For Them, We Must

By LillyBelle13

30K 1.2K 742

The third book in the For Him, I Would series. Oakley and Kayce are back. This time Tate, Lee, and Evelyn ar... More

Acknowledge my part.
Broken Bones and Warm Souls.
Failure doesn't come from trying.
She can see it in his eyes.
The mother needed, the mother deserved.
How do you do this?
I'll fix you.
You're not evil.
It takes work to lead.
This place won't hold.
Have it out or end it.
She ain't good enough for you.
I went back to that night.
We're doing this all night.
Full house and full hearts.
We're gonna change it back.
You're gonna hold me in your arms.
A Dress, A Date, A Dream.
Be wary of the answers.
Shave off the unwanted.
We've all killed someone.
Kids, Horses, and Wranglers.
Don't apologize for loving me.
I deserve a little time.
The power he has.
I like it just us.
I wouldn't do this with anyone else.
Who's next?
A turn of the truth.
How much weight do years hold?
Give it some time.
I know what to do, John.
Enough of this, please.
Apologies over coffee.
It's what brothers do.
Never again.
Riverbeds of peace.
Ain't out of the woods yet.
Hesitation on parenting.
Fireworks on the Fourth.
It's been busy.
Do you know what compartmentalize means?
Do the right thing.
Youre gonna have to make it up to me.
We'll have the day we deserve soon.
We need you too much.
I wanna live the life we planned.
Where the hell are you?
A perfect morning.
It's what you do best.
We can remind him.
Birds and Bees

Deal with the devil.

1.6K 31 29
By LillyBelle13

Author's Note - Hi everyone! So I guess I have to eat my "never say never" words...but I'm so excited to present the next story in my Oakley & Kayce series. I couldn't just give up this family. I tried to move past, but little one-shots just wouldn't do them justice and I missed them so much. So call me selfish, but I'm back to my old faithful ones :) This one picks up a few months after the epilogue from For Her, He Will

Thanks, as always, for reading along with me! 

"Kayce Dutton, I'm gonna murder you," Oakley muttered under her breath.

She was driving down the highway, and the clock on the dash read the time to be a little after midnight. Oakley had just left Tate, the poor fifteen-year-old half asleep, was now on the living room couch with a shotgun just in case. The twins were still asleep in their rooms upstairs. Oakley hadn't had enough time to call the bunkhouse, wake someone up, have them come to the main lodge...and well, there wasn't time.

Oakley pulled the truck into the parking lot of the county jail and shut off the engine. It was quiet now, as it should be on a random Wednesday night. Oakley got out and tugged her jacket around her body as she quickly walked inside.

The lighting was bad, a blub in the corner was blinking as Oakley walked up to the reception desk. The man behind it had been a year or two ahead of her in school growing up. But Oakley couldn't remember his name for the life of her. His badge read Williamson.

"Hi," Oakley sighed.

"Can I help you?" The officer asked with a cocky tone.

"I'm here to pick up my husband," Oakley gritted through her teeth.

"Name?" The officer pulled out a clipboard.

"Oakley Dutton."

"Your husband's name," The officer rolled his eyes.

Oakley frowned, knowing this officer knew who she was and, more importantly, knew who her husband was. This whole state knew her husband. You can't be the Livestock Commissioner for the past seven years and not have people know your name at least. But this officer in front of Oakley was being petty.

"Kayce Dutton," Oakley tried to be calm.

"Like the Livestock Commissioner?" The officer pretended to be shocked.

"Something like that," Oakley nodded her head once. "I'm just here to pick him up."

"Let's see," The officer looked at his list. "Here it is...Kayce Dutton...picked up on one account of disturbing the peace and one account of disorderly conduct...that sound like your husband?"

Oakley's eyes narrowed at the officer in front of her.

"Can I get my husband or not?" She asked.

The officer snorted, setting the clipboard down and slowly standing up. He was now taller than Oakley, but she didn't feel any less strong. He pulled on his belt to raise his pants.

" got his bail?" The officer asked.

"Bail?" Oakley leaned back some. "He was picked up for a bar fight. Why does he need bail?"

"Because he's here, girl," The officer sighed. "It's one thousand and fifty-two dollars."

"One thousand...?" Oakley took a deep breath. "Can I pay with a card?"

"Cash only here," The officer sneered. "There's an ATM out back though."

"You don't have a card reader?" Oakley crossed her arms. "Have you not moved passed the nineties?"

"Blame the government for keeping us in the dark ages," The officer sat back down. "Or I guess blame your husband...whichever is easier for you I guess."

Oakley decided to not respond but instead turned around and walked out of the station. She made her way behind the building and saw the ATM. As she pulled out the cash needed, Oakley felt tears prick her eyes. She was tired, confused, angry...and the only person she wanted was inside the jail cell at the moment for God knows what reason.

