For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

46.6K 1.5K 796

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees
Letting my mind wander.
Line everything up.
Round Two
Thankful for Family.
Timing ain't our strong suit.
Its okay to miss him.
Half of me.
Don't jump too quickly.

You're gonna hold me in your arms.

751 22 15
By LillyBelle13

Oakley pulled up to North Camp and got out of the truck. Thankfully, it looked like Jamie's car was there as she walked up the front steps. She was reminded of the year she spent here with Kayce and Tate. The memories flooded back into her mind, making her smile as she knocked on the door. Her smile vanished when she saw Jamie answer the door.

He looked like he had not slept in a few days, which was probably true. Dark circles hung under his eyes as he looked at Oakley. He was dressed in jeans and a plaid flannel with only socks on.

"Hey," Oakley nodded. "Am I...are you busy?"

"No," Jamie shook his head and stepped to the side.

"Thanks," Oakley stepped into the house as Jamie shut the door behind her.

There weren't many lights on and most of the window curtains were closed. Oakley looked at Jamie as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Where's James?" Oakley asked.

"School," Jamie said.

James went to a private school almost an hour away from the ranch. Oakley nodded, remembering that Jamie left early to take James there every morning.

"What do you need, Oakley?" Jamie asked.

"Just to see if you're alright," Oakley said. "And to apologize to you for the other day."

Jamie looked confused at Oakley.

"For yelling at you," Oakley sighed. "It's none of my business, Jamie. I just was concerned but I didn't give you the respect you deserved as James' father. You know how to raise your son and what he needs...I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"It's alright," Jamie nodded. "Think we're all a bit lost as to what we're supposed to do."

"You seem to be able to talk to Kayce?" Oakley gave him a small smile.

"He's been a good sounding board," Jamie nodded.

"I guess no update?" Oakley asked and Jamie shook his head no. "Maybe...and I hate saying this, but maybe it was what it was...just a terrible accident?"

"She had a son," Jamie's eyes narrowed at Oakley. "Would you do that knowing Lee and Evelyn were waiting for you?"

Oakley frowned.

"No," Oakley shook her head. "But people can be in pain, Jamie. Sometimes it's a pain you can't imagine or describe?"

Jamie leaned back and looked at Oakley, eyeing her where they still stood in the entrance.

"You don't know this pain, Oakley," Jamie said.

"I didn't say I did," Oakley shook her head. "I'm trying to be understanding though."

"How do you tell your son his mother killed herself?" Jamie asked.

Oakley didn't say anything.

"How would you do that, Oakley?" Jamie stepped closer to her.

"I don't know," Oakley blinked fast. "I know kids are preceptive though and will sense things even outside of their comprehension."

"How about you parent your kids and I'll parent mine?" Jamie said bluntly.

Oakley took a deep breath, feeling like she overstepped again in Jamie's eyes and was now unwelcome.

"I'm sorry, Jamie," Oakley walked back to the door. "For every part of this...I'm sorry."

"Did Kayce go into the office?" Jamie asked as Oakley opened the door.

She didn't feel like she could voice this opinion. But there was something inside of her that was jealous of the fact Jamie wanted Kayce over her for this time. She knew it was stupid, that she had no right...but Oakley was usually the kind, understanding one. Now it seemed she was the problem with Jamie.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "But I think he's just at the office today...not headed anywhere."

"Okay," Jamie nodded.

Oakley looked back at him for another moment before leaving. She walked out to her truck and got in, taking a deep breath. Starting the truck, Oakley drove back down to the main lodge. She didn't know how to help Jamie. What was worse, was she felt like the only way to help him now would be to leave him alone. Oakley didn't do well with things like that though. Oakley decided to call Kayce.

"Hey," Kayce answered.

"Hi," Oakley sighed.

"What's wrong?" Kayce asked.

"I'm jealous of you," Oakley answered.

"Jealous of me?" Kayce laughed. "Why? How?"

