Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

sun_ve द्वारा

46.1K 2K 10.2K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... अधिक



473 25 182
sun_ve द्वारा

"Impaled?!" Viney exclaims.

"Yes!! We need to go now..!" You say searching around the house.

It seems since the guards left Steve took you back inside and you were laying on your couch. You go over to your bedroom and look around quickly seeing if you can find...

There it is.

You grab it and gently place it in your bag and take a deep steady breath. He's gonna be fine he's gonna be fine.

"Where's Boo?" You say.

"Right here, I had to take her so Kiki wouldn't get any ideas using her while she was in your body." Steve says gently handing you your sleeping Palisman.

"Aw what a sweetie." You smile.

Suddenly you hear furious tweeting from outside the door and Viney, being the closest to the door goes over to open it.

Flapjack zooms right in and chirps up a storm.

"Woah, Woah! We know! We're going right now!" You say and hold out your hands and Flapjack tweets and flies down into your palm.

He keeps chirping.

"I know, we're about to go right now, I just got my body back." You smile.

Boo wraps it's arms over flapjack and flapjack gets squeezed in a mini bear hug and chirps loudly.

"Wake up Boo, let him go. I need you." You say.

Boo gently yawns and to your command turns into a staff. You take it and look at Viney and Steve and nod.

And there you go out the door.

Flapjack nuzzles up to your neck, perched on your shoulder.

You all are out on your palismans flying to the palace where Hunter is. You've been explaining what happened so far to them.

"YOU KILLED BELOS?" Steve says.

"Hunter was originally going to first! But he got caught, I had to take the next move!" You say.

"You're telling me he's dead? No more Belos no nothing?" Viney says.

"Yes! I head shot him." You say.

"Oh my Titan Y/n." Steve says.

"That doesn't matter now! We need to get to Hunter..! Kiki's there with a broken leg, you don't think she'll bother him will you?" You ask.

"Kiki's weak to pain. She's gonna be sitting there absolutely nonverbal, internally writhing in pain." Steve says.

"Shes broken an arm before on a mission and she just sat there silently crying." Steve scoffs.

"Okay at least Hunter won't have to deal with her." You say.

"You didn't tell him you loved him did you?" Steve says.


"Sorry, not the right time to joke about that. Let's go." He says.

Viney flys more forward next to you. She looks over at you with a sad look.

"Hey... um... I'm sorry I didn't believe you... when you said you had a feeling that Skara was lying about Hunter betraying the guild." Viney says.

"It's okay..." You say.

"I didn't really believe it either I just.. I didn't know what to do I was trapped and it was 2 people over one so.." Viney frowns.

"She had a headache and I examined it and realized her memory was tampered with. Rowan didn't really carefully change up the memory. He rushed it and that could have permanently damaged or infected her other memories, so I'm glad I found it before anything bad happened." Viney says.

"He's so careless." You grumble.

"He's in high confinement. Max security, cameras and everything." Viney smiles.

"Good." You say.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Viney smiles.

You smile at Viney and nod. Eventually you near the palace and you drop down at the entrance. You make a run for it and quickly run through the palace.

Viney and Steve follow you from behind. Flapjack hops off your shoulder and leads the way.

There's not a palace guard in sight. They all seem pretty much gone. You look around quickly through the hallways and make your way to the throne room where Hunter is.

There's a few scouts there sitting by the entrance talking and you glare at them.

"Out of the way!" You say.

"What happened I heard a fight going on in there? Is Belos-"

"Shh!" Viney says.

You push the doors open and go inside. Viney pushes the guards out of the way and Steve casually strolls through.

"Steve?!" A guard says.

"Been a while." Steve nods and heads in.

You look around to see Kiki is nowhere in sight, but Hunters still lying on the ground.

"Hunter!" You say and kneel down next to him.

He weakly turns his head. His breathing is more slowed and weak instead of frantic and fast like it was before.

There's more blood on the floor, you take his head in your hands and look down at him.

"Y/n.." He says.

"It's okay, you're here. I brought some things for you." You say shakily and try to sit him up.

He winces and grips his stomach.

"Where'd Kiki go?" You ask.

"Crawled." Hunter coughs.

"Okay atleast she didn't bother you. Hold still. I'm going to use this first." You say and pop out a potion.

