Pain Always Comes After Happi...

By ShatteredOJ

35.3K 724 2.1K

After Jake Sterling loses his 8 of his friends, he begins to act differently. He doesn't get sleep, he gets s... More

Chapter 1- This Wasn't Supposed To Happen
Chapter 2- An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 3- A Strange Day
Chapter 4- A Strange Night
Chapter 5- Not The Truth
Chapter 6- The Truth
Chapter 7- Alone In The Rain
Chapter 8- Just A Dream
Chapter 9- Pain Always Comes After Happiness
Chapter 10- Look At What You've Gotten Yourself Into
Chapter 11- I Want To Go Home
Chapter 12- 2 On 2 Hallucinations
Chapter 13- November Snow
Chapter 14- Jake..?
Chapter 15- I'm Right Here
Chapter 16- I'll Get Us Out Of Here
Chapter 17- Hold On
Chapter 18- Finally Free
Chapter 19- Void of Nothingless
Chapter 20- Separated From Feeling Okay
Chapter 21- Broken Daisy Petals
Chapter 22- Regretfully Insane
Chapter 23- Insanity Got To The Flower
Chapter 24- Unexpected News????
Chapter 25- I forgive you :)
Chapter 26- I Can't Imagine Life Without You
Chapter 27- I Can't Stand It
Thank you...

Chapter 28- Goodbye

608 6 21
By ShatteredOJ

If you are new to this- Please go read the other parts to understand the following! Thank you!



Hope you enjoy! :D


H: " Here you are, Sean. "

A pause.

H: " Well, I better be off now... I have to go cooperate with Drew- and we're gonna put Zoey in her place.. Bye Sean. Love you! "

If he wasn't crowded in his thoughts, Sean would've said something back. Like an I love you too, or a see you later.

Hailey walked off, to the hospital. Hopefully to find Drew or Zoey. She was praying to find Drew, she didn't want to be Zoeys next victim.

-20 Minutes later-

H: " Drew? You in there? "

Hailey stood behind the side of the door that Drew was on. Knocking a few times before waiting for a response.

H: " Drew? Drewwwwwww? "

She knocks on the door several more times, even trying to open it. It wouldn't budge. It was locked.

H: " Why in the- Why is a hospital room locked?! Drew answer me! "

Hailey then sighs. She figured she'd probably get a nurse to help her out here. So that's what she did, she was off to find a nurse.

-15 minutes earlier-With Drew & Zoey-

D: " Zoey. You can't keep pretending to be insane. Just because you murdered someone and attempted murder on two other people doesn't mean you have to act like a psychopath. "

Z: " Accidental murder, actually "

D: " Whatever. Why'd you do it? "

Z: " I didn't mean to murder him! "

D: " You drove him off a hell of a bridge?? "

Z: " No! Jake and Luke are lying! Zander appeared in the middle of the road and I didn't want to hit him, so I swerved. It's that simple. "

D: " You dug a hole and pushed Jake and Sean into it! "

Zoey goes silent, not knowing how to explain a lie of why she did that.

D: " Were you trying to dig their graves? "

Z: " N-No! "

She thought for a moment, her face scrunched up and blank.

Z: " Hand me your phone. "

D: " Why? "

Z: " I need to call my mom. Duh. "

D: " Fine. I'll be keeping an eye on you. "

Z: " That's fine, I honestly couldn't care. "

Drew hands Zoey the phone, which honestly would be a mistake if you're talking to her.

She turns around, so her back is facing him.

Z: " Thanks Drewy Bear~... "

Drew glares at her, then watches Zoey call her mother.

Z: " Mom. Mom. I'm sorry for what I did. "


Z: " What did I do? You haven't seen it on the news? Haven't questioned why I'm in the hospital? "


Z: " Ya know Mom.. That's okay, all I ask is that you forgive me for what I'm about to do... But it only matters in a few seconds into the future, bye Mom. "

Zoey hangs up as she turns to an angle, not where Drew is, but where the bathroom is. She lifts up her arm, the one with the phone in it, and chucks it across the room, hitting the middle of a mirror. It's not that she had any talent of doing that or anything, it was just determination.

