For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

29.6K 1.2K 742

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Deal with the devil.
Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees

It takes work to lead.

612 21 4
By LillyBelle13

"No more sling!" Lee cheered as he walked out of the doctor's office with Oakley.

"But that doesn't mean you go run off and hurt yourself again," Oakley warned. "No more proving to girls that you can out-jump them."

"Yes, ma'am," Lee smiled up as they got to the truck.

Oakley opened Lee's door and shut it after he crawled in. She walked around to the driver's side when a man came up a few feet from her. He startled Oakley.

"Sorry, I uh..." The man held up both hands. "You're Oakley Dutton, right?"

"Who are you?" Oakley asked her hand on the door handle.

"Y'all hiring?" The man said.

"Hiring?" Oakley blinked.

"I'm looking for work," The man shifted on his feet. "Heard y'all were short some hands."

"Um," Oakley swallowed.

"I'm good," The man said. "Been down in Kansas and over in Tennessee...spent last season in Billings and made my way over here now."

"What are your skills?" Oakley asked, remembering her words finally.

"Good with fixing things," The man nodded. "Horses...really anything you'd need, Mrs."

"What's your name?" Oakley asked.

"Marcus," The guy nodded again.

"You don't have a last name?" Oakley raised an eyebrow.

"Hanson," Marcus said.

"How old are you?" Oakley looked him up and down.

"Twenty-three," Marcus said.

Oakley's eyes widened slightly. The man in front of her looked like he should be older than Oakley. He had tattoos up and down his arms, a few on his neck from what she could see, and deep circles under his eyes.

"You look older than that," Oakley said. "And I don't hire liars."

"Ain't lying," Marcus shook his head. "Just have had a rough go at life."

Oakley blinked as she looked back at him. She glanced to the left and right, wondering if Marcus had a vehicle or not and how on earth he knew who she was.

"We're moving some of our cattle tomorrow morning," Oakley said. "If you can be at the ranch by eight, then you can work with the others and see if you can keep up."

"Thank you," Marcus nodded his head, his dark eyes surprised.

"Don't thank me yet," Oakley opened her door and got in quickly.

"Who was that, Momma?" Lee asked from the backseat.

"He said his name was Marcus," Oakley started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Who is he?" Lee asked again.

"I don't know, baby," Oakley shook her head as she pulled out onto the main road. "He was looking for a job though."

"To work on the ranch?" Lee asked.

"Maybe," Oakley glanced back at her son. "How's the arm? You were bent in some awkward positions back there."

"Sore," Lee looked at his arm. "But no sling."

"I'm proud of you for being good with that sling and using it," Oakley smiled.

"How proud?" Lee smirked and Oakley swore she saw Kayce come through their son's face.

"Lee Dutton," Oakley warned but her smile made Lee giggle.


"He just came up to you?" Kayce frowned at Oakley while she finished pulling out a tray of cookies.

"Yeah," Oakley shrugged, placing the hot tray on the counter with the other one. "Said he wanted work."

Oakley counted the cookies again, knowing she needed two dozen for each kid's classroom tomorrow. The school was doing a teacher appreciation party in each classroom and Oakley had volunteered to bring cookies. She shut the oven door and looked up at Kayce finally, noticing his frown.

"He's first gotta find us," Oakley said. "Didn't look like he had a car, so he's also gotta physically get here tomorrow to even try."

"Just don't like some stranger coming up to you in a parking lot," Kayce leaned his hands on the counter. "Most hands find the ranch and then ask us here."

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "I sort of froze at first, if I'm being honest."

"Just walk away from 'em next time," Kayce told her.

"I can't do that," Oakley sighed. "I do handle the pay around here and we need some more help as the weather warms up."

"Let Rip handle the hiring and firing though," Kayce said.

"Kayce..." Oakley was now placing each cookie on a cooling rack. "I need to do this."

"Not if it makes you uncomfortable," Kayce said.

"I'm only uncomfortable because I make myself, uncomfortable" Oakley glanced up at him. "I need to get back into work...your father has handled things the past three weeks and God knows what those books look like."

"I've looked at the books at night," Kayce said.

Oakley paused her movements.

"What?" Oakley asked.

"I've looked at the books each night since you...took your break," Kayce said.

"Didn't know you did that," Oakley resumed moving the cookies over.

