Roses & Thorns

By number1BTSfan

4.8K 376 382

"Nothing in life is a bed of roses." "But roses have thorns too." The nation's pride, a sophisticated fencer... More

Roses & Thorns
Chapter 001
Chapter 002
Chapter 003
Chapter 004
Chapter 005
Chapter 006
Chapter 007
Chapter 008
Chapter 009
Chapter 010
Chapter 011
Chapter 012
Chapter 013
Chapter 014
Chapter 015
Chapter 016
Chapter 017
Chapter 018
Chapter 019
Chapter 020
Chapter 022
Chapter 023
Chapter 024
Chapter 025
Chapter 026
Chapter 027
Chapter 028
Chapter 029
Chapter 030
Chapter 031
Chapter 032
Chapter 033
Chapter 034
Chapter 035
Chapter 036
Chapter 037
Chapter 038
Chapter 039
Chapter 040

Chapter 021

95 6 4
By number1BTSfan

Beomgyu <3

what time is the party?


can u come over
i need help picking an outfit
then we can go over together

but it's only 4

I started too late

can't we text instead

texting makes my fingers hurt
and they are very important for fencing

how about we call instead

do you not want to come over that bad.

kiddingg im walking over rn
of course i want to see you in a nice outfit

what are you wearing


yea i figured
can u send me a picture
so i can see what i have in my closet

u wanna match 😏




who are u with?
and im surprised, u dressed rlly well

aww thanks ryujin 🥰
im walking with my sister
gonna drop her off at the mall and then i'll come over

do u have anymore lollipops


okay i'll see u soon



Beomgyu knocked on the door a couple of times, stepping back as he heard noises from the other side of the door. Ryujin opens the door, smiling when she sees Beomgyu. Beomgyu smiles seeing her still comfortably dressed in home clothes, her hair tied into a half-assed ponytail.

"Come in, i've already laid out all the options," Ryujin grabs Beomgyu's arm, pulling him into the house before leading him into the living room. Beomgyu moves to sit down on the sofa while Ryujin walks over to the kitchen island, grabbing the hangers which display her outfit.

"Which one?" Ryujin hums, holding both of the outfits up. Beomgyu bites his finger, scrutinising both outfits carefully.

"You should try both of them on first, see which one is comfortable," Beomgyu hums, resting the side of his face on the palm of his hand, his elbow propped up on the sofa.

"Alright, I'll go change in the bathroom. Wait there," Ryujin hums, putting down one of the hangers and walking into the bathroom with the other one. Beomgyu pulled out his phone, entertaining himself as he waited for Ryujin to change.

"How do I look?" Ryujin hums, and Beomgyu looks up. He smiles lightly, seeing that she had tried to match their dress shirts (hers being from a high-end brand), the colour being slightly similar. She paired it with a leather skirt, hugging her waist perfectly.

"This is so cute, but try the other one first. Is this one comfortable?" Beomgyu asks. Ryujin feels the material of her clothes, lips pursed together.

"It's alright, but I'm afraid i'm gonna itch after a while," Ryujin shrugs, and Beomgyu nods along. After looking at herself in the mirror for a few minutes while contemplating, she took the other outfit with her in the bathroom to change into.

"I think I like this better," Ryujin hums, making Beomgyu tear his eyes off his phone to look at her. He pauses, impressed by her outfit choice. A brown sleeveless top paired with a beige bolero and a pair of jeans. The brown sleeveless top looked interesting, and was definitely the main point of her outfit.

"I like this one better too," Beomgyu grins, and Ryujin returns it shyly. She gives a small twirl, looking at herself in the mirror as she fixes her hair. She nods firmly, making her decision.

"I'll wear this, I'm going to put on my makeup first. You can turn on the tv if you want," Ryujin hums, walking into her room. Beomgyu watches her leave, a small smile on his face. She was so effortlessly pretty, even from the back. The way her hair bounced as she walked radiated such an attractive energy to Beomgyu.

Beomgyu continues to use his phone while Ryujin does her makeup in her room, updating Eunbi and Mark on their progress. After a while, Ryujin walks into the room with her bag, ready to leave.

"We'll leave in half an hour? Then we'll be 10 minutes early," Ryujin hums as she places her bag on the kitchen island, walking over to sit next to Beomgyu. He nods in agreement, putting away his phone.

"Wait, how are we going to get there? We can't be seen together so we can't take a subway, and a taxi might be risky. I don't have a car either," Beomgyu mumbles, scratching his head as he thought about it. Ryujin chuckles, shaking her head as she pulls out her phone from her pocket.

"Don't worry, I asked my friend if I could borrow her car,"
"Wait, I don't have my licence yet."
"Well, I do."

Beomgyu's eyes widened in surprise, staring at Ryujin, impressed. Ryujin laughs, shaking her head at the boy.

"How did you find the time?"
"We had a long break because of COVID. So I took the time to get my drivers' licence." Ryujin smiles, and Beomgyu nods in understanding. He found it cool that Ryujin knew how to drive.

"Should I get my drivers' licence next year? I kind of want to get a car so I can commute to work and everything is easier," Beomgyu hums, pondering about the possibility.

"Only if you want to. I could always drive you if you want to," Ryujin says as she types something in her phone, and Beomgyu's heart flutters at the offer.

"Will you teach me?" Beomgyu teases, and Ryujin chuckles at the thought. She shrugs, not really that opposed to the idea.

"You don't even own a car though," Beomgyu laughs, shaking his head as he throws his head back to lean on the sofa. Ryujin hums, scrolling through her phone.