D: " Zoey?! What the hell?! "

Z: " It doesn't matter! You probably have 11 other ones in hell!! "

She runs over to the bathroom, pretending not to care about all the glass she's stepping on. The glass stabs through her feet, making blood drip and easy to slip on. It stings in her feet, many mini mirrors reflect on the ground.

Z: " Goddamn it... " She mumbles under her breath.

D: " Zoey.. What in actual f_ck are you doing?! "

Z: " Shut up... Shut up... SHUT UP!!! "

D: " What the f_ck?! Are you going insane?!!??!?! "

Z: " You ruined it all! "

D: " How did I do this?! You were the one to record Jake saying all that crap! Now we're here. All because of you! "

Z: " No... No no no.. This is all... Daisys fault! "

She picks up a shard of the mirror. Inspecting it. It was a medium size, but not the biggest piece.

D: " What are you doing now? "

Zoey turns to Drew.

Z: " Something I will regret... "

She pauses.

Z: " But I should've done a long time ago. "

She then inspects the glass shard one last time, before throwing it at Drew. It hits him in his inner right arm.


Drew yelps out in pain. He tries to take the glass out, but it's dug into his skin, and was way too painful.


He looks at the blood, spilling out of his arm, as the glass pierces his skin.

Z: " Shut up!! "

She throws another at him, this one bigger than the one before, it lands, scraping through the inside left side of his chest. He yells out, pained.

D: " WHAT- " cough cough " IS YOUR PROBLEM-!? "

Z: " Everything! You! Jake! Daisy! "

D: " What- " cough " about her?! "

Z: " She.. She made Jake go into the music club! You agree! This is Daisys fault! "

Drew looks at Zoey with a light headed and a serious face. He shakes his head. No. He doesn't think it's Daisys fault. At all.

D: " No..- "

He looks down at his chest, his arm. He notices the blood loss and his vision starts to drain out of his consciousness.

D: " Zoey... You're a.. monster.. " cough cough.

Drew looks at her, in his blurry vision. He see's what isn't Zoey, but a monster. Where's the gold-digging girlfriend he knew just a few weeks ago? Or was she always like this?

As he looks at her, colors messed up, vision blurry, he sees a figure. Next to her. What looked to almost be the same hair color, but the figure itself was transparent. He couldn't make out what this strange figure was, at least in a state like this. He passes out, right against the door.

Z: " Now that was easy. "

She looks at Drew one last time, smirking. She flipped him off, and sticks her tongue out. Knowing he can't see her rebels.

Z: " Daisy picking time. "

As of thinking that she'd be a kid picking daisy petals off of the flower, she giggled excitedly. She hid under the bed, and very patiently waited for someone to come into the room, to find Drew. Not only did she want to see reactions, but she wanted to escape. Zoey knew that she couldn't just move Drew, passed out and against the door. So she waited. And waited. Until she heard a knock. More knocks. And a voice. A female voice.

She already knew who it was. It was Hailey. Hailey had come for Drew, they were meant to work together.

She heard the knocking fade away. And then come back a few minutes later. Before she heard the knob try to turn. The door opened slightly. Zoey heard grunting. The door pushed open some more, Drews head falling against the wall, instead of the door.

Upon hearing that thump, the door pushed open some more, with more force. Hailey pulled herself in. Gasping at the sight of Drew, and the shattered mirror. She pulled Drew aside, and opened the door, that way a nurse can walk through, which is what happened. The nurse took a look at Drew, very concerned. She knelt down in front of him, shaking his shoulder.

N: " Honey? Wake up.. "

Seeing that Drew was full on passed out, she looked at the glass shards stabbed into him. Both sharp, thick, and deep. The nurse cleared her throat and spoke nervously.

N: " I'll go get some help.. "

Standing up, she exits the room, concerned about Drew, and about how Zoey wasn't in her assigned room.

H: " What the hell even happened here? " She muttered under her breath.

Zoey crawls out from under the bed, standing up quickly.

Z: " I was the hell that happened here, thank you very much. "

H: " Zoey-?! Wha-.. Zoey! What did you do?! "

Z: " Isn't it obvious? Look at him! "

She looks at Drew herself, passed out, blood flowing out of his chest, arm. Zoey smiled. She laughed.

Z: " So weak. So cute. You know, him bleeding actually has a good look on him. "

She makes a weak attempt to cover her smile.