Oakley walked back inside to the heat and shivered. It was still brutally cold for April, there was another snowfall expected this coming weekend. She slapped the bills on the counter in front of the officer. He looked down and started to count them. Oakley stood off to the side and waited. The officer picked up a radio next to him.

"You can bring Dutton up front," The guy said into the radio. "He's made bail."

Oakley's eyes moved toward the ugly, yellow door as she waited for Kayce to walk through. A few minutes later the door opened and Kayce walked out, jacket in his hand. Oakley felt herself deflate as he walked up to her, stopping a few inches from her.

"You stay out of trouble now, Commissioner," The officer made both Kayce and Oakley look over at him.

"Oh fuck off," Oakley snapped, turning on her heel and marching out of the station.

She didn't even check to see if Kayce had followed her as she made her way back into the truck. Kayce climbed into the passenger side and shut his door. Oakley turned the truck on and pulled out of her parking spot, driving up to the highway. Kayce was silent as they drove for a few minutes.

"Who's with the kids?" Kayce finally broke the quiet.

"Tate's watching them," Oakley said and she saw Kayce look at her in her perriferial vision. "And before you start on me, need I remind you where you and I are right this second? And I swear to God if you judge me, Kayce Dutton I will throw my wedding ring out this window."

Kayce didn't say anything but turned to face forward and lean back in his seat. Oakley drove the rest of the way home, stewing in her thoughts. When she turned the truck off she looked over at Kayce. Kayce's eyes were still hazy from the whiskey but there was guilt showing up in them now. He had a nice black eye forming around his right one and a busted lip.

"You're thirty-seven years old, Kayce," Oakley said. "What the hell are you doing getting into bar fights? What the hell were you doing in a bar?"

Kayce let out a short chuckle, but there wasn't any humor behind it. Oakley didn't care though, his action made her blood boil.

"Something funny?" She snapped.

"Yeah," Kayce opened his door. "Thought my wife might ask if I was okay. But I see she ain't in the mood to care tonight."

Kayce got out and shut his door, slowly walking up to the main lodge. Oakley stormed out after him. Her water boots slapped against the gravel as she caught up to Kayce, grabbing his arm and making him look at her.

"Care?" Oakley asked. "You want me to care about having to pick you up in the middle of the night from a drunk tank? You want me to care about you making me leave our kids in the night to come pick your ass up? Do you want me to care about the fact that I'm exhausted from work because we've lost more money than earned in the first quarter of the year? And I just paid over a thousand dollars to come get you? Tell me again how I'm supposed to care about you right now?"

"It ain't my fault we've lost money," Kayce growled. "My job's the reason we got the money right now to survive off of, in case you've forgotten. And yes, I do want you to care about maybe instead of treating me like shit and thinking I did this on purpose, maybe you could get out of your own head for a God damn minute and think that maybe I didn't do this to myself, huh? Maybe there's more to this story than a fucking bar fight."

"Nothing's ever your fault, is it Kayce?" Oakley asked.

"Don't do that," Kayce shook his head. "Don't be petty with me just because you're tired and don't like this part of our lives."

Oakley ran her hands over her face and through her hair. The tears were heavy in her eyes now as she looked back at Kayce.

"You told me you had to work," Oakley said. "That's why you'd be late tonight."

"I was," Kayce said.

"What work has you down in a bar at midnight on a fucking Wednesday?" Oakley asked.

"My job," Kayce stepped closer to her. "We're working on a case out of Darby and the trail led us to that bar tonight."

"And you happened to have to drink for this case?" Oakley laughed. "I can smell the whiskey on you."

"You can't go to a bar and not order a fucking drink," Kayce said. "Might just flash my badge to everyone instead of that."

"And that?" Oakley pointed to Kayce's eye. "That part of the scene you were playing in?"

"No," Kayce sighed. "This is when I messed up and blew our cover."

"Our?" Oakley asked.

"Greg was with me," Kayce explained.

"So, where's Greg?" Oakley asked.

"Didn't make him," Kayce shrugged. "Probably home asleep right now."

Oakley nodded her head, feeling her temper cool down slightly now that they were talking. It still didn't help her exhaustion though as she lowered her arms.

"Come on," Kayce nodded behind her. "Let's go to bed."

"Tate's on the couch," Oakley turned around and walked inside.

She made her way over to the couch and saw Tate asleep, the shotgun on the coffee table. Oakley grabbed a blanket as she walked over to Tate and placed it over him on the couch. Oakley looked down at Tate as she heard Kayce walk up the stairs. Thankfully the fire was still going as she slowly walked out of the room and made her own way up the stairs.

