For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

46.5K 1.5K 796

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees
Letting my mind wander.
Line everything up.
Round Two
Thankful for Family.
Timing ain't our strong suit.
Its okay to miss him.
Half of me.
Don't jump too quickly.

Shave off the unwanted.

702 26 30
By LillyBelle13

"I'm not letting you go by yourself," Oakley said.

"Oakley...get out of the truck, go inside, and find what we need, and I'll be back before you're done checking out," Kayce sighed.

"No," Oakley looked at him like he was ridiculous. "Do you think I'm just gonna let you go to some house Beth found and start asking questions about someone you think was murdered in prison?"

"I ain't asking you again," Kayce snapped.

"I'm. Not. Moving."

"Get out of the fucking truck, Oakley," Kayce said lowly.

"No," Oakley crossed her arms, her seatbelt still on.

Kayce glared at her from across the console.

"I have been married to you for six fucking years," Oakley challenged. "I am not letting you do this by yourself."

"I'm not having you put yourself in danger," Kayce said.

"But it's okay for you to do that?" Oakley asked.

"I'm Livestock Commissioner," Kayce shrugged.

"Right...because being the Livestock Commissioner has never gotten you into dangerous situations," Oakley rolled her eyes.

"Some of those times have been protecting your ass," Kayce said.

"Because of situations you put me in," Oakley eyed him. "Honestly, Kayce...I'm either going with you or we can just sit in this parking lot until the sun goes down."

Kayce clicked his teether before turning off the truck and getting out. Oakley watched him walk to the front of the truck and look at her through the window. She got out, meeting him where he was standing. Kayce started to walk toward the store entrance.

"What're you doing?" Oakley asked.

"Buying these fucking rods so we can get all this shit over with," Kayce snapped out loud, not caring there were other people around them.

Oakley hurried after Kayce into the store. They walked down the fishing aisle until Kayce could look at the rods. Oakley stood next to him as he compared a few of them, a small smile on her lips. Kayce glanced up at Oakley and did a double take when he saw her smile.

"What?" Kayce asked, his voice still irritated.

"Nothing," Oakley kept her smile as she took the light green rod from him.

They found two for the twins and moved on to get a new reel for Kayce and an extra spool of line. Oakley stood next to Kayce as they waited in line. She reached over with her free hand and looped her pinky around Kayce's. He looked down at their hands and then back to facing forward. But Oakley saw a few of his frown lines disappear.

After checking out they were back in the truck, and the coordinates for the address Beth had sent over displayed on the truck's screen.  Kayce drove around a bend and Oakley could see the trees part for the lake off to the right. A few more minutes and Kayce turned left, headed down a dirt road.

There was a cottage back up a small hill. Kayce pulled his truck in front of the driveway and parked it. Oakley looked at the map and saw they were in the correct spot.

"Do you know her father's name?" Oakley asked softly.

Kayce pulled out his phone and looked at the text Beth had sent him.

"Doyle Anderson," Kayce read. "Retired cop from Miles City."

"Cop?" Oakley asked.

"Says he was," Kayce shrugged and put his phone back in his pocket. "Will you please stay here?"

"No," Oakley opened her door.

She knew Kayce was out of his seat and felt him walk up behind her as she made her way to the front door. But before she could reach the porch steps, Kayce grabbed her arm and spun Oakley around.


"No, you listen to me," Kayce interrupted her. "You do exactly as I say. You don't question me. You don't argue with me. You stay behind me and you listen to me, go it?"

Oakley let out a large sigh.

"Okay," She nodded.

Kayce stepped around her and walked up the steps first. He knocked three times on the door and they waited. A few seconds later it opened to reveal an older man with light blue eyes. He looked at both of them.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Doyle Anderson?" Kayce asked.

"Who's asking?" The man said.

"Kayce Dutton, Livestock Commissioner," Kayce said and Oakley almost rolled her eyes.

"I didn't call you," The man glared.

"Mr. Anderson?" Oakley asked softly. "We um...we knew your daughter. May?"

The man's eyes changed at the mention of May. Oakley watched him push open the screen door that had been separating them. He stepped out onto the porch and Kayce moved to where he was standing more in front of Oakley.

"You knew May?" The man asked.

