Fate : A Twisted Story

By Author_Amira

48K 1.7K 44

Evelyn, a modern woman, finds herself suddenly transmigrated into a novel where her peaceful life is turned u... More

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Chapter : 01
chapter : 02
Chapter : 03
Chapter : 04
Chapter : 05
chapter : 06
Chapter : 07
Chapter : 08
Chapter : 09
Chapter : 10
Chapter : 11
Chapter : 12
Chapter : 13
Chapter : 14
Chapter : 15
Chapter : 16
Chapter : 17
Chapter : 18
Chapter : 19
Chapter : 20
Chapter : 21
Chapter : 22
Chapter : 23
Chapter : 24
Chapter : 25
Chapter : 26
Chapter : 27
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Chapter : 29
Chapter : 30
Chapter : 31
Chapter : 32
Chapter : 33
Chapter : 34
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Chapter : 36
Chapter : 38
Chapter : 39
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Chapter : 41
Chapter : 42
Chapter : 43
Chapter : 44
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Chapter : 51
Chapter : 52
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Chapter : 96
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Chapter : 99
Chapter : 100
Chapter : 101
Chapter : 102
Chapter : 103
Chapter : 104
Chapter : 105
Chapter : 106
Chapter : 107
Chapter : 108
Chapter : 109

Chapter : 37

440 15 2
By Author_Amira

Mystic realm, home of all supernatural beings, divided into six parts, each land ruled by the strongest beasts. Flazerkes, a vast land of richness,forgetting the difference between one kind; mystical creatures lives in harmony with the jungle animals, roaring wave of joy throughout this land, pure energy run through the air and all these are ruled by the dragon, Namaari. Keeping the balance between the human realm and the mystic realm was the precedence encumbrance of the rulers. Understanding ones emotions was not in their heart, but they were grueling to injustices. They were in a bind by the law of nature, going against that was improbable for them.

Each beasts ruling their own land harmoniously. Yet a girl broke through the border of these two world's and came into their world. It was the first time, that a human was capable of doing so. Her soul was so pure that it was very rear to come by. Curious, they welcomed her into their terra. Naive girl, unknown of their inner thoughts, she accepted them with love and affection. Her action amuse them, her voice please their ears, her smile invoke something in them of which they were unfamiliar. Time flow, the beasts gradually came to know the emotion called 'like', which was dedicated only to her.

It became natural for her to cross the border. She would often go to the mystic realm to visit them. The beasts would wait patiently for her arrival. They adore her, showering her with precious gems that was not found in the human land, dresses made of the tread that was of fairy wings, jeweleries made of the mermaid tears. Yet she rejected them all, only ask for their permission for her to come anytime. They thought she was being polite but seeing her eyes they knew the truth. Their affection grew more, her existence was like a miracle from God to them.

Months passes, seasons changed inchmealy she become a part of them. Days were filled with joy, together there was no bound in their happiness until a terrific accident occurred.

Emotions were like poison to the law of nature. It was known that mother nature was the most kindness and the law was the equal to all. Yet, everyone was ignorant of her dark side. The natural law was the cruelest law of all. Her cruelty overlie with her kindness. On her lap they all took birth and on her lap they all die. The circle of life is so joyous at the same time so painful yet this circle is everlasting.

The beasts were the guardian of the border, they were supposed to be strict with their judgment, loyal to their duties, emotions were not into their function yet now they are full of these.

Because of Aithne's arrival the barrier that protect both realms is now have gotten weakened. That's why the mother nature locked her into the mystic realm forever. Because in her now residence the energy of the mystic realm that could attract the monsters that lies into the shadow. And for the lords death sentence was given.

Aithne was devastated hearing that, because of her, her friends were going to die. She begged for mercy, yet mother nature was firm on her decision. The leader of the beasts came forward and offer a proposal, saying he would bond himself to Aithne as her protector so that the monsters can't harm her, so can she spare the others? Of course binding with a human means that he would loose his lifespan and authority as a lord. Everyone knew what that's means, beasts have long lifespan and the Lord's have even longer compare to the ordinary beasts. So, when Aithne dies, along with her so will he.

