Just Dust N' Bones, Baby

By Brownstone59

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Sequel to Welcome To The Jungle, Sweetheart. Well, more of a part two than a sequel... "I hate getting mad or... More

I CAN be gentle... But I won't
I hate Erin
Road to Nowhere
Baby Fork
The Shining and Cheerios
I'm Back Bitches
Baby it hurts
Small-Town Values
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
I Remember You
The Coolest Person Ever
Welcome Home (Sanitarium)
Big Brother
Bohemian Rhapsody
A Thousand Voices
Starry Eyes
Shut up bitch I'm on the phone
Dumb whore
Heart of Glass
The Funeral of William Bailey
I Can't Drive 55
Luck part 1
Luck part 2
Hopeless Romantic
Pretty Tied Up
Home Sweet Home
I Used To Love Her (But I had to kill her)
Bad Kitty
Fill My World
Flying High Again
Kinky Little Princess
Goodbye To Romance
Who needs secrets, anyway?

Fucking Prick

744 9 8
By Brownstone59

            Michelle noticed that in the following days after Erin's pop-in with Axl, Axl seemed to be more like his old self, his body language was normal again, his eyes weren't eerily wide, but he was still jumpy and didn't talk very much. And nobody else could touch him but Slash. Not rest their hand on his shoulder, not brush out his hair, not even swipe a bug off his back. The most anybody else had gotten was Izzy got a fist bump when he made a sarcastic remark about Steven that Axl found amusing. But that really was it.

Michelle also saw that Erin had been popping in at the house again seemingly without Axl's knowledge, and she was getting clingy. Usually she'd just hang around for a while, Axl would try and act casual.

It was difficult though, because Axl was usually pretty sexual with girls, but he didn't want to be touched at all. So he'd have to be smart, like putting his arm around her and being cautious not to invite her to touch him back. Michelle could tell Erin noticed Axl was being off, maybe because of something around that subject. Honestly though, if it weren't for Axl having been so sexual before, then suddenly out of nowhere wanting nothing with physical contact, Michelle didn't think Erin would have noticed his strange behavior at all. Stupid bitch.

Axl had his arm rested around Erin's shoulder, Slash's head sleeping on his other. He felt uncomfortable, he just wanted to kiss the top of his head and shoo her away. But he couldn't. He felt Erin's gaze resting on him. He didn't glance at her, pretending not to notice but he could feel it.

"Axl, is there something you want to talk to me about?" she asked, her voice sounded like she was trying to squeeze an answer out of him.

Axl looked at her, "About what?"

She sighed in frustration, "I don't know, I just feel like you're not telling me something." She looked around the room and over Axl's shoulder at Slash. "Can I talk to you somewhere else, alone?"

Axl blinked at the sleeping Slash and back at her. She seemed to guess what he was about to say and furrowed her eyebrows at him, "..Don't you dare tell me that you don't want to wake him, unless you think that letting your friend sleep is more important than the concerns of your girlfriend."

Axl flared his nostrils. Bitch he is a precious angel who deserves to sleep on me all the fuck he wants. I don't give a fuck about your oh so important little opinions. Axl gave a silent huff, holding back what he wanted to say and refraining from sneering by the tightening of anger in his throat. "..Fine."

Axl brushed Slash's head gently, who sat up, looking around with confused heavy eyes and a hazy look, "Huhh?"

"I'll be right back, honey," Axl mumbled and Slash gave him a compassionate look, that Axl knew Slash wasn't the one who was worried. Slash massaged into the top of Axl's hand, letting him go and quietly reassuring him.

Axl walked with her to his room, and he panicked for a second that she wanted to have sex with him. Normally he wouldn't care but he just wanted to get back to Slash and he didn't think he was ready for that, definitely not with her. If it were Slash and he was going to be compassionate with him, he thought that he would be open for it, if he were gentle. But not with Erin.

It was okay though, she seemed like she genuinely wanted to talk.

Axl closed the door and she sat down on the edge of the bed. "I feel like I don't know you Axl," she said firmly, crossing her arms.

Axl didn't say anything, but she looked at him as if she expected him to say something or make a grand apology. "...Is that all?"

She looked taken aback, "No its not! You've barely said a word to me in days! You don't talk to me, I feel like you're a stranger! Up until a few days ago all it was just fucking sex sex sex, I don't know anything about you, and all of a sudden you don't want anything to do with physicality!"

"What are you expecting me to tell you? I'm sorry babe I'm an asshole please forgive me now lets fuck and I'll tell you my life story."

