha's flat one morning begging her for a sneak peak. She wrote that song the first time Eli went back to Dublin after they met. They weren't really a thing, but had been close for so long and it went from that to radio silence. There was a lot of uncertainty and Martha wasn't going to put it on the album until her producers expressed their love for the song.

Next were two songs she'd written about him and they were some of her favourites from the record. Treacherous and Don't Delete The Kisses, the last two songs before the last track on the album. As she sung those two, she couldn't take her eyes off of Eli and he just smiled up at her with that proud look on his face. Her friends were all so happy for her too, for her to be singing such a beautiful song about somebody she's happy with, they were proud of how far she's come.

'I see the signs of a lifetime,' she sang, the final lyric with the sweetest, purest smile on her face. 'You till I die.'

Eli had never felt that feeling in his life before, he couldn't put it into words, the ar,this in th edel the of his chest as he stood there watching Martha. Those two songs were so beautiful and he remembers asking her about one and her going all shy. To hear them for the first time was such a surreal moment, he's never felt more proud.

'Alright, that was so cringe, the next ones called no hard feelings.' Martha chuckled. 'A good finale to people pleaser I think, it's all in the title I think. I'll come see you all over the course of the night but thanks again for coming to support me tonight I couldn't be more grateful, there's no other people I'd rather celebrate tonight with, thank you.'

It was a quiet kind of song she finished with, no hard feelings is so representative of the album, the perfect people pleaser song. Regardless of the songs about heartache, or fury, or love, she wasn't going to hold the grudge. It was a song of understanding and it only felt right to end it there.

'Would we ever have tied the knot? Well how long is a piece of string? And for everything that ends, something else must begin.' Martha sang, looking at Van, Eli, her friends, it was such a special song but that lyric specifically. 'No hard feelings honey, and we both will take the win.'

Everyone cheered when she finished, and that was it. Everybody had officially heard her debut record, it was no longer her little secret anymore. Nervously, she stood there accepting their applause. Eli gave her a thumbs up which she giggled at, and as she looked over at Van, he gave her a subtle nod and continued to clap his hands. They never ended horrifically, there was hurt there afterwards, but it's gone now and if they ended up together she'd never have wound up with Eli.

'Alright, cheers to that.' Martha laughed, smiling as she hopped down away from the mic and the usual music resumed.

Simone and Kyre were first to throw themselves at Martha, squawking and shaking her shoulders as they gushed about how proud they were, and how amazing the album was. They had so much to say and part of it was just to wind Martha up because she was awful at taking compliments. Tonight there was no getting out of it though.

'That was amazing.' Eli exclaimed, giving her a hug and picking her up off of her feet for a second. 'Fucking hell martha, didn't have undersell yourself! That was bloody brilliant!'

'Album of the year material that.' Rob joined in, giving her a quick side hug.

'Congratulations rockstar.' Ryan said, giving her a high five.

'You two are adorable.' Josh chuckled, looking at Martha and Eli who were stood with an arm round one another. 'Smashed it buddy, what a record.'

'Literally! Was that not the best thing you have ever heard?' Simone chimed in.

'Absolutely.' Eli agreed, Martha just laughed and covered her face with her hands.

'Oh my god stop it.' Martha giggled. 'Too much.'

'Treacherous is so sweet.' Rob said, winking at Eli as they all had a little laugh. 'Don't delete the kisses an all. Lucky guy.'

'Shut up, Rob.' Martha laughed. 'I'm leaving now.'

Martha wandered off, leaving them all there as she went to talk to the others who'd kindly shown up tonight. Sam was there with some friends, a couple other musicians came along that she'd gotten to know so to have them openly praise her work even though it was just a shitty performance in a random karaoke bar, it was special.

Eli's friends were all winding him up about the songs they suspected were about him, only because he was smiling like a love struck teenage boy every time Martha glanced his way whilst singing those. It was a sweet moment for the two of them, they knew that and they'd heard everything he'd written about Martha so far too, in a way, it made Eli feel more at ease over the countless lyrics he'd written about Martha.

She made her way over to see Catfish, they were the last ones she had to speak to. They all gave her a little hug, even Van did once he realised his friends were.  The awkwardness was gone in an instance as soon as they all delved into the congratulations.

'That was actually insane that.' Bondy said.

'Thanks! I meant to message before I realised some lines and that but I never got round to it,' Martha explained, looking at Van, 'I apologise if you're really weirded out or pissed off, that's so fair-'

'Don't be daft.' He cut her off with a gentle laugh. 'It's good music Martha, congrats. Don't have it bloody run it by me.'

