Mom relies on stocking up to...

By pttcch

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宝妈靠囤货在末世躺赢 / Mom relies on stocking up to survive the apocalypse 作者:秋天的信 More

Chapter 1 - 10
Chapter 11 - 20
Chapter 21 - 30
Chapter 31 - 40
Chapter 41 - 50
Chapter 51 - 60
Chapter 61 - 70
Chapter 71 - 80
Chapter 81 - 90
Chapter 91 - 100
Chapter 101 - 110
Chapter 111 - 120
Chapter 121 - 130
Chapter 131 - 140
Chapter 141 - 150
Chapter 151 - 160
Chapter 161 - 170
Chapter 171 - 180
Chapter 181 - 190
Chapter 191 - 200
Chapter 201 - 210
Chapter 211 - 220
Chapter 221 - 230
Chapter 231 - 240
Chapter 241 - 250
Chapter 251 - 260
Chapter 261 - 270
Chapter 271 - 280
Chapter 281 - 290
Chapter 291 - 300
Chapter 301 - 310
Chapter 311 - 320
Chapter 321 - 330
Chapter 331 - 340
Chapter 341 - 350
Chapter 351 - 360
Chapter 371 - 380
Chapter 381 - 390
Chapter 391 - 400
Chapter 401 - 410
Chapter 411 - 420
Chapter 421 - 430
Chapter 431 - 432

Chapter 361 - 370

242 2 0
By pttcch

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 361 Return Mission
  As a member of the base, Captain Zhang naturally did not want to give up any survivors. He said: "Look again, don't worry, just in case there is someone." After saying

  this, a ray of light swept away from Class A again. But this time everyone could see clearly that this light was coming from ordinary sunlight, and they had also found the direction of the light reflection.

  It was a hilltop with dead branches, and the reflective thing was a piece of cellophane hooked on the dead branches. It moved with the wind and swept over it at any time.

  Even though he was not a human being and it was a false alarm, it was fine as long as nothing went wrong.

  Captain Zhang just put his mind at ease and when he turned around, he fell to the ground.

  Zhou Zhi also hurriedly stepped forward. After a brief inspection, he said: "This period of time is too tense. If you suddenly relax, you will collapse. You are the same. Pay attention to your health these days and take good care of yourself." "Okay.

  " "

  After carrying Captain Zhang back to the lounge, the group began to clean and tidy up, and then entered their own rooms to have a good rest.

  When I opened my eyes again, it was already a day and a night later. It must be said that after exhaustion, only catching up on sleep can relax the body and mind.

  Surprisingly, Captain Zhang hasn't woken up yet.

  Zhou Zhi also said: "I have checked and there is nothing wrong with my body. If you can sleep, just sleep well. He will be busy later, so we won't disturb him." This sleep lasted another day, until the time came for Captain Zhang in the

  evening Then he finally woke up.

  Captain Zhang had just woken up, his face was swollen and his eyes were a little confused.

  Seeing that everyone on the boat was surrounding him, he said doubtfully: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me? Have you rested? Don't just watch me sleep." "Do you know how long you have been sleeping

  ? Two days and one night, how can we not watch you after sleeping for so long?"

  Captain Zhang came back to his senses with a look of shock on his face, "What, have I slept for so long? Are the people outside okay? Calculate the time. It’s almost time to return to normal.”

  Well, this man still remembers his responsibilities.

  But they really don’t know what is going on with the people on the mountain. After all, since they made no noise here, those crazy people naturally began to look for new targets. They did not linger on the shore for a long time, but they always appeared in twos and threes. You can see a few figures wandering there.

  Captain Zhang came to Class A. After seeing the situation clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he had to sigh, "This mission is really..."

  It was difficult and long.

  The difficult part is the task and the long time.


  Just as the group was about to return to the cabin, the satellite phone in Captain Zhang's arms rang at the right time.

  Let's just say that the phone rang sooner rather than later.

  If it rang when Captain Zhang was awake, they would never answer it.

  Captain Zhang answered the call. The person on the other side of the phone was the person above. He first briefly reported on the mission and the current situation. In short, Captain Zhang could only wait where he was until the team members woke up. , they go back again.

  After both sides were silent for a long time, the people above also told Captain Zhang about the situation outside. The number of casualties in the mutated creature attack this time was too great, and basically all the bases had fallen. In other words, even if they wanted to go back, they would not be able to return. It’s no longer about returning to the original base.

  On the way back, they had an additional task, which was to go to various bases and cities in order to find survivors and bring them all back to the capital base.

  That's right, it's the Beijing base.

  Another point is that the return journey is not that easy. In low-lying areas, the water is still very high, and ships can travel. However, in some places, when the end of the world came, the water was not very deep. Now They even saw the bottom directly. That is to say, after they got there, they abandoned the ship.

  As for other means of transportation, sorry, we will talk about it later. Anyway, it is not a matter of being able to go back in a day or two. If they can send Naturally, I sent a car to pick it up, but if it didn't come, then I'd have to find a way to get back by myself.

  But during this trip, Team Zhang was also impressed by the creatures in the water.

  "What about the things in the water? After some land has appeared, aren't all the creatures in the water gathered together? Or there should be some that are stranded. Have you found out what they are? If they are all gathered together, then this waterway Isn't it more dangerous?" Team Zhang asked: "Can't you send a helicopter to pick us up?" The

  other party on the phone was silent for a while and then said: "Do you think we don't want to? The situation here may be worse than that over yours. It's critical, and I really don't want to allocate other supplies for rescue, otherwise we will definitely have to send people to bring them back for such important things." What the people

  above are talking about are these 400 bottles. I don’t know what the vaccine is for.

  Following these words, Captain Zhang also asked, "What exactly is installed on this screen and why are they installed there." "You have no

  authority to know these contents, so I'm sorry."

  Both sides After talking for a few more words, the phone was hung up. In short, after one phone call, not only did they not get any critical news, but they actually accepted one more task.

  Captain Zhang said: "You have heard what I just said. From now on, there should be no different bases. Our goal should be the Beijing base." After speaking, Captain Zhang looked at Lan Jin and said, "By the way

  , Lan Jin, do you need to go to the H city base to pick someone up?"

  Lan Jin glanced at Captain Zhang and said, "Fick it up, I've placed Grandma Ling and Qiao Qiao elsewhere, and we must pick them up and go together. The base in Beijing will do."

  Ling Jiang also immediately agreed: "Yes, these two people still need to be picked up."

  As for where to pick them up and why they were outside the base, no one asked, and Lan Jin didn't want to answer. However, Captain Zhang might have guessed that Lan Jin and the others had space.

  After everyone dispersed, Captain Zhang found the four of them and said, "I guessed it, you should have a space, otherwise Lan Jin's character would not trust Qiao Qiao in the base no matter what, but You don’t have to worry too much. In fact, there are many people with dual-system abilities in the Beijing base. However, such things will always make people jealous, so don’t tell others if you can’t tell them.” Huang Jinghe took the initiative

  . Said: "Don't worry, we don't tell others under normal circumstances, and we don't use this ability outside." "

  You just know it in your mind."

  Team Zhang left after saying that, and the four of them, although they admitted It is true that it owns space, but as for who owns it, I'm afraid it's not that easy to guess.

  Huang Jinghe's idea was very simple. Since it was the base in Beijing and his parents were there, they naturally wanted to take care of him, so he took the initiative to answer the question just now.

  At least Zhang Duihuai did not doubt him, which was not important.

  (End of chapter)

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 362 Missing:

  The work that should be reported has been roughly reported, and more specific details can only be explained clearly after returning to the base.

  So the next task is still waiting for these crazy team members to wake up.