"I don't know if... this'll work. I mean you'll be fine either way I know you'll be fine." You say shakily.

You gently pour the potion over his wound and he winces a little. Viney sits down next to you.

"Let me see it." She says.

You scoot over a little to show Viney and Viney gets a good look at the wound. Her mouth slightly hangs open when she sees the hole on the side of the stomach.

"Oh Titan. Y/n. I don't-" Viney says nervously.

"He'll be fine he'll be fine." You nod shakily and go through your bag.

"Y/n. I don't think any enough of potion will fix this." Viney says.

"I know I know, but he'll be fine. He'll be just fine." You say and go through your bag.

You carefully pull something out of your bag, Hunter winces some more and grips his side painfully.

"Oh my gosh!" Viney says.

It's the healing flower you and Hunter got together. It seems to still be in good condition, but you aren't sure how to make it work.

"I just... I need to figure out how it works." You say shakily and look over at Hunter.

Hunter breathes slowly and looks at the flower in your hands and blinks a few times.

"I-I'm gonna... put it in your wound okay..?" You say shakily, gently uprooting it from the small pot it's in.

Hunter nods shakily barely being able to speak now.

"Just... stay with me here okay? I-I'm sorry if I accidentally hurt you." You whisper.

You lift his shirt up a little so you can see the wound some more. It's so bad, your getting some blood on yourself but at this point you don't care, you sigh softly but shakily and gently brush any residue or gunk off around his wound.

He winces and he grips your arm.

Carefully you gently squeeze the flower into the hole on the side of his stomach. He winces some more and it looks painful for him. His grip on your arm gets tighter.

As your rooting the flower against him, you notice the roots of the flower starting to extend and slither into his body your eyes widen and you look over at Hunter.

His grip on your arm gets a little tighter. Vineys eyes widen as she watches as well. She seems really intrigued because she's never heard of a healing flower like this before.

You gently let go of the flower and it seems it's started wrapping itself into Hunters wound. It doesn't need to be held anymore. You decide to prop Hunter a little more against you and you hold him closer to you.

Hunters grip on you loosens, and his breathing seems to be a bit calmer. The flower seems to be weaving itself into Hunters wound more and more. It's roots continue to grow and it seems like the bleeding is starting to stop.

Hunter closes his eyes and steadies his breathing some more. The petals start to sink into the wound some more and fall around the edges of his wound.

As it does this it seems as if they're morphing together building a skin over the wound. You watch it happen and Hunters tension seems to be dropping and he's finally easing into you some more.

Just like that it weaves a layer of skin more onto his wound as if it were never there. You look down at him and he has his eyes closed and he looks a lot more calmer.

Finally the skin fully fixes itself and as you watch it finally heal there's a scar in the area.

It's shaped like a flower.

"Is he okay?" Viney asks.

You gently shake him but he doesn't really move. He's laying there with his eyes closed.

"Hunter..?" You ask.

You shake him some more and he just twitches his eyelids a little. You notice his chest rising up and down.

"He's just sleeping." You say all relieved.

"He's probably exhausted, I don't blame him." Steve says approaching you both.

Steve looks around the throne room and notices a giant puddle of slime. His face gets slightly shocked and he backs away for a moment.

"Is that..?" He says.

"It's Belos." You say.

"What... what is there to happen next now that... he's gone?" Viney asks.

"...I don't know. I say we need to find Kiki before she does anything. She's technically next in line to the emperor now." You say.

"She couldn't have gone far with a broken leg." You say, propping Hunter up and hugging his sides.

"I'll find her. We can throw her in the dungeon with Rowan." Viney smirks.

"Hold on now, she may be weak right now but she's a pesky one. Let me help." Steve says.

"Y/n, are you okay taking Hunter back home?" Steve says.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." You grin and trace a circle with your finger.

Some Vines slither around you and then attach itself to Hunter, completely picking him up off the ground.

"I wanna be there when he's awake." You say.

"We'll let you know when we find her." Steve smirks.

"I'll send a selfie." Viney smiles.

You laugh a little. When you woke up with them they both were holding you down so Viney probably already know how much of a pain she is.

"Please be careful." You tell them.

They smile and go off. You look over at Hunter who you're holding in some vines and you continue to leave the castle with him.