Z: " Welp gotta go! See ya later! In hell of course! "

H: " Zoey-! "

It was too late. Zoey had already run out of the room, Hailey was also about to leave the room, but she couldn't leave Drew alone. It'd feel wrong to. She looked at him, and sighed.

H: " Of course, it's just my luck. "

She laughs quietly in self pity. She sat down next to Drew, placing her arm over his shoulder, and waited for the nurses to attend him. Eventually, a few minutes later, she puts Drews arm around her own shoulder, standing up, and trying to pick him up.

H: " Come on Drew... Wake up. You need to wake up.. "

She then collapses, attempting to pick him up.

H: " Where are those goddamn nurses.. " She mutters under her breath.

Hailey grunts, standing up again, and looking out of the room. She hears another grunt, that isn't her own. Looking back down at Drew, his eyes have opened slightly.

H: " Drew! Drew wake up! "

She kneels down in front of him, and grabs his shoulder, shaking it.

H: " Wake up! You're hurt! We need to find a nurse for you! I can't leave you here.. "

Drew rubs his eyes with his left hand, instantly letting go of it as the pain jolts him.

H: " Drew..? You ok? "

Hailey stands up again. She looks out of the door, and then back at Drew.

H: " Be okay Drew.. please? " She whispers.

She looks back out into the hallway, and sees a few nurses and doctors rushing their way.

H: " Finally. " She says, looking back at Drew " You're gonna be okay.. "

The nurses come in and attend him, they lift him and bring him to another room. Another minute, a janitor comes to clean up all of the glass and blood.

Hailey decided not to follow. She needed to find Zoey.

She leaves the hospital, Zoey couldn't have gotten that far in a few minutes.. right? Of course.

- 10 minutes later -

Hailey was struggling to find Zoey. Then, she gets a notification. From Sean.



-Daisy called me. Didn't say anything. But I heard Zoey. She was trying to hurt her.

Is she ok???????-
R u ok??
Where r they?-

-Daisys house. Just going to guess.

Whats her address?-

-Rosemeadow lane, 923

I'll let u know what happens-


Hailey sighs.

H: " There she goes again.. trying to hurt people... " She mutters. " I best go. "

Without hesitation, she takes off, running. Running to go rescue a friend of hers.

She runs, trying not to stop, she counted in her head, 1, 2, 3, 4, and repeat, to help with the running. Her heart was beating fast, but determined.

Hailey reaches her house, about a few minutes later, and knocks on the door. Rather desperately and aggressively.

H: " Daisy?! Daisy! Are you home??? Answer the door please! I'm worried! "

No answer.

H: " I'm going to break down this door! Answer! "

Again, the only thing that replies to her is silence.

H: " Hmmmm... K well I gotta kick down the door. "

She gets ready to kick down the door, preparing herself. She then lifts her leg and aims it towards underneath the doorknob. With a few kicks, she got the kick just right, and the door flew open.

H: " Hm.. Nothing? "

Then, she hears a loud thump, and yelling.

H: " Uh no... Where even are this girls parents? "

She walks in. She carefully listens to where the yelling is.. upstairs. She runs upstairs and immediately checks all rooms. Finding Daisy and Zoey in Daisys own room. Daisys head was bleeding, and so was her leg, her wrist looked funny, and she was shaking, just looking at herself. She was sitting on the floor, near the back of the room, but not quite. Zoey was right in front of her, standing in her bloody hospital gown, holding a shovel. The shovel looks like it had been used, in the very woods of this town.

Z: " You are at fault! For everything that has happened! "

D: " I don't know what you're talking about! I didn't do anything! Please stop this! "

Z: " You may think that- but you're so wrong! In fact, Jake's dead because of you! Zander's in a coma because of you! Whatever happens, it's on you! "

D: " I don't understand! "

Z: " Of course you don't Miss Goody Two-Shoes.. " She mumbles.

She raises the shovel, right about to hit Daisy over the head with it once again.

" Hey!! Stop! "

Hailey runs in front of the shovel, causing Zoey to hesitate and stop.