  Another day and night passed, and after calculating that the time was almost up, they took out their telescopes and looked up the mountain. The crazy team members who were aimlessly looking for targets were no longer as crazy as before, but looked dull.

  Having experienced this state himself, Captain Zhang knew that these people were really about to wake up.

  Immediately, he said: "Let's drive the ship over and give it a try. I remember that the sound should not attract them so much here."

  Sure enough, the ship sailed past and the sound was loud enough to resound nearby, but these people really didn't stop. Manic because of the fluctuations in sound.

  When the boat approached the shore, they were not in a hurry to get off the boat, but waited for these people to wake up completely.

  It wasn't until a few hours later that the team members woke up one after another, Captain Zhang breathed a sigh of relief again, "You guys, please clean up the blood stains on your body quickly. Let's go get all the other team members here first."

  The team members looked confused, but because they had just woken up and didn't have enough brains to think too much, they went to the shore to clean the blood stains on their bodies.

  It wasn't until some people were almost awake from the blood stains that their minds gradually became clearer, "By the way, after we were injured by those plants, we fell into madness. I remember that all of us seemed to be injured. Is that right..."

  The two captains in the bridge did not leave the ship. They also told the team members on the shore what had happened in the past few days.

  "Anyway, we are all injured. In order to avoid your attack, we were forced to park the boat in the middle of the water. You have just woken up. If you recover, hurry up and find people with them. You were on the top of the mountain at the time. He's running around, and he can't tell where he's gone now."


  After hearing this, the team members immediately joined the search for people on the mountain top, regardless of the blood stains on their bodies.

  Of course, not everyone will survive after falling into madness, and not everyone can gain superpowers.

  When they thought that they had obtained the superpower, the team members who were still halfway on the road immediately started to use it on the spot.

  Due to the large number of people, everyone has different powers. In addition to their common fire, water, wind, ice, space, mental power, etc., this time there is not only a high-level lightning power user among the team members, There are also healing and growth systems that have never appeared before.

  The function of the healing power is simple and clear. It can heal works. The growth power allows any living thing to grow, such as flowers and plants, but it definitely cannot do it for humans.

  In addition, the team member with thunder and lightning abilities is indeed of a high level, but compared with Lan Jin, he is not even a star.

  But Lan Jin didn't think so. She said: "I wasn't that strong when I first got my powers. It seems that all powers can be improved. You just need to find a way, so it's not like your powers can't be improved. "

  And the key thing is that the lightning power itself is very strong. Even if its own power is not strong, it can't deal with large mutated creatures, but it can't deal with small ones?

  Most of the team members have been found during the test of supernatural powers, whether they are living or dead.

  Team Zhang counted the number of people on the spot and found that Team Wang brought back a total of 112 people, and the number of people left behind, excluding the captain, was 30, so the total number of crazy people was 142.

  Now, there are 56 people alive and 86 people dead. Among the 56 people, 34 have superpowers and 22 are still just ordinary people.

  The casualties were very heavy.

  But there was another person, Captain Zhang, who had never been found. Captain Zhang asked the team members, "Where is Captain Wang? Where are you Captain Wang?"

  No one was seen, dead or alive.

  However, the team members had naturally seen each other before going crazy, but after going crazy, who would have any impressions?

  Seeing no one, Captain Zhang became anxious, "Have you recovered? If you do, hurry up and find someone on the mountain." "


  After the response, everyone dispersed on the spot.

  However, after searching all over, we still found nothing. Let’s just say that a good living person is gone, no matter how hard it is, no one can be seen alive, and no body can be found dead. This situation is obviously wrong.

  Anxiously, one of the team members asked: "Could it be on the ship? Have we not searched the other two ships?"

  As soon as he heard about the ship, someone immediately said: "We have searched the ship and there is no one." I didn't even let go of the cab."

  "Where did that person go?"

  After speaking, Huang Jinghe said: "Anyway, everyone has recovered now. We can use the loudspeaker to find the person. This mountain is so big, maybe Wang The team just ran far away, so they couldn't find the direction for a while. Maybe they can find us if they hear the sound." As soon as

  Huang Jinghe finished speaking, the anxious team members immediately ran to the cabin and turned on the speakers. , directly amplified to find Team Wang.

  "Team King, Team King, the team members have recovered. Please quickly gather at the shore where the boat is parked. If you hear this, please gather at the shore quickly." Afraid that

  this would be ineffective, Captain Zhang said: "Captain, drive the boat and run around the mountain. Circle, although this mountain is big, it won’t take long to sail.”

  The two captains immediately agreed to come over.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as the captain drove the boat away, the team members fell down on the other side.

  Zhou Zhi also immediately stepped forward to check, "It's because I'm too hungry. I haven't eaten for several days. It's normal. Let's make a fire and cook."

  The team members were arranged to rest where they were, and Captain Zhang took them to cook for the team members quickly.

  At this time, I was worried that it would be too late to make curry rice, but the compressed biscuits were too hard, so I compromised and cooked a large pot of compressed biscuits. Each person would eat a large bowl first, rest for a while, and then make curry rice together.

  The most important thing is that Team Wang disappeared for no reason. There is nothing they can do now to let them settle down and cook.

  However, the ship had already circled the top of the mountain, but there was still no sign of the king's team returning.

  Lan Jin said: "Didn't you have that visual drone before? You can use the drone to find us. You can't just go to Maolin to find us."

  Lan Jin's unintentional words made everyone present feel anxious. It was tightened.

  Captain Zhang even said: "No way, you won't really go to Maolin to find us."

  Lan Jin said: "I just said that, everyone was injured when they came out of Maolin. It's impossible for everyone else to be injured." Madness, only Team Wang is immune. What I am more worried about is whether she will be attacked by mutant creatures. If so..."

   Three more chapters will be added after two o'clock

  (end of this chapter)

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 363 Successfully Completed
  "No, we are all fine. How can something happen if Captain Wang is so skilled? After all, after falling into a state of madness, the combat effectiveness will be several levels higher than normal. With Captain Wang's skills, there is no need to worry. "It's gone."

  Another one, even if the body is not found, there should be remains or fragments of clothes. But we have searched all over the mountain and haven't seen any fragments, so the person must be alive.



  "So with the current situation, it is very likely that Team Wang has entered Maolin?" Xi Yu said with a bad expression.

  The main reason is that everyone just escaped from death and really don't want to go back. Moreover, if you go in again, you can't say whether you can get out. Moreover, who can be sure that Team Wang really went in.

  Captain Zhang hesitated for a while and said: "Let's go outside Maolin to see the situation before we talk."

  Upon hearing this, the people at the R City base where Team Wang was located had to think more, "Captain Zhang, if Team Wang really Are you going to rescue him inside?"

  "How are you sure he went in there? Not to mention that there is no guarantee that we can come out if we go in. He has no powers, how could he just go in like this? ." Captain Zhang said: "I think he won't go in, but maybe he will wait for us at the entrance of Maolin without knowing the situation, so it's good to go there and have a look."

  R How could the people at the city base not know this? But if the Wang team really went in, then if they went in to find him, would he have hope of survival?

  But he also knew that this matter could not be forced.

  Team Zhang led a group of people towards Maolin, but as they walked closer and closer to Maolin, they could hear the noise in the distance.

  It doesn't sound like humans, but it doesn't sound like animals either.

  Lan Jin took out his telescope and took a look. Good guy, "Those mutated plants seem to be still blocking the entrance and exit. They were there when we came out. They didn't leave at all." If this is the case, then it is impossible for Team Wang to enter

  . Go.

  But Ren hasn't gone over to take a closer look, so naturally he can't look back now.

