Steven BLUE-niverse (Season 1)

By zhou_enlai

5.9K 129 74

steven universe is the son of famous rock star Greg universe and the alien space empress blue diamond, one of... More

chapter 1 gem glow
chapter 2 eye in the sky
chapter 3 cheeseburger backpack
chapter 4 together breakfast
chapter 6 the diamond sisters
chapter 7 message from yellow
chapter 8 connie's questions
chapter 9 the rose quartz
chapter 10 blue the mascot
chapter 11 Durgy the blue tiger
chapter 12 human clothes
chapter 13 a fly around earth
chapter 14 in the mirror
chapter 15 water friend
chapter 16 barn training
chapter 17 a new purple friend
chapter 18 befriending a traitor
chapter 19 Connie's beach adventure
chapter 20 blue the selkie
chapter 21 meet the maheswarans!
chapter 22 Steven tag!
chapter 23 warp-robot
chapter 24 the other gem
chapter 25 the kindergarten
chapter 26 meeting the others
chapter 27 Steven's first space adventure
chapter 28 welcome to the zoo
chapter 29 gareg, stayvaan and laysuh
chapter 30 face to face with yellow diamond
chapter 31 back to earth
chapter 32 the return of mr universe
chapter 33 greg's new fan
chapter 34 how Steven lost his tooth
chapter 35 double birthday
chapter 36 baby blue
chapter 37 three or one?
chapter 38 what is a true fusion
chapter 39 redemption and remorse
chapter 40 mr universe and the crystal gems
chapter 41 blue potato
chapter 42 steven makes a gem-book account
chapter 43 a shocking reveal at a party
chapter 44 hidden storage secrets
chapter 45 the blue juice
chapter 46 failed affair
chapter 47 leprechaun diamond
chapter 48 finding love in the hills of korea
chapter 49 who you really are
chapter 50 mr demayo
chapter 51 back in the kindergarten
chapter 52 from a diamond to a traitor?
chapter 53 the new house guest
chapter 54 the other kindergarten
chapter 55 inside durgy
chapter 56 song of the sea
Chapter 57 the moon base
chapter 58 the story of the cluster
chapter 59 bollywood diamond
Chapter 60 beach city bike gangs
Chapter 61 blue goes to the hospital
chapter 62 rose on the run
chapter 63 blue's meltdowns
chapter 64 empire city
chapter 65 a visit from homeworld
chapter 66 the real yellow
chapter 67 blue's trip to funland
chapter 68 the reveal of the greatest lie in history
Chapter 69 blue breaks

chapter 5 lazer finger

125 1 5
By zhou_enlai

After bubbling the cluster, blue diamond was very tired, she was bascially carried home by pearl and Greg afterwards and spent most of the day sleeping on the couch or being exhausted, just seeing his mother like this made Steven completely miserable and he could barely take it anymore after just one day.

"Mum?", Steven said, approaching his mother who just woke up after another long nap, "how long will you be like this?" He worryingly asked, "I'll be better today I think!" Blue replied, she sounded much better and looked a bit less tired too, "I just exhausted my mind that's all, I had to speak to thousands of gems, I'll explain the whole thing when I'm completely better it was crazy!", this made Steven feel much better, he couldn't watch his mother be in any sort of pain or discomfort.

"Why can't you tell me now? Was it that crazy?" Steven curiously asked "it's a long story!, I'll need to spend a while telling it!" Blue replied. "you know, I think you should stop worrying about me, you should go outside and explore this beach city, I'm not sure if you have friends here yet", she continued, changing the subject and gesturing to the door, "yeah you're right! I'll go out for a bit, I'll promise I'll be back soon mum!" Steven said, putting his sandals on and running out the door, blue went back to sleep almost immediately after he left the house.

As Steven was walking outside he started to wonder if his mother told him to go outside as a way to get him to stop talking, he was convinced that what she was doing in Korea that exhausted her so much must be some kind of top secret mission that he wasn't supposed to see. As he thought about this more and more, his mind started to wonder and he started to lose focus on where he was, only focusing on his thoughts and all the crazy theories he had about what his mother was doing in Korea.

As his mind wondered Steven accidentally bumped into a girl, just before he was about to apologise, she yelled "WATCH OUT!", as a young man on a motorbike lost control of the bike and started to come towards them, "WHAT THE!" Steven yelled as he pointed out his right arm to try and protect himself and the girl when suddenly... A bright blue light shot out of one of a finger on his right hand and lead to the bike, it covered the entire bike and froze it. "Woah, how did you..." the girl said to steven, Steven himself was just as confused, he knew his mother had many weird powers and he inherited most but he's never seen this.