"Ugh! Why are you such a fucking prick? You act more like a good boyfriend to Slash than you do to me! You let him sleep on your shoulder all you want but if I did that you'd have a hissy fit!"

"Well have you ever thought that maybe I like Slash more than you!?" he spat.

Axl froze, realizing what he just said.

"You, what?"

"I-I, I didn't mean like that, I meant that, I meant that I know him better than you, he's my best friend, I feel more comfortable around him!"

"And who's fault is that? Its not my fault if I make opportunities to get close to you and you push me away!"

"Then what do you want me to do!?"

"I want you to treat me like how boyfriends are supposed to treat their girls!"


"Tell me how you feel! Tell me if you love me, tell me if you want to break up with me! Talk to me!"

"FINE! You want to know what I feel!?"

"Yes! Tell me!"

Axl bitterly swallowed screams of I hate you! and he quickly smashed his lips to hers. He felt her surprise clear but allowed him to push his tongue into her mouth, Slash tasted much sweeter. Axl broke off the kiss and stared at her as she looked at him with a shocked expression. Axl crossed his arms over each other, waiting for her to say something.

"...Okay, that was... Well said."

"Hm. Thanks," he snarled in contempt.

"Listen Axl, I like being with you, but I need to be able to trust you."

"...Fine. How do you want me to gain your trust."

"...Okay, it's, it's really dumb but... It bothers me when you're with Slash like that."


"I know, I know its stupid but I feel really jealous when you pay him more attention than me! And I know you're guys, you're friends and bandmates and all that and you're just fucking around like you always do, but it really bothers me!"


"Because I just- I just don't like the idea of you showing more affection to your bandmate than me, even when I know you're just fucking around."

"So what are you asking me to do? Stop hanging out with Slash? I can't do that!"

"I'm not gonna ask you to stop hanging out with him, you're in the same band, you can't not be around the lead guitarist. But just, I'd like it if you guys didn't act and pretend to be all lovey dovey all the time."

"But he's my friend, it's just what we do! It, it doesn't mean anything..!"

"Just please, honey. Would you try? For me?"

Axl gritted his teeth not to spit out any words, utterly furious. His hands balled into fists to the point he thought his fingers would snap, as he wanted to rip off her head and shred it to pieces. ".......Fine. I'll. Try."

She smiled, stupidly oblivious to his obvious hate of the idea. "Thank you," she chirped, kissing his cheek. Axl flinched but said nothing. "Mmhmm."

Axl waved goodbye to her as she blew him a kiss, hopping into her car and driving away. Once she was out of eyesight Axl slammed the door. "GOOD RIDDANCE FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed at the door.

Slash sat up from his sleep from the noise, "Whuzzah!? What!? What!?" Axl hopped onto the couch next to him, ripped away the couch cushion forcefully, and screeched into the pillow.

"Axl? What's wrong? What happened?"

Axl sat up, "FUCK I'M FUCKED," he hissed. "She knows something's wrong! She called me out on never talking to her and that I've been acting weird and won't fuck with her and- shit she doesn't want me to hang out with you anymore!"

"What!? She really said that?"

"Well, not exactly, but she said she doesn't want me being cuddly or flirty or affectionate with you anymore!"

Slash had a bewildered look, "That bitch." Slash looked out the window, "But isn't she gone?"

Axl raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? So?" Slash kissed the side of his face and he blinked in surprise. "What are you doing?" Axl asked, backing up into the couch a little.

"Covering you in affection," he replied, kissing down his jaw to his neck.

Axl glanced around, "Er- baby, not right here.."

Slash didn't pick his head up, just continued smothering his face and his neck in kisses, "Why not?"

"Ern, because..! What if somebody walked out here?"

Slash hummed, "Hmmm... They'd witness me pleasuring you."

Axl whined softly, "Baby I just, I'm not sure if I'm ready for-for that.."

Slash continued brushing his lips under his jaw, "I wouldn't hurtcha... I'd be gentle, I swear... I wanna make you feel good..." he said, an almost pleading audible in his voice. Before Axl could argue, Slash was already climbing off the couch and tugging on his arm. Axl scrambled up to his feet and Slash quickly pulled him along through the house, both giggling and grinning as Slash closed his bedroom door behind them.

Steven, walking down the hallway with Michelle wondered aloud, "I wonder why they went running off like that."

Michelle smiled in amusement, trying to act as curious as absentminded, innocent Steven, "Uh, yeah, I wonder."

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