Z: " And give me a reason not to kill you as well? "

H: " Why are you even doing this? Your plan got ruined! That doesn't mean you go on a murder rampage! "

Z: " It's not a murder rampage! It's revenge! "

H: " What's the difference in your case?! "

Z: " I'm trying to make everything better again! Daisy made you guys sad right? Jake too! Sean was just a bother, and Zander.. even though that one wasn't intentional, he held you guys back! He was so angry all of the time! "

Hailey laughs, everything about what she said was so fake.

H: " Oh really? And here I was thinking, that if that were true, you'd go after Milly first? "

Z: " Get out of the way! "

H: " You would never do a thing for us! Plus, why would we want our friends to die? That's so cruel!! "

Z: " Shut up! Get out of the way before I kill you too! " She pauses.

Z: " Oh right, no witnesses.. "

Zoey raises the shovel again, about to hit Hailey with it. As anyone would do, Hailey freezes up, and shields herself with her arms. Like it's gonna save her from being pained..

Then, she realizes that she isn't being hit. She is hearing no sound. She opens her eyes, to Daisy, struggling to save Hailey. She was holding the shovel, enough to make it not hit anyone.

Z: " What are you doing?! Stop that! "

D: " My Moms didn't put me into self defense lessons for nothing.. "

Hailey realizes this is her chance. She also puts her hands on the shovel, and shoves it away from herself, as well as Daisy.

(Wow so dramatic lol-)

Z: " You guys are.. You guys are a bunch of shit-heads! You're going to hell! "

Then, sirens are heard from outside. Police sirens, and ambulance sirens.

Z: " What in the actual fuck?! "

Daisy and Hailey also exchanged confused looks. Then they hear pounding on the front door.

H: " Holy crap! What in the world is happening? "

D: " I'll get the door! "

H: " No! Sit down! You're injured! "

She helps Daisy sit down on her bed. She was about to turn away, but she stayed and wiped Daisys pained tears.

H: " Make sure.. this rat.. doesn't get away. I gotta go answer the door. "

Z: " No! They're out for me! "

H: " We don't know that yet, stay still. "

Hailey runs out of the room, as the knocking progressively gets more aggressive and louder. She runs down the stairs quickly.

H: " I'm coming I'm coming! "

She opens the door. She sees the police.

H: " Erm.. Hey? "

The main cop glares at Hailey.

P: " Put your hands up! Where we can see them! "

Hailey looks confused, but she catches on quickly on what she's meant to do. She raises both of her hands.

H: " What's happening? "

P: " Now, are you the runaway hospital girl trying to hurt another? "

H: " N-No! I'll show you where she is! "

The cop nods. Hailey slowly puts her hands down, making sure it's okay to do so. She then walks up the stairs in a fast pace. She then enters Daisys room.

H: " Oh my god! "

Hailey gasps. Zoey is trying to crawl out of the window, while Daisy is trying to pull her back into the house, she's using both hands, not caring how hurt one of them is. Zoey is kicking at Daisy, trying to get her off of her.


The cop signals the other police to come into the house, as they come rushing into the house, they pull Zoey out of the window. One of them pushes her to a wall and locks handcuffs onto her wrists from behind.


P: " Tsk. Tell it to the judge. "

They start to push Zoey out of the room. Zoey takes one last chance at revenge and kicks Daisy right in the face, very hard, full of determination and anger. She just doesn't know when to stop, does she?

P: " Woah, lady! Calm down, you're gonna be in great hands, no need for violence. "

Z: " Great, but filthy! Get them off of me! "

P: " No can do. "

They push her outside and push her into the back of the police car.

Hailey snickers, seeing that.

H: " Dang, looks like shes getting a death sentence, huh? "

She looks at Daisy.

D: " Uh.. Yeah- erm. I guess. "

H: " What's wrong? "

D: " I'm in pain. That's what.. "

H: " Oh right, there are ambulances outside, maybe they can help. Lets go. "

Hailey takes her hand, and takes her outside, where the medical workers can assist her. Daisy tells them everything that happened, and all the pain. They looked concerned. And took her to get a ride to the hospital. Where they could see what's wrong, and what needs to be fixed.

They found out that she has a broken nose, a fractured wrist, and she's gonna need stitches on her leg and head.

After Daisy went in for stitches, Hailey decided to go check up on Drew, who has now also been put into a room.