"Just...trying to help," Kayce watched Oakley finish.

Oakley gave Kayce a small smile.

"I smell cookies," Tate walked into the kitchen.

"You can have one," Oakley eyed him. "One."

"Thanks," Tate grabbed a cookie and bit into it. "Hey, Dad? Can we go riding tomorrow?"

"Uh...maybe," Kayce said. "Gotta lot of work to do around here though."

"Maybe in the afternoon?" Tate said.

"I think that'd be nice," Oakley rinsed off the trays.

"I wanna be here for the cattle haul," Kayce looked at Oakley and she understood.

"We'd be finished by the afternoon," Oakley said. "Plenty of time for a short ride for both of you."

"Wanna invite Lee?" Kayce looked at Tate.

"We can," Tate shrugged.

"I'll take Lee and Evelyn to my mom's," Oakley said, sensing Tate wanted some one-on-one time with his dad. "Been meaning to for the last...well, a few months."

"You sure?" Kayce looked at her as Tate walked back out of the kitchen satisfied.

"He wants some time with you," Oakley whispered.

"Alright," Kayce smiled, reaching for a cookie.

"One," Oakley pointed her spatula at him.


"Hey, Oakley?" Ryan walked up to where Oakley was tightening her saddle.

"Yeah?" Oakley looked over her shoulder.

"Some guy here is looking for a job," Ryan pointed over his shoulder. "Said he talked to you already."

Oakley glanced at where Ryan was pointing and saw the guy, Marcus, from the day before. He was wearing the same clothes.

"Thanks," Oakley nodded.

Ryan walked off as Oakley finished her saddle and stepped over to Kayce.

"That's the guy," Oakley said to Kayce who looked at where she was now pointing.

"Alright," Kayce patted his horse. "I'll go talk to him."

"I can do it," Oakley stepped in front of Kayce.

"I didn't say you couldn't," Kayce smirked. "But I'd like to talk to him too."

"Then we can go together," Oakley nodded and turned on her heel.

Kayce followed her as they both walked over to where Marcus was standing. When he saw Kayce with Oakley, he got nervous, glancing around.

"Hi...Marcus, right?" Oakley asked.

"Yes," Marcus nodded.

"Yes, ma'am," Kayce said. "You're the one looking for work?"

"If you're hiring?" Marcus couldn't seem to look Kayce in the eyes.

"Know how to ride?" Kayce asked.

"Worked a horse sales lot in Billings for two years," Marcus said.

"Alright," Kayce nodded. "We'll get you a horse saddled. We're pushing cows in between pastures this morning...if you can keep up then we can talk about bringing you on."

Marcus didn't say anything. Kayce glanced at Oakley, as if to silently tell her this was ridiculous.

"See that guy in the shades?" Oakley pointed at Rip. "That's Rip, our foreman...go tell him you're helping for the day and he'll show you the ropes before we head out."

Marcus didn't say anything but walked over to where Rip was. Oakley turned to look up at Kayce.

"Well?0 Oakley asked.

"Needs some manners," Kayce mumbled.

"Manners are taught by being shown kindness," Oakley said to Kayce. "Maybe he's never been shown kindness before?"

Kayce looked at Oakley.

"What?" Oakley said.

"Nothing," Kayce leaned over and kissed her cheek. "Come on."

"Tate, we'll be back by two or so," Oakley said as she passed Tate leaning against the fence.

"Alright," Tate nodded, watching Lee and Evelyn run around in between everyone.

Oakley looked over and saw Marcus getting up on a horse that Walker was holding. He didn't look natural, but Oakley could tell he'd been on one at least before. So maybe that part was true of his story. Marcus looked up, catching Oakley's eye. She smiled at him, hoping to come across as friendly. Marcus kept frowning, breaking eye contact when Walker handed him the reigns.

Oakley got up on her horse, watching Kayce next to her swing his leg over his. Kayce walked his horse into the center of the semi-circle they had created.

"We'll head out to seven, then dived the herd up there," Kayce spoke out to everyone. "One group will take the heifers to pasture eight, across the river, the remaining group will come back here and load up the others. There should be two trucks by the time you get back."

Oakley glanced around and saw just how focused everyone was on Kayce as he spoke. It had been a while since everyone had been able to take part in a task together, she felt a sense of pride flow over her as she listened to her husband.