"I'm jealous because Jamie wants nothing to do with me but will talk to you about how he's feeling and what he's going through," Oakley huffed. "And all I seem to do is annoy him and put my foot in my mouth."

"Sounds like it went well with Jamie," Kayce said.

"About as well as it could go, I guess," Oakley leaned back in her seat. "I don't know how to help him, Kayce."

"And maybe that's okay?" Kayce said. "You're great at caring about people, baby...better than anyone I know. But sometimes, people don't need someone caring. Sometimes people need to be angry and let out their aggression and just be sad."

"But he's all alone up there," Oakley looked back in the rearview mirror. "I just worry."

"I know you do," Kayce said and then lowered his voice. "Jamie's not gonna hurt himself."

"That's what's said about people before it happens," Oakley shivered slightly. "And Jamie's had a hard life...out of all of you Duttons, he's the one I always worry about with not having someone there for him."

"I love you," Kayce said softly.

Oakley lowered her tense shoulders and sighed. Her lips perked up on the ends.

"Why?" Oakley asked.

"Because you care about my family," Kayce said. "And we ain't angels by any means."

"I love you more," Oakley said.

"Ain't possible," Kayce joked, and Oakley let out a small giggle. "There's that sound I love."

"You're being awful sweet, Commissioner," Oakley smiled. "And you even did all the drop-offs this morning."

"Speaking of that, I think Evie is getting sick," Kayce mentioned. "She was sneezing a lot."

"Great," Oakley sighed. "They only have this week and next...can't they hold out?"

"I'm just letting you know," Kayce chuckled. "Also, what are you doing this Friday night?"

"Friday night?" Oakley asked. "Uh...hopefully not taking care of a sick kid...why?"

"Let me take you to dinner," Kayce said.

"Dinner?" Oakley giggled. "Like on a date? Are you asking me out?"

"Yeah, I'm asking you can put on a dress, and we can go into town and have a nice time," Kayce said.

"Who are you and what have you done with my husband?" Oakley laughed. "Are you serious?"

"Yes, baby," Kayce said.

"What about the kids?" Oakley asked.

"Rip owes me," Kayce mentioned. "That or Jamie can bring James down and watch them all."

Oakley thought for a moment. Despite everything else that took place last week, it was nice to have some one-on-one time with Kayce. Mixing that with the thought of putting on a little makeup and a nice dress made Oakley smile more.

"I'd love that," Oakley said. "Thank you."

"Alright," Kayce breathed out. "It's a date."


Evelyn sneezed, not covering her nose. Oakley grimaced as she stood above the tiny bed. When Evelyn looked up with sad eyes, Oakley smiled at her daughter.

"Here," Oakley laid a cool cloth over Evelyn's head. "This'll feel better."

"I don't like being sick," Evelyn cried.

"I know, baby," Oakley rubbed her daughter's arm. "But it's just a'll feel better after a good night's sleep. I'll come check on you here in a little while, okay?"

Evelyn frowned. Oakley smiled and reached over to turn off the light next to Evelyn's bed. She walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her and making her way downstairs. Oakley walked into the kitchen and saw her boys.

Kayce was currently standing by the stove, grilling some pork chops. Lee and Tate were seated at the island, talking about something as Oakley walked in. She wrapped her arms around Lee's body and kissed his cheek before moving to Tate.

"How was driving?" Oakley asked as she walked around the island.

Kayce and Tate had taken an hour after they got home to start the lessons. Oakley walked up behind Kayce and wrapped her arms around his middle.

"Dad yelled and I almost hit a tree," Tate smirked.

"I yelled because you almost hit a tree," Kayce eyed Tate from where he stood.

Oakley smirked at Tate behind Kayce's back. Her hands roamed up to Kayce's chest as Lee asked Tate about something with trucks. Kayce looked behind his shoulder at Oakley and smiled.

"Hey, baby," He said softly.

"Hi..." Oakley smiled. "Evelyn is down for the count. You were right."

"Yeah, she didn't look good coming home," Kayce nodded.

