Magnetic love - Harry lewis

By Hollybtw

17.1K 116 12

"If you're meant to be you will find your way back to each other naturally, don't chase anyone". Also, my sto... More

The beginning (backstory)
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX

Chapter XXV

313 2 0
By Hollybtw

Christmas was nearing, and that meant one thing: it was winter wonderland time, but I had nobody to spend it with. I could invite Freya, but I'm sure she would rather spend time with Josh. If I invited anyone, they would rather spend it with someone else. However, there was one person I knew couldn't say no: Harry. So, without a second thought, I opened up my phone and send him a message: "Heyy, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Winter wonderland on Christmas Eve? I know you might be in Guernsey but I kinda have nobody to go with."

Almost as if he was waiting for the message, I got an immediate reply: "sure, i come back from Guernsey on the 23rd, so il be fine. You can always spend Christmas at mine. I'm sure Cal and Freezy wouldn't mind."

"Thanks." I replied before squealing out loud. Now all I had to do was wait.


It felt like years had passed before Christmas Eve came around, and when it did, I couldn't sleep the night before I was so excited; I woke up at 8 in the morning and began rapidly getting ready, making sure to have an everything shower, curl my hair and perfectly do my makeup and lashes. In total, I'd spent over 5 hours getting ready!

Soon, nightfall arose and it was time for Harry to pick me up. As I felt a light tap on the door, I scurried off' my sofa and headed straight for the door. As I opened it, I was greeted with a handsome figure, wearing a sapphire, plain hoodie, covered with a puffy green coat. He wore his usual black and white sidemen joggers along with some black trainers; I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Ugh, earth to Lexi?" Harry clicked his fingers in front of my face as I snapped back to reality. I hadn't even realised that I'd been zoned out for a solid minute.

"Didn't know I look that good." Harry laughed. "Well, to be fair you look really nice yourself."

I blushed as I let out a smile. "Thanks, let's go." We both headed towards the car as we set off to winter wonderland.

As we arrived, i adjusted my hoodie, pulling the hood over my head incase anyone recognised us. I felt Harry's eyes fall onto me, "you ready?" He mumbled.

"Yeah, let's go"

We both stepped out of the car to find several lights shimmering elegantly across the whole of winter wonderland. Rides were scattered everywhere, whilst sage, vast trees stood at the entrance, where we headed directly towards.

As we admired our surroundings, we took turns to go on each and every ride; even though I was afraid of rides, I pretended to put on a brave face, hoping that Harry wouldn't notice. However, as I stepped onto the rollercoaster, I felt a bitter chill run down my spine. Harry could sense my nerves this time, "you okay? We don't have to go on this one if you don't want to."

I took a deep breath, "il be fine". As we awaited the rollercoaster to start, I felt a tight grip on my hand. I glanced next to me to see Harry giving me a reassuring smile. I felt myself blush as the roller coaster started to ascend up the hill.

My heart rate grew faster and faster the nearer we came to the top of the roller coaster until we hit a stop at the top. Harry's grip tightened as panic surged through my veins. Then, suddenly, the rollercoaster dropped and I felt myself screaming, and on the verge of passing out. I slightly turned my head to see Harry yelling with excitement as we went around on the rollercoaster.

Eventually, it stopped and I felt myself catching my breath and Harry chuckled beside me before mumbling "see, it wasn't so bad after all."

"Harry, I felt like I was dying", I managed to slur back while attempting to exit the seat. I found myself shaking and trembling while I walked away, still traumatised from what had just happened.

"You okay Lexi? Do you need water?" Harry gave me a concerned look

"Water would be nice, thanks" I said as we headed straight towards a food stand, praying there would be water.


Tagged @wroetoshaw

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