For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

30K 1.2K 742

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees

We're gonna change it back.

616 20 14
By LillyBelle13

Oakley shut the dishwasher door back up and grabbed the towel to wipe down the counter. She had just made the kids go upstairs to get ready for school after breakfast. The back door opened and Gator walked inside.

"Morning, Gator," Oakley smiled. "Need help?"

"All good," Gator placed the carton of eggs and two bags down on the counter. "Mr. Dutton said Beth, Rip, and Carter were joining y'all for dinner tonight."

"Jamie and James will be here," Oakley frowned.

"Yeah," Gator pressed his lips into a thin line. "I didn't ask any more questions."

"Scared of him too?" Oakley crossed her arms.

"Ain't everyone?" Gator placed the eggs in the fridge.

"What are you making?" Oakley asked.

"Steak and potatoes," Gator nodded. "Maybe a chocolate cake for dessert."

"Okay, sounds delicious," Oakley sighed. "Maybe make sure Beth's knife is a dull one?"

"I can try," Gator chuckled as Oakley walked out of the kitchen.

"Five-minute warning!" Oakley called upstairs as she slipped on her boots by the front door.

"Hey," Kayce came downstairs. "Can you do Tate too?"

"Uh, sure?" Oakley said as Kayce kissed her cheek while he grabbed his jacket. "Where's the fire?"

"Just got a call," Kayce pulled his jacket on.

"We really need to teach him to drive," Oakley smirked.

"Then do it," Kayce chuckled and placed his hat on his head.

"You're supposed to teach him," Oakley said.

"Why me?" Kayce asked.

"Because..." Oakley shrugged. "It's a dad thing."

"Dad thing?" Kayce opened the front door. "That don't sound like my wife."

Oakley picked up Kayce's keys on the entrance table and held them back when he tried to take them.

"I want Tate to learn from you," Oakley said softly. "I want y'all to have that...moment."

Kayce gave her a loving look.

"You can be a part of those moments, Oaks," Kayce reminded her. "Ain't nothing saying you can't or aren't equal to me with him."

Oakley smiled, handing Kayce his keys but holding his hand.

"I'm not, Kayce," Oakley said.

"Yes, you are?" Kayce's eyes now softened with some confusion.

Footsteps were heard now with the kids coming downstairs. Oakley glanced up before stepping into Kayce and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"See you tonight," She said as the twins came around.

Tate was a few seconds later while they all grabbed their coats. Kayce gave Oakley one more look before he left for the day. Twin drop-off went smooth and soon Oakley could see the high school in the distance.

"Why were you and Dad looking weird at each other this morning?" Tate asked.

"I see you're learning to ask those questions when the twins aren't around," Oakley smirked.

"Learned I get answers more when they ain't," Tate smiled.

"I told your dad that you needed to learn to drive and get your license," Oakley said. "I told him I wanted him to do it so the two of you could have that memory."

"Then why was he looking weird about it?" Tate asked as Oakley pulled into a spot at the edge of the parking lot.

"He said I could help, but I told him I wanted it to just be you two," Oakley looked at Tate.

"Does it matter?" Tate asked, opening the door.

"It does to me," Oakley nodded. "And it will to you and your father one day."

"That don't make any sense," Tate got out and smiled at Oakley.

"Have a good day," Oakley smiled.

"Bye," Tate shut the door and walked off.

As she drove off, Oakley still didn't feel right about how she left the conversation with Kayce this morning. His office was only a short drive from the school, so she turned right instead of left at the light. When Oakley got to Kayce's office, she pulled into a spot and turned the truck off. Glancing down she realized she probably wasn't dressed appropriately to visit Kayce, but maybe it would be a quieter morning.

In her boots, leggings, Kayce's sweatshirt, and hair in a ponytail, Oakley made her way into the office. Nancy was standing at the front desk and smiled warmly at Oakley.

"It's been a while," Nancy said.

"Yes, how are you?" Oakley smiled at her. "Is he treating you well?"