"She'll be better in the morning," Oakley moved her hands to Kayce's hips. "I'll bring her some applesauce here in a little while...see if she's hungry."

Kayce sat the tongs down after flipping the pork chops over. He turned around and placed his hands on Oakley's cheeks, turning her face up for a kiss.

"Stop," Lee dragged out behind them. "Y'all are always kissing!"

Oakley broke the kiss and looked over at her youngest son, remembering all the times Tate would say the same thing to them when he was younger.

"What's wrong with that?" Oakley smirked. "Is it that you want more kisses from me?"

"No!" Lee leaned back in his chair.

Tate laughed from next to him.

"No, I think you do," Oakley walked over to Lee. "Tate, help me out."

Lee tried to escape but Tate held him to the chair.

"No!" Lee laughed.

Oakley wrapped him up in her arms and pressed kisses against his cheek. Lee squirmed against Oakley's hold while the others laughed out loud. Oakley smiled as she stopped, looking down at Lee.

"You're crazy, Momma," Lee giggled.

"Crazy about you," Oakley moved Lee to sit properly back in his chair. "Can y'all go make sure the table is set?"

"Come on," Tate stood up and Lee followed him out of the kitchen.

Kayce was plating the pork chops on a platter and handed it over to Oakley. The four of them sat down for supper in the dining room.


"Think she's getting better," Kayce walked into the bedroom later that night. "Her breathing isn't so ragged sounding."

"Was she still asleep?" Oakley asked from the foot of the bed.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded, shutting their door.

"Oh, good," Oakley looked up from where she was rubbing lotion on her freshly shaven legs. "That's a good sign."

"Ate some of the applesauce cups you gave her earlier too," Kayce walked into the bathroom.

Oakley heard the shower turn on and finished putting the lotion lid back on, setting it in its spot on her nightstand. She stood up and walked into the bathroom, Kayce already under the water, and brushed her teeth. Pulling her hair up after she finished, Oakley walked back into the bedroom and over to the seating area. She pulled out an essay Tate had written for a history paper and sat back. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but Kayce walked in from the bathroom and over to where she was sitting.

"What's that?" Kayce asked, twirling her hair around his fingers.

"Tate's essay," Oakley said, not looking up. "He did well on, really well."

"He gets that from you," Kayce leaned down and kissed the top of Oakley's head. "I'm going to bed."

"Be there in a few minutes," Oakley glanced over at Kayce before looking back at the paper.

She made a few more grammar corrections and then put the paper back in Tate's folder for him to take tomorrow to school. Oakley stood up, switched the light off near her, and walked back over to the bed. Kayce was lying face down, his arms tucked under his pillow as Oakley crawled in next to him. Her fingers scratched up and down his back, making him turn his face toward Oakley and open one of his eyes.

"I'm excited for our date," Oakley smiled. "I don't even know the last time you took me on a date."

"Proves how shitty of a boyfriend I was," Kayce smirked.

"You weren't shitty, Kayce," Oakley rolled her eyes.

"You're just being nice," Kayce smirked.

"You had other qualities," Oakley joked. "Thankfully you were also cute."

"Mmm," Kayce nodded. "So, it was my looks."

"Oh, one hundred percent," Oakley giggled, leaning her head down on the pillow. "That rugged cowboy look made my knees go weak."

"Made?" Kayce asked. "What does it now?"

Oakley thought for a moment.

"That you go into our daughter's room when she's sick to check on her breathing," Oakley pressed a kiss to Kayce's shoulder. "If I knew I wouldn't be up in the middle of the night with her when she wakes up again...I'd jump your bones right now."

Kayce wrapped an arm around Oakley and tucked her in beside him. Oakley rubbed her hand up and down Kayce's back as she felt her eyes grow tired.


"He's gonna crash," Lee said from his spot on the stairs.

"Hush," Oakley told him.