Kayce was a natural. As much as he fought to not be his father, they did share their ability to lead. Oakley found herself slightly jealous of how easy this life came to Kayce.

Oakley glanced one more time behind her at Marcus who was at the end of the line before she moved her horse to follow next to Rip, Kayce leading them out into the first pasture.

It took them about an hour to get to the herd. When Oakley came up over the hill she saw Kayce had stopped slightly to the left while the rest rode their horses down into the smaller valley. Oakley walked her horse over to Kayce's and smiled at him.

"Hey, cowboy," Oakley winked.

Kayce chuckled at Oakley as she stopped her horse next to his. Oakley looked out at the land in front of them and took in a deep breath. The cooler breeze was still sharp enough to open up her lungs.

"You wanna come with me to move the heifers?" Kayce asked. "Or you wanna load?"

"What do you need me to do?" Oakley asked him softly.

"I want you with me," Kayce looked her up and down. "But I know the larger group will go load and something tells me you still have that urge to lead."

"Isn't that my job though? ," Oakley pushed out a smile. "Don't think I can just follow you around."

"Why not?" Kayce asked. "You come with me and then after we move the herd you and I could find our own way back?"

"It's too cold, Kayce," Oakley laughed at what Kayce was insinuating.

"And what we'd do would warm us up," Kayce smiled.

Oakley shook her head but gave Kayce a love-drunk smile. She reached over and placed her hand on his thigh, leaning in her saddle toward him. Kayce moved his head so Oakley's face dipped under his hat as the two kissed.

"Warm me up tonight," Oakley mumbled to him, kissing him sweetly again before pulling away. "Let me help with the loading."

"Lead the loading, baby," Kayce corrected her. "Remember, when I ain't there, you're the lead."

"Rip will be with you too?" Oakley suddenly got nervous knowing she would be the actual lead if Rip wasn't with her.

"I'll take Rip with me," Kayce nodded. "Along with Ryan, Jimmy, Lance, Josh, and that new kid I guess. I don't want him fucking up in front of the vendors."

"Marcus," Oakley reminded Kayce.

"If he stays, then I'll remember his name," Kayce rolled his eyes. "The rest will go with you...remember that Teeter is good in the shoots and make Colby and Jake do the shorting."

"I have done this before," Oakley giggled.

"I know," Kayce smiled at her as they both made their horses walk down the hill.

The dividing of the herd took a few tries due to the cows being moved for the first time in a while. But being on a horse again made Oakley smile as she assisted. They were able to finish up sooner than they thought though, widening the gap between the two herds now to help. Kayce rode up to Oakley.

"See you back at the ranch?" He asked her.

"They're divided evenly between the trucks, right?" Oakley asked.

"Don't have to be split evenly," Kayce shrugged. "But it helps when they get down to Kansas."

"Alright," Oakley nodded, taking a deep breath. "Be careful?"

"You be careful," Kayce smiled. "Radio me if you need anything."

"I love you," Oakley turned her horse around and smiled back at Kayce.

"Love you," Kayce winked as they rode off in separate directions.


It was closer to two by the time but trucks were pulling out of the ranch. Oakley handed her reigns to Lloyd before walking over to where she saw her babies. Tate was on Lucky, with Evelyn sitting in front of him as he rode gently in a circle. Oakley walked up behind Lee who was standing on the fence and watching, her arms circling around him.

"Hey," Oakley pressed a kiss to Lee's head. "Y'all had a good morning?"

"Look, Momma!" Evelyn smiled as Tate held her tight.

"Look at you, baby," Oakley smiled at her daughter's face.

"When do we get our own horses?" Lee asked, looking up at Oakley.

"Well..." Oakley thought. "Tate got Lucky when he was around ten."

"We have to wait until we're ten?" Evelyn asked out loud.

"Four years ain't that long," Oakley laughed. "I think the two of you can wait it, I don't need all three of you riding off doing God knows what."

Tate came up and stopped Lucky where Oakley and Lee were standing.

"When's Dad getting back?" Tate asked.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure," Oakley said. "Should be soon though."

Oakley did think they'd be back before the trucks left, only because the pasture drive wasn't too long in comparison. The sound of a truck pulling up made Oakley look over her shoulder.