Oakley passed by the twins' bedrooms, Evelyn on the left and John on the right. Both doors shut, but she could feel her babies in there. They had just turned six a few months ago and she couldn't believe how big they had grown. Finally, Oakley pushed open the door to her and Kayce's bedroom. She could hear the shower going as she slipped out of her boots and pulled off her coat.

Oakley didn't even bother turning off the lights as she crawled into bed, falling down on her pillow with a heavy sigh. She curled into the blankets and closed her eyes as she breathed eveningly. She needed more information from Kayce, but she didn't have the energy tonight...or this morning, whatever time it was.

A few minutes later she could see the lights get turned off. Another few seconds and the bed dipped next to her as Kayce laid back with his own heavy sigh. She could feel the warmth from his shower as he twisted over and patted his pillow. Then it was silent for a few moments. Oakley opened her eyes as she faced away from Kayce. She knew he was still awake next to her.

"I'll put the money back in the bank tomorrow," Kayce mumbled lowly.

Oakley sighed.

"It ain't about the money, Kayce," She said.

"I'm sorry you had to leave the kids," Kayce said.

"I'm sorry too," Oakley licked her lips. "But can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm fading."

"Sure," Kayce said and then was silent again.

Oakley snuggled into her pillow, her eyes shutting in thanks for finally being able to go to sleep. Her alarm would be in about five hours now.


"Momma?" Lee asked from the backseat.

"What, baby?" Oakley asked, her eyes feeling heavy from where she was driving the twins to Parker.

"How long do we have to go to school?" Lee asked.

Oakley felt her eyes narrow. Se pulled up at one of the red lights in town and turned around in her seat to look at her son.

"A long time," Oakley said. "A very, very...very long time. Why do you ask?"

"Told you," Evelyn said from across the backseat to her brother.

"Shut it," Lee snapped back.

"Hey," Oakley eyed him. "We don't talk to our family like that."

"Dad told Tate to shut it," Lee defended himself.

"Well, your father is on thin ice as is," Oakley turned back around and drove on, getting into the line of cars in the school's parking lot.

"Why is Dad on thin ice?" Lee asked after a minute.

"Because he's..." Oakley trailed off, realizing she was about to complain about Kayce to his children. "He's not...I'm just being grouchy."

"Oh," Lee looked back out his window as Oakley pulled up to the drop-off.

"Be good," Oakley looked back as the twins started getting out. "I love you."

"Love you," They both said as they climbed out of the truck.

Oakley waved to one of the teachers and waited until they were almost inside before pulling off. Se got back to the light and felt a building in her chest. She pressed the screen on the dash and soon, Kayce's number popped up. Oakley pressed call, waiting a few seconds.

"Hey," Kayce answered.

"Hey," Oakley waited for a beat. "How are you?"

"I'm...I'm okay," Kayce said. "Drop off go okay?"

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "How was Tate?"

"He's fine," Kayce said. "He's the easy one."

"You only have this year though," Oakley had a sad little smile on her lips. "He'll drive himself next year...God willing"

"Yeah," Kayce sighed. "But then I can take the twins some you up more."

"This part I don't mind," Oakley mumbled.

They were quiet for a few seconds.

"You okay?" Kayce asked after a while.

"I don't know," Oakley said and felt her eyes water.

"What's wrong?" Kayce suddenly went into protective mode, and it made Oakley feel better for the first time in a few weeks.

"Nothing's...wrong," Oakley sighed. "I just feel...I don't know, I feel..."

"I get that," Kayce said softly.

"You do?" Oakley asked.

"Yeah," Kayce sighed. "I'm sorry, baby...lately it's just been, I don't know."

"What is this?" Oakley asked.

"Just a curve in the road," Kayce explained.

"When will it end?" Oakley asked as she pulled over in front of a coffee shop.

"Soon," Kayce told her, and she believed him. "I'm sorry about yesterday."

Oakley felt a warm tear roll down her cheek. She put her hand over her mouth as she leaned back in her seat. The hiccup came and she felt another tear. Oakley sucked in harshly as she tried to be quiet.

"Oakley..." Kayce cooed through her speakers.

"I just feel so overwhelmed," Oakley cried. "I-I don't feel like I'm doing enough for anyone. I feel really lost right now."

"You're doing enough," Kayce told her gently.

"I feel like if I'm with the twins, then I'm not taking care of Tate," Oakley wiped under her eyes. "If I'm with Tate, I'm not with the twins...I worry about their school and their grades, are they enjoying life? I worry about the ranch, the money isn't good...we aren't sinking but we're down. I just worry about it all."

"I know you do," Kayce said.

"And you, Kayce. I worry about you," Oakley sniffed. "I miss you."

"I'm right here," Kayce told her. "You can come to me when you're done with your other duties, always."

"You haven't been there though lately," Oakley said, nervous. "Or it feels like you haven't."

"I know," Kayce sighed. "It's like work decided...I just feel pulled in every direction with it. There's always a crisis." 