"Are you her father?" Kayce asked.

"Yeah," Doyle nodded. "I am."

"We're..." Oakley trailed off, not sure how to answer that question for the man to understand.

"I know who you are," Doyle was looking at Kayce though. "My grandson's uncle, right?"

"Yes, sir," Kayce nodded, reaching up to remove his hat. "I'm very sorry for your loss."

Doyle shook his head and took a deep sigh.

"It just don't make any sense," Doyle said.

"What doesn't?" Oakley asked and Doyle finally looked at her. "Sorry, I'm Oakley...Kayce's wife."

Doyle nodded his head to Oakley.

"My daughter wasn't..." Doyle frowned. "She wouldn't have..."

"So there was nothing in her life that would have made her do that?" Kayce asked and Oakley looked up at him.

Kayce was doing better than Oakley was currently. It made her stop for a brief second and wonder how many conversations he had had with people in the state over tragedies.

"She's been in prison for a few years," Doyle cleared his throat.

"When was the last time you saw her?" Kayce asked.

"A week before," Doyle said.

"How did she seem?" Kayce held his hat in both of his hands.

"Normal," Doyle shrugged. "Nothing out of the ordinary."

"She never said she had any...anyone inside that she might not have gotten along with?" Kayce asked.

Doyle looked at him with concern.

"You think someone did that to her?" Doyle asked.

"I don't think anything," Kayce shook his head. "Just asking questions."

"Why?" Doyle looked between both of them. "Why are you here asking questions?"

"Sir-" Kayce held up one of his hands.

"How about that fucking father of my grandson, huh?" Doyle snapped. "What don't you point your fucking questions at him?"

"Jamie?" Oakley asked.

"Piece of shit," Doyle spat on the ground.

Kayce's shoulders tensed.

"Jamie didn't do anything," Kayce said.

"Yeah," Doyle sneered at Kayce. "Cause you Duttons are fucking saints, right?"

"Why would you think Jamie did something?" Oakley asked, resting her hand on Kayce's back to try and keep him calm.

"Why not?" Doyle asked. "She was getting out...was gonna get her son back."

"James?" Oakley frowned. "She was going to try and take James?"

"Wouldn't have been hard from what little I know about that family and all your problems," Doyle huffed. "Don't matter now though, right? You always fucking win."

He turned around and opened the screen door. Before closing the door he turned around and looked at Kayce.

"I didn't vote for your father," Doyle shook his head. "And you're shittier than he was with the commission."

With that, Doyle slammed the door. Oakley heard him lock it from the inside. Her hand on Kayce's back moved to hold his arm.

"Kayce," Oakley tugged slightly.

Kayce turned, placing his hat on his head, and walked off the porch. Oakley followed him down, glancing over to the left as they walked back to the truck. But she stopped, seeing something that caught her eye...well, someone.

"Marcus?" Oakley asked.

Kayce turned around hearing Oakley and then looked over. Marcus was watching them from behind a fence. He was holding a hay spear, watching them closely. Kayce took a step closer to Marcus but it made the kid dart away. Oaklwya watched him run off until he turned behind an old, broken-down barn.

"Kayce?" Oakley asked stepping up next to him.

"Let's go," Kayce's eyes didn't leave the spot Marcus disappeared as he pulled Oakley along.

They got into the truck and Oakley looked out her window as Kayce flipped the vehicle around and gunned it. When she couldn't see the cottage anymore, Oakley leaned back in her seat. She was more confused now as she looked over at Kayce.

"What...was that?" Oakley asked.

Kayce's eyes looked in the rearview mirror for a second.

"I don't know," Kayce mumbled.


Kayce was silent for most of the drive back to the ranch. Oakley let him be in his thoughts. Doyle had said some rude comments she was sure got under Kayce's skin. Plus, there now seemed to be more questions than answers again when it came to what happened to May. Oakley knew Kayce didn't take the comment that it was Jamie's fault lightly. He pulled up to the main lodge and turned his truck off. They had less than an hour before they needed to get the kids.

"What's going through your head?" Oakley asked gently.

"Different things," Kayce swallowed.

"Wanna talk about them?" Oakley asked. "Or do you want some space?"

"Give me a little space, baby," Kayce sighed, rubbing his eyes. "Sorry."

