The Replacement ✔

By Sashawrts

6.3M 387K 31.6K

Brotherhood Billionaires Book 1 Dedication ~ To The Girls Who Wanted A Man Who Will Burn Her Insecurities Int... More

The Replacement
Main Characters and Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Change 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Question Answer.
Bonus Part 1💖
Bonus Part 2 💝
Bonus Part 3 💘
New Story

Chapter 50

77K 4.6K 346
By Sashawrts

Dear Gentle Readers

Don't Forget To Vote And Comment. I tried to make the chapter interesting and as I said earlier the plot is picking up pace but I won't be leaving the important twists.

Happy Reading 📖

Shivanya has been oddly silent the entire ride after our conversation. I asked her if she was feeling well but her answers were only limited to a Yes or No. She didn't even touch anything except water. Every time I caught her looking at Me and asked if everything was fine she just nodded and looked away.

For her I asked Lorenzo for the different shades of coulor tubes , when I don't even ask for favours. I met him in Australia and he is an acquaintance of Mine just like many others no different. And his wife has some connections in the art industry and she managed to get me this stuff in return for a free getaway in the Andaman. For them it wasn't a big deal and what they asked was neither for Me. I have a resort on the Andaman island and I don't care how much time they spend there.

But Shivanya's reaction was fucking priceless. I didn't know some kind of colour would make her so happy. If I knew earlier that she would react like that I would buy her a Fucking store of all kind of expensive stuff she uses. Just so that she would throw her arms around Me and kiss Me like the way she did. Her kisses are never just a physical touch without any meaning they are so full of her emotions.

A promise to be mine.

Even fucking diamonds didn't make her so happy that three carton of colour tubes did. The files were a gift from Lorenzo.

But now her silence is disturbing. She is not someone who would not have been in a private jet because I know Madhav owns one so it's not the surrounding that bothered her. Now as we drive to the hotel her face is blank and her smiles are forced.

" Are you fine Shivanya ? " I ask for the sixth time since we left jodhpur.

" I am perfectly fine Rudra , you are unnecessarily worrying about Me when there is no need." She says with a fake smile.

" Are you worried about the dress and all because if that's the reason you are worrying yourself for nothing. " I ask her , remembering her concerns in the morning. I booked an appointment at a very good boutique so it's not something to worry about.

She laughs genuinely this time though it's short lived. " No it's nothing , I believed you when you said you will get me dressed and your choices are very good. " I did a mistake yesterday with that fuck tease blouse that was driving my mind in the wrong direction and now when I close my eyes I don't think I can erase the image of My Wife on top of Me in my fucking shirt. Her palms pressed on my chest as she leaned in giving me a hint of her pink nipples through the few top undone buttons before she kissed Me.

She could have asked me everything I own along with my life , just like that and I would have given her. Just to feel her like that. She was looking so fucking sexy like a queen with the sunrays falling on her that I was seconds away from claiming her.

I will make our first time so good and special for her that it will always be ingrained in our souls. It's just something physical it has nothing to do with love as Rishi claims. Love isn't important what is important is trust and understanding which I think we both have enough to go along and take the next step in our marriage.

" Rudra " Her voice is enough to bring Me out from the depths of my mind.

" Hmm " I say .

" Your phone !! It's ringing. " She says and I register everything around with the ring.

" You can go freshen up then we can get whatever you want. " I say swiping the card to the suit and going to the side.

I didn't go for the suite in the building instead a private suite at the ground that had a small pool in the middle open area , a master suite on one side of the pool and a tent like room opposite that also had a bed. Maybe the last minute change in the surroundings will cheer her up.

Shivanya came out after some time dressed in casual clothes. Now I feel a more than a little overdressed. Spending the time in my office and for business purposes I now don't even own a single casual jeans or even a t-shirts that isn't plain black or white.

" Let's go. " I say walking with her by my side. Some shopping with uplift her suddenly declining mood which the surroundings failed to do.

We get in the hotel car. The club isn't far away from my hotel , it's a nearby one so we will be back by lunch. The flight was almost an hour long and it's still early.

" Where are we going ? " Shivanya asks breaking the ice.