  The group of people quickened their pace and walked up the mountain. The noise became louder as they went in, until another group of unknown mutated creatures attacked them - the

  team members who had just had superpowers were not very sure about it for a while. The group of people really had a big fuss about how to use it. Finally, Lan Jin took action and finally eliminated all these mutated creatures.

  Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, a bang and the sound of a wooden warehouse attracted their attention.

  "The sound of Mucang, could it be the King's team?"

  "It should be, let's go over and have a look."

  A group of people ran towards the source of the sound. When they came over, they not only saw the man standing on the branch of the tree. Team Wang also saw the mutated animals around it.

  Captain Zhang immediately shouted: "Captain Wang, hold on carefully."

  Hearing the familiar voice of Captain Zhang, Captain Wang was pleasantly surprised, "You are finally here, I can't hold on any longer." The

  team members immediately stepped forward and drove away Looking at the mutated creatures around the tree branches.

  But this group of mutated creatures was not only huge in number, but also diverse in variety. In an instant, Lan Jin was reminded of the bad memories in the forest, "Why are there so many mutated creatures here?" Not only that, but there were also those multi-legged insects

  , It's just that the mutated creatures here are not as big as those in the forest, and they don't have human faces, but they are still terrifying.

  The team members tried to use their own powers while clearing the mutated creatures under the tree branches. After clearing a path out, Team Zhang stepped forward speechlessly and asked: "Do you have powers? You are covered in Bloody, he must have gone crazy."

  "Yes, there is a power, it's a wind power, but it's useless."

  After saying that, Team Wang used his own power, causing a commotion around them. A gust of wind.

  However, the superpower is not powerful. A gust of wind is just a gust of wind. Have you ever used an electric fan? It is not as strong as the first wind. Let alone attacking, even if he wants to blow these mutated creatures away, he can't do anything. The sky at this moment, I can only fan myself to cool off.

  Team Zhang couldn't help but complain, "It's better than nothing."

  At this level of power, it seems there is no difference from his mental power.

  After the team members cleaned up the mutant creatures around me, Team Zhang finally jumped down from the tree. He quickly walked away from the branches and then explained: "As soon as I woke up, I found that there were mutant creatures all around me. I also I didn’t know what to do. The tree was easy to climb, so I climbed it. Moreover, these mutated creatures could also climb trees. I shot them all down with bullets. For the smaller ones, I used my magical fan to blow them down. , the big ones all relied on bows and arrows alone, but the dog's life was barely saved."

  "Just now we used the ship's broadcast below, did you hear it?"

  Captain Wang said speechlessly: "I heard it, but what if I heard it? Even if you shout, you won't be heard below, and I won't go down."

  In short, even if he heard it, he would just stare.


  Found Captain Zhang, and now everyone is finally here.

  Captain Zhang sighed and said, "Let's go down the mountain."

  Captain Wang looked around, and everyone who was obviously very excited now had a heavy look on his face. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say, "Okay. ."

  After getting off the mountain, Captain Zhang, as the leader of the entire mission, still had to make a simple ending for this mission.

  "Everyone on our trip was recorded in the book. I won't say that everyone knew the number of people when we came out. But now, the total number of survivors is only 67. But while you were falling into madness, something happened One thing, let me tell you now, except for the Beijing base, all the bases have fallen. There is only one base left for our return trip, and that is the Beijing base." "So from now on, we

  all We are from a base, and on the way back, the people above also gave us a mission, which is to start from R City and rescue the survivors all the way until we return to the base in Beijing. In addition, we are also The most important thing is that we have successfully completed this mission."

  It is really a very happy thing to complete the mission, but when I think that my teammates will stay here forever, I don't know whether to be happy or not. sad.

  Captain Zhang added: "We must not take it lightly just because the mission has been completed. The journey back will probably be more difficult than the way we came." Captain Zhang briefly explained the problem of regional waters.

  In City R Here, they can still take a boat, but they don't know where they will end up, and they need to walk. Walking is fine, but what if they encounter something on the road -

  after all, no one knows the dangers on the road.

  (End of chapter)

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 364 Unable to tell
  In general, as of now, everything they have to do has been completed, and after retrieving the King's Team, their mission on this mountain can be considered completely completed.

  Team Zhang said: "Everyone has just recovered their consciousness, and the body still needs some time to rest after the torment of the past few days. Moreover, the ship cannot move unless it is cleaned up. I have decided that everyone will rest in place for two days before setting off.

  " Two days, one day for rest and one day for cleaning the ship is almost enough.

  The rest -

  take a rest after boarding the boat. After all, even if you are driving on the water, you will not encounter strange creatures every day.

  The most important point is that you really can’t say what you will encounter on the way forward. Take advantage of these two days to quickly adapt and use the abilities you just acquired. Even if you encounter something on the way, you won’t be panicked.

  The team members agreed, and these 67 people could no longer allocate ships according to the original team.

  Captain Zhang thought for a moment and decided that the dozen of them must not be separated. Of course, there must be a reason for him to do so.

  The four Lan Jin people are indeed very powerful, but if you think about it carefully, among these people, aren't they the only ones with super powers?
  Of course, his own mental power cannot attack, so it doesn't count as a power.

  If something happened, it would only be the four of them who would take care of it.

  So there is no problem at all for them to be grouped together.

  In addition, because the four of them have very powerful powers, and the remaining ones have new powers, there are still more than 20 people in the team who do not have powers, so Captain Zhang is assigned to his own ship. In the boat.

  In other words, on their ship, the people with superpowers are very powerful, but there are too many people without superpowers. If they really want to protect them, they may not be able to protect them.

  So the remaining 30 or so superpowers can just be divided in half.

  Regarding this allocation, after careful consideration, the team members really had no objections.


  On the first day of rest, everyone slept in the same place, not even taking time for three meals, and they all fell asleep.

  There are many things to do after waking up, first to fill the stomach, and then to clean the boat.

  In fact, this task is also simple. The damaged things are piled in the corner. After you go back and repair them, you can see if they can still be used. Even if they can't be used, they will have other uses. In short, just don't throw them away and waste them.

  The most difficult thing left is to disinfect and clean the blood stains in the cabin.

  This really took a lot of effort, but fortunately it wasn't too difficult.

  After the interior of the cabin was cleaned, two days passed completely.

  After resting for another night, they set off back to the base early in the morning.


  The roar of the three ships resounded throughout the mountains. Ling Jiang looked toward the distant Maolin and asked, "You should have been able to hear it when you were old. The sound of our ships leaving was so loud." "Can you hear it?

  " Here we are, Sister Ling..."

  Just when Lao Gao was about to step forward to offer some words of persuasion, Ling Jiang interrupted: "I don't need your comfort. Aren't there many people who died along the way? There are still few people we killed along the way. Really? I won't be sad because of someone who betrayed me..."

  Lan Jin said: "It's normal to be sad and sad. It's nothing. Although he was not good at relationships when he was old, he is quite serious and responsible about his work. Yes, in general, he is a good person, and it is a pity to be left here like this." Mainly

  , even if he has experienced a fierce battle, or died directly in someone's hands, it may be a lot to think about. , but when I was old, I was just swept by the light, and then -

  in short, it is a pity and a real pity.

  But it was just a pity, Lan Jin didn't have any emotions at all.

  Ling Jiang took a deep breath and said, "Okay, don't comfort me. I can adjust it myself, and it's too early for us to relax. It's not certain whether we can go back." Huang Jinghe said in pain

  . He said: "Sister Ling really can't speak, so why can't she go back? The rest of us will definitely be able to go back safely this time."


  This is really haha.


  on a hill in Maolin.

  Standing at the highest point, you can just overlook the water in the distance. As the ship sails away, a humanoid mutant creature is reluctantly looking at the direction the ship is leaving, unwilling to leave for a long time.