"Oh, always," Nancy waved her off. "And I'm keeping him in line, don't you worry, ma'am."

"Good, someone needs to," Oakley giggled as she walked down the hallway to Kayce's office.

Oakley knocked on the door and pushed it open. Kayce was standing with his back to the door but looked over his shoulder. He was on the phone and waved Oakley in.

"Hey, Mac?" Kayce said. "Let me call you back later, alright...okay, I will."

Kayce hung up the phone.

"Hey," He walked around the desk to Oakley. "What're you doing here?"

"I um...didn't like how I left you this morning," Oakley smiled as Kayce tilted his head. "About Tate and learning to drive."

"Baby, I don't always have to be the parent that has the important moments with Tate," Kayce said. "You're just as much-"

"Wait," Oakley pressed her hands against Kayce's chest. "See, that's what I mean."

"What?" Kayce asked.

"Kayce," Oakley smiled. "I love Tate, I love him more than...he's mine, right? You know how much I love that boy."

Kayce smiled at her.

"But don't negate your relationship with him to try and prove to me that what I have with him is special," Oakley said. "Because our relationship is special. I know that Tate knows that. We don't need to push yours aside to give mine some sort of platform, we can coexist together."

"Okay," Kayce nodded. "Then why won't you share this with him too?"

"I will, but in our own way," Oakley said. "But Tate is your son first, don't argue with me, and the relationship you have with him is only going to continue to change with him getting older. I want you to have all the moments you can with your son...and while I know you have Lee and love him too,...what you have with Tate is unique and you'll never have it again with anyone. What the two of you have been through is something no one else can understand...and that's why I want you two to have the moments that maybe not all parents get to have. I'll have another driving moment, I'm not worried about that. But no one else can have this with Tate except you...even if he is mine too."

Kayce didn't say anything to her.

"I heard you and Tate talking when he got home about the accident...and his mom and me, and how you and he were in those days it was just the two of you," Oakley softened her voice. "It just... resonated with me in wanting to recognize your relationship with him more."

Kayce took a deep breath, his eyes glanced around the room for a few seconds.

"It's not that I don't want all the moments with Tate too," Oakley laughed. "And there will be some that I get to have without you...but I'm not going to take one from you just because I it might have come off pushy or that I didn't care, but that's not true...quite the opposite actually."

Kayce looked back at Oakley.

"I love you," Kayce said and Oakley was slightly surprised that was his answer to all of what she'd just said.

Oakley smiled at Kayce and hugged him around his waist. Her nose pressed into his neck, she breathed in deeply.

"He is yours though," Kayce whispered. "Don't ever think otherwise."

"I don't. I know he's mine," Oakley looked up at Kayce. "But I only have him because of you, and that's the difference in where my respect for you and that relationship comes from."

Kayce pressed his lips to Oakley's.

"I like it when you visit," Kayce mumbled against her lips, making Oakley giggle.

"Yeah, sure...but you don't get any work done," Oakley winked at him. "Also...Gator told me it's the whole family for supper tonight."

"Beth?" Kayce asked.

"You didn't invite her?" Oakley narrowed her eyes.

"No," Kayce said. "I's fine though."

"Is it?" Oakley asked as Kayce walked back over to his chair and sat down.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Kayce asked.

"Because it's the whole in Jamie too?" Oakley crossed her arms.

"Just a meal," Kayce shook his head.

"When has your family ever just had a meal together?" Oakley laughed.

"Then I'll take the kids out for pizza and you can see what the secret plan tonight is with this meal," Kayce smirked. "You know...keeping our relationship with our kids equal and all."

"Uh...they ain't my blood," Oakley raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm in this by marriage, not because I'm blood-related."

"Sounds more like you chose it then," Kayce's smirk got wider. "Which is even more concerning."

"I chose you," Oakley pointed at Kayce. "And don't you forget that."

"Yes, ma'am," Kayce nodded.

"I'm gonna go," Oakley sighed. "Will you get the kids today?"

