Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

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Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



475 23 167
By sun_ve

When you woke up you heard a thud noise. You gently open your eyes and look around. That's right, your memories...

You lift your head up and rub the back of your head and dust yourself off.

"You alright?" You hear Steve say from farther off.

"I'm fine- it's good." Hunter says standing up from the middle of  the spell circle.

Your eyes widen and your drop your things and run over to him.

"Hunter!!" You exclaim and run over to him.

His eyes widen as he turns to look at you. He's even more than prepared for your big hug you give him and he immediately embraces you as tightly as he can with his unbroken arm. He's been waiting for this moment just to hold you.

Steve smiles and backs away a little to let you have your moment. He goes on his scroll to inform the others.

"Y/n..! Titan! I was so worried about you..!" He says softly and holds you tightly.

"I was even more worried, your broken arm..! Oh my Titan, you look like you haven't slept at all." You say softly and hold his face.

"Are you okay now? You're healed? Everything's fine..? How badly did Belos hurt you? Darius and Eber got you out right??" You say frantically and hug him tighter.

"I'm fine, everything's fine. It's better now. I'm just so glad you're here..." He says softly and holds your face.

"I gave away the guild... I'm.. im so sorry- I didn't mean to- he was... he was hurting me Y/n, it.." He says nervously.

"I don't care, it's okay, we'll fix it." You say.

"I tried so hard not to- It just slipped out.." He says gently.

"It's okay, I promise you it's okay, we'll fix it." You say running your hands against his face.

"I missed you so much." He says gently, holding you close to him.

"I missed you too." You say.

Hunter looks over at Steve quickly who has his back turned and is on his scroll, he then quickly looks back over at you.

"...I've been dying to kiss you, can I please kiss you?" He whispers.

"I've been dying to too." You whisper.

"Thank Titan." He says quickly and kisses you.

He holds you tightly and eagerly kisses you. You grab the back of his head and kiss him hard, like you've been waiting for this for forever.

He replants his lips quickly and tightly against yours, running his hand through your hair. Clenching his shoulder, and still kissing him.

You quickly let go and break the kiss. Both of you quickly glance at Steve who still has his back turned and is on his scroll. You both look back over at each other and laugh softly.

"Don't wanna get in trouble." Hunter smiles and whispers softly.

"Me neither." You smile.

"I just really love you, I'm sorry." He whispers again.

"Don't be, I love you too." You whisper.

His heart warms up and he kisses you quickly again. You kiss him again as well and hold the back of his head intently with both your hands. He sighs softly and holds your back and runs his hand gently up your spine.

You both are trying to be so stealthy with this.

You quickly glance at Steve again and then back at Hunter and you drag his face close to you and kiss him deeply on the lips. He's mesmerized and practically melts a little as you kiss him. This is the medicine he needed.

Gripping him tightly, deepening the kiss quickly and then-

"Okay." Steve says.

You both quickly pull away from one another in less than a second and stand like readied army soldiers, faces both red.

You glance at Hunter, who has a goofy lovestruck smile slapped on his face, nudging him quickly, he immediately shakes it off his face.

Steve turns around finishing what he was doing on his scroll.

"I told Eda we're good to go, she says according to Darius there's some emperors coven scouts out front spectating the guilds entry." Steve says.

"Have anyone broke in?" You ask.

"No, Eda and some guild scouts set a barrier around it, and tried their best to camouflage the entrance as best as possible." Steve explains.

"There has to be a way to distract them, to lure them away." You say.

"They'd only go if someone were to change their orders." Hunter says.

"And how would we do that?" You ask.

Steve puts a finger against his chin.

"Who do you think is giving them the orders? Are they straight from Belos? Himself?" Steve asks.

"Belos did tell some soldiers, but the one who's in charge of the operation would be someone in a higher lead, if I were still golden guard it would most likely be me giving further instructions." Hunter says.

"So in this case it would most likely be Kiki." Hunter says.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she was. She's overly loyal to Belos." Steve sighs.

"So if we were to get her to alter her instructions, we could call the soldiers off." You say.

"How would we do that?" Steve says.

You smirk.

"Mind control obviously, I know how to make those kinds of potions." You smirk.

"You...what?" Hunters eyes widen.

"Yeah, I know a bunch of forbidden potions." You grin.

"Freaky." He mutters.

"I have a vial of it at home but unfortunately I can't get that, I've practiced them before, I know how to make them." You say.

"Don't tell me you've used them before." Steve says.