  This humanoid mutant creature is Lao Shi after the mutation, and at this moment, he has completely transformed into the same humanoid mutant creature as the negative 5th floor.

  His (its) current attribute is lynx, which belongs to the cat family. The original attribute of this animal is that it can stand and jump, and it also has very thick pads and claws.

  It has perfectly inherited all these characteristics, as well as some of its food habits. It now likes to eat creatures such as rabbits and deer, and it can also find and deal with them in the dense forest in a short period of time.

  Of course, it would definitely refuse at first, but habits are habits, and it cannot be changed at all. Moreover, it has no way to survive without food. After thinking about it again and again, it moved its mouth.

  It is the later stage of old age, that is, it is now the mutated creature. In this process, he already knew the things he should know, so the mutated creature in the mouth did not have a human face, in order to avoid When he was still human, he ate his own kind.

  At least, not while it's temporarily awake.

  But the strange thing is here. It was originally looking for normal mutant creatures, but after it bit them directly with its mouth, these animals struggled twice and immediately changed.

  The wound bitten by it slowly fused and healed, leaving a gap, but soon human faces grew out of the gap, slowly opening their eyes, opening their mouths, and speaking, but nothing was left behind.

  These mutated creatures behave like this because they were bitten by it. In other words, all the monsters with human faces in the forest should have been infected by something like this.

  But why did something like this happen again? He always had a headache, and no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't think it through. Moreover, he was in the dense forest, and even if he discovered this, he couldn't tell others.

  In the end, he could only understand that it was a mutated creature now, and who knew what it would become in the future. In short, these were not things he should worry about.


  there is no way to let the nostalgia for the human world disappear just like that.


  The ship is already sailing in the water, and the city they are in now is in R city, so what they need to do is to search for survivors who may still be alive in the center of R and at or near the base.

  Although everyone felt that there was little chance of survivors, it was impossible not to look for them.

  (End of chapter)

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 365: Run away

  Another thing is that the mountain they left was indeed some distance away from the city, so that the boat had been sailing in the water for a day and a night, but it never reached its destination.

  Team Zhang called the team members from City R and asked, "Are you sure we didn't go the wrong way? It stands to reason that we have already driven so far, shouldn't we not see the residential area?" "It's this area

  , We are almost there, R City is too big, and it took a lot of effort when we sent all the residents to the base. If we wait and drive for another 2 or 3 hours, it will be almost there." If you really want to say it

  , Up, in fact, the area where their ship was traveling was already a residential area, but the terrain was low. Even though the water was much shallower now, it was still buried underwater, so naturally there would be no survivors here, so far away from them The nearest residents are actually the area with high-rise buildings in the center of the city.

  Team Zhang could only nod his head in resignation, "Okay."

  The journey went smoothly, and just as the team members said, after the ship traveled for 2 or 3 hours, they really saw the residential area not far away.

  Although there may not be anyone over there, it is a gratifying thing to get here. Another thing is that a task is a task. No matter whether there are people or not, there must be no less things to do.

  Team Zhang took out the speaker, recorded a piece of audio in advance, and then placed it on the ship to play it on a loop.

  In order to search for survivors, the speed of the ship was naturally much slower.

  But, there were unknown creatures in the water originally. When their ship was moving, the noise might have attracted these things, not to mention the loudspeakers they were blasting at this moment. Almost after a while, something appeared. It hit the left side of the ship and almost knocked it over.


  Lan Jin, who was sleeping in the lounge, was thrown up from the bed. When he was about to touch the wall in front of him, he ducked and hid in the space, narrowly escaping.

  But Lan Jin has space, but others don't.

  When the ship almost rolled over, it hit the wall directly, but the ship did not roll over. In other words, after hitting the wall, its inertia threw them back against the wall.

  After being hit several times in a row, my iron-clad body couldn't bear it, let alone have a good rest.

  Hearing a knock on the door, Lan Jin quickly came out of the space, landed steadily on the ground, and then opened the door to ask about the situation.

  "What's going on? You almost hit me to death just now."

  Shen Zhiyan, who was next door, said, "I'm the same. Fortunately, I'm pretty good at it and didn't hit me head-on. Otherwise, my nose would have been flat."

  Lan Jin replied. : "I was lying on my side, and I couldn't even lift my left arm."

  Of course, the conditions of other team members were similar. Some people bumped their heads and were bleeding, and they were looking for a first aid kit to bandage.

  Seeing this, Zhou Zhi immediately said: "Let's go to the deck and take a look. We don't know what could knock the ship up."

  Lao Gao rubbed his right arm and said, "It's just like those on the left, but The noise this time was too loud. Could it be the horn that disturbed them?" "

  Who knows, let's have a look."

  A group of people came to the deck, and the situation of the people on the deck was not optimistic either. , because the weather was too hot, there were not many people patrolling there on the deck, but it was impossible that there was no one there, no, there was Shen Zhiyu and Zhang Ye.

  Of the two of them, one has a decent superpower and the other has strong skills. If they work together, there shouldn't be much trouble.

  In addition to these two people, there was Captain Zhang who had just put on the speakers and was about to wait and see the situation before going back.

  There is no doubt about the skill of Shen Zhiyu and Captain Zhang. Although they were a little embarrassed, the situation was not bad, but the current situation is that Zhang just fell into the water and didn't even struggle, so he didn't get up again.

  Shen Zhiyu looked at the place where Zhang Ye fell for a long time, but he still didn't see any figure, which was difficult to handle.

  "Could it be that he was eaten?" Captain Zhang said with a frown.

  But if you eat it, that's not right. "Open your mouth when you eat it. There should be bubbles. I think it's trapped."

  Shen Zhiyu kept looking here, from when Zhang Ye fell into the water until he could no longer He didn't get up, and his eyes didn't shift for a moment, so he definitely didn't eat it directly. What surprised him the most was, "Zhang also has plant-type powers. He could just grab my hand and come up. He must have been too scared." So I forgot to use my powers."

  Everyone was silent for a while, and Lan Jin immediately used his lightning powers to electrify a whole circle around the ship. The electricity was so powerful that water splashed everywhere, and they on the deck were almost covered in blood. All soaked.

  Lan Jin said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry just now and didn't pay attention. I thought it might be very close to us, so I fired it closer." Lan Jin originally

  wanted to save people, so he didn't get wet. Water is nothing, no one really blames her.

  But the strange thing is that the battery has been used up, but there is still such a large amount of electricity. It should have come up by any means. Why don't I see anything now?

  Captain Zhang said anxiously: "Lan Jin, please try again. If the electricity is stronger, I don't think it's right."

  Lan Jin didn't know why, so he immediately electrocuted the boss in the water again. However, whether it was away from the ship, Far or near, there was no way to shock the thing that just hit them.

  Lan Jin asked doubtfully: "Isn't that thing not afraid of electricity?"

  Shen Zhiyan was stunned for a while and then said: "Apart from rubber, which is not conductive, are there other things in the world that are not conductive?"

  "Electric storage equipment. Electric storage equipment can absorb electricity and can also discharge electricity." Huang Jinghe answered very seriously, but Lan Jin still didn't understand what this had to do with the creatures in the water. She asked: "What do you mean? You want to tell me, can those creatures in the water absorb my electricity and use it on me? Let’s not talk about the post-apocalypse. There are all kinds of things after the apocalypse, but is there such a thing before the apocalypse?"

  " I don't know." Huang Jinghe said: "This exceeds my reserve knowledge, but otherwise why didn't the power arrive." "

  Then what else could it be? He ran too fast." Lan Jin replied.

  "But where is our team member who fell?"