"I feel like you and I..." Oakley couldn't find the right words.

"We've been off," Kayce said. "I've felt it too."

"I hate that," Oakley said.

"Ain't your fault," Kayce told her. "None of this's, sometimes."

"I feel like I don't know what I'm doing," Oakley admitted.

"You're doing fine, baby," Kayce said, and Oakley could hear the smile on his lips now. "I promise."

Oakley nodded but knew Kayce couldn't see her.

"You driving still?" Kayce asked her.

"No, I thought I'd grab a coffee. I didn't get to before I left this morning and I desperately need one," Oakley looked at the people walking by.

She saw a truck pull up in the spot next to her and looked over. The window was rolled down and Kayce was leaning over his wheel, smiling at her. For the first time in a long time, he looked like a teenager. Smiling that same smile Oakley fell in love with back then.

"Hi," Oakley smiled.

"Come on," Kayce nodded. "I'll buy you one of those fucking latte things."

Oakley got out and walked inside with Kayce holding the door for her. She ordered a latte for herself and a black coffee for Kayce before they sat down at one of the small tables. Oakley's knees bumped Kayce's as they waited. It was crowded, people coming in and out to get their orders. Oakley looked at Kayce as his eyes watched everyone. 

They were coming out of winter, so he was slightly paler than normal, but his caramel eyes were smooth as he took in each patron. The new coat Oakley got him for Christmas looked good on his shoulders, his hair a little too long but Oakley knew he'd cut it some for spring. But this, just the two of them being together? It hadn't happened since the holidays, so it was nice to just be with Kayce, even if there were others around them.

"Order for Oakley!" A barista called out.

Kayce stood and grabbed their drinks before sitting back down and sliding Oakley's over to her.

"Thank you," Oakley took a sip. "What do you have today?"

"Damage control," Kayce told her. "A few meetings this afternoon...should be a slow day, for me."

"Good," Oakley nodded, taking another sip.

"What about you?" Kayce asked.

"Just need to send the report to John and then on to the state," Oakley said.

"You finished it already?" Kayce asked.

"Yeah," Oakley nodded. "I should have been at the twins program practice, but at least it's done now."

"Right," Kayce looked down. "That's where you were."

"I know this is a family-run ranch," Oakley sighed. "But I feel like I'm the only family member running this. Rip helps me the best he can, and he's very helpful...but I think we're gonna need more help."

"You think we have funds to hire folks?" Kayce looked at her.

"No..." Oakley took a breath. "But I could ask someone to help out more?"

"Beth ain't gonna help you with the ranch," Kayce smiled. "She loves her office downtown too much." 

"Not Beth," Oakley shook her head.

"Jamie is already doing all the legal work for us," Kayce said. "And God knows what else he does from North Camp."

"Not Jamie," Oakley bit her lip as she looked at Kayce.

"Baby...I can't give up more time from being Commissioner," Kayce said. "I think if I did, they'd fire me."

"Not you either," Oakley took another sip of her drink, her eyes holding Kayce's.

"Then who..." Kayce stopped. "Seriously?"

"Just to help us get it turned around," Oakley said. "He knows it like the back of his hand, and he's been itching to do something since he came back from Helena."

"No," Kayce said.

"Kayce," Oakley sighed.

"No," Kayce repeated.

"You're not even thinking about it," Oakley laughed.

"I didn't have," Kayce sat his cup down. "He'll take over...probably get someone killed, and we'll be right back where we started." 

"Maybe so," Oakley shrugged.

"Then no," Kayce said again.

"I need help, Kayce," Oakley looked at him. "I can't keep doing this. I'm going to lose it if I have to keep doing this."

Kayce frowned as he looked at Oakley.

"I know you don't want this," Oakley reached her hand over to rest on Kayce's arm. "I know you don't trust him, neither do I...but I don't know what else to do. If you can come up with someone else before supper tonight then I'm all ears, but if not...I'm asking John to come back in and help me run this place."

"How long have you been thinking about this?" Kayce asked her.

"A while," Oakley admitted. "But I decided it last night."

"When you had to deal with my ass," Kayce nodded.

"No..." Oakley shook her head. "When I realized that last night was the fourth night in a row I had tears in my eyes when I was trying to sleep. When the thought of going into the office at the house makes me want to be physically ill, that's when I decided it."

Kayce relaxed his shoulders some. His hand on the arm Oakley was holding moved so he held her hand instead, bringing it to his lips.

"Okay," Kayce mumbled, his lips brushed against Oakley's skin.

"Thank you," Oakley said.

"Just be careful," Kayce looked at her, bringing their hands down to his leg. "Don't trust him."

"I know," Oakley nodded. "I'm making a deal with the devil."

"In some ways," Kayce nodded. "In others...might be a worse evil."

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