The Baby Project. C.H. (A.U.)

By Foreverattached

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"This is no ordinary thing, our love." -SEQUEL TO THE BOYFRIEND PROJECT.- More

The Baby Project.
One // Home.
Two // Unexpected Surprises.
Three // Reunions.
Four // Intoxicated.
Five // Old and New.
Six // Truth.
Seven // Unanswered.
Eight // Christmas Eve.
Nine // Home Truths.
Ten // Heart to Heart.
Eleven // Positive.
Twelve // New Life
Thirteen // Reflect.
Fourteen // Luck.
Fifteen // Secrets.
Sixteen // Grudges.
Seventeen // Reality.
Eighteen // Bliss.
Nineteen // Decsions.
Twenty // Starting over.
Twenty Two // Revelations.
Twenty Three // Ache.
Twenty Four // Struggle.
Twenty Five // Engagement.
Twenty Six // A little bit of normal.
Twenty Seven // Dangerous Territory.
Twenty Eight // Break Down.
Twenty Nine // Reunited.
Thirty // Better late than never.
Thirty One // Toothy Grins.
Thirty Two // Ours.
Official Playlist (Plus More!)
Thirty Three // Confession.
Thirty-Four // Communication.
Thirty Five // Breakups.
Thirty Six // Family Dinners.
Thirty Seven // Connected.
Who's who.
Thirty Eight // Ghosts.
Thirty Nine // Homecoming.
Forty // Taking Sides.
Forty One // Youth.
Forty Two // Making Plans.
Forty Three // Meetings.
Forty Four // Reveals.
Forty Five // Gifts.
-Let me know-
Forty Six // Birthdays.
Forty Seven // Details.
Forty Eight // Bachelorette. (Genie)
Forty Eight // Bachelor. (Calum)
Forty Nine // Before we say I do.
Fifty // I Do (Genie)
Fifty // I Do (Calum)
Fifty One // Honeymoon.
Fifty Two // Birdie.
Fifty Three // Rapture.
Fifty Four // Family Blowout.
Fifty Five // Apple Seed.
Important authors note!
Fifty Six // Across the world and back.
Fifty Seven // Dirty Laundry.
Fifty Eight // First Birthdays.
Fifty Nine // Pleasure.
Sixty // Mended.
Sixty One // Bubble.
Sixty Two // Baby Blues.
Update on updates.
Sixty Three // Olive Branches.
Sixty four // Chocolate Chip.

Twenty One // Paint.

7.8K 219 76
By Foreverattached

A/N: Ugh. The picture on the side is Calum when he was in Auckland and he looks so good it hurts..I'm going to be talking about the 5sos concert at the end of this chapter so just be warned haha.

"I think we should pick yellow." Calum says looking pleased with himself. I scrunch my nose up at the paint colour that he was suggesting and shake my head. "What's wrong with this one?" Calum groans.

"It's making me feel nauseous." I tell him getting an eye roll. For the last twenty minutes Calum and I had been trying to agree on a colour for the baby's nursery, though it wasn't going very well considering every time one of us suggested a colour we would argue about it.

"You've said that about the last three colours I've suggested." Calum points crossing his arms over his chest.

"That's because they have." I tell him as a matter of fact.

"Oh please Genie, you're pregnant and nausea is a key symptom." Calum says and it's now my turn to roll my eyes.

"Wow I wouldn't of known that unless you told me." I reply sarcastically. "Why do you keep picking yellow's?" I ask picking up on Calum's colour pattern.

"Because yellow is perfect for a girl." Calum shrugs and I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"Who said we're having a girl?" I ask fighting the urge to smile

"It's just a feeling." Calum hums cutely.

"Uh huh." I say looking over the colours again. "Oooh what about that blue?" I point excitedly at a gorgeous pale blue colour.

"Blue is too boyish." Calum complains and I can't help but sigh. Why in the world was this difficult?! Calum and I usually agreed on things easily enough but we were just butting heads on this one.

"It is not. Blue can be very neutral." I scoff. "Why are you being so annoying today?"

"Why are you?" Calum retorts before cracking a smile. In a way I felt bad because I had been terribly snappy with Calum since I had woken up and I didn't know how to not be.

"Okay." I exhale looking over the colours once more. "What about that one?" I ask pointing to a really pleasant coral colour. It was a mixture of blue and green but it wasn't quite turquoise, In fact I actually really liked it.