The entrance was open again so you could get back easily. It's as if none of the emperors coven scouts were even here. The guild was still kinda empty though. There wasn't many people out and about yet, they're probably still in their homes.

You decided to take Hunter back to your home and you finally lay him down against the couch.

...you're kind of glad this happened. Even though he got hurt. Now you feel safe knowing he doesn't have a Belos to worry about any longer. He doesn't have to hide anymore, nor collect anymore scars.

He can be himself.

...What you find crazy is he was planning on killing Belos himself. You had no idea he would ever do that, or have the courage to do that.

How did he get his hands on mors serum? That's one of the most illegal potions to make.

It's not like he could have made it that fast. It must have been premade somewhere and he got it somewhere. But how would he...

Ah. The abandoned brewery.

That... would make the most sense as to where he had gotten it.

You look over at him and frown. So you go over to him on the couch and crouch down near him and brush some of his hair out of his face. Flapjack tweets and he's hiding in your bag. He chirps and gently flutters out and starts nibbling at a strand on Hunters hair.

Hunter seems to immediately recognize it and his eyelids shoot open and he gasps softly.

"Flapjack..!" He says quickly.

Flapjack tweets.

You smile brightly as soon as you see him up and moving. Hunter looks over at you and his eyes look even more relieved.

"Oh my Titan.." He says quickly and doesn't hesitate to pull you into a deep hug.

"Oh Hunter..! I'm so glad you're okay... Thank goodness.." You say and hug him back just as tightly.

"I thought for a moment I was definitely going to die." He says softly.

"Not on my watch." You smile softly and brush some more of his hair out of his face.

"Are you in any pain still?" You ask.

"No, I'm alright. I'm okay.. I'm just tired." He says.

"Thank Titan you still had the healing flower. I completely forgot about it..." Hunter says.

"...I knew it would come in handy." You say.

"Look at your side." You say softly.

Hunters eyes widen a little and he gently lifts his shirt up enough to look at where exactly he was impaled from. When he looks he sees the scar shaped as a little flower over it. He smiles a little.

"That's... wow..." He says and traces his fingers over it.

"I know. I've never seen anything like that. That's beautiful." You say softly and smile at him.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't quick enough. You... you never would have had to use it, I probably gave you such a scare." He says looking downward.

"I'm... sorry." He says again.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're here and alive. I don't know what I could've done without you here with me." You say gently and hold his hand.

"I love you." You say and reach up and hug him again.

He blinks a little and he feels himself starting to tear up softly.

"I.. love you too." He whispers and fully hugs you back.

You hug him tightly and you can feel him sniffling a little bit so you just hug him tighter. He hugs you tighter some more and you feel him gently start crying a little.

"I'm glad I'm here with you too." He sniffles.

"I'm just... I can't believe it's over. I'm.. relieved he's gone but... I also feel strange." He says softly.

"You won't have to worry about Belos, anymore. Even if he was the one who technically raised you, and was your family. Family or not he had no right to... do all of this to you." You say.

"You were originally gonna kill him yourself..?" You say.

"...When we were at the brewery when I was helping you get ingredients I found it in a cabinet. I recognized the name and so I snagged it. I... I knew what we were doing was a really big risk so...
I took it just in case." He says.

"We basically just overthrew the government." He says.

"Yeah. I mean... we won't have to go into hiding anymore, maybe... this will play out nice. We can... be ourselves? Do what we wanna do? Don't have to listen to any rules?" You smile.

"...that's so weird. Rules are all I've been told." Hunter says.

"Well... I mean you already broke some just by seeing me." You smirk.

"...yeah. But... it's worth it." He says softly and wipes some of his tears.

You smile and you lean closer to him and kiss his cheek. He closes his eyes and smiles sweetly. His cheeks turn a bit pink and when you pull away he looks at you still smiling. He has such an endearing look in his eyes.

"...I needed that." He says.

You smile in return. He takes your hand in his and leans a little closer to you.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks.

"Of course." You say.

He smiles a little more widely, enough to see his little tooth gap which you find so adorable. He gently comes closer to you and he slides his hand against your cheek and gently caresses it.

He gently tilts his head and he softly presses his lips against yours. He's smiling a little as he kisses you and you can't help but smile while he's smiling.

"...I love you. Y/n." He whispers.

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