  "He was taken away by that thing." Lan Jin said speechlessly: "While you are talking, can't you open the underwater equipment and take a look? Isn't this our ship? Is it very high-tech? Don't you have this equipment?"

  Lan Jin remembered that they had used this equipment when they came here.

  Team Zhang put down the walkie-talkie and replied: "Look, there is nothing around under the water."

  In other words, the thing that hit the boat just ran away.

  (End of chapter)

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set up
dark night
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  Chapter 366 Crash
  But in this case, it will be difficult for them to handle.

  The crew just fell into the water, and the crew could not be found in the water, nor did they see any creatures attacking them. Could it be that they left like this?

  Lan Jin said: "Where's the horn? How about we just lure it over and solve it on the spot." "But what if

  we can't solve it? Wouldn't it be in vain that the team members died?" There were

  67 people, and there were fewer just after they left the mountain. One person, the remaining 66 people, how dare Captain Zhang let them take risks.

  Although he was also very sorry for Zhang Ye, he could never sacrifice so many people for one person. "Let's use the equipment to search underwater again. If we can't find it, just leave. Don't use this speaker anymore."

  Just let it happen when looking for survivors. Even if there is no horn, the sound of the ship is definitely not quiet. Those who should hear it will always hear it, and those who cannot hear it will not hear it with the horn.


  so far.

  The use of loudspeakers is completely banned.

  After Team Zhang had someone search the water underwater with a machine, and after not seeing anything, they set off again with an order.

  But who knows.

  They wanted to make things right and leave here, but the things in the water didn't want to let them go. When the whine of the ship sounded in turn, this time it wasn't just their ship, but all three ships were attacked by unknown things underwater. It was bumping around.

  This time everyone was standing on the deck. With this collision, more than one person fell into the water.

  But there were more people who fell into the water, and even more people who didn't. After all, everyone was a person with powers. Using their powers with each other, they could always save a lot of people, at least protecting themselves.

  But those who fell into the water...


  the same time, Lan Jin ignored the body that was about to fall into the water, and an electric current shot out into the water, hitting the body of the creature.

  The body of the mutated creature in the water collapsed due to the electricity, and it surfaced in a short while. Lan Jin, who had already turned over and was about to enter the water, was grabbed by Zhou Zhi beside him and pulled back to the deck from the edge of the railing. superior.

  As for the creature in the water, everyone took a closer look and found out why it looked so much like a sunfish.

  Of course, the sunfish definitely doesn't live in the lake, and there is no such species in their area, but it does look very similar, and the length of this fish is probably 5 or 6 meters long. From this length, you can imagine its size. It is simply not normal to be able to hit a ship.

  But, Lan Jin asked: "This is not a sunfish, but it looks like it." "

  No, the head of the sunfish is bigger than it, and this head is too small, but as for what it is..."

  Everyone will He looked at Xi Yu who was not far away.

  Xi Yu said with an embarrassed look: "Maybe it's some new species, after all, I don't know everything." "

  Okay." Lao Gao asked again: "Why did it hit us? Is it because it can't stand the noise? How many are there in total? The other two boats were also hit just now. Could it be the same creature?"

  Captain Zhang immediately denied: "No, the head of this thing is too small to swallow it directly. One person, but you see, the crew members on the other two boats also didn't get up after falling into the water. Either there is something wrong with the water, or there is something wrong with the things under the boat." Ling Jiang said: "Turn on the speaker, I will go

  directly Freeze the sea water in this area so that no one can escape. I don't believe that we can't kill them. It's just a fish." "

  Domineering." Lan Jin praised: "Turn on the speaker, no matter what it is. Well, since it won't let us leave, let's be prepared not to leave either."

  Ling Jiang came to the railing and got ready, and Captain Zhang also came to the speaker and got ready.

  After the two people's eyes confirmed again, Captain Zhang turned on the speaker.

  At this moment, all the crew members were standing on the deck, holding the railings and waiting for the creatures in the water to come over.

  With the noise of the speaker, as expected, something in the water swam over in a short while. The thing was about 10cm away from the water. Occasionally, because it swam too fast, some of the back muscles would float out of the water. Although he couldn't see clearly, the dark shadow that was swimming very fast couldn't be ignored.

  When the creature was only a little away from the ship, Ling Jiang quickly used his superpower and instantly froze the thing into ice.

  After being frozen into ice, due to inertia, the thing hit the ship firmly, denting one side of the ship.

  Ling Jiang froze in a circle. Not only was this thing frozen, but all the things that followed it were also frozen.

  This was originally a good thing.

  But after the ice was too thick, they couldn't see clearly what the creatures in the ice were.

  Ling Jiang said: "I can feel it, this thing is not big, at least not as big as that fish, but why is it so strong, the boat is dented." Lao Gao was speechless, "Didn't you think it was because of the ice

  ? ? They have collided before, but not like this."

  Ling Jiang choked and stopped talking about this matter.

  The weather is hot, no matter how hard the ice floes on the water are, it will actually melt away soon. Lan Jin said: "If you want it to be clear quickly, let Lao Gao have a fever, but I'm afraid the ice will melt too fast." It's not frozen to death, why don't we wait while we walk, and leave this area first, maybe there is still that thing, and we can't get out of this area at all, so we can just deal with it together."

  They tied the ice to the boat and dragged the ice while the boat was moving. In short, this area was not very safe no matter how you thought about it, and it was definitely right to leave early.

  Captain Zhang nodded and ordered the three ships to leave.

  Sure enough, after it was frozen, the ship could run normally.

  But now there are only a few people left -

  after Captain Zhang counted them, he felt a headache.

  Lan Jin asked: "What's wrong? How many people are left?"

  "53 people."

  In other words, after Zhang Ye, there were 13 people who fell into the water. Among these 13 people, 4 were ordinary people and 9 were ordinary people. stranger.

  Captain Zhang rubbed his forehead and said a little decadently: "When I return to the base in Beijing, I will only take you with me." "

  How is that possible?"

  After finishing speaking, Captain Zhang thought for a while and said: " Since this ship has been damaged, let's sort it out later. Let's abandon this ship and concentrate it all on the two ships." "


  Everyone said in confusion: "Why."

  "Our people It's too scattered. Although materials are very important, materials are far less important than people. In any case, we still have to ensure our own safety, so let's gather them together." If he wasn't worried about what would happen to the half-way ship,

  he I wish we were all on the same boat.

  (End of chapter)

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set up
dark night
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  Chapter 367 Fish?
  But Team Wang was still reluctant to abandon the crashed ship here. "Is there no other way?" Team Zhang

  said: "Actually, it's the same, because some of the higher-lying sections have actually already been damaged. There is no water. When we get to that place, we still have to throw the boat halfway. This is a matter of throwing it out early and later." Captain Wang said: "

  Then we can throw it out at that time. There are already ships anyway. Auto-pilot, let this ship follow us by itself, and maybe we can use it to block some attacks."

  Team Zhang thought for a while and thought it was feasible, then replied: "Okay, then let's make this decision."

  Three ships The ship drove forward for a while, and finally they saw the gate of the former R City base.

  At this time, there were 8 crew members on board the R city base on these three ships. The group first witnessed the desolation of the base, and then after adjusting their mentality, they said: "Don't mention it, the water level has dropped. A little."

  "Yeah, it was almost flooded to the door before, but now so much ground has been exposed."

  Captain Wang said: "You don't even look at the temperature now."

  To tell the truth Before Lin, the temperature measured by the thermometer was still around 70 degrees, so during this period the temperature has reached around 75 degrees.

  Don't look at the difference of only 5 degrees. You have to know that this is a high temperature. One degree more can kill people directly, let alone such high temperatures that continue day and night. It is true if you don't wear insulating clothing. There was no way to stand outside, as the strong sun above our heads could easily burn someone.

