Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

44.5K 1.9K 9.9K

Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



522 21 130
By sun_ve

Last night you came home cold and wet. When you and Hunter got back Viney was laughing at you only making Hunter trying to contain his laughter even more.

Damn them.

You were so exhausted you went to bed early that night. Hunter didn't stay with you, he actually went to Steve's last night and slept in his new room. You wonder how that felt for him.

It was already noon and you have not left your bed. You felt terrible, you felt tired and weak. It must have been the water you inhaled and swallowed to make you feeling like this.

Viney gave you breakfast in bed since you were sick. But she had to leave for work in a little bit.

"Maybe you shouldn't have fell." She smirks.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO!" You shout.

"Boo hoo, what are you going to do all day?" She asks.

"Die." You say.

"Wrong, eat some of the stuff I got you, there's soup and tea and you can make yourself that microwave dinner." She says.

"And don't just be on your scroll all day, get some sleep." She rolls her eyes.

"I wanna at least sleep on the couch, and fall asleep watching something." You say.

"Then go to the couch." She says.

"I can't." You say.

"Do you want me to call your boyfriend?" Viney smirks.

"Oh Titan, no, I don't want him seeing me like this." You say.

"I'm sure he'd be more than willing to-"

"Viney, I am sweaty and cold at the same time, my nose is red, my temperature is high, my hair is a mess, and I am so tired." You say.

"So?" She says.

"Look at me Viney." You look at her all bug eyed.

"What else does he have to do today?" She smirks.

"Ugh... um... he's probably gonna set himself up with the scouts..." you sigh.

"Well there's still plenty time after that." She says, picking up the crow.

"I don't want him seeing me like this I will die if he sees me like this Viney, Viney. Don't do this to me." You say watching her pick up the crow.

She starts tapping in some numbers.

"VINEY." You exclaim.

"Well you have to promise you'll actually eat those stuff I got you instead of lying in bed all day, you got to get up and get something later." She says.

"I will! I promise!" You say.

She looks you in the eye and sighs and puts the crow away.

"Fine, I'm trusting you." She says.

"Thank you you're the best." You sigh and lay back down.

"Please eat the stuff I got you, I'm heading for work, sleep well." She says.

"You're my best friend." You say.

"I know I am." She smirks.

After that she left. You were lying on your bed exhausted and feeling terrible. You were so extremely tired.

Why doesn't Hunter have a scroll? It would be so cool if you could send him silly little messages and emojis.

You grumble and decide to pass out and sleep.

Exactly 3 hours pass and you are woken up by your doorbell ringing. Half asleep, you sigh and wrap the blanket over yourself and gently wobble over to the door.

Your feet are really cold and you can barely keep your eyes open.

"Who..?" You mumble softly at the door.

There's no response. You sigh softly and sniffle a little, you open the door a crack. When you see who it is you only peek your eye out.

"Are you alright?" Hunter says tilting his head.

"Who sent you." You say hoarsely.

Hunter smiles a little and chuckles softly.

"No one, I came myself... um... I got set up as a scout, I wanted to ask if you wanna go on my mission I have... um... tomorrow..? With me..?" He asks.

You sniffle and open up the door some more to look at him. When he gets a better look at you he stares at you for a good second.

"Are you...sick?" He asks looking at the blanket draped over you along with your red nose and tired eyes.

"Mmggggghhhh. " You grumble and lean your head against the wall.

"Let me come in, I can help." He says coming a little closer to you and holding your arms.

You stumble a little as he moved closer and he holds the sides of your arms tighter making sure you don't accidentally fall.

"Geez." He whispers, and closes the door behind him.

You sigh softly and lean more into him, he runs his hands up to ur arm to your shoulder and he feels the side of your neck. You don't even process him doing that.

"Hey, look up at me for a sec will you?" He lifts your chin up to look at him.

"What?" You mumble and look at him wearily.

Hunter rests his hands on your cheeks and then moves one of them up to your forehead. You close your eyes and lean onto him some more.

"You're really hot." He says removing his hand

"Wow thanks." You smile a little

"N-no, like you're burning up." He shakes his head.

You sigh and rest your head on his chest. You're both still standing at the front door and he's leaning his back against the door as you lean onto him. You close your eyes, and rest your head on him. His heart picks up.

"Hey- don't- don't fall asleep on me now. Were you asleep before I rang your doorbell?" He asks.

"Mmhm." You say.

"Why don't you go back to sleep?" He says and starts walking you to your bedroom.

You shake your head and lean more on him. His eyes widen and he blushes a little. You look up at him.

"I wanted to move to the couch and watch something." You say turning towards the couch.

You stumble a little and fall backward against Hunter. His ears go slightly red and he puts his hands on your shoulders.

"I-I'm so sorry- dizzy." You say shakily.

He stares at you for a few moments looking into your eyes. Without hesitation he immediately scoops you up into his arms and takes you to the couch.

"Oh Titan- I didn't expect you to do that." You say all breathy and grip his shirt.

He carries you to the couch and lays you down. He's looking at you like he's studying some sort of artifact or thing. You stare at him blankly and then lay your head down.

"I'll get you a pillow." He says, and goes to your room.

"Ughhhh..." you mumble and exhaustedly reach your arm out to grab the remote.

You turn the TV on and look for something to watch. What would be perfect to watch right now? You go through movie options and before you know it he's already back.

He scoops his hand under your head and lifts your head up placing the pillow underneath. You look at him and grumble a little.

"I could have moved my head myself, you don't need to help with every little thing." You mumble.