"That is..." Calum pauses taking a closer look. "That is kind of perfect."

"You think?" I smile happily. I definitely thought that the colour worked for either genders and since we weren't going to be finding out for awhile, it seemed perfect. Calum and I had decided that we wanted to paint the nursery straight away. I mean what was the point in waiting?

"Yes and I'm so relieved." Calum admits letting out a chuckle. "Lets not fight about paint again."

"Agreed." I tell him as he plants a kiss to my cheek. "So can we get the paint and then go get some food?" I ask and Calum looks amused.

"What's so funny?" I question him as he reaches for two punnets of the colour that we wanted.

"You ate like thirty minutes ago."

"And your point is what exactly?" I demand shooting him a frown.

"Oh nothing." Calum shakes his head amusement still clear on his face. "Nothing at all."

"You bet your ass nothing." I tell him.

"My cute ass right?" Calum asks that wonderful smirk of his spreading across his lips.

"Go buy the paint Hood." I playfully roll my eyes at him.

Twenty minutes later Calum and I were sitting in cafe. I and obviously the baby were feeling beyond satisfied with the banana pancakes that I had demolished only minutes ago.

Calum had claimed he wasn't hungry and instead had ordered a lime milkshake which to me smelt utterly delightful.

"So do you want to paint when we get back home?" Calum asks and I nod in response. "Oh babe I forgot to tell you. Mali called this morning and wants-"

"Luke." I say completely interrupting Calum.

"What?" Calum frowns. "Not Luke, Mali." Calum says and I shake my head at him.

"No." I tell him letting out a laugh. "I heard you Cal but Luke is right over there." I explain pointing over to where Luke currently was. He was standing by his car looking a little nervous which only made me curious.

"What is he doing?" Calum asks though I know he's not expecting an answer.

"Come on." I say standing from my chair and grabbing my bag. "Lets go say hi." I really didn't see the point in us just sitting there and staring at him.

Calum doesn't say anything instead he stands from his seat and follows after me.

"Hey Blondie!" I yell getting Luke's attention. His head whips toward Calum and I and a smile lights up his face.

"Oh hey." Luke waves before we reach him. "Fancy seeing you two here." Luke mumbles biting down on his lower lip. Something seemed weird with him...or maybe I was just imagining it.

"Yeah." Calum chuckles giving Luke a funny look. "I thought you were going to visit Ben and Abby?" Calum asks. I did remember Calum mentioning that Luke was going to visit his older brother and wife for a couple of days but yet here he was?

"Uh change of plans." Luke shrugs looking awkward. "What are you two doing?"

"We just chose paint for the nursery." I tell him excitedly getting grins from both the boys.

"That's awesome. When are you going to start painting?" Luke asks raising his eyebrows in curiosity, knowing Luke he probably wanted to help us paint.

"Today." Calum says taking a sip of his milkshake. I really didn't even know how he still had any left.

"That's cool." Luke nods looking a little on edge. What was this boys problem? "I hate to do this to you two but I actually need-" Luke cuts himself off as he looks behind us. "Shit." He grumbles.

Calum and I both give him looks of confusion before following his gaze which was currently focused on a very pretty brunette who was on her way towards us.

"One minute." Luke tells us then hurries over to the mystery girl.

"Do you think that's Katie?" I ask Calum who gives me a small grin before nodding.

"That's definitely Katie." I turn my focus back to Luke and the brunette who may or may not be Katie.

They were exchanging words and Luke looked flustered as the girl smirked at him. Luke says something before she rolls her eyes and then walks over to Calum and I.

"Hi. I'm Katie." She introduces herself giving us both a genuine warm smile.

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Genie." I introduce and her eyes widen.

"Genie! Oh and you must be Calum." Katie beams turning to Calum as Luke reaches us looking very nervous.

"That's me." Calum replies giving her a smile.

"I've heard so much about you two and I've honestly been dying to meet you but someone." Katie pauses only to shoot Luke a quick glare. "Doesn't seem to want me to meet his friends."

"I never said that!" Luke groans sounding defensive.

"Yeah well actions speak louder than words Luke." Katie tells him sternly.

Well I liked this girl already.


"Sorry we hijacked your date." I say to Luke and he shrugs not seeming bothered. After talking with Katie for awhile she had kindly offered to help Calum and I paint the nursery and of course she had offered Luke's services as well.