Mother nature was furious at his conduct. They were her children, yet for a mere human they would go against her will. She was going to refuse when he swear in the name of natura law making a pact between both of them. Unable to unbind the swear, she had no choice but to comply. A bind between a beast and a human was made. Everyone was concern about the phoenix but he was glad he could save everyone. Soon after, everything became like before, the six of them spent their time with her happily.

But a human attachment was strong for their loved ones especially for their family. Aithne was missing her home, her only family was her sister. She was longing for her. She talk more of her sister with them, often she would make a sad face in remembrance of her sister.

The beasts heart aches seeing her like that, so they told her to go and meet her family. Aithne was delighted to hear that, she promised to return. So she was home, seeing her sister in the yard she runs towards her, hugging her tightly into her arms, they both broke into tears. Aithne told her sister all about the things she experience there. A week pass, it was time to return, she was sad to leave her sister so she made a request to the phoenix.

After some days they return, the beasts were happy for her return but was surprised seeing someone hiding behind Aithne. She step sideways, letting them to take a look at her sister. Seeing her they were shock, both of them look alike. Smiling Aithne introduce, "this is Achlys, my sister."

They welcomed her warm-heartedly. Days pass, Achlys noticed how affectionate the beasts were towards her sister yet not to her. Jealousy, greed overtook her heart, the shadow notice that. By fanning her greed the shadow transform it into hatred. The Lord of shadow took pity on her and form a pact with her. Thinking that, in this way he can save her from those monsters. But, not knowing her inner feelings the shadow lord got corrupted. One by one she bought down the beasts.

When Aithne notice that it was too late, yet she tried her hardest to save her friend and sister. The two lords and the two sisters fought hard, both hurt yet none would back down. Finally the darkness was subdue, but not defeated. Achlys promised to return as she fade away. To secure the both realm Aithne use her last drop of power to cast a barrier to divided the realms as it was before her arrival. Her body turn into the phoenix form and shattered, the pieces flew in many directions.

Suddenly the surrounding was like a glitch effect. Again, I was standing at the  hilltop beside the tree full of life like before. Everything unfolds in the same manner, repeating each action accurately.

It was like watching a movie again from the start. I was shock by what was happening before my eyes. "It's the hell that I live in, from that day it is always like that. The past repeat itself, before my eyes I kept seeing how our days of happiness was destroyed into dust," Namaari spoke bittlely. "Here," he was holding something in his hand, as I took it, light inflame from it as it becomes one with me. "Another pice of the Phoenix," I murmur. I look up at Namaari, his voice wail as he spoke, "I leave the rest in your judgement, pray for you success, chosen one."

"I do not understand, if the monsters came from the shadow, can not the shadow lord control them?" When I asked this question his face shows sadness.

"The shadow lord control the monster born from the shadow but those were not born from shadow instead they were born from human negative emotions." He paused for a moment and continues turning back at his land, "when a human negative emotions reached it peek, little by little those emotions merge into a monster. They grow stronger feeding on those feelings. We called them 'Dasrekeb'. Roaming into the shadow, they mostly stay on the border area. Sometimes they would come out, to hunt. Be it our kind or yours, they would massacre anything in their sight. To prevent them from harming humans the keepers exists."

Sottoly I said, "now I understand, why did nature interfere." Sneer smile across my face, "exception for one or save the rest. She choose the latter one." "Nature is kind and cruel at the same time. You said she was the cruelest, did you truly not know of your action could result into harming both realms?" Hearing my question, he made a guilty expression.

"So you knew. Having emotions is no crime, but not knowing how to handle it is another thing. Know how to show, how to hide, even us human are slaves of our emotions. Sometimes it brings so much misery to us that we wished for death. You have live long enough to know how human emotions work, how it lead one to another. She knew, that's why, she interfere cause, she wanted to maintain the peace of both sides, yet arrogant all of you, decided to go against her, given your best to your emotions, which you barely knew. You called your own doomed."

A deep sighs escape from my lips, "I am trying my best to survive in this world, so I can not promise you, your salvation. Do not hope for more from me, I am nothing but a mere human. It is high time, for you to correct your mistake. I hope you could make a wise decision, lord of Flazerkes."

Mist covered me as I bid farewell to him, tears fall from his eyes as he came to realize my words, a bitter smile on his lips, "finally salvation has come to me." I did not understand why did he said that, but the look in his eyes has change into something. That's enough, I glad that we met.


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