"Should I paint my nails? I feel like doing so,"
"Are you allowed?"
"Well, my nails aren't allowed to be long but I'm pretty sure it's fine if it's coloured. But I should probably paint it when i'm on my next break,"
"What colour are you thinking?"
"Haven't thought that far yet,"

The two share a laugh before they get engrossed in talking about possible nail designs that Ryujin could try. They scrolled through her pinterest, trying to find something she could take inspiration from. Beomgyu got invested, making suggestions on how the nail shape should be, and the designs he liked on nails.

Ryujin felt the gut feeling she was sure that Namra was talking about. Seeing him talking about something she brought up so passionately, it warmed her heart. She liked that he showed just as much interest as her in something she wanted to try.

"We should get going, it's already dark out." Beomgyu hums, looking out the balcony. Ryujin glances at her phone, shocked at how fast time went by. They both got ready, doing one final check before they grabbed their things and headed out.

"Your friend has such a nice car though," Beomgyu hums, sitting in shotgun as he admires the inside of the car. Ryujin chuckles, starting up the car before they both put on their seatbelts.

"Her boyfriend got it for her,"

"You sound like you don't like him," Beomgyu chuckles, fixing the GPS for Ryujin to put in Eunbi and Mark's address. Ryujin purses her lips, her mood turning sour thinking about Chaeryeong's boyfriend.

"He's such a red flag. He covers up his mistakes with expensive gifts. No apology either,"
"Wow, sounds like a grade-A asshole."
"Don't worry, I won't ever be like that. I don't even have that much money,"

Ryujin's annoyed expression eased into a laugh hearing Beomgyu's joke, shaking her head as she drove out of the carpark and into the street, occasionally glancing to the GPS as she focused on the street.

"You look attractive driving." Beomgyu states, and Ryujin lets out a laugh at the out-of-pocket compliment. He had been staring for a while, as she drove with a sort of confidence, two hands on the wheel as she leaned back on her seat.

"Okay, now you're just trying to impress me," Beomgyu shakes his head as they slow to a stop after seeing the red light. Ryujin had only one hand on the wheel, the other resting at her side. She laughed as she got called out, and the drive there continued to be just as lively as cheerful.

"You got them something?" Beomgyu asks, dumbfounded as Ryujin leans back, grabbing a wrapped present from the back. She chuckles, nodding her head as she unbuckles her seatbelt after parking the car.

"Can we say we got it together?" Beomgyu hums, falling into step with Ryujin as they approach the lift of Eunbi and Mark's apartment, having parked in a different floor from where they lived. Ryujin scoffed, eyeing Beomgyu pointily.

"Going to take credit on a gift I spent my own money on? That's kind of rude,"
"I mean if you put it that way,"

Ryujin's lips curled into a grin when Beomgyu mumbles, averting his eyes. She shakes her head, walking out of the lift after they had gone to Eunbi and Mark's level, Beomgyu leading the way.

"Gosh, I'm kind of nervous," Ryujin mumbles, fixing her hair as they wait for someone to get the door after Beomgyu presses the doorbell. Beomgyu looks over at Ryujin fretting, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"Don't be, Eunbi adores you. And besides, you look good." Beomgyu smiles, and Ryujin glances at Beomgyu in surprise at the affirmation that made her feel slightly flustered. Before she can comment on it, the door is swung open and they are greeted by a very happy Eunbi and Mark who is trying to help calm the situation down.

"I'm so happy you made it! I cooked some amazing food, but Mark couldn't wait for you guys to come over."
"I was hungry!" Mark excuses in protest, making Beomgyu and Ryujin laugh in response. Eunbi rolls her eyes, bringing Ryujin to the kitchen to get some food while Beomgyu stayed in the living room with Mark.

"So, I see you've proposed." Beomgyu smirks, and Mark's eyes widened in surprise.

"How did you know?"
"Dude, that rock is shimmering. How could you afford such a nice ring?" Mark rubs the back of his neck, a shy smile playing on his lips as Beomgyu teases him.

"Oh, shut up. Who are you to say anything, you haven't even defined a relationship with Ryujin yet. When are you going to do that by the way, it's been months." Mark questions Beomgyu, who clears his throat as he finds a way to divert the topic.

Luckily, Ryujin and Eunbi walk into the room with two plates each filled with food. Ryujin passed one to Beomgyu, who thanked her while Eunbi passed one to Mark as well.

"I didn't know what you'd like, so I got a bit of everything," Ryujin smiles, and Beomgyu glances at his plate basically filled to the brim. He returns the smile, nodding before the two of them follow after the couple into their dining room.


"It really is a nice ring. Congratulations you guys!" Ryujin grins as the couple sat opposite of her, letting go of Eunbi's hand after she allowed Ryujin to admire the ring.

"After so long. We're planning to hold the wedding as soon as possible. You two are obviously invited," Eunbi rambles on, and Ryujin can't help but notice the love eyes that Mark gives to his soon-to-be wife as she talks passionately.

She glances at Beomgyu, who seems amused at how fast Eunbi is talking, actively listening and nodding along to her words. Ryujin lets out a silent sigh, resting her chin on her hand as she subtly stares at him.

She wondered when he would propose to her, and she could officially call her his boyfriend.

shld i do more texting au's its actually so fun
and since like ryujin is busy as an athlete everything then they cant rlly meet up that often
so they bond via text instead
i love text au's guys

also ryujin's outfit!

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