"I'm sorry who was it who was about to fall asleep on me?" He smiles.

"I was not." You sigh.

"Have you ate?" He asks.

"This morning Viney made me stuff..." You say.

"Okay, I'll make you something, um... what do you have?" He asks.

"Mmm I dunno." You sigh.

"Okay, I'll look." He says and goes over to your kitchen.

You sit up, and watch him. He stares your whole kitchen down trying to figure out what is what and where is everything.

You rub your eyes and stand up, slowly making your way over to him, blanket still wrapped around you. He finds your pantry and then finds some soup and places it down and scans your kitchen again.

"Umm..." he mumbles to himself.

You tug on his shoulder and he jumps and slightly gasps when you just suddenly appear right next to him. He sighs a little and looks at you.

"What are you doing? Go back to the couch I got this." He says.

"The um... the... the..." you stutter.

He furrows his eyebrows.

"The uh... pans are in there and bowls are in here..." you point.

"And uh... the uh... silverware... is there." You say.

"O-okay, you don't need to leave the couch." He says guiding you back to the couch again.

"Hunter you don't have to help, I can do it myself." You say.

He stares at you and folds his arms.

"I wasn't planning on staying long I just dropped by to ask if you wanted to come with me tomorrow but if you don't take care of yourself you probably won't. You might not even be better tomorrow I don't know." He says.

"I can take care of myself." You say.

"Okay- j-just let me take care of you- just for today.. okay? Please?" He asks nervously.

"Why?" You mumble.

"Because... it's the least I can do..?" He smiles awkwardly.

You grumble and rest your head on him again, he holds your arms.

"Mmm fineee..." you say.

"Okay, um... you need to lay down." He says continuing to guide you back to the couch.

"I'll sit with you once I'm done if you want." He says gently.

You lean your body against his chest again and look up at his face. He's starting to sweat and his ears and cheeks are pink just looking at you.

"You could kiss me too once you're done if you want." You say and wrap your arms around him.

His mouth slightly drops open surprised you even said that. He gets redder and then pulls you away from him.

"T-thanks... but uh... I don't really want to get sick." He mutters.

"Why? Well- I mean- I don't know why I said that- um... could you kiss me?" You say leaning on him again.

"Y/n." He says.

"I think it'll help me feel better." You say gripping his arms.

He grips your arms too and smiles nervously trying to pry you off of him.

"Please..??" You say.

"Okay, that's it." He says sternly, brushing off his arms.

He literally grabs you, lifts you up, and whirls you over his shoulder. Your eyes widen and you kick your legs trying to make him let you go.

"Hey!!" You say.

He immediately throws you off his shoulder and you plop down against the couch and rub your head. You look at him with your jaw slightly hanging.

"Stay. Okay?" He says and walks back to the kitchen.

You can't tell if you're blushing or if your face is already hot. Probably both, geez he's a lot stronger than you thought.

You sigh and rest against the couch again and you grumble and look for something to watch.

30 minutes or so pass and Hunter finished making the soup for you. He puts it on the coffee table in front of the TV and sits down next to you.

"What are you watching?" He asks.

"(Insert TV show here)." You say.

"Oh, nice." He says.

"I finished the soup for you, um... I think it came out okay." He smiles awkwardly.

You sit up slightly and pick the soup up. He watches you anxiously wondering what you think of it.

You drink some of it and eat the stuff in it. It's warm and it's helping you feel at least a little less cold. You're still a little shivery though.

"Is it okay?" He asks.

You set it down and you roll up in your blanket again. You nod at him.

"Yeah, it's actually pretty good." You say.

"Oh good, I was worried I messed something up." Hunter sighs.

"No... thank you, it's good." You say softly.

He nods softly and holds his hands together nervously. He glances at you, noticing your still shaking a little, holding your blanket tightly around you. He looks back at the TV looking at whatever your watching.

"Come here." He says.

"Why?" You say.

"...You're cold." He says.

"...won't I get you sick?" You say.

"...I don't get sick that much, you're fine." He says.

You sigh and then go over to him. You're still bundled in your blanket to keep yourself warm. He pulls you close to him and you both lay down. He lays behind you and wraps his arms around your stomach, you blush and close your eyes.


You cover the blanket over your face and nose and you feel him breathe ever so slightly against you. Hes  trying to act cool holding you like this but his face is so red.

His eyes avert to the TV screen and he tries to pay attention to whatever you're watching, but all he can think about is how he really likes cuddling like this.

You could practically feel his heart beating. You rub your eyes and look at him.

"Are you okay?" You say.

"Fine." He nods immediately and looks away from you.

You stare at him for a moment and then turn your head back to the screen. You softly adjust yourself and his heart races.

"Were you alright sleeping last night?" You say.

"A-at Steve's? Um... yeah- it was um... fine." Hunter stutters.

You rub your eyes and sniffle a little. Hunters grip on you tightens without him realizing.

You decide to turn and face him. His eyes widen as soon as your face and body is turned directly to his.

"Are... you sure you're comfortable like this?" He whispers.

"You're warm." You say and tuck your head under his neck.

He blinks frantically and you feel his heart beating faster. He nods softly and slowly wraps his arms around you.

"I-I hope um... t-that helps." He mutters.

You bundle the blanket over yourself some more and sigh. His fingers twitch slightly and he feels like he might explode.

"It does." You mumble and close your eyes.

Hunter swallows and grips you a little tighter. He stares at the TV screen and tries to ignore his red his face is.

"Okay." He whispers.

And after some time, you both lay with each other and fall asleep.

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