Mia is Mine! [Marc Marquez] F...

Par MiaVeranika

5.7K 137 6

Have you ever ride 250 km/hour on a motorbike with the person you love? I have. And that was the craziest thi... Plus

Trailer Mia is Mine!
Season 1 - Prologue
[Season 1] Part 1 - Visit Dani 1
[Season 1] Part 1 - Visit Dani 2
[Season 1] Part 2 - Negative Thinking 1
[Season 1] Part 2 - Negative Thinking 2
[Season 1] Part 2 - Negative Thinking 3
[Season 1] Part 3 - He's Like A Bastard! 1
[Season 1] Part 3 - He's Like A Bastard! 2
[Season 1] Part 3 - He's Like A Bastard! 3
[Season 1] Part 4 - Let Me Think 1
[Season 1] Part 4 - Let Me Think 2
[Season 1] Part 5 - It's Over
[Season 1] Part 6 - Uninvited Guest
[Season 1] Part 7 - Lost
[Season 1] Part 8 - Drowning To The Memories
[Season 1] Part 9 - Kissing In The Kitchen
[Season 1] Part 10 - A Thousand Miles
[Season 1] Part 11 - I Don't Want Anything Else
Season 2 - Prologue
[Season 2] Part 1 - ALYA
[Season 2] Part 2 - Barcelona
[Season 2] Part 3 - Knee High Boots
[Season 2] Part 4 - New Moon
[Season 2] Part 5 - A Slap
[Season 2] Part 6 - Fraser River
[Season 2] Part 7 - An Open Door
[Season 2] Part 8 - The Party
[Season 2] Part 9 - Piscina
[Season 2] Part 10 - The Note
[Season 2] Part 11 - Why
[Season 2] Part 12 - The Deal
[Season 2] Part 13 - Met Mama Roser
[Season 2] Part 14 - The Wedding
[Season 2] Part 15 - Wedding Surprise
Bonus Part - Huka Lodge (2) Dolphin Island
Bonus Part - Huka Lodge (3) Back to Home
Season 3 - Prolog
[Season 3] Part 1 - Cervera
[Season 3] Part 2 - Birthday Present
[Season 3] Part 3 - RUNAWAY

Bonus Part - Huka Lodge (1)

30 1 2
Par MiaVeranika

I was hoping I could get lost in your paradise

The only thing I'm thinking 'bout is you and I

'Cause I can't get you off my mind

I can't get you off my mind

Lost in Japan - Shawn Mendes



Huka Lodge is a paradise on earth. At least that's what people say. What is clear is that the cost of vacationing here is very expensive. It's not that I want to calculate, but I always look forward.

Marc and I are married. We will live in a big house in Barcelona later―which is of course expensive to maintain, after that Marc wants a boy and will teach him motocross. His education must be good, so he can become a world champion with good behavior too. And all of that costs a lot, right?

But because this was my honeymoon with Marc, spending 200 million just for round trip transportation and 200 million to stay for a week in an inn―like a classically designed but very modern cottage―I thought it wasn't a problem.

Moreover, this place is really good. Located in New Zealand, it offers absolute privacy and elegant luxury. The view of the blue sky reflecting in a long, clear river cannot be found anywhere else. The trees are shady and full of birds singing in the morning and evening. The temperature is stable, even though the mornings are always cold because of the fog, the sun is never too late to shine at Huka Lodge.

For a truly romantic and memorable time together, Huka Lodge is the ultimate in perfection. This place is bathed in an unforgettable atmosphere and was created especially for those celebrating their love for each other.

The concept of a cottage can get some unpleasant attention in Indonesia, but in New Zealand, a cottage is mostly locally owned and operated, in an exclusive and intimate location in nature with an organic and eco approach.

Maybe you think during the holidays here we have to follow a schedule, you are wrong. At Huka lodge, rules don't matter. We can do whatever we want. Forget the 10.30am walk. At Huka Lodge we are kings. Eat, drink and travel without a schedule, they will still serve you.

A slice of thin bread or toast sprinkled with cheese, or meat is always available. However, because I saw the pantry was also full of other food supplies, I thought I could cook for my husband.