"It's fine." Luke says looking over at Katie who was already painting away.

"She's lovely by the way." I tell him and watch as he blushes like a school girl. Whipped Luke was very cute.

"Yeah, she's pretty great." Luke mutters as Calum joins us. He had gone to find the rest of the paint brushes which for some reason I had put in our bathroom.

"Here." Calum hands me a paint brush.

"Thanks." I grin at him before taking the paint brush from his hand and going over to where Katie was currently standing. "I must say you have a very skilled hand." I compliment her noticing how precise her paint strokes were.

"Oh thanks! I'm actually studying art." Katie tells me. Talented too, Good work Luke.

"Really? That's awesome. I always wanted to study art but then life kinda got in the way." I explain. It didn't really matter that I didn't go and study though because I still ended up on the career path that I wanted. I guess I was one of the lucky ones.

"Well it's never too late you know." Katie shoots me a smile. "So I take it Luke hasn't said much about me."

"No. He really hasn't." I admit and she doesn't look surprised at all.

"I know I've only just met you and all but you know Luke a lot better then I do you mind if I ask you something?" Katie questions and I nod.

"I'm just really confused about him. I mean we've been seeing each other for about six months now yet I feel like I barely know him." Katie says and I'm shocked at the fact that Luke has managed to keep his relationship with her hidden for that long. "He talks about all of you a lot and I guess I've been so eager to meet you all because it will give me the chance to know him better. I guess I just wanted to ask you if there's something I should know about why he's so..."

"Disconnected." I finish for her and she nods.

"Exactly. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong?" Katie looks almost desperate and my heart breaks for her. I had always worried that because of everything that happened with Claudia that Luke wouldn't be able to fully give himself to someone and I guess I was right.

I look over to Calum and Luke who luckily for us were in their world of cake.

"Trust me Katie, it's not you." I let out a small sigh. "Luke doesn't talk much to me about relationship things but my best advice to you would be to just give him some more time because the last time Luke gave his heart to someone it got broken, so he's just being cautious." I explain hoping that I haven't crossed any lines.

"More time." Katie says more to herself than me. "Thanks Genie, it means a lot."

"Don't mention it." I smile at her. "And if you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask."

"Same goes to you." Katie grins before we move to a much lighter conversation topic.


"I'm so beyond ready for bed." I exhale spreading my body across the floor of the nursery. Luke and Katie had left hours ago and Calum and I had just put the finishing touches to the nursery.

"Well that makes two of us." Calum replies dropping down to his knees beside me.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I feel his hands snake to the bottom of my shirt before lifting it up to my chest.

"Shh." Calum coos. A few seconds later I feel a coldness hit my stomach.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle craning my neck up to see that he was painting something on my stomach.

"You'll see." Calum tells me looking pleased. A content sigh escapes my lips as my eyes flutter close.

For now my hormones were at bay and I was actually in a good mood except for the fact that I was really tired.

"Done." Calum says and reopen my eyes before siting up to inspect my stomach. Written across it were the words 'I love the two of you'.

"We love you too." I tell him then sit up only so I can be level with him. "Thank you."

"For what?" Calum asks looking adorably sleepy.

"Just...everything. I don't think I tell you enough you know? You mean the world to me Calum and I know you're going to mean the world to someone else too." I was feeling extra sentimental tonight and I think it was because of everything that had happened lately. Sam and Andrew were getting a divorced and Luke was still struggling to open his heart so I guess I felt lucky to have Calum, we had been through a lot but for us it had only made us stronger and I knew that I could get through absolutely everything as long as I had Calum by my side.

"You don't need to thank me Genie." Calum shrugs. "I would do anything for you, I've always felt that way and I don't think it's ever going to change.

A/N: This chapter was odd but important?

Anyway I saw 5sos on Thursday night
And it was seriously one of the best nights of my life. The boys were just beyond incredibly in every way, shape or form and I didn't think it was possible but I fell even more in love them.

They all performed perfectly and I just loved seeing how at home they are on stage, it seriously warms my heart. I adored all of the moments the boys had on stage, there were honestly so many! I mean I have a new found respect for Cashton :p

One of my favourite moments from the concert was when Calum got his cousin on stage to play bass. It literally killed me okay? And all I could think was that he's going to be the best dad one day!

Anyway I shall stop rambling now but if you get the chance to see the boys then take it, you won't regret it!

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