Oakley, Lee, and Evelyn all winced though as Tate pressed the brake a little too hard, lurching the truck he was driving with Kayce forward. Oakley bit her lip to keep from laughing at Kayce who held onto the dash, glaring at Tate.

"You're doing much better!" Oakley called out.

Kayce glared at her out of the rolled-down window. Oakley smiled at Tate, ignoring Kayce. But she could also tell Kayce was reaching his limit of patience too. When Tate lurched the truck again, Oakley stood up from her seat and walked over to the truck. Kayce had his fist pressed against his lips.

"Hey, Tot?" Oakley leaned against the window. "Let me take your dad for a spin, okay?"

"Alright," Tate put the truck in park and opened his door.

"Will you get the twins into a bath?" Oakley asked as she met him around the front.

"If you'll keep him out here longer so he doesn't kill me?" Tate asked.

"Deal," Oakley winked and walked around to the driver's side, getting in and shutting the door.

Kayce waited until the kids were inside before looking over at Oakley.

"He's a smart kid," Kayce said. "But he's shit at driving."

"Stop," Oakley hit Kayce's shoulder. "It's because you put him on a horse and never looked back for other means of transportation."

Oakley put the truck in drive and eased on down the road.

"Where are we going now?" Kayce asked from the passenger seat.

"Enjoy the journey, babe," Oakley smiled as she headed toward the barns. "How was your day?"

"Fine," Kayce said. "Yours?"

"Sounds better than yours," Oakley giggled.

She drove out on one of the dirt roads, along the edge of the green pasture. The sun was setting, casting yellows and pinks across the navy sky as she came to a stop right before the forest started. She twisted the wheel, turning the truck so its bed faced the mountain range. Oakley put the truck in park, turned it off, and took off her seat belt.

"Come on," Oakley opened her door and got out.

"What are we doing?" Kayce asked, undoing his seatbelt.

Oakley looked back through the driver's window.

"You're gonna hold me in your arms while we watch the sunset," Oakley smiled and walked to the truck bed.

She hopped up and scooted near the back, waiting for Kayce. He walked around and stepped up, into the truck bed and walked over to Oakley. Kayce situated himself behind her, legs apart so Oakley could lean back against his chest. Kayce bent one knee while Oakley sighed contently.

Oakley tilted her head against Kayce's chin and smiled, watching the colors dance across the sky. Kayce's one arm wrapped around Oakley's waist from behind.

"I talked to Jamie earlier today," Kayce said quietly. "We talked about you."

"Me?" Oakley looked up at Kayce.

"Yeah," Kayce nodded.

"What did Jamie say about me?" Oakley asked, facing forward again. "I'm sure he had some colorful words."

"He told me I had an extremely annoying, stubborn wife," Kayce's lips brushed the hairline of Oakley's forehead.

"Well...sounds like you two have a lot in common when it comes to opinions," Oakley mumbled.

Kayce's grip on her tightened.

"What did you say to him?" Oakley asked.

"After telling him if he ever called you that again, I'd shove my fist down his throat...I told him it's because you love him and to ease up on your questions some," Kayce said.

Oakley blinked, leaning up and looking back at Kayce. She and Jamie had an interesting history. It was one Kayce walked a delicate line a few times in their past. So to hear him say those words to Jamie was surprising to Oakley.

"What'd he say back?" Oakley asked.

"He said he'd do better with you," Kayce's eyes were soft as he looked up at Oakley.

"Thank you for doing that," Oakley leaned back against Kayce, this time turned sideways so she could see him better. "I know it can be...awkward at times."

"No awkwardness," Kayce shook his head. "You're mine, nothing more to it. And I don't dwell on past situations too much if you haven't noticed."

The sounds of horses riding up broke their concentration. Oakley looked over to see Rip and Lloyd coming up to the truck.

"What's wrong?" Kayce asked from his spot.

"We have a problem," Rip said.

"What?" Oakley leaned up to sit.

"That kid you brought?" Rip looked at OAkley.

"Marcus?" Oakley asked.

"Yeah...he's gone," Rip said.