Oakley nodded, opening her door.

"Take some space and go get the kids," She slid out and went to the back to grab their supplies from earlier.

Before leaving she looked through the window Kayce had rolled down.

"I don't think he did it, Kayce," Oakley said.

Kayce just looked at her.

"Jamie's a lot of things...but murder?" Oakley shrugged.

Kayce still didn't say anything but Oakley caught a look in his eye. It gave her a chill though, the meaning behind his eyes she could see now.

"He's..." Oakley trailed off, a deep frown on her lips.

"I'll be back with the kids," Kayce put his truck in drive. "Don't tell anyone where-"

"I won't," Oakley cut off Kayce, stepping back. "See you later."

She walked off before Kayce could respond. When she almost got to the door, it opened. Out stepped the tall woman from Travis' crew. Oakley stepped back in surprise.

"What are you doing?" Oakley asked.

"Calm down," the woman tossed her hair over her shoulder. "T said we could use the bathroom."

"T?" Oakley asked.

"Travis?" The woman said as if it were obvious. "The guy you buy horses from all the time? Well...I guess you don't buy them."

"Excuse me?" Oakley frowned. "This is our home...strangers aren't allowed inside our home."

"Just using your bathroom, it's not a big deal," the woman walked down the steps.

Oakley thought for a split second and sat the things she was carrying on the ground. She walked after the woman.

"Hey," Oakley called out and the woman stopped.

Oakley tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and took a deep breath.

"I don't know you," Oakley started. "I don't even know your name."

"Madison," The woman said blankly.

"Okay..." Oakley blinked. "Madison, I don't know you...but you are a guest on my ranch."

Madison crossed her arms.

"And I feel..." Oakley took a deep breath. "That you haven't been respectful to me since you arrived here."

"How?" Madison chirped in.

"Well," Oakley slapped her hands on her thigh. "This incident for starters."

"Fine, won't go in your house," Madison shrugged.

"Okay," Oakley nodded. "Also...I don't appreciate how you've been with my husband."

Madison stared at Oakley for a second.

"Who's your husband?" She asked.

"Kayce," Oakley said slowly. "The owner of this whole ranch."

Madison shrugged again as if that description didn't help her. Oakley was surprised, but also confused as it whether Madison was being honest or she actually did know which one Kayce was.

"The way you talked to him when you arrived. I've seen you look at us when I'm with him," Oakley said and then sighed. "He's the blonde one...tall...badge."

"Oh," Maidson nodded. "I didn't realize he was married to you."

Oakley didn't like how she said that. Did this woman think Oakley just made out with him or put the kids to bed with him for kicks?

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "Look, I just wanted you aware of how you were coming across."

"Looks like it really bothered you," Madison said.

"I wouldn't have brought it up if it didn't," Oakley licked her lips.

"Can't help that he's attractive," Maison smirked.

Oakley felt sick to her stomach.

"Happily?" Maison asked.

"What?" Oakley raised her eyebrow.

"Are you happily married?" Madison laughed and continued. "Kidding...I have work."

With that, Madison turned around and continued back down to where the trailers were. Oakley raised her eyebrow, feeling as if this conversation just made everything a lot worse. She walked back over to the things on the porch and went inside. 


Gator was making another meal for everyone that evening. Oakley stood in her bedroom, looking into the mirror and turning around. She had on her tightest jeans, hugging her legs, along with a tight black long-sleeved shirt. She knew she'd need a jacket, as she flipped her hair to the front of her shoulders, but figured she'd take one of Kayce's.

She was being ridiculous, but the conversation with Madison had put Oakley on edge even more. The kids were already down there with the wranglers and Kayce just walked into the room.

"Ready?" Kayce asked but stopped when he looked over at Oakley.

"What?" Oakley asked, looking at him through the mirror before turning around to face him.

She hadn't told Kayce about her conversation with Madison. When he had gotten home with the kids it had been slightly chaotic for the last hour or so. Kayce's eyes danced down and up Oakley's body and it made her feel better...slightly.

"Are you ready?" Kayce asked after clearing his throat.

"Sure," Oakley tried to stay calm, walking over to Kayce. "Can I borrow one of your coats?"

"Why mine?" Kayce asked as he followed her down the stairs.

