Entangled (Twin's Version) |...

By luckiestsoul

32.8K 1.2K 239

"You are ours no matter where you are." Jeongguk. "You are ours no matter who you are." Jungkook. "Your body... More

Characters information
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Not An Update
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
New Book #1
New Book #2


455 20 19
By luckiestsoul

Please, please read the end note.

The last chapter. Enjoy.

6 years later.

It's a lovely morning. Birds chirping and the sound of the leaves rustling when the gentle breeze hugs them could be heard in the air. The temperature just right. The people talking to each other could also be heard as they roam around in the general market.

This is Bologna in the land of Italy.

A girl just woke up from her sleep. Still in the bed, she yawns and stretches a bit before finally getting up and sitting.

The girl is in her early 20s. Well, she is 20 years old from today. She gets out of the comfort zone known as the bed and walks to the bedroom, doing her morning routine just like every other normal girl.

Her small apartment was filled with canvases. Beautiful canvases. With lost of colours. But her room. It was filled with darker shades of colours. A lot of black, white and grey paintings that had dates written under them along with the signature of the artist.

The girl wore a gray colored t shirt and a pair of boyfriend jeans. She brushed swiftly through her long, black hair and let it all fall on her back at the end. A bit of foundation, eyeliner, a little eyeshadow and a little bit of chapstick. Done with the makeup.

Her phone beeped in a familiar ringtone, taking her attention. And, she smiled. She went to her study table where her phone was charging which made the necklace in her neck to dangle. The necklace said Get Out Of Jail Free. Quite familiar, isn't it?

She took the phone in her hand, unplugging it. Seeing who called her, her smile only widened.

Dad it read.

She received the call and put it near her ear.

"Hey, dad." She stated cheerfully.

"Happy 20th birthday, my daughter." The man on the other line said.

The girl bursted into a laugh and said, "It's not my birthday yet!"

"But, it's already your birthday in here." He said referring to his timeline.

"Okay, okay. I get it. Thank you, my dear dad."

"That's more like it."

"Anyway, where's gege? Won't he wish me a happy birthday, too?"

"He's out. Doing whatever."

The girl could feel her dad's eyes rolling at the sentence. She laughed and said, "You never changed, dad."

"Let the whole world change. But, this father of yours will not change."

After a bit of chitchatting between the father-daughter pair. The girl finally took her bag, flinging it on her shoulder before grabbing her keys, wallet and phone.

She soon reached downstairs and there she met her friends. All Italian.

"Come state tutti?" She asked which meant what's up.

Yep, you got it right. The replies were all in Italian.

The girl is a college student now. She is working part time and living a too normal life.

She lost her memories after all.

This is the life of Julianne Dragonade now aka Jeon Jina.

Her room that we talked about a while ago was all the faded memories of her life 6 years ago. Some were good and most of them were bad. So most of the canvases she painted from her nightmares or dreams were painted in darker shades of colours.

As I said before, Christopher is a wise man. He isn't the type of person who'll be unprepared. He's always prepared. Always.

His men were already under that cliff when Julianne fell. There was a big bed like soft thing there which made the girl land on a soft surface. They quickly took her out of that scene and cleaned everything up, not forgetting to make it look like she was dead by taking her clothes and a who knows who's skeleton.

That's right. Christopher and Zitao are the only people who know this and they are quite great actors. They were faking everything that day 6 years ago. Just to make the rest believe that she was really dead.

While in reality, she wasn't. She lost her memories and Chris took her to this country. So she could live a normal life and grew up to be the person she wants to be. He hired many and many people here. The people she called friends not long ago are actually the people hired by none other than her father.

She lived her life here. Away from all the chaos. Just enjoying her life in peace.

But, peace doesn't always last long, does it? WE don't think so.

Location: South Korea.

It's a very lovely day here too. Many people think that.

Except for two people.

To them, it's just another black and white day in their life.

The two took a seat next to the specific grave as they put the two bouquets of some lovely Forget Me Not flower.