"What do you mean, gone?" Oakley asked.

"Ain't seen him in two days," Rip looked at Lloyd. "Looked in town today and didn't see a sign of him."

"Probably a drifter," Kayce said, making Oakley look at him. "He'll either show back up in a few days or we won't see him again."

Rip and Lloyd both nodded their head.

"Wait." Oakley looked between them. "We should look for him."

"Oakley, if we looked for every hand that's left...we'd never stop," Rip said. "This happens all the time, especially young ones."

"Did he ever fill out his paperwork?" Oakley asked getting out of the truck. "He should have put down a number or something."

"Never finished it," Rip said.

"Why not?" Oakley asked. "He's been here long enough to have had time."

Rip just looked at her.

"Why did you make him fill it out, Rip?" Oakley snapped.

"Because I had better things to do," Rip said. "Like we said, this happens."

"Fine," Oakley glared. "I'll remember that if you ever go missing...I'll just tell Beth that it happens all the time and we'll see how she reacts."

"She's probably the one who made him go missing," Lloyd joked.

Oakley looked at Kayce who was smirking but made it disappear when he saw Oakley's face.

"We can ask around," Kayce offered. "See if anyone has seen him. But baby...he's probably long gone by now."

"He's from Salmon, Idaho," Oakley looked at Rip. "I want proof you've done some searching for him...let me know when you've talked to authorities in both communities."

"Oakley," Rip sighed.

"You heard her," Kayce snapped, getting out of the truck as well.

It was darker now, so Oakley couldn't see Rip's face all that well out here on the land. But she could only guess as Rip and Lloy turned their horses around and rode off. Kayce came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek.

"He's fine," Kayce told her. "Just decided he didn't want to be here."

"That's what makes me worry," Oakley sighed. "When people don't want to be here, it's always for a specific reason."

Kayce kissed her neck, trying to comfort her.

"Let's go back home," Kayce said, leaning over and opening the door for Oakley to get in.


Oakley was looking at pictures of Salmon, Idaho on her laptop when Kayce found her in the office later that evening.

"He really isn't that far," Oakley looked up from her screen to Kayce.

"You still on him?" Kayce asked walking over and leaning down behind Oakley to look at the screen.

"Maybe an hour tops," Oakley shrugged.

"Probably close to two with how the highways stretch," Kayce pointed. "Is this you telling me you want to go looking for him there?"

"I don't trust Rip," Oakley sighed, shutting her laptop and turning her chair around to face Kayce.

Oakley reached up and held the collar of his shirt in her hands.

"I could go during the day?" Oakley offered.

"Ain't a chance in hell that's happening and you know it," Kayce smirked.

"You don't have jurisdiction over there," Oakley smiled. "Plus, I can afford to drive over during the day after I drop the kids off."

"You ain't going to some fucking town in Idaho, looking for a lost soul who doesn't want to be found," Kayce reached down and pulled Oakley up to stand in front of him now.

Her hands ran down Kayce's chest, stopping at the buttons right where his shirt was tucked into his jeans. Her lips danced close to Kayce as she leaned up on her toes.

"Please?" Oakley asked him softly.

"No," Kayce raised an eyebrow at her.

Oakley leaned her lips down to press against Kayce's neck. Her fingers messed with his belt buckle as she kissed his skin a few times.

"I'll be careful," Oakley whispered.

"No," Kayce smirked, pushing Oakley back slightly. "But nice try."

Oakley huffed with a frown. She turned on her heel and marched over to the door. Stopping she looked over her shoulder to see Kayce eyeing her.

"He's only seven years older than Tate," Oakley tried a different approach.

"He's fine, baby," Kayce walked over to her, dropping the smirk now. "I promise you."

"Fine," Oakley sighed in defeat. "Here I was thinking you'd get lucky tonight."

"Oh, I'll get lucky," Kayce smirked.

He acted fast, swiftly picking Oakley up and throwing her over his shoulder as he walked back down the hall.

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