  "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's go to the base first and stop the boat."

  After rowing swaying for a while, the three ships finally stopped on the ground not far from the H City base.

  As for the ice cubes that had been floating in the water -

  the high temperature had already heated the water, it didn't take long for the large ice cubes floating in the water to melt a lot. In order to prevent the thing that hit the ship from escaping, Ling Jiang kept moving Keep adding ice to the ice until it reaches the ground before it melts.

  At this moment, they finally reached a place with ground. When everyone got off the boat, Captain Zhang immediately ordered everyone to drag the big piece of ice from the water to the ground.

  Here, it really took some effort.

  No matter how strong you are, the ice that freezes those things cannot become smaller.

  And after pulling this large piece of ice to the surface of the water, it is actually not over. If you don't pull it away from the water, what will happen after the ice melts and it jumps back into the water.

  Therefore, it took a lot of effort to drag this large piece of ice far away from the water, and then we stopped.


  Looking at the big ice cube in front of him, Ling Jiang said: "Is it possible to wait for it to melt? Lao Gao, just burn it."

  Lao Gao loves to do these things the most. Ling Jiang gave the order and didn't care about anything else. Those who directly moved their hands.

  The oversized piece of ice quickly melted into water under Lao Gao's superpower, and the thing trapped in the ice finally revealed its true appearance.

  The thing in front of me is actually a fish, but the strange thing is that it is fish-shaped from head to toe, with two separate arms and a pair of puffs growing out, which is a bit weird at first glance.

  Lan Jin just glanced at it, frowned immediately, and then said: "Let's just say, this is not a mermaid, right."

  Huang Jinghe immediately said: "It's definitely not, how could a mermaid look like this? You didn't see it Have you ever been in a movie? Absolutely impossible, absolutely."

  Huang Jinghe's voice became louder and louder, and he firmly felt that the fish in front of him was definitely not a mermaid.

  But not to mention Huang Jinghe, even everyone present could not regard this fish as a mermaid.

  Looking at everyone's expressions, Captain Zhang couldn't laugh or cry. He said to Lao Gao: "Lao Gao, continue to burn and melt all the ice."

  During the burning process, Zhou Zhi also said: "If there are really mermaids in this world, then They will never be frozen to death by this kind of ice, the vitality of mermaids is very tenacious."

  So -

  it is not right.


  After burning for a while, Lao Gao finally melted all the ice, and there were more than three puffed fish that melted out of the ice.

  "This is wrong. Not to mention that these fish species should not live in fresh water at all. Just this pair of puffs. How can such fish grow puffs?" After saying this,

  Captain Zhang was puzzled for a while and called the satellite The call went to the top.

  The people above were not that clear about the situation in the water, and even expressed full doubts about the poofing fish that Captain Zhang mentioned.

  "How could such a good fish have a pair of poofs?"

  Captain Zhang said firmly, "It's true. I'll send back some photos using satellite signals later, and you'll know when you look over there."

  After a long silence, He replied: "Okay."


  After hanging up the phone, Captain Zhang suddenly froze in place as if he remembered something. He looked at the team members who were standing around the fish, studying the fish and said: " Hey, the water should be fine."

  I really don't blame Captain Zhang. The main reason is that he has experienced too many strange things during this period, and everything he looks at suddenly feels suspicious.

  But when it came to water, Lan Jin had to say: "It must be no problem. All of us are exposed to water."

  It was the time when Lan Jin used electricity on underwater creatures. Didn't the electricity accidentally hit him and the water splashed all over him? And it has been so long. Even if there is a problem, they have already been soaked in water, so it is too late to talk about it now.

  But the fact that it's not exactly right proves that the water should be fine.

  After listening to Lan Jin's words, Team Zhang immediately nodded and said: "Oh, oh, okay then, fine, as long as it's not a water problem." ... "Then what should we do now." One of the team


  asked road.

  Team Zhang took out a set of satellite tools, took some photos of these fish, and sent them to the other party.

  After Team Zhang put away the tools again, he said to the team members: "Wait a minute, we are trying to catch something that hit the boat. The boat was hit and turned over. Can this little thing do it?" Even if it is longer

  . A pair of poof, but the total length of this fish is only about 3 meters, not much more -

  so how did a fish that was only 3 meters long knock the boat over?

  Ling Jiang said: "I was already very fast at that time. If it wasn't these things, it would be that kind of big fish. But compared to that, I actually prefer this, because if the big fish wants to hit the ship, it will not turn over. Yes, you can read them all."

  Team Zhang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said: "Forget it, why bother getting to the bottom of it? It's not the only thing we don't know the answer to." (End of this chapter

  ) )

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dark night
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  Chapter 368: Killing Fish

  Having said that, things reflect from the other side, which means that the things in the water are definitely not as simple as this strange creature.

  Captain Zhang said: "This is the water. Isn't it the water from the rain? Even if the things in the water are washed away, they won't grow such weird things." Lao Gao

  joked He said: "It can't be man-made, just like the mutated creatures in the forest, man-made." As

  soon as Lao Gao finished speaking, almost everyone's eyes were focused on him.

  But let’s just say, in broad daylight, can you stop saying such intrusive words?

  Captain Wang broke the temporary silence and directly changed the topic, "This thing should have been frozen to death, so what should we do now? Just leave it like this, throw it into the water, or... eat it ?”

  It’s impossible to eat it, who could eat this thing?

  Shen Zhiyan said disgustedly: "Dig a hole and bury it. What if this toy is poisonous and eats people to death."

  Captain Wang said: "This fish doesn't look poisonous at first glance."

  "The puffer fish doesn't look poisonous either. It looks like it's poisonous, but in fact it's extremely poisonous. Why, you want to test the poison for us." Team Zhang's heavy heart finally relaxed, "Okay, it's not appropriate to throw it into the water. Dig a hole and bury it. Let's do it."

  Unexpectedly, just as one of the team members was about to dig a hole, the fish suddenly swung their tails collectively, and then skillfully used the puffs growing in their bodies to crawl up towards the surroundings.

  This group of fish were scurrying around, causing everyone to scream in surprise.

  Lan Jin even looked at the weird arm and was so frightened that goosebumps rose. Then, no one could control it, thunder and lightning broke out, and the fish collectively collapsed and froze in place, and then they really fell to the ground and did not get up. .

  "The vitality is quite tenacious."

  One of the team members suddenly said this.

  This also reminded everyone of what Zhou Zhiye said just now, "The vitality of mermaids is very tenacious."

  At this moment, Huang Jinghe was about to cry. "No, it is definitely not a mermaid. A mermaid will never be like this. It is as if it has not just evolved two arms. The mermaid has already evolved." , Besides, mermaids don’t have the grass carp variety.”

  Huang Jinghe’s last words made the surrounding team members laugh.

  This fish is quite long, but it is definitely not a high-quality and beautiful ornamental fish. If you have to say what it looks like, it is not like grass carp. Mermaids can come in any variety, even species that cannot be named, but grass carp is like Yes, absolutely not.

  Ling Jiang couldn't help but comforted him: "Don't worry, this definitely doesn't belong to a mermaid, and mermaids don't live in this kind of water. How far does it swim? It's definitely not the case. Stop thinking about it." Lan Jin also

  said He stepped forward and consoled him: "Yes, yes, this is definitely not a mermaid. If you don't want to see it grow double, just cut it off."

  Lan Jin's words really reminded Captain Zhang, he said: "Xi Yu, you are the only researcher now. I killed it, can you study it?"

  Xi Yu was dumbfounded, "No, Captain Zhang, why are you killing the fish?"