Jamie got out, along with James, and looked over at Oakley. They made their way over to the corral, James running up to the fence next to Oakley.

"Hey Auntie Oaks," James smiled.

"Hey," Oakley reached out and ran her fingers through his hair. "What're you two doing down here?"

"Saw you as we were pulling in," Jamie walked up, his hands in his jacket pockets. "How was the sorting?"

"Not bad," Oakley smiled. "How are things?"

"Fine," Jamie nodded. "You?"

Oakley could see in Jamie's eyes he meant a little more than a casual check-in with Oakley. She squeezed Lee's shoulders before stepping away from her son and walking a few feet back with Jamie.

"I'm okay," Oakley said, crossing her arms.

"Good," Jamie nodded.

"How is..." Oakley trailed off. "Jamie, I honestly don't know what you do to ask you how work is."

"Work is fine," Jamie chuckled. "The ranch is secure."

"Good," Oakley nodded. "But I was more asking how you were with work and not how the ranch was standing."

"Can I um...ask you a question?" Jamie suddenly looked nervous.

"Sure," Oakley said.

"Would you mind watching James tonight?" Jamie glanced at his son. "If it's not a huge inconvenience?"

"Not at all," Oakley shook her head. "The twins will love it...everything okay?"

"Yeah," Jamie nodded. "I uh...have a date... tonight."

Oakley's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh?" Oakley blinked. "Who?"

Jamie stared for a few seconds.

"Do I know her?" Oakley asked.

"Let me see how it goes before I start introducing her to family," Jamie said.

"Jamie," Oakley raised her eyebrow "It's me."

"Yeah," Jamie's eyes looked behind her. "Just let me see how it goes first."

Oakley looked over her shoulder to see what Jamie was looking at. She could see the second group of wranglers coming in, Kayce leading them as they galloped. Seeing Kayce on his horse, working...Oakley would be lying if she said it didn't stir some things inside her up. She looked back at Jamie and smiled.

"Well, good luck, I guess?" She laughed.

"Thanks," Jamie nodded. "Are you sure it's not a problem?"

"Not at all," Oakley shook her head. "He can stay with Lee and you can come down for breakfast tomorrow."

"," Jamie ran a hand over his neck. "Yeah, I'm going to be staying in town actually but I'll be back by lunch."

"What...oh," Oakey realized what Jamie was implying. "Sure, yeah...fine."

"Thanks, Oakley," Jamie nodded. "James!"

James looked back at his father.

"Mind Oakley, alright?" Jamie pointed at Oakley as James nodded. "Thank you."

"See you tomorrow," Oakley smiled as Jamie walked over to his truck.

By the time Oakley turned around, Kayce was riding up to the kids. Tate had brought Lucky out of the corral and was waiting for him. Oakley walked over to help Evelyn off the horse.

"How'd it go?" Kayce asked her.

"All loaded up," Oakley placed Evelyn on the ground. "We have James for the night."

"Where's Jamie?" Kayce asked.

"He's got a..." Oakley glanced at the kids around her. "Meeting late in the town so we're just gonna have James with us."

"Alright," Kayce looked like he didn't believe her.

Oakley mouthed 'later' to Kayce who seemed to be okay with that.

"How was your part?" Oakley asked, running her hand over the neck of Kayce's horse.

"Fine," Kayce looked over his shoulder. "Don't think your kid's gonna make it."

"Why? What happened?" Oakley looked down at where Marcus was walking funny now that he was off his horse.

"The kid doesn't talk," Kayce looked at Oakley. "He doesn't say anything."

"Maybe he's shy?" Oakley said. "It's not like you and the wranglers are the most welcoming people either."

"If he wants to work for us, then he needs to talk," Kayce looked at Tate. "You ready?"

"Yeah," Tate smiled and it was such a genuine one Oakley almost teared up.

"You good with three and your mom?" Kayce looked down at Oakley.

"We'll be just fine," Oakley smiled. "You two be careful."

"We will," Kayce moved his horse to turn him. "Come on, son."

"Bye Oaks!" Tate called out as he raced after his father.

Oakley smiled as she watched them gallop back over the hills. She looked down and the three little ones who were all watching her with large eyes.

"Come on," Oakley nodded her head. "We're gonna go visit grandma."

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