"Yes, ma'am," Kayce nodded again.

"Need to prep for this meal," Oakley walked over to the door. "Have a good day?"

"You too, baby," Kayce smiled at her.

Oakley was going to say something when Nancy appeared next to her.

"Sorry, Mrs. Dutton," Nancy smiled. "Commissioner, you've got Daryl Hall on line two."

"Thanks, Nancy," Kayce nodded as Nancy walked back off.

Kayce then focused back on Oakley.

"Bye, baby."

"Bye...Commissioner," Oakley winked before following Nancy back down the hall.


Oakley heard the front door open and tiny little feet started racing up the stairs. She was in her bathroom, brushing her hair before she headed down. Oakley turned in time to see Lee dive onto the large bed while Evelyn came into the bathroom.

"Momma! Lee pulled my hair and looked at it!" Evelyn was clearly upset.

One of her braids Oakley had done that morning was now unraveled part way, making her look a little lopsided. Oakley stepped to the side so Evelyn could come to stand in front of the sink. Oakley then looked at Lee who was looking guilty on the bed.

"Why?" Oakley asked him.

Lee shrugged.

"That ain't an answer," Oakley narrowed her eyes at her son.

"He was dared," Evelyn snapped.

"Was not!" Lee yelled at her.

"He ain't a leader," Evelyn continued.

"Momma!" Lee cried.

"Hey!" Oakley hissed. "Now I know I've told you both something about yelling at family."

Evelyn turned around and looked at the mirror. Lee's cheeks were bright pink. Oakley looked over as Kayce walked into the room. He looked at all three of them and then back at Oakley.

"Caught up?" Kayce asked and she could tell he was trying to not laugh at the moment.

"Yes," Oakley sighed and pointed at Lee. "That one's yours for this."

Oakley turned around and finished undoing Evelyn's hair. She grabbed the brush and slowly pulled through the tangles until it was smooth. Then Oakley quickly folded the hair into a plait and used one of her own hair ties to finish it off. She looked at Evelyn in the mirror.

"Better?" Oakley asked.

"Yes," Evelyn smiled and Oakley raised her eyebrow. "Thanks, Momma...sorry I yelled."

Oakley pressed a kiss to Evelyn's head.

"Go put your school stuff up and then get down to the dining room for supper," Oakley patted Evelyn's back as the little girl ran out of the room.

"Wait," Kayce said as Evelyn stopped next to them.

Kayce looked at Lee expectantly.

"Sorry, Evie," Lee mumbled.

"It's okay," Evelyn said.

The two of them then walked out together with their little backpacks. Oakley walked out to stand next to Kayce who stood back up from where he was kneeling by the bed.

"Hi," Oakley smiled at him.

"Hey, darlin'," Kayce kissed her cheek, before walking into the bathroom to wash his hands.

Oakley heard the twins race back down the stairs and rolled her eyes. Kayce came back out and took his hat off, ruffling his hair some.

"Beth's already here," Oakley told him softly.

"Figured," Kayce sighed. "Ready for this?"

"What's he up to?" Oakley laced her fingers through Kayce's.

"No idea," Kayce led them out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

They walked into the dining room to see almost everyone there, kids all starting to sit down. Beth reached her arm out to give Oakley a hug who returned it. They all sat down at the table in their respective seats while John walked in. The table was full of delicious platters from Gator as they all started to pass along amongst themselves.

Oakley's eyes caught Jamie's who had been quiet the whole time so far. She hadn't spoken to him since her blow-up at him about spending time with his son. James was seated next to Carter but looked just like his father. Kayce tapped OAkley's shoulder with his, making her look over and see him handing her a bowl of rolls.

"Thanks," Oakley whispered.

Everyone was quiet and they all seemed to be glancing at each other as if to figure out why this meal was even happening. John was holding his wine glass, his plate full, and staring at the center of the table. Slowly, everyone came to be watching him, even the kids.

"I uh, know this past few years have been..." John cleared his throat. "Well, they've been challenging."