[Credits to the rightful owners. :)]

They were Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Jeongguk. The twins.

They didn't die that day. Thanks to Jimin and Yoongi being fast enough to get them to the hospital.

In the disguise of health issues, Jungkook and Jeongguk were out of public's eyes for 3 long years. They were broken because they thought it was their fault that Julianne fell off the cliff that day.

Jeongguk and Jungkook both blamed themselves and finally turned into psychos. The Jeon couple was not in the mental state to take care of the two. Thankfully, Chris was there.

He caged the two away from the whole world. For 3 freaking long years. It was a hospital like place deep down in a jungle.

A lot of people were there, mostly doctors and nurses to take care of them. There were well trained men there in order to take care of their sudden outburst.

Not once or twice, the twins tried to kill themselves at least a 100 times. They even slit their wrists open 3 times. But people were there to save them. Because Christopher was definitely not going to let them off the hook if the twins died in anyway.

The three years were hell. They would constantly scream at nothing, scratch themselves, pull their hair and whisper to themselves. Every night was a nightmare to them. No sleep caused them to have dark circles under the eyes. They didn't even want to have food, so they can die from starvation. But, the doctors made them unconscious and gave them the nutrition needed for the body.

All because of Chris's orders. After 3 years, the twins were stable to live with family again. Hyerin didn't want to forgive them and she didn't show up in front of them until they were completely healed.

The next three years was a punishment for the twins. Since they were in their right minds, they had to get back to their idol lives. They had to smile in front of cameras no matter what happened. All was going well, but it wasn't at the same time.

Not a single night, they didn't cry for her. Not a single night, they didn't wake up from their sleep breathing heavily. All because she appeared in their dreams, in a much older states asking with her sweet voice as her eyes shone, "Why did you two kill me?"

The same question over and over. The twins blamed themselves for her death. The twins already accepted that they were the reason why she died.

But, after coming to their right minds, the twins were eaten alive with guilt as they remembered the awful things they said to her, did to her. Guilt just kept increasing until they sunk down in the endless dark abyss of guilt and regret.

Today, they were in front of Julianne's grave. Fake grave if we are honest.

Julianne Dragonade
also known as
Jeon Jina

It read.
Christopher put the Jeon Jina because of Hyerin's request. After all, in the first 7 years of her life,. Julianne was known to the world as Jeon Jina and not Julianne Dragonade.

The twins even got her her favorite flowers, Forget Me Not. An information they learned at the night when they first confessed to her.

Forget Me Not is my favorite flower. Cause, if I give it to a person, I'm indirectly requesting them not to forget me.

They still remember those words clearly as if it was yesterday.

They hugged the grave and wished her a happy birthday before talking to the grave as if talking to a person. They were smiling as they chatted. After a while, both planted a kiss on the top of the grave as their eyes shed tears once again.

They placed one last pat on the grave, wished a happy birthday again and left. It was actually a part of their daily lives. To come visit the grave twice a week.

They had already visited her twice this week, but today was her birthday after all and they had to come here.

The rest of BTS, BP and Jiwoo were going on with their lives. It was hard. But they had to let go, they knew it.

A week later.

"What?! I have to move to Korea?!" 20 years old Julianne said on her phone loudly.

"Yes, you have to, darling." Chris said. "A lot of unfinished business have to be finished." She could feel that she was smirking on the other side of the phone.

"Hmmm. Interesting, dad. I wanna know what you got up in your sleeves." She said as she smirked back.

Christopher laughed heartily.

"You really are my daughter!" He said between his laughs which earned him a soft chuckle form the other side as well.

"Cut the crap, dad. When's the flight?"

Three days later.

"Hmmm. The air is familiar." Julianne said as she got her bags together, heading towards the exit.

She turned off the airplane mode off of her phone. Dialing a familia number, she put the PO home close to her ears.

Beep. Beep.

It said before a person's voice was heard.

"Yeah? Oh, gege. It's you."

"Of course, it's me. Who do you think could pick up dad's phone?"

"Okay. I got it. I just landed. Do you mind picking me up?"