"So I don't have to put it on," Oakley walked over to the coat rack. "Just over my shoulders when it starts to get cooler."

She grabbed her favorite of Kayce's and draped it over her arm. Kayce was watching her from the way to the backdoor.

"What?" Oakley asked him.

Kayce looked like he wanted to say something to her but stopped himself. Oakley walked up to him and stopped. She knew there were more important conversations needing to happen on this ranch. But their guests needed to leave for those to take place.

" just look pretty," Kayce said.

Oakley gave him a genuine smile at that. She reached over and pulled Kayce closer by his shirt. Oakley leaned her chin up as their lips met. Kayce's hand rested low on her back.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Jamie?" Oakley asked him.

"Not yet," Kayce shook his head. "Not sure I want to."

Oakley frowned at that.

"But I will," Kayce nodded. "Just...let's get through tonight."

Oakley followed Kayce out the back and down to where everyone had started to gather. It gave her a sense of what was to come with camp, everyone in circles, just enjoying the food and being together. Oakley sat down on one of the logs brought in, the twins in front of her on the ground. They were eating the plates Oakley had just made them. Tate walked over and sat down next to Oakley, handing her a beer. She eyed his drink though.

"Water," Tate smiled, taking a sip.

Oakley wrapped an arm around Tate and snuggled next to him while he ate his meal. She looked over when James walked over to where they all were. He had a plate in his hand and looked shy. Oakley smiled at him.

"Hey...have a seat," Oakley nodded to where Lee was at her feet.

James sat down and Lee turned more to talk to his cousin. It made Oakley feel good, the way her kids would acknowledge James. Her eyes danced around the group, looking for Jamie. She spotted him in the food line, behind Kayce. They were talking, but Oakley knew it wasn't about what had happened earlier. She watched Kayce grab a plate and his eyes looked around until they landed on where she was sitting.

Kayce held the plate up as if to ask Oakley if she wanted him to make her one. She smiled, nodding her head. Kayce grabbed another plate and started down the line. Oakley sighed, noting how a few other wranglers had sat in the circle she was in.

"When are we gonna get these ones their own horse?"

Oakley looked up at Travis who was standing above her. He was motioning to the kids on the ground. Oakley smiled.

"In a few years," Oakley laughed. "Might give 'em a dog or something first...something easier." 

"Horses are the best at training humans," Travis said.

"Well..." Oakley thought. "How about you look at your babies this season and pick us out three where in a few years they'll be perfect additions?"

"I can do that," Travis nodded before walking away.

"We're getting our own horse, Momma?" Evelyn asked.

"In a few years," Oakley said.

Evelyn sighed dramatically, making Oakley shake her head with a smile. Oakley looked over at the other circle and her eyes caught Madison's. The smile on Oakley's lips dwindled some as they stared at each other for a few seconds. Madison ended up looking away, standing up from her seat. Tate's moving made Oakley focus back on her group.

Tate moved to the ground as Kayce took his place next to Oakley. He handed Oakley a plate of food as he pulled his other leg over to sit properly.

"Thank you," Oakley leaned in and kissed Kayce's cheek. "See Jamie's here."

"Yeah," Kayce nodded, taking a spoonful of beans.

They sat there for a few minutes, enjoying everything around them. Oakley looked over to see Madison had moved over to where Gator was. Oakley watched them talk about something.

"How long is Travis here for?" Oakley asked Kayce.

"Until Friday I think," Kayce answered. "Why?"

Kayce's eyes followed to where Oakley was staring. He started to chuckle under his breath when he realized Oakley was watching the woman.

"You just want a rule where no women are allowed?" Kayce asked.

Oakley looked at him and saw he was joking, a large smile on his face as he watched her. Oakley sighed, picking at the food on her plate.

"I hope you never get a good taste of what I've felt the past few days," Oakley said.

Kayce gave her a curious look.

"First off, you'd probably kill someone, and we don't need that," Oakley took a sip of her drink. " might think I'm being dramatic, you might think I'm making this about you, but I'm not. This has nothing to do with you. This is another woman thinking she can say and do whatever she pleases, with no regard for another woman's feelings or concerns."

Oakley handed her plate to Tate who stood up to throw his plate away. Kayce was still staring at her, his eyes had softened some.