  Captain Zhang smiled and said, "It's me. Kill, you don’t need to kill, you can study it after I kill.”

  Xi Yu rubbed his forehead, sighed, and accepted Captain Zhang’s opinion.

  It's not that he doesn't want to resist, it's mainly that resisting is useless.

  Because there was no need for Team Zhang to remind him right now. As soon as they heard that he wanted to kill the fish, the team members had already stepped forward to observe how to kill the fish.


  These fish are too big. They were just stunned by Lan Jin. The team members went over to attack them. As soon as the fish were in pain, the big tails immediately started to 'sweep' around.

  None of the surrounding team members noticed, and were swept directly into the sky by the fish's tail. In the end, someone with plant-type superpowers tied those people back with vines, otherwise they might have been swept high. Woolen cloth.

  Yes, no need to guess anymore, with this strength, it can really knock the ship over.

  Lan Jin said: "Ling Jiang, after I electrocute it, freeze its tail to the ground so that it can't sweep around." After saying that, Lan Jin used his lightning

  power to hit all the fish in the air. On top of their heads, the fish were struck by lightning and formed an arc. After being stiff for a long time, they lay on their sides and fell to the ground.

  Lao Gao breathed a sigh of relief and immediately went forward to check. He said: "My head is smashed, so he should be dead." "Probably, forget

  it, Ling Jiang, freeze the tail." As soon as Captain Zhang finished speaking, he also Without picking any fish, the tail of the nearest fish was directly frozen. Not only the tails of the remaining fish, but their entire bodies were frozen to the ground by Ling Jiang, for fear of killing the fish in a moment. It would be bad if it accidentally moved and swept people into the sky.

  In this team, there are talents in various fields, so there is no need to ask for a standard chef.

  They have three ships and a lot of chefs. At this moment, there are only three people left, and one of them is the head chef named Shan.

  Captain Zhang said: "Lao Dan, come on."

  Lao Dan agreed without thinking, and the other two chefs beside him also returned to the ship and took Chef Dan's knife.

  Chef Shan held the knife, his expression seemed satisfied, but before he started, he looked at Team Zhang and asked, "Open the belly or the back."

  There are particularities to opening the belly and back. When we buy fish outside, we usually open the belly, which is the belly of the fish. First, cut the belly open, take out the internal organs, and then clean it. Then the fish can go home. Cook and eat it, but if you open the back, you usually cut the fish in half from the back, from the head to the tail, and then take out the internal organs. But if you open the back, you usually pickle the cured fish in winter. when.

  At this moment, Chef Shan was really unsure of how to operate.

  Captain Zhang was a little confused when he suddenly heard the head chef ask such a question.

  But after being confused, Captain Zhang was speechless, "Why do I feel that the next step is to start the pot and heat the oil? Forget it, stop worrying, just open the back, all the way to the frozen tail, so you can see inside. It's clear."

  After saying that, before Chef Shan took action, Ling Jiang went over and froze the fish's head and the pair of puffs, leaving only one on his back. She said: "In case of any accident He's not dead, but it won't be good if he wakes up after the pain."


  The chef's knife is indeed sharp. The knife cuts along the fish bones on the back from the beginning to the tail. With this knife, the fish skin is cut. He cut it open, and then Chef Shan inserted the knife directly into the back of the fish along this line.

  (End of chapter)

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dark night
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  Chapter 369 Where is the fish?
  This fish was indeed electrocuted, but it did not die directly after all. After the knife poured into its back, the fish immediately started struggling on the spot, but except for its back, everything was frozen to the ground. Above, even though it is extremely powerful,

  it is difficult to break free even for a while.

  The head chef increased the speed of his hands, and with a hiss, the meat on the back of the fish was completely cut open.

  During this period, the fish was still struggling.

  But Chef Shan didn't care about that. He used all his strength to scratch and pull hard with the knife. After a few times, he completely opened the back of the fish.

  The fish's internal organs came into view. These internal organs were not seen before, but they were all from small fish, so they were not that scary. Even when buying fish, everyone would not even take a look at it. It was bagged directly by the seller.

  Seeing these internal organs now, it really hurts my eyes. Moreover, even though it is like this, the fish is still struggling in place, which shows that its vitality is indeed very tenacious.

  After studying for a long time, I couldn't see any difference in the belly of the fish. Even if you don't study fish, you know that the problem with this fish is not in the belly.

  Since it's not in the belly, it's naturally on its body. Captain Zhang said: "Cut off its two pieces."

  Everyone endured the bloody atmosphere and looked at Captain Zhang.

  However, Team Zhang’s attitude was very calm and he said: “Anyway, I’ve killed them all and looked at them, so I don’t mind having more pairs of puffs.”

  But there was still a difference between the puffs and the fish. The single chef looked at them for a long time, and for a moment he still thought. It was really hard to start. He glanced at Captain Zhang and said, "Why don't you do it? This long oozing person looks quite scary."

  Captain Zhang smiled and said, "You're such a big man, are you still afraid of this? " Ah."

  "You're not afraid of your coming." Chef Dan retorted.

  And these words successfully choked Captain Zhang. It was nothing for him to say these words, but it was not a small problem for him to use this knife, because he also felt that it was infiltrating.

  But now Lao Gao became interested in this thing. He said: "I'll come, I'll come. Even if you don't want to, I'll come." Ling Jiang looked at the

  sky speechlessly, "You are really not afraid of anything. This thing looks so permeable, stop playing with it."

  Lao Gao said: "I'm not playing, what's there to be afraid of? Could it be that this fish can come to take revenge on me?"

  Lao Gao took over the chef's hand The knife in his hand was more ruthless than a single chef, and the fish was separated from the fish as soon as he lifted the knife.

  I thought that without the puff, the fish would struggle even more fiercely, but unexpectedly, after losing the puff, the fish stopped struggling and died almost instantly.

  Everyone was stunned. They knew where the other party's life gate was by accident, right?

  Lao Gao said: "There are still a few of them, let's try to kill one more."

  When he cut down one of them, Lao Gao still felt a little oozing, but after cutting more, the feeling of oozing was gone. What I understand is, "This puff is just like the heart of this fish. Once it leaves the body, it will finish playing." "

  But whose heart grows outside the body and still looks like a pair of puffs, I feel like it is parasitic. "Shen Zhiyu replied after thinking for a long time.

  The fish uses its body to support the pair of puffs, and the puffs give the fish the ability to move its body on land. Of course, with the puffs, even in the water, once these two are combined, they can swim better than anyone else. Hurry up.

  "Okay, stop talking. The more you talk, the more evil you get."

  In short, just don't do one thing.

  Cut off the Poo's hands from all the fish, and both the Poo and the fish will be dead.

  Captain Zhang looked at the fish that had been disemboweled and said: "Freeze this fish, no, freeze everything. Let's go to the base quickly and check that there is no one there. Let's leave quickly."

  Captain Wang said, "Okay, let's go."


  R City Base.

  Today's base is completely different from what it used to be.

  Collapsed buildings, debris on the ground, and human bones everywhere.

  Captain Wang didn't want to go in after just one glance. He said: "In this environment, how can there be anyone alive? I'll just go to the safe house and have a look. If there is no one, I won't be able to find it anywhere else." Captain Zhang said

  : "Okay, I'll record the loudspeaker and broadcast directly at the door. It's so empty here. If there is anyone, I will come directly." After searching for

  nearly 2 hours, there was no one.

  But this made Team Wang relieved, "The water surface is dangerous. We have received special training and have special powers, but we may not be able to go back. These ordinary people who follow us may die on the road, no matter what. "

  Since there is no one, let's go."

  After the team members gathered, they immediately returned in the direction of the ship.