"I can't. Dad already sent you a car to take you to a specific place. You have to go there first and I have an important meeting in 10."

"Oh, okay. Got it. Bye. See you soon."

"Hmmm. See you. Stay safe, happy pill."

Putting the phone back to the pockets of her black zip up jacket, she walked outside the airport only to find a big bulletin board on top of a black BMW.

The board said, For the one and only, Eva Marino.

Julianne chuckled seeing it. It was her Italian name. The one she used while staying at the respected country. Everyone there knew her as Eva.

Her dad picked out this name for her.
Eva meant 'Life' and Marino meant 'Of the sea'. Together her name meant Life of the sea.

She liked the name.

She quickly headed towards the car, pushing her luggage in the process. She was hoping to see her father sitting at the backseat. But, to her disappointment, there was no signs of him.

She sighed and got inside.

By the way, she was wearing a pair of nude colored cargo pants, a sleeveless t-shirt which was hidden under her zip up jacket along with a pair of white sneakers hugging her toes perfectly. Her long hair was gone as she got a haircut before coming to this country, her favorite wolf cut to be exact. Her now short hair only reached her shoulders blades and her bangs fell over her eyes hiding the beautiful pair of eyes under them. She had light makeup on and her lips were wrapped around in a candy called lollypop.

After what seemed like forever, the car stopped at a specific place. The lady was asleep in the back seat.

Her lollypop gone away. She slept in an inhuman position as her mouth left drools on the million dollar car. But, did she care? No, she didn't.

Sleep was much more important at the moment.

The driver shook her and called her in hopes of waking her up. But no. The girl sure had other plans.

Having no other way, the driver called the young master. Zitao.

After a few ring, the phone was picked up. He explained the problem to the other person.

Zitao only hummed and ended the call with a simple sentence.

"Drag her out of the car and leave her there. Drive fast. So she can't catch up. Goodbye."

The helpless driver just did what his master asked for. But, he was beyond shocked to see that the young lady whom he serves was still asleep on the ground.

He could do nothing, but face palm himself. He again called the young master, worried for the safety of the girl in her early 20s.

But, the said brother had already surrounded the whole area with his men. Ensuring his little sister's safety.

After an hour.
Julianne's pov

I woke up. Not feeling the familiar leather under my body. Rather it was replaced with a much harder surface known as the ground.

I got my body up, stretching my numb muscles. Did that driver freaking left me here, alone?! I need to call dad!

I got myself up on my feet before fishing through my pockets to find the phone. It wasn't there!

With frustration building up in me, I brushed my hair backwards. I'm super angry now!

I ripped off the jacket from my body, tying it to my waist which made me sigh in relief. Cause, God! It's so hot in here!

My hair was also irritating me. I put it into a cute little ponytail and of course, all of my hair didn't go in that ponytail. My bangs still fell on my eyes and some hair fell on my neck here and there. Rubber band? Girls things. Got it from my wrist ;)

I looked around the place, trying to find any living being called humans here. There weren't any. Rather it looked like a remote area.

It's a hill, after all. There was a cliff nearby as I saw from my place. I know that from cliffs like this, you can see amazing views. Since I don't have my phone or a camera with me, I think I'll just capture the scenery with my eyes and later let it shine on the white canvas. I'm a painter. I love this and selling my paintings is a part time job of mine.

I started walking to that direction. It was the middle of a day, the sun was directly checking me out with no shame.

I finally reached the cliff. But, I was still in a distance. From there, I saw two bodies sitting on the edge of the cliff, legs hanging from there.

They didn't realize my presence and I got a little more closer. Man! I'm glad I did.

I know Korean men were handsome. I'm half Korean, myself. But damn! This was another level of handsomeness! It was as if I was looking at idols. The two people looked so similar. Maybe, they are identical twins.

But, since I'm a painter and I know about people's expression quite well and studying psychology was a cherry on top.

Their expression just screamed sadness. Their eyes were filled with longing. Faces held so much sadness in them. They were hurt, I knew.