'Oh,' she laughed. 'Thanks cause genuinely, it's been giving me the fear.'

'Bless, you're fine.' He laughed, smiling when he went to make a joke relating to her music. 'no hard feelings eh?'

'No hard feelings.' She smiled back.

He genuinely did have no bad blood towards Martha. Her album is incredible and they were all so proud to see her go from their opening act on tour to releasing her debut. They all chatted for a while, caught up on what was new. Van was still with the girl he was kind of seeing at the same time as Martha, but in a way she was glad. He was happy for her and Eli, they both found some sort of happiness and peace and so there truly were no hard feelings.

There were so many drinks bought for Martha once the free bar stopped, everyone wanted to celebrate her. They were all so proud, specifically Kyra and Simone. They felt like proud parents. There was a moment they all shared together in the girls bathroom, and when they left with teary eyes, the guys didn't even have to question what went on in there, instead there was just a group hug.

'I'm so happy for you.' Eli mumbled as the two of them shared an embrace. He'd barely gotten a minute along with her tonight but he didn't mind. It was all about celebrating Martha, he had all the time in the world with her and seeing her in her element talking to everyone was so worth it. He planted a kiss onto her temple, 'so proud.'

'I'm so happy you all came.' She smiled, turning her head ot the side to face him. 'Do you like it?'

'Do I like it? You bloody insane?' He laughed. 'Love it, best thing I've ever listened to, but I already knew that before I heard it.'

'Shut up,' she laughed. 'Do you actually-'

Eli cut her off by giving her a kiss, 'I love it.'

'I'm glad.' She said back.

'I'm expecting a full run through tomorrow, by the way.' He said.

'Okay, I'll finally let you have it.' She laughed.

'You two gonna stop being all over each other so we can make a toast to Martha or do yous want to keep shagging away?' Rob asked.

They just smiled and went to join the others for a toast, even though Martha hated being the center of attention. He knew they wouldn't have a lot of time together tonight but it didn't matter, just being there for her biggest achievement was all that was important. She was never far away, always giving him little glances across the room.

He'd not stopped thinking about those songs she sung, looking him in the eyes whilst detailing a romance which felt all possible familiar. The entire album was incredible, a true masterpiece that was bound to smash it, but it was the couple of songs towards the end of the album he kept running back to.

Watching her across the room, smiling the way she does, it's beautiful. He's never known somebody to be so in love with what they do, so passionate and you full of love to offer other people.  How did he get so lucky?

'To Martha Hendrix!'

@elijahhewson added to their story!

@kyraaa.wltr added to their story!

@marthahendrixxx added to their story!

@marthahendrixxx shared a post

liked by @inhalerdublin and 28,937 others

some digitals from celebrating last night with all my faves<3


@elijahhewson: best night 🤘🏻 rockstar
>@marthahendrixxx: 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻

@samfender: had a blast x
>@samfender: thank uuuu for coming samuel

@simone.atkins: me and rob look like a couple STOP
>@bobbyskeetz: aren't we?💔
>@simone.atkins: die

@simone.atkins: SO PROUD!!!!!
>@marthahendrixxx : ilysm 💞💞💞

@kyraaa.wltr: ILY FOREVER MY ROCKSTAR 🥺💞🥺💞
>@marthahendrixxx: 🤍🤍🤍🤍

@lilamoss: the best night celebrating u🥺
>@marthahendrixxx: thank u bestie 😭

@joshjenkinson: class night class music class company
> @marthahendrixxx: oh yeah😎

@marthafan: obsessed with this post😭😭eli and martha, josh and kyra , simone and rob!!!??? also dam fender!!?? martha got all the gang together to celebrate i love it
>@marthafan2: fr😭 what do i do to join this friend group??


people pleaser is out now!!!
martha seems to have had a release party with friends!! some who were seen attending includes inhaler, sam fender, catfish and the bottlemen, simone + kyra, lila moss, nell mescal, and so many others! will make a thread tomorrow with all the pics from the pals of everyone leaving the event!!! in the meantime stream people pleaser!

@marthafan: i think that was her and eli hugging on insta🥺so cute
@marthafan2: it's the same jacket she was wearing awwww
@marthafan3: she's insane i love her sm
@marthafsn4: not her inviting her bf and ex to the same party for an album with songs about them both😭
@marthafan: tbf i think they're all friends
@inhalerfan: here come more eli+martha rumours🙄🙄

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