Oakley leaned her shoulders back in her seat. She wanted to look at Kayce but knew that would cause the attention to be brought over to them.

"I left for five years," John nodded. "I thought being governor was what our family needed."

"It was at the time," Beth spoke up.

Oakley looked at the other woman. It was times like these where Oakley was envious of Beth's ability to partake almost as an equal to John and not looked down upon.

"Oakley," John said, making Oakley snap her eyes back to him. "You kept this place afloat in my absence and with Kayce being Commissioner."

Kayce gently rested his hand on Oakley's thigh.

"But I think what we are about to have is a new era for this ranch and this family," John leaned back in his seat. "It's apparent, now more than ever, that we make this place the foundation that it is for ranching in Montana."

John's eyes glanced over to Tate and the twins. Oakley noted how he didn't look at James or even Carter.

"I want our name known throughout the whole country," John nodded. "Everyone's gonna know our name...but it's going to take all of us to accomplish that. And that's the only way this place is gonna survive after we're all long gone."

Oakley looked over at Beth who was staring at her father.

"I'm coming back as head of operations," John looked at Kayce now.

Oakley saw Kayce's slight head nod toward his father.

"Kayce's still in charge though," John's eyes glanced at Rip for a second before focusing on Jamie. "And we need a full-time lawyer."

Jamie took a deep breath, James was looking straight at his father. Oakley was concerned about asking this of Jamie right now, in front of everyone after what had just happened. But Jamie nodded his head anyway toward John.

"And you," John looked at Beth.

"Whatever you need, Daddy," Beth smiled.

"What about us, Grandpa?" Lee asked and suddenly the room lightened up.

"Come here," John smiled and Lee got out of his seat, walking over to John.

John pulled him up on his lap.

"You're the next generation," John told Lee and then looked over to Tate and Evelyn. "You all need to be watching your parents and learning...and you."

John looked directly at Tate. Oakley tensed slightly at the way John was looking at him.

"You're next," John said.

Oakley looked at Tate who wasn't smiling or frowning. But his eyes were training on his grandfather.

"We're gonna change it back," John finished. "Together."


"You've been quiet," Kayce said as Oakley pulled back the sheets on the bed.

Kayce was standing on his side as Oakley crawled under her covers. After dinner, the kids all went outside to play and Oakley volunteered to watch them.

"Yeah," Oakley sighed, sitting up in her spot and looking at Kayce.

"What're you thinking?" Kayce asked.

"I don't know, honestly," Oakley shrugged. "I feel like...if I let my mind wander down one of the opinions it'll just make me too nervous for anything.

"Nervous?" Kayce sat down on his side.

"I know your father ran this place well," Oakley sighed. "No one's questioning that...but..."

"But what?" Kayce stared at Oakley.

"To leave this place for Tate," Oakley looked at Kayce. "What does that mean for everyone else?"

"What do you mean?" Kayce asked.

"What about Lee and Evelyn?" Oakley shrugged. "But more importantly, what about James? Or hell, even Carter?"

"Carter will be a wrangler forever, baby," Kayce smiled. "Maybe foreman one day...but I think he and Tate already have a good relationship that will help them when they get to that point."

"And James?" Oakley asked.

"I don't know, Oaks," Kayce shrugged.

"And does Tate want this?" Oakley continued.

"You said he did before," Kayce pointed out.

"With you, Kayce," Oakley leaned back against her pillows. "He wanted to run this place with you but the way John was looking at him tonight."

"Am I going somewhere?" Kayce leaned down on his side, facing Oakley.

"I want you to teach Tate about this place," Oakley stared at eh ceiling. "I don't want John to."

"Baby," Kayce sighed. "There are things I still don't even dad can start with Tate earlier than I got to and that'll be beneficial for him."

Oakley turned her head and looked at Kayce.

"But Tate's not ten anymore," Oakley sighed. "This isn't a fishing trip...and I don't want John to treat Tate like he's his last hope or something."