"I haven't. But I always have wanted to, I've sometimes brought them on sneaky missions just in case I need to use it, incase I ever get caught." You say.

"So we need to get you somewhere where you can make them." Hunter says.

"Yes..! Like that abandoned brewery I first met you at? It has a cellar outside, stocked with supplies." You grin.

"No it doesn't, when me and my scouts went we searched that place top to bottom, there was nothing." Hunter furrows his eyebrows

"I found it and you guys didn't. You think I would have told you back then as the golden guard?" You smile.

"...fair." He says.

"So we need to go there and you're gonna make that potion?" Steve asks.

"Yes, it'll work for sure." You say.

"How far is it?" Steve says.

"It's not too far it's inbetween Latissa and Bonesburrow." You say.

"Perfect, so it's on the way, let's go." Steve says.

You and Hunter both nod, you take his hand in yours tightly and you begin walking together.

After a while you see the brewery up ahead. Immediately you make your way over to it and you go outside net it's entrance

You watch Hunter and Steve as they follow behind you.

"It's down here!" You say thumping down on the grass floor and trying to open it.

"You're standing on grass." Hunter folds his arms.

"No, it's hollow underneath if you stomp on it... I just need to find the hatch...." You mumble leaning down to open the cellar.

It clicks open and you grin.

"Yes! Come on! In here!" You grin and go down the stairs.

Hunters eyes widen as he sees how you figured it out. To think he didn't see this, hm.

"So... what are the ingredients?" Steve smirks.

"Toads eyes, snake shed, fire bee honey, and a piece of my hair." You smile.

"Piece of your hair?" Hunter scoffs.

"Right... so... the mind control isn't technically mind control, it's more like a mind swap. So when Kiki drinks this, her mind and I's will be switched. She's gonna be in my body, and I'm going to be in hers. So since she will be in my mind she needs some of my DNA." You say.

"Which, I figured while I'm controlling her body, and her words, you guys need to keep my body in check. Make sure she doesn't do anything while shes swapped with me." You say.

"Oh Titan are you kidding me? I don't wanna look at you and think of Kiki. I don't wanna be a jerk to you." Hunter grumbles.

"Yeah... Titan that's unsettling." Steve shakes his head.

"You wouldn't be a jerk to me you'd be a jerk to Kiki!" You say.

"And I don't wanna look at Kiki and think of you either!" Hunter says.

"Well what else do you propose?" You raise an eyebrow.

They both fold their arms and sigh.

"We also need some sunflower seeds." You say.

"Each seed represent an hour, how many hours should me and Kiki swap?" You ask.

"Id say maybe 2 or 3. Once you call a retreat you need to send them back to their stations. Give them new missions. I can help you with that if you want." Hunter says.

"I just need a scout disguise and i can help tell you what to do." Hunter says.

"And then Steve deals with Kiki in my body all by himself?" You ask.

"Hhnmmm.. as much as I don't wanna be left alone with Kiki in your body It would be best if he went with you and guided you through the process of what to say and stuff, how to sort them out, you're not familiar with being an assistant leader of a coven head." Steve says.

"Gonna be so weird having to talk to you but you look like Kiki." Hunter grumbles.

"My voice is gonna be annoying." You say.

"Unfortunately." Hunter laughs softly.

"But as long as I know it's you in there I'll be fine." Hunter says.

"Yeah, anyway, the cellar has a bunch of things to make potions they must have stocked stuff here in case of emergencies." You say going through the cupboards and drawers looking for the ingredients.

"Can someone set the stove on and fill the pot with water. There's a sink over there" You say.

Steve grabs the pot and fills it with water while Hunter sets the stove on. He walks over to you to see if you need any further help.

"You finding everything okay?" He asks.

"Um... I found snake skin... I need toad eyes and fire bee honey." You say

"Okay.. I'll help." Hunter says walking around.

Hunter helps look for the remaining ingredients, pulling open some drawers and looking for any remaining ingredients. He opens one cabinet and it seems to have some premade potions in there.

He looks at them curiously and goes through them. There's many potions in there. They all have labels on them.

He picks a random one up and it says "mors serum"

He stares at it for a moment. Mors is Latin for a specific word. He recognizes it and he takes it and puts it in his pocket just in case.

"Oh! I found toad eyes!" You say.

Hunter glances at you and then back at his pocket. It's just a precaution incase anything bad happens. He closes the cupboard and keeps looking around.

He goes through a few more drawers and looks around. He sees a few vials in there and he picks one of them up.

It's an orange yellowish thick liquid.

"Oh that's it! Fire bee honey." You say and snatch the vial from him.