"MARC!!" I screamed from the kitchen.

Marc immediately came running to me. "What is it, honey?" he asked.

"Help me cook. I want to cook fried rice for breakfast."

"Fried rice? I like it!" he answered with his trademark big smile.

"Good," I said. "Help me cut the meatballs and vegetables. I'll cut the sausage."

His face turned sullen. "Which MotoGP world champion cuts vegetables?"

I shook my head slightly while rolling my eyes. "I don't care if you are world champion or not. When you are at home you are just my husband."

"But we're not at home darling, we're at Huka Lodge," he answered annoyed but still wearing an apron.

I'm laughing. "I know. But don't you always feel at home when you're with me?"

Marc looked at me and smiled. He lost.

Then Marc took a knife and cutting board and took some vegetables to be cut. But his movements suddenly stopped and he walked closer to the small speaker beside the kitchen cabinet. Marc fiddled with his cell phone―opening YouTube I think―then plugged the small speaker cable into his cell phone.

"I heard a song like this this morning. It just makes my ears hurt!" I complained when I heard a Spanish song with a fairly fast beat start playing. I quickly approached him, grabbed his cell phone, and changed the song to Vince Gill.

"Mia!!" He is screaming. "Why changed?!"

"Noisy!" I answered while continuing to choose the Vince Girl song. "It's better to hear a song like this, it's more comfortable on the ears," I said after finding my favorite Vince Gill song.

"Hah?!" Marc really didn't accept it. "Songs like this actually make you sleepy! Let's change to a Spanish song!" he said.

"Your Spanish songs are just suitable for parties or having fun with your girls, Marc! In the morning, let me be at peace with country music!" I answered.

Marc grinned. "So I can party with the girls?"

I glanced quickly at him. I said wrong. "I didn't say that," I answered nonchalantly as I continued cutting the sausage.

"Yeah... You said that earlier..." Marc teased me while nudging my arm.

I turned a quick glance towards him. Then looked at him with a murderous gaze. "Just try it if you dare!" I threatened while roughly chopping the sausage that was under my knife.

Marc looked at it in horror, then swallowed his saliva.

"Okay..." he said, his voice trailing off as he shuffled over to the radio and turned off my country music.

"What if there's no music?"

I looked at him annoyed again. Then suddenly Marc put down the knife. Taking off his apron sensually to tease me. Marc walked slowly towards me, then forcefully took the knife I was holding and put it on the cutting board. Then he pressed my body against his body.

"What if you just replace the music with the sound of your moans?" he said teasingly.

I wanted to laugh, but Marc glared at me. Then his lips started to touch my neck slowly. I started to enjoy the sensation. I closed my eyes and started pulling his hair slowly. Enjoy. Marc loves that. With just one movement, Marc lifted my body and placed me next to the sink.

"Do you remember our first kiss?" he asked again.

I grabbed his nape and pressed my forehead against his. Now our distance is very thin.

"I remember, Marc," I answered.

Marc smiled. "At that time I was very nervous, but also happy... Anyway, I was very happy!" he said.

I couldn't help but laugh seeing him so excited.

"Hey, you know this place is huge?" Marc asked again.

I removed my forehead from his and looked around. After the wedding, we immediately flew to New Zealand. We only arrived early in the morning and immediately rested. But I think the place is quite big. So I gave a nod in response to Marc.

"In a place this big it's just the two of us," he said. "What do you think we can do in this place?"

I thought for a moment. "Doing... fun things," I answered, smiling at him.

"Of course!" He smiled broadly, satisfied with my answer. Then he touched our foreheads again. "How about we make love under the tree?"

I gasped in surprise at his words and immediately lowered my head. "You're really crazy, Marc," I said.

Marc still looked at me without a guilty expression.

"In a place as good as this, there are big and luxurious mattresses, why do you want to make love under a tree?! Ah! If that was the case in Indonesia, you could do it! You don't have to go all the way here! You pay a lot of money too!" I said angrily. My mood is ruined. "Never mind. I'm going down! I want to cook! I'm hungry!" I jumped down from the edge of the sink.