H: " Hey, dummy. "

D: " Hey. "

H: " How are ya feelin, dumbass? "

D: " Well, I was good, and then someone had to come in, and ruin that good feeling. "

H: " Oh shut up. "

She laughs. Drew lets out a pained chuckle as well, immediately clutching his chest, where he had been stabbed.

H: " You good? "

D: " Sure. "

Hailey then remembers something.

H: " Soooooo... Your ex got put into jail. "

D: " What? "

H: " Hm? Don't tell me you're still on her side. "

D: " No no.. I was just wondering how they found out? Did you tell the police? "

H: " Erm... that's a good question. No- I did not.. "

D: " Who the hell-? "

H: " Maybe it was Daisy. "

D: " Daisy? What does Daisy have to do with any of this? I mean, yeah sure, her friend got murdered by Zoey but- oh wait.. "

H: " Well it's not just that, Zoey tried murdering Daisy today. "

D: " She what? "

H: " Yeah. "

D: " OH... oh yeah.. she was saying that everything was her fault, to me. It makes sense now. "

H: " Yeah, I guess. "

D: " Is she okay though? "

H: " Who? Daisy? Yeah she's fine. "

Hailey looks down. And then at the door, remember just a few hours ago, when she had been looking out of another door, trying to help Drew.

D: " U-UHM- I just wanted to say thanks, by the way.. I might be dead by now, if it weren't for you.. " He looked nervous to say this. Probably because he never had been nice to Hailey before.

H: " Oh you know what? It's not a problem. "

D: " This doesn't mean we're friends. " He crosses his arms, pretending not to care about the pain it causes him to do so.

H: " Whatever you say, richie. "


H: " So can you pay for all of the hospital bills? "

D: " No! Who are you? Zoey? Oh my gosh, so needy for money! "

Hailey bursts out in laughter.

H: " I'm pretty sure if I were Zoey, you'd be screaming at me to leave you alone. Just saying. "

D: " You don't know that. "

H: " You're right, because you'd be dead. "

D: " Shut up. "


D: " So uhhhhhh... Friends? "

H: " Frenemies at most. Nothing more than that, nothing less. "

D: " Sure. "

-Timeskip to a few days later-With Drew and Hailey-

H: " You sure you can attend the funeral? "

D: " Uhh- Yeah? He was once my best friend too, ya know? "


D: " Plus, I'm getting discharged. How bad could it be, hm? "

H: " You're acting like one of our friends didn't just die, the other in a wheelchair, and another with a fractured wrist.. And the last in a coma.. still. "

D: " No no no, only 1 of those 4 people were my friends! "

H: " If you're friends with me, then you gotta get used to it. " ... " But let's go. We have to go to his funeral. "

D: " Yeah. Ok. I'm ready. I won't cry. "

H: " Sure you won't. "

They start to walk to Shannon's car. Drew dressed in a suit, and Hailey dressed in a black dress, with Jake's necklace on. They enter the car, and wait for Shannon to start driving. Daisy is on the right hand side in the backseat of the car. Hailey gets in the middle, while Drew gets in the left hand backseat. Shannon drives over to Sean's house, waiting for him to wheel out and also enter the car.

When he does come out, Drew exits the car to help Sean out, by opening the door and helping him into the front right seat. He folds the wheelchair up and puts it next to Sean. He shrugs like what he did was nothing, and enters the car once again. Now the car is full, and they're heading towards the church, to say their last goodbyes to Jake.

When they get there, they immediately see Jake's Mom and Milo. Jake's Mother is crying and Milo is trying to comfort her. Of course it's working, but her little boy has been ripped out of her arms, forever. So there was really nothing but time, to help her stop crying.

Milly, Lia, and Luke were there as well, they were waiting for their friends, while also sniffling. They couldn't believe it, that their friend was gone.

Drew, Hailey, and Daisy get out of the car, and go over to help Sean out. Hailey caught a glimpse of a rabbit hopping around. She took a double take, before staring at it. She couldn't express why she was feeling the need to look at the rabbit, it just felt.. familiar, but, not to her eyes, of course. It felt familiar to someone else's eyes, at a different time, in a different place.

Hailey shook off the feeling and wheeled Sean into the church. She felt someone grab her hand. Drew.