"She didn't even know who you were when I told her she was making me uncomfortable," Oakley said.

"You talked to her?" Kayce asked.

Oakley nodded.

"Tried to be polite," Oakley thought back. "Asked her if she'd just be more mindful...and she didn't know that you'd be married to me. I couldn't tell if she was being mean or didn't truly think you'd...marry me. Either way, it wasn't a nice pill to swallow."

Oakley finished her drink, watching Kayce glance over at the woman again.

"I'm thirty-six years old," Oakley cleared her throat. "I've been married for six a man that I don't doubt loves me, and who I know is the love of my life, and have three children with...but that doesn't mean it feels good to be told something like that. Threats, no matter how ridiculous, are still threats...and I went about it the way you told me to. I calmed down, I spoke about how I was feeling."

"Momma?" Evelyn stood up, causing Kayce and Oakley's conversation to end.

Oakley held out her hands, holding Evelyn still by the little girl's sides. She had some chocolate on her lips from the brownie. There were dirt marks on her little jeans as well from sitting on the ground.

"You're a mess, girl," Oakley tickled her sides, making Evelyn laugh.

"Momma..." Evelyn sighed. "Do you have some lipstick?"

"Do I have lipstick?" Oakley asked. "Not with me right now, but I do back at the house."

"Can I have some?" Evelyn asked.

"Why do you need lipstick?" Oakley wondered.

"'Cause that's what girls wear," Evelyn told her.

"Well...sometimes," Oakley raised her eyebrow. "Did someone from school tell you that?"

Oakley would wear a little makeup and obviously put more on for events or something special, but she wasn't a huge makeup person. She also never would push makeup on Evelyn. Their only thing Evelyn would do with Oakley that would be considered "girly" would be painting each other's nails every now and then, particularly in the summer at camp.

"No," Evelyn looked behind her and pointed over to the group of women who came with Travis. "Those girls did."

Evelyn looked back at Oakley.

"They said it's what makes us pretty," Evelyn smiled. "And that I needed some lipstick."

Oakley felt Kayce tense sitting next to her. Her own mind was reeling.

"That's not what makes you pretty, Evelyn," Oakley said gently.

"It's not?" Evelyn asked.

"No," Oakley reached up and pointed to Evelyn's heart. "It's what's in here that makes you pretty."

Oakley's finger then moved to Evelyn's lips.

"Being polite...Being a kind person, who treats people fairly and doesn't judge others...who helps others. That's what makes you can be fun to wear and make you feel good, but it doesn't do all of that too."

"Sounds like a lot," Evelyn blinked back at Oakley.

"Well, you're six," Oakley smiled. "You've got a long time to learn all of that, I promise."

"How old are you, Momma?" Evelyn asked.

"Thirty-six," Oakley said. "How old was I then when I had you?"

Evelyn thought for a moment. Oakley waited patiently, trying to not only get the girl's mind off needing lipstick to be pretty but also knowing Evelyn wasn't as quick with math as her brother.

"Thirty?" Evelyn asked.

"Mmhmm," Oakley nodded, pulling Evelyn between her legs and kissing her cheek. "And your daddy was thirty-one."

"But he didn't have me," Evelny giggled.

"No," Oakley laughed. "He'd still be recovering if he did."

Oakley looked over where Kayce had been but he wasn't next to her anymore. Oakley looked around and saw him talking to Travis. Kayce didn't seem particularly happy as he pointed over to Travis' crew.

"Come on you three," Oakley stood up and looked at the kids. "'s bedtime for you too I imagine."

James nodded, standing up and walking over to where Jamie was sitting down. Oakley gathered her crew up and looked up to see Kayce walking over to her.

"Hey?" Oakley asked as they followed the kids back to the house.

"Hey," Kayce acted like Oakley hadn't seen who he was talking to.

"Everything okay?" Oakley looked back at Travis who was now yelling at his crew.

"Fine," Kayce stuck his hands in his jacket pocket. "Just telling Travis if I'm paying for him and his crew to stay here then I need only wranglers...he can leave the rest somewhere else."

Oakley looked at the ground as she smiled. Reaching over she hooked her arm through one of Kayce's as they continued up the path.

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