"He is next in line," Kayce said.

"That's how your father treated you," Oakley whispered. "And you weren't that much older than Tate."

Kayce sighed deeply before reaching one arm across Oakley's body to pull her into his side. She snuggled up to him as they leaned back in bed.

"I'm not against any part of this master plan your father has," Oakley sighed. "I just...I need you to watch over Tate. I don't want him..."

"Want him what?" Kayce asked, running his fingers through Oakley's hair.

"I don't want him running away like you did," Oakley held her breath as she finally admitted to what she was truly thinking.

Kayce's fingers stopped moving as he leaned back so he was able to look down at her. Oakley blinked back up at Kayce.

"You did," She said softly.

"Tate's...not me," Kayce said.

"Kayce..." Oakley let a small smile break her lips. "That boy is one hundred percent you. And even if he wasn't, he idolizes you to where he would do anything to be like you."

"No, I mean," Kayce shook his head. "Tate doesn't have the same factors that I did back then...for starters, Tate didn't knock up someone...nor does-"

"Don't say that about Monica," Oakley defended, but kept her small smile on her face. "That's where Tate came from."

"Alright," Kayce rolled his eyes. "Nor does Tate have a you, like I did...if Tate's like anyone it's..."

Oakley waited, interested to hear what Kayce thought his son was like. But it clicked with her before Kayce continued.

"Lee," Oakley whispered and Kayce nodded.

Oakley rested her head back down on Kayce's chest and sighed.

"Well," She cleared her throat. "I can now be up at cowboy camp more this summer with the kids. Maybe run a little interference between your father? I want them to have the summer though, they deserve it."

"You'll love that," Kayce murmured.

"You think you'll be able to join us for most of it?" Oakley asked. "I want you there too."

"Most of it," Kayce nodded. "Unless something happens in town or around...but I plan to be up there with y'all for it."

"Good," Oakley snuggled in deeper. "I can't wait for that...just us and nature."

There was a knock at their door. Oakley glanced at Kayce before getting out of bed. Kayce sat up and Oakley walked over and opened the door, revealing the subject of their conversation.

"Hey," Oakley smiled at Tate. "You okay?"

"Can't sleep," Tate shrugged. "Saw y'all's light on."

"Come in," Oakley stepped aside as Tate walked in.

Kayce moved back to where he was sitting against the headboard more as Tate sat down on the edge of the bed. Oakley moved to sit close to Tate, facing him.

"We were just talking about you," Oakley smiled.

"About supper?" Tate asked.

"Yep," Oakley nodded. "How did you feel about that?"

Tate thought for a moment.

"I'm glad Grandpa will be around more often," Tate nodded. "Not sure I know what all that meant though."

"Neither did we, son," Kayce said. "But nothing's gonna happen overnight...for now and for a while, things will be just as they are."

Oakley forced her smile as Tate glanced in her direction.

"And, you only have two weeks left of school," Oakley nodded. "Then it's summer."

"And cowboy camp," Tate smiled.

"I was just telling your father that I'll be able to be up there more with you kids," Oakley leaned back and stretched her legs out next to where Tate was sitting. "You okay with me being up there more?"

"Yeah," Tate nodded. "I'll have a fishing buddy then."

"You bet," Oakley smiled. "But you can't go up until you've done something."

"What's that?" Tate asked.

Oakley looked up at Kayce who was looking at her curiously. Oakley looked back at Tate.

"I need to see your learner's permit before you're allowed up at camp," Oakley said.

"Nice," Tate laughed and looked at Kayce.

"Alright," Kayce rolled his eyes. "We'll start tomorrow."

Oakley smiled as Tate climbed off of the bed.

"Night, buddy," Kayce said as Tate waved behind him while walking out of the bedroom.

Once Tate was gone, Kayce turned out the light and they both relaxed back against their pillows.

"I see what you did there," Kayce mumbled.

Oakley leaned over and pressed her lips to his.

"Night, baby," Oakley mumbled, kissing Kayce again.

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