  But when they passed by the place where the fish had just been killed, something strange happened. The fish were all gone.

  Ling Jiang said: "My frozen one is very thick. Even if it has melted in 3 hours, it is impossible not to leave any water stains." Captain Zhang said: "It's not surprising that there are no water stains.

  It's so hot. It dried in a few minutes, but as for the fish, even such big fish can't move without puff, and aren't they all dead?" "Maybe there is

  something else here." After that, One of the team members said with a vigilant look: "There shouldn't be any mutated creatures."

  "What are there to be afraid of mutant creatures? We haven't seen many mutant creatures this time. Besides, this is outside Maolin. As long as there are no mutant creatures with human faces, there is nothing to be afraid of. Yes." Lao Gao said.

  This team member did not go in with them, so he had not seen those terrible scenes. At this moment, he said a little confused: "Why, are there many mutant creatures with human faces in the forest? This kind of mutant creature is very strange." Is it strong?"

  "It's not strong, it's just disgusting."

  Thinking of that scene, Lao Gao felt a chill, but there was nothing wrong with that. As long as mutated creatures with non-human faces were wandering around outside, other mutated creatures would still be around. There's really nothing to be afraid of.

  The most important thing to worry about at this moment was the ship they were going to take. Because he was worried that after the people were dispersed, they would be unable to deal with danger, so he left no one on the ship.

  "Let's get back to the ship and leave here quickly."

  The group quickened their pace and returned to the ship as quickly as possible.

  Fortunately, from a distance, there is nothing here like the ship.

  But when they got on the boat, the dead fish and Poo were lying on the deck. Above the disemboweled fish, there were several mutated creatures like flies hovering and attracting.

  Lan Jin was speechless, "Why is this fish on the boat? Someone put it on it, right?"

  (End of Chapter)

Table of contents
set up
dark night
Report an error
  Chapter 370 Returning to J City again

  is a provocation, a real provocation, but they don’t even know who did it.

  Captain Zhang said: "This should be man-made."

  Lao Gao said matter-of-factly: "It must be, the poofs of these things have been cut off, even if they are not dead, there is no poof, they can't do anything on their own Move, and even if you want to move, you should return to the water, not appear on the deck."

  At this time, Zhou Zhiye on the side said: "No, this fish is so big, ordinary people..., no, 1 , Two people can’t move people from there to the deck at all, let’s not ignore the size and weight of the fish.”

  Think about it this way, it’s true.

  "Then who did this? There is no surveillance on the deck, and there is no one on the boat."

  Captain Zhang rubbed his forehead and said: "Get the fish to the shore, don't throw it into the water, and then let's get out of here quickly. Right."

  At this point, one more unsolved mystery has been added to their journey.

  After taking care of the fish on the deck and integrating the ships, the three ships left here as quickly as possible.


  The integration of the ships was to integrate the remaining approximately 50 people into the two ships, and the dented ship also turned on its autopilot and closely followed the other two ships. rear.

  It would be too wasteful to let the ship just follow them. Zuo was not needed, so Captain Zhang installed the loudspeaker on the ship.

  The three ships sailed while searching for people.

  Although no survivors were found, they completed everything they were supposed to do.

  It's just that -

  the ship equipped with a loudspeaker was attacked one after another before it even sailed to City H, and was completely buried under the water.

  Captain Zhang looked at the disappeared ship and said sadly: "Don't be too sad. It's not certain whether we can save this ship." So, it's just

  a ship, so there's really no need for this. .

  But in fact, no one except Zhang Dui was sentimental. Everyone's mentality was very good. It would be good if people were alive. We haven't reached the destination yet, so we just need to control ourselves. There is no need to get on the ship.

  Captain Zhang himself made a fuss and never mentioned the topic again.


  The ship traveled for several more days, and finally arrived within the limits of J City.

  Looking at the familiar buildings around him, Lan Jin reminded: "Captain Zhang, let me give you a suggestion. It is best for the ship to take a detour. The four of us came to this area to look for supplies. With the current drop in the water level, it is estimated that There is no water in that area, so our ship had better take a detour, otherwise we won’t be able to go back."

  Lan Jin was talking about the suburban business park area. She even took out a car from the space to use it, and the four people I have been searching for supplies here for several days.

  At that time, not many floors of the business park here were flooded. Even if the bottom is not reached now, it is not enough to allow such a large ship to move.

  Team Zhang couldn't just listen to their words, so he immediately took out a visual drone and searched for a location some distance ahead.

  It's okay if you don't look at it. Look at it now. Good guy, the ground over there is completely dry.

  Lan Jin said: "I originally thought there should be a little water, but I didn't expect that the water has faded like this. It seems that it won't be long before the water will be gone." Shen Zhiyan said: "J City is a lake

  city , it is easy to get flooded when it rains. To be honest, J City is the most flooded city among the surrounding cities. There are places exposed in J City. I am afraid that the water in H City is almost there. Has it bottomed out?"

  Shen Zhiyu asked: "Will anyone dredge the water level at such a low level? In this way, the water level should drop faster." Captain Zhang

  said: "In the past, soon after the ice melted, Someone should dredge it. After all, it’s not as flooded as City J. Once you put on a diving suit, you can go into the water. But, isn’t there something in the water? Who dares to go into the water?” It’s him

  . , I don’t worry about the team members at the base going into the water.

  Once this person went down, he didn't go to work at all, but went directly to die. In addition, they were attacked by mutated creatures before, and they had been doing transfer work since then, so they probably didn't have the time to do this.

  Shen Zhiyu said: "Let's go to H City first. If the water in H City is no longer deep, I'm afraid that R City is already on the water." And once the water in H City drops, this big ship

  will There is no way to continue driving. Of course, this is not a big problem. When we first came out, we were fully prepared to deal with any situation. At that time, we just abandoned the big ship and drove the small boat.


  Small boats are not as safe as big boats. No matter how shallow the water is, it is still water. There are things hidden in the water that cannot be seen or touched. Once entangled, it will be a real tangle.


  Since this road could not be taken, Team Zhang immediately planned a new route. Everyone walked around in a circle, and the most emotional ones must be Lan Jin and the four of them.

  Lan Jin pointed to the community in front and said: "Here, this is the community where we lived at the beginning of the apocalypse. How high was the flood at that time? There were only a few floors here, and the 10th floor reached the sky." It can be seen that the water level has dropped

  . How awesome.

  But, it’s only been a few months since the extremely hot weather arrived. Even if the water level drops, it won’t drop so much.

  Team Zhang explained: "Not all water has been evaporated. We still need to use some. Free resources are not used in vain."

  It is definitely not okay to drink this kind of water, but it can be recycled and purified before flushing the toilet or taking a bath. In addition, some things also need water to operate, such as generating electricity, which consumes a lot of water. , plus some other things, in short, the high temperature and no rain for several months will consume a lot of water.

  Huang Jinghe suddenly asked: "Then if we use this method, will the water resources be exhausted one day?"

  Captain Zhang choked, "This is not nonsense, so it is serious to let the extreme heat pass quickly."

  But Ji Ji How long has it been since the heat started? How could it go away so quickly?

  But Captain Zhang is an insider, so he might have some inside information.

  Lan Jin looked at him and asked thoughtfully: "Captain Zhang, how long will it take for the extreme heat to end? The people above can predict the previous weather, but there is no reason that the subsequent weather cannot be predicted." Captain Zhang said with a bitter smile

  . : "I really don't know this. We are all insiders at the moment. If I knew it, I would tell you directly."

  Lan Jin didn't believe it, "Captain Zhang, you don't have to wait until when have you ever told the truth?" ."

  So, she wouldn't believe it.

  (End of chapter)

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