Marc let me down. He just looked at me confused. Does he think it's a good idea? Absolutely not. That's the craziest, stupidest and most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. I mean, I don't want us to be caught by the gardener and thrown out while making love. That would definitely be very embarrassing.

I wasn't kidding when I said that about the gardener. She really exists. And she is a woman.

Besides, doesn't he realize that when we're making love he's so loud?! Marc always screams excessively. But suddenly that fact made me laugh a little.

Without me realizing it, Marc caught up with me and hugged me from behind.

"Then, let's just make love here," he whispered softly behind my ear.

"In the kitchen?" I asked.

Marc nodded. And I felt his chin hit my shoulder.

"No," I answered firmly.

"Why? You once asked me to make love in the bathroom, I didn't refuse," said Marc.

I smiled faintly. Even though it was painful afterwards, it was one of my good times with Marc.

"Red wine 4 billion," I said then laughed. Marc laughed too. Then he hugged me tighter and shook his body so that my body swayed too.

Marc went even crazier by moving his lower body forward so that it hit me more. Then he started to sigh excessively.

"Aahhh... ahhh... Mia..." he groaned while closing his eyes, which actually made me want to continue laughing.

"Stop it, Marc," I ordered. I tried to escape from his grip. Then I turned my body and looked at him.

Marc looked at me with a frustrated look while ruffling his hair with one hand.

"Oh! Come on! Since we got married, we haven't even done it! You said you want to have children with me?"

I laughed again. Then I touched his two red cheeks―a typical feature of Caucasians.

"Indeed," I answered. "But not now."

"Then when? We only have a week here, Mia," he said.

I turned my body and turned my back to him. I held the knife and cut the sausage again.

"I know, Marc. But be patient," I said.

Marc snorted in annoyance.

"Besides, I'm already married to you. If you're willing to be patient a little more, I promise that whenever and wherever you ask, I'll do it."

I glanced at him briefly. A smile crossed his lips. "You promise, right?"

Marc pointed his index finger at me.

"I promise," I answered firmly with a smile.

Marc also still had a smile on his face. Then he grabbed the knife again and started cutting the vegetables.

In New Zealand, we have seven days to have fun. But Marc and I weren't going to spend a whole week just in bed. We have several agendas such as skiing, jet boats, and visiting Dolphin Island.

For skiing, New Zealand has great spots at Turoa and Whakapapa, on the slopes of Mount Ruapehu. Both are located within Tongariro National Park. This park has dual status as a UNESCO world heritage site.

This popular and well-established ski area has easy access and excellent facilities for those seeking the convenience of beginner-level skiing, or the challenge of Australasia's longest vertical descent, via New Zealand's highest cable car, the "High Noon Express."


Marc's shrill screams deafened my ears. A few hours after breakfast, we visited the ski fields. Marc looked so happy, while I looked at the ski fields like a pile of white cotton that could swallow me alive.

"Come on, dear!" he exclaimed.

I shuddered and shook my head quickly. "No. Just you, Marc."

Marc raised an eyebrow and took off his blue glasses. "Are you afraid?"

I looked at him. Not wanting my pride to fall, I defended myself. "No," I answered. But I'm not good at lying, even to myself. So my body language says it all.

Marc laughed. "Yeah, you're scared. Your legs are shaking," Marc said.

I bit my own lower lip. "Okay, there's nothing like this in Indonesia," I said.

I moved one palm of my hand and rocked it like a rocking ship. "There might be, but it's artificial and not like this," I said.

Marc was still looking at me in disbelief that I was such a coward. "And I never did," I added.

He smiled that sweet smile that I like―not the teasing one. "I will teach you."

In the following minutes Marc taught me to ski. From how to stand, survive, and move forward. It was quite difficult at first, but over time I got used to it. Even though I wasn't one hundred percent expert, I tried to drive myself across the snow track.

Marc watched me from behind. He shouted continuously like a master trainer. Sometimes I laugh because of his excessive behavior.

We finished at five in the afternoon. Before the day turned dark, Marc and I decided to return to Huka Lodge.

There were still flakes of snow on our thick jackets and hats. The air still felt cold even though we were already in the heated car heading to the cottage. I rubbed my hands together trying to find my own warmth.