Steven lightly moved his right hand and saw that he could move the bike wherever he wanted as it was still covered in the light coming from his finger. "This is....SO COOL!", Steven shouted, starting to move his hand around quickly, causing the man and the bike to fly everywhere, nearly knocking into buildings and the road. "Hmmm, how will I get rid of this", Steven wondered,then he suddenly got a great idea, "HEY YOU! Learn how to drive better, you nearly hit two kids!" Steven yelled, as he threw his hand to the growd, causing the man and the bike to fly away and directly hit the big donut, the light had now disappeared thankfully.

"How did you do that and will that guy be ok???" The girl asked Steven, "yeah that guy was lars, he's a jerk who works at the big donut he's always mean to me!" Steven said. Steven noticed the girl who he saved looked familiar, he looked like a girl he saw lose her light-up bracelet not to long ago, he had tried to get her attention to give it back to her but never got the chance, so he kept it waiting for her. "Hey, erm thanks for saving me back there, by the way, what's your name?", the girl asked, "I'm Steven universe! And what's your name?", he proudly replied, "I'm Connie", Connie said, much quieter, "well Connie, nice to meet you, would you like to come to my house I think i have something that's yours" Steven asked her, "y-you do!?", the girl asked confusedly, "yeah i think so please come with me!" Steven said, he was so exited to finally have got a friend in beach city.

"HEY MUM!!! IVE GOT A FRIEND!", Steven excitedly exclaimed as he opened the door with Connie next to him, blue was still on the couch, this time with pearl next to her, when both blue and pearl noticed Connie they looked very shocked and almost scared, blue was terrified of strangers and she never expected steven to just invite some random girl into their home. "Her name is Connie! And also mum I need your help! I think I discovered another power!", Steven said, running up to his mother, he grabbed Connie by the hand and pulled her in front of blue diamond to show his mother his new friend.

"What!? A new friend that quickly!? And a new power???", blue said, she was so shocked and confused, "please tell the whole story!". "Alright mum! But you must tell me that long story after!" Steven said, sitting down next to blue and also moving Connie to sit by them, pearl moved off the couch and went upstairs to do something and make room for connie. "So, i was walking outside and then I bumped into Connie, then right after, that jerk lars from the big donut came right at us on a motorbike, he nearly crashed into us! But right before he did I pointed out my finger and he got covered in this light that came from my finger and I threw him away!!!!" Steven told his mother. "oh you mean this?" Blue asked, pointing out the index finger on her right hand and picking up some near by cups with a bright blue light that came from it, "WOAHHHH, YES MUM THATS IT!", Steven yelled, amazed at his mother's powers, Connie just stayed silent scared of this new weird family she just met."This power is a weird one but easy to get rid of, just simply stop pointing or do what you did and throw whatever you catched with it away" blue explained, "you know on homeworld the aquamarine gems are gifted weapons from me with that same power".

"Oh Connie I'm sorry I almost forgot this" Steven said, running to the fridge, under all of the cookie cats he kept the light-up bracelet, "I saw you lose this at a event, I didn't get the chance to give it back then so I kept it waiting for you" he said, coming back to Connie and giving her the bracelet, "oh wow Steven I thought I had lost this forever, thank you so much" Connie said, putting the bracelet back on her arm.

"So, Connie? Where about do you live? will your parents be ok with this?" Blue worryingly asked, she was scared Connie would tell everyone she met a strange boy with powers and his blue skinned 9 foot tall mother with weird shaped hair and an Irish accent. "I don't know, my parents are kinda strict, THAT REMINDS ME, I REALLY NEED TO GET HOME SOON, MY MUM WILL BE BACK FROM WORK IN LESS THAN A HOUR!", Connie panicked, "don't worry, I have a idea, but promise you won't tell anyone this" blue said, trying to reassure Connie, "I can get you home very quickly I promise", "whatever it is, I'll do it, I won't tell anyone!" Connie promised, "good!" Blue said, getting off the couch and leading Connie outside.

"This will sound weird but sit on my back," Blue said, Connie reluctantly did this and crawled on the very tall woman's back. suddenly, huge wings made out of water came out of blue's back, Connie gasped and nearly yelled, "Hold on tight!" Blue warned Connie as she jumped and started to fly high above all of beach city, "woaahhhhh Mrs universe? This is crazy how do you-"you promised you won't tell anyone, right?" Blue said, interrupting Connie, "y-yes ma'am!" Connie quickly replied, "I'll tell you it all if you keep this secret, now please point out where you live and I'll drop you off there," blue said, Connie looked down and pointed to her home leading the way for blue as she flew down to her home.

Blue diamond left Connie nearly right outside her home, she looked so shocked and amazed, "WOW MRS, THAT WAS SO COOL! PLEASE CAN I DO THAT AGAIN!", Connie yelled to blue, blue just laughed this off and said "well If you stay friends with Steven you can, now I got to get home I need to tell him a very important story!" Blue said, waving off Connie and quickly flying into the air again.

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