D: " This doesn't mean anything. I just need a hand to hold right now. "

H: " Aren't your other... hooligans, here? "

D: " You expect them to let me hold their hand? No, they'd make fun of me forever. "

H: " What makes you think I won't make fun of you? "

D: " Because you're actually considerate and not spoiling people's secrets. "

S: " Who says I won't spill your secret? I already spilled Zoey's, so why not you. "

D: " Oh right, you called the cops, didn't you? Well, that was for a reason, ok? Now stop giving me a hard time.. we're about to start crying over a dead friend. "

H: " K let's go sit down, front. "

The funeral went on. People started to cry, as it dawned on them that they would never see Jake again. He was never to pursue his dream, if he was dead. He would never sing again, never laugh again, never breathe again, never eat his favorite food again, he could never do anything ever again. All he was, was a broken memory. A fragile memory. One that would never talk again. Now he was a picture inside of a frame, never moving a muscle.

As the funeral got longer and longer, Hailey started to cry, as she heard Drew crying, quietly. They were both a crying mess, she felt Drews hand on her shoulder, as a way to comfort her maybe. She looks at Drew, she hugs him, and he hugs her back.

Eventually, people started to say speeches, about how they would miss Jake, or what Jake was to them. There weren't many, since Jake didn't know much. But it was as if his whole grade was there, mourning at his funeral.

The funeral came to an end, hours later. With everyone leaving, most were crying, it probably wasn't safe to cry and drive at the same time. Hailey turned to all of her friends, and nodded. They would all spend the night together, at Hailey's house, and making stuff for Jake. As a memorial, of course. Hailey looked at Drew.

H: " Do you wanna join? "

D: " I-.. I best not-.. "

H: " Whyyy... Pleaasseeeeee??? "

D: " ... Fine.. I'll go, you're right. I should probably take my mind off of this anyways. "

H: " Yes!!! Yes yes yes!! "

M: " Omg! Drew redemption arc! "

D: " If I go, then I'm dragging Lia along with me. At least I'll have someone familiar there, besides.. freaks. "

Drew laughs. Hailey glares at him. Drew shrugs it off and starts to walk away. They all follow after, a night of mood swings awaits them.


After a few months of waiting, Hailey and Luke found themselves hugging Zander, who had just woken up. He claimed that he had been talking to Jake that whole time he was in a coma. Of course no one believed him.

Drew had become friends with the group, and eventually, himself and Lia decided to join the music club, even if they thought they had no music talent at all. They became such good friends with each other, they stopped doubting that Drew would turn his back on them. He was actually accepted into the family, despite years of making fun of them for it. Lia too, once betrayed them, never again.

Sean abandoned his wheelchair. Though sometimes it still hurts to walk, he didn't need it anymore, after that, he preferred to stand up longer, to boost the strength of his once broken feet. He was walking fully again, and though he didn't show it much yet, he found a little happiness, and he found his way into talking with the club, instead of keeping himself silent. He learned that the day he called the police on Zoey, saved all of their lives.

Zoey, since she murdered someone, and attempted murder on 5 people, got a life sentence in prison, but they eventually decided to give her a death sentence instead.

Daisy recovered from her arm, and her nose is now crooked, and is sore at times, but she learned to live with that. She stopped staying in dark rooms to mourn, and her mental health became so much better, as she wasn't snapping at people all of the time.

Hailey stopped having hallucinations for the most part, sometimes she'd catch herself thinking Jake was still alive, and she'd talk to him in the middle of the night. Sometimes they wouldn't even be hallucinations. But, she had been prescribed with medication to take those away for good, even if she "accidentally" doesn't take them, just to talk to Jake, even though she knew/thought he wasn't real.

In all, they all decided to take therapy, there was quite a lot that happened, just in the past few months. They needed an escape, they needed to feel better, and recover. So as a team, they decided to all take therapy for awhile, and see how it works out. It's been helping them out for the better, of course. Even though they think of him everyday, Jake will still be with them, even if 'some' can't see him.

But, they're all okay now!

The End :D


Word Count: 4,839

Total Word Count: 55,338

A/N: HELP ITS OVER!!! IM CRYING TYSSSSSMMM EVERYONE!!! TY FOR 21.7K READS <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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