And apparently Marc realized that. He looked at me with his cheeks red and cold too. My lips were stiff, but I forced a smile for my husband. Then he quickly wrapped his arms around my body. Marc closed his eyes as if he was hugging a big doll.

"I love you," he said.

"Oh, how sweet..." I replied, teasing him.

He just smiled and rubbed his hands on my arms, trying to warm me up. "I know you're very cold. Be patient, we'll be there soon," he said.

Without letting go of his hug, Marc shouted at the driver. "Can you speed up the car a little, sir?" Marc shouted to the driver at the wheel.

"Okay," answered the driver, nodding.

I whispered to him. "I'm okay. You also have to be patient, don't get angry with him."

Marc chuckled a little. "I can go faster if I use a motorbike."

I couldn't hold back my laughter. "You racer!"

A few minutes later we arrived at Huka Lodge. After entering the hut, Marc immediately carried me and took me to my room. He threw my body roughly onto the bed.

"MARC!" I shouted interspersed with laughter.

His face was red, either because he was too cold or too passionate. He took off his warm clothes one by one while continuing to look at me. I'm starting to worry. I don't want to do it now. I mean not right now. I have a plan.

He reached the shirt that was sticking to his body, when he almost took it off too, I immediately gave a reaction that surprised him.

"HAACIII!" I pretended to sneeze. Actually, I used all my acting skills in front of the camera when I was on stage. Pretending to be sick I thought was a pretty good idea to prevent him from hitting me now.

His gaze suddenly changed to one of worry. He refused to take off his shirt and came closer to me, who was still wearing warm clothes with a few snowflakes stuck to it.

"You are sick?" he asked.

I nodded weakly. "It feels so cold," I said, clasping my hands in front of my bent knees.

Marc hugged me. Then he blew gently on my neck to warm me up.

"I was going to do that," he said.

I know, I thought while laughing inside. But I said nothing and kissed his icy lips. "Be patient," I said.

"I'll light the fire and make you hot tea," Marc said again. He lifted the blanket, covered my body and walked into the kitchen.

I never thought that my decision to marry Marc would make me so grateful. He is more than a kind husband, he is very, very understanding and caring. I'm really very lucky.

So, that night we didn't do it. The next day, we went to Aratiatia to play jet boats.

Marc and I have been at Huka Lodge for 2 days. We only have a few days left in New Zealand, and we haven't done it at all. When I returned from Aratiatia, I could see Marc's expression changed. He kept trying, holding me close and continuing to try to stimulate me. But I still held it in. By the way, he really can't wait. Yes, right?

"What's wrong with you!" he asked in an angry tone when I rejected him again. His voice was very high pitched. Spanish people are very fierce when angry.

"Not now, Marc," I answered.

He sighed loudly. "We don't have much time here, Mia. Or maybe you don't want to do it with me anymore, huh?"

I frowned. I know where this conversation is going.

"Since we broke up, who knew you actually liked Vin―"

I quickly covered his mouth with the tips of my fingers. I locked his gaze so he looked straight into my eyes. "Don't ever say that," I said seriously.

Marc was still surprised by my attitude. His throat moved strangely to swallow hard.

"You're the only one I love. I'll only do it with you."

Marc seemed to be calming down, and his outlook changed. I lowered my hand and smiled slightly. He smiled back at me and I kissed his lips gently.

"Sorry," he said after I broke the kiss.

"It's okay," I answered.

"Okay, now just sleep. I'm tired," said Marc.

Of course he was tired. We had just arrived at the cottage after playing on the jet boat and as usual, Marc was excited.

An adrenaline-filled 30-minute ride, hurtling across cliffs and trees at an incredible 80 km/h. The thrill was 360º as we rafted the Aratiatia rapids and returned to see it from the base of the spectacular Huka Falls, all in a beautiful river setting.

So Marc walked over to the bed, pulled the covers over him and curled up to sleep with his back to me. I know he was very disappointed. Honestly, his attitude made me shake. After considering it, I finally compromised with my own original plan.