Suddenly, my head started hurting. I know that I lost memories of the first 14 years of my life because dad told me. But, when I try to get to know about my life before losing my memories or how I lost my memories. Dad just changes the topic or simply says that it's not time for me to know anything yet.

Blurry memories filled my head. It was a lot to take in. It started hurting like hell. I groaned, holding my head.

I sat down and started screaming while holding my head with both hands. I was in so much pain that I failed to realize that two pairs of feet came and stopped in front of me.

I knew this place. This is that place, from my dreams, from my nightmares. This is the place I tried to take my life at... I know these faces. The faces that used to smile so much and hold nothing but love and affection in them. I know it all. It all makes sense now. Why dad sent me here, why that driver left me here alone.

I felt tears brimming my eyes. Soon, they fell down and I glanced up only to see the two of them look at me with tears in their eyes too.

I started crying loudly. They knew it was me. They had to.

Both hugged me tightly. All three of us cried. So much happened in these years. Finally, we're together again.

They hugged me really tightly, trying to get enough of my warmth that they missed in these years.

After a while, we finally let go. I was still sniffling. Then, Jungkook cupped my face, landing a gentle kiss on my lips before letting me go. Jeongguk did the same. The kisses were filled with affection, longing and love. Not a bit of lust in them.

They wiped my tears and said, "You're finally here, Anne."

I nodded my head with a smile on my face. We were about to hug again. But we couldn't.

Cause a lot of claps were heard and we turned to see our families standing there and clapping with cute smiles on their faces.

Dad, gege, eomma Hyerin, appa Yongchul, Namjoon oppa, Seokjin oppa, Yoongi oppa, Hoseok oppa, Jimin oppa, Taehyung oppa, Jisoo unnie, Jennie unnie, Chaeyoung unnie, Lisa unnie and Jiwoo unnie. They were all there.

There was another familiar face there. It was a furball. As soon as it saw me, it ran towards me. It was Rocky.

Behind Rocky, another dog almost in the same size of him and some puppies ran. Rocky got in my lap, sniffing and licking me, indirectly telling me that he missed me so much. His wife and kids were kind of hesitant at first, but soon started showing their love.

The others came and joined us. We all had a warm group hug.

5 years later.

It has been five years. Five years since I came back. Dad told me everything after that day. From how he saved me and hid me for the sake of everyone. He told me everyone's side of the story. I'm so happy to happy and lucky to have a father like him.

I'm really content with my life now. Actually, I got married four years ago when I was 21 years old.

We have a pair of son now. One is 4 years old and the other is 3 years old. We also have a baby girl.

We adopted this cute little angel just a month ago. She's 5 months old.

All my oppas and unnies are married now, with kids. What I never thought of was that Jiwoo unnie would like a scumbag like my gege. They just got married last year and they have a cute little babygirl. I just couldn't be happier!

I'm a successful painter now, leading my life with passion and happiness. I love my life so much now. It's just filled with nothing but smiles.

I'm really glad that our entangled life got a good ending. Oh! And, from dad, I heard that my husbands mental illness called obsession ended after their three years of confinement in that hospital. My heart broke into pieces when I heard what they've through in these years. But it's all okay now.

This was the end of our story, an entangled story...


Please read this. It's my request.

Hey, Jellies.

This book is officially ending today. To be honest, I'm kind of sad. But, everything that exists in this world has an end, right?
I hope you liked the ending. And, thank you for the votes and reads.
I sincerely thank you for being with me in this amazing journey. I realized a lot of things in this little journey. I've been through a lot. But writing always was my escape. And, seeing the comments about how much you liked the chapters just made my day.

One thing I realized the most and the thing that has an effect in my life is that I came to know that I love to make people happy with my work, with my writing.
You guys helped me realize that and you guys helped me to know about myself, my wants and my happiness.

Thank you for that.
Thank you for everything.

Love you, Jellies.
Stay happy, always. Never look down at yourself no matter what happens. And lastly, keep loving yourself. That's all I want to say.
- Lucky.

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