"Oh! Good." He nods.

You grab the supplies and it seems Steve has already set the pot back down on the stove. You grin and gently drop the snake shed in the pot. It makes the brew turn green. Hunter and Steve watch behind you.

"Brewing some devious concoctions." Steve smiles.

"You betcha." You smirk.

"What?" Hunter asks.

You and Steve both laugh a little and Hunter looks confused.

You drop the toad eyes and it disintegrates when it touches the brew, and now it turns a brighter green.

Hunter watches.

"Potions seem pretty easy." Hunter says.

"It's just gathering the materials which is the hard part, a lot of people in the potions coven are really outdoorsy people because they need to find things to support their field." You say.

"Hm, I guess that makes it more fun though. It's like a scavenger hunt, finding the right ingredients outside." He says.

"It is! I really like it." You say unscrewing the cork from the vial the honey is in.

You gently pour it into the brew and it turns a darker green now. Hunters eyes widen, as it suddenly turns from a bright green to a dark green.

"Now... how about... 3? Seeds?" You say, growing a sunflower with some plant magic.

You pluck out some of its seeds.

"There is fine." Steve says.

You nod and drop 3 seeds into the potion. It grows brighter.

"And now the final touch." You grin and pluck a hair out of your head.

"This is what will allow her to swap minds with me." You grin and drop the hair into the bowl.

It burns up into the brew and mixes itself spreading into the brew.

"And... then when you know the potions done... it gives a little puff of air." You say.

The pot rattles a little bit and Hunter and Steve watch it. It continues to rattle and then suddenly a big puff of air pops out of the brew and thats how you know it's finally done.

"Perfect!" You grin and grab an empty potion bottle and slowly pour it into the bottle. It fills it all the way up and you pop a cork into it to secure it.

"Now..! Here's the plan I have!" You grin.

"One of you guys needs to give her the potion. Make it look like something she would wanna drink." You say.

"I'll give it to her, I'll fit in like a regular scout and hand it to her." Hunter says.

"And say what? You can't talk. She knows your voice." You say.

"Ahah, here's what I have in mind. Kiki loves Belos, she's overly loyal to him. Any sentiment or compliment he gives her she gets thrilled. So...! I was thinking this.." Hunter holds up a finger and smiles.

"Do you have any paper?" He asks.

"I have glyph paper. Unused if you want want." You say.

"That works." He says.

You go through your bag and hand him some glyph paper and a pen. He smiles and he grabs it and writes on it.

You and Steve watch him as he writes something on the paper. He finishes and then pokes a hole on a corner of the paper.

"...I need string or something, to tie it around the potion." Hunter says.

"Oh! I'm sure they have some somewhere down here." You say going over to one of the little tables near the cellar with some tools and supplies.

Just as you suspected you find some string and give some to Hunter.

Hunter grins and ties the note he wrote onto the potion. He then hands it over to you guys and smirks proudly.

Steve gets a first look at it and then immediately starts laughing.

"HAH! that's rich, she'll fall for it." Steve laughs.

"Of course she will." You roll your eyes and smile.

"So..! You'll go over to Kiki disguised as a guard and hand this to her?" You say.

"Yeah, she won't even ask me questions, she'll take it immediately." Hunter smirks.

"Okay! So while I'm in her body you'll help me take the guards back to the palace... and Steve will deal with Kiki while he's in my body?" You say.

"How are you gonna do that Steve?" You ask.

"While Hunters giving Kiki the potion, me and you are gonna go. We can just sit in the woods. I'll make sure you don't run off." Steve says.

"I'll probably use some construction magic and solidify your arms and feet so when Kiki's minds in yours she won't be able to cause any damage or do anything. I'll just have to put up with her complaining." Steve says.

"I'm so sorry." You say.

"I'll just listen to music to block out her complaints." Steve says.

"Okay. So... first things first, we need to find a uniform for Hunter." You say.

"We can drop by moms, I think I have a spare there he can borrow. I left one there a while back just in case." Steve says.

"Do you think mom and Stephen are there?" Steve says.

"Stephens always working. I'm not sure about Mom though, sometimes she has shifts sometimes she doesn't." You say.

"Matt will be home, he's always home, unless he's with Gus." You say.

"Okay! Let's drop by the house real quick and get Hunter a uniform." Steve says.

"Sounds like a plan." You nod.

You take Hunters hand and smile. He smiles gently and takes your hand as well. He has a little blush on his face.

You, Steve, and Hunter now all begin walking to the house.

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