I walked into the bathroom and rummaged through my suitcase. I decided to wear black Victoria Secret lingerie that I bought in LA a week before I got married. Marc had never seen me wear sexy, expensive lingerie like this, so I thought he would like it.

I put on the lingerie and stood in front of the mirror for a few minutes to gather my confidence. After that I stepped back into the room.

My heart was beating fast as I stood beside the bed. Meanwhile Marc was still curled up with his back to me. I don't know if he's asleep or not. Even so, I think when I wake him up and see me like this, he won't be sleepy anymore.

"Marc," I called softly.

For a few moments all I heard was the sound of wood burning in the fireplace and the sound of crickets chilling outside.

"Marc?" I called again. But he still didn't move.

Finally I sat on the bed and shook his arm gently.

"Marc, wake up."

Marc still had his eyes closed. I saw that he had gone deep into dreamland. He snored a little. Marc must be super duper tired.

I snorted in annoyance. It got cold for a long time because I only wore lingerie.

I pulled the blanket over me and lay down next to Marc. Marc was still fast asleep. I looked at him with a look of complete disappointment. Actually I could scream to wake him up roughly. But I couldn't bear to disturb his sleep. He's tired, so... never mind.

I curled up and turned my back to Marc. My joints were grinding in the blanket. Maybe my body will freeze into a block of ice from sleeping in just lingerie. But I swear, I was too lazy, lost my mood, and sleepy to change clothes. So I decided to go straight to sleep.


Whatever is sticking to my lips now, I'm sure it's something very soft. Over time the taste turns sweet. Maybe it was cotton candy.

"Mmm...." I moaned and tasted it several times. But when I opened my mouth slightly, I heard a groan and the soft squeak of skin rubbing together.

It felt hard to open my eyes, but I tried. And what I saw first wasn't cotton candy pink. But a pair of shady brown eyes with firm black eyebrows looked at me with a smile.

"Buenos días, Mi Amor."

"Mmm, Marc."

I gathered my consciousness, but Marc fraudulently snatched it away again by kissing my lips and stroking my chest gently until it made me float.

"Mmmhh... Stop it, Marc," I groaned.

Marc let go then looked at me again.

"What?" I asked. I knew Marc was hiding something behind his amused smile.

"Do you want to explain now or wait for me to ask?" he asked.

My forehead furrowed. "Explain what?"

Marc bared his clean white teeth and laughed a little in front of my face. "Why are you wearing lingerie, huh?"

I immediately jumped in surprise and pulled the blanket up to my neck, while Marc laughed out loud.

"You're cute, Mia." Marc held back his laughter. "You act as if I'm going to rape you. If I do, it's actually okay, because you're officially my wife."

I just snorted harshly at being teased by Marc like that. Then I curled up again with my back to him after being absolutely sure that I had wrapped the blanket correctly around my body.

Marc hugged me from behind. "You know what? I love you one hundred percent. So if you want it, you just tell me."

I know he was talking about my pride. He was a little right about that, but I still didn't want to lose and let out a rough breath. "You slept last night!"

Marc smiled mischievously. "Then let's do it now. I always want to have sex in the morning."

Without waiting for my consent, he tried to open my blanket roughly but I held back as hard as I could.

"Marc! Stop it!" I screamed.

He was starting to look frustrated again. "I really don't understand what you want, Mia."
I just kept quiet and looked at him under my blanket. Marc sat on the bed looking at me with a frown.

"You want it, don't you?" Marc asked without further ado.

I nodded shyly, he smiled.

"But not now?"

"Not now," I answered.

"Okay, then when? Tell me clearly. What are you waiting for?"

I smile. I'm glad he tried to understand.

"I'm waiting... for my fertile period."

His eyebrows rose.

"You know? If... we do it during my fertile period, my chances of getting pregnant will be greater. Isn't that the purpose of a honeymoon?"

Finally I can see Marc's smile again which I love.

"Am I stupid?" I asked.

Marc came closer to me and kissed my lips gently. "No, you're smart. OK, I'll wait."

I sighed in relief and smiled. Then Marc lay down next to me again and hugged me.

"When exactly is that?" Marc asked.

I lifted my face and looked at him. "Tomorrow, at Dolphin Island."




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