" To get you something to wear tonight. " I say keeping my eyes on the road.

Just because it's the last month of the year before Christmas and new year in a few days the event is a black tie one. But the gathering during the lunch hours will be casual. There are a lot of changes that will be made tonight by votes to widen the Club to different parts of India opening new branches. And changing the main branch to somewhere luxurious There are rumours that someone has taken over the club but no one except the founding members can say about that. The main focus is on the luxury and location with fuck tone of space. Along with the election of new committee members for the next five years who will handle the events and other things. If the rumours are true then there is no use for votes and location everything will be renewed.

I parked the car in the parking lot of the mall , I didn't had any knowledge of where to buy clothes for My wife until Nandani and Meera in the start gave Rishi a long list of clothing stores and brands, he told them that he needed them for his girlfriend. The store is owned by Nandani . I already contacted the manager regarding what I need. She is well-established now even though she is still at the start of her career but I have seen her designs and they are both elegant and classy. There are hardly any people who know she runs a famous clothing line God knows why she didn't make an appearance as an owner till now. Rishi straight out refused to mention her as the owner to anyone. Not that I go around talking about dresses and gowns for fuck sake.

We both walk into the boutique. " Rudra " Shivanya grabs my wrist coming to a halt mid-way.

" What happened ? " I ask.

" The sign , I think we are early or maybe they are closed for the day." Shivanya says looking at the closed sign.

" It's fine someone might have forgotten to change in the morning. We are not early. " I say pushing the door.

I have booked the entire store for the next three hours so that Shivanya can take her time and comfortably go through everything she needs without any disturbance. Nandani was more than happy when I booked it , she even refused me to pay for their time. But I don't want any such favours when it's not needed.

" This way Mam. " A woman says guiding us to a sitting area. The entire room is in shaded of white and cream colour. Rows of dresses and gowns lined up. A woman brings some refreshments but neither I nor Shivanya touch anything.

Her eyes roamed over the gowns lined up, fingers fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater over her shoulder. Her nervousness increased when an attendant started telling her about the clothes and asking her questions. Her nails dig in her palm like she is trying to distract herself.

" You can leave us alone. If we will need anything we'll call you. " The woman paused shocked by my request which came out as an order , eventually leaving us alone.

" Want any help ? " I ask standing behind her slowly opening her fist and rubbing her palm where the nails were digging.

She nodded a nervous smile making an appearance making me chuckle. I look turning the gowns bringing them out of the hangers. The attendant came again but this time Shivanya was more in her zone her entire focus on the clothes in my hand as she bites her lower lip between her teeth.

" Which one do you want to try ? " I ask Taking the last two gowns , we almost kept seven gowns for trying.

" This one. " Shivanya says pointing at the light pink one. She might be the only woman who doesn't like shopping.

" Take this. " keeping the sling bag on the couch near Me and make a ponytail before she goes behind the curtains. The attendant helps her when she asks.

I answered some emails along with chatting with Rishi asking about My whereabouts. I look up to see Shivanya coming out sliding the curtain and standing on the elevated circle which has glass mirrors on three sides and in front I am sitting.

She looks breathtaking beautiful , my breath stalls in my lungs at her sight. She looks like a mermaid in this gown , it hugs her delicate curves perfect and flows at her midthigh. But she can't were it. Her breast are pushed up and molded perfectly. No chance I am letting her wear it. I don't think I will survive an hour in the party before I give everyone a blue eye or even more for looking at her.

" How is it ? " She asks hopefully even the attendant smile brightly . Sorry jaan I need to crush your hopes.

" I think the color is too light. " She went back in coming our wearing a bright red gown.

' This one is better ' I think but as soon as she twril around the three strings on her bare back make me change my opinion. And she went back in making a face even she didn't looked comfortable in this one. So I won't blame myself for being an asshol this time.

I don't say anything as she tries different styles. She can wear whatever the fuck she wants and is comfortable in. It doesn't matter if someone can't keep their eyes off her I might eventually show them their fucking place one way or the other instead of buying something keeping in mind some dickheads.

By the time we are on the fifth gown I am sporting a boner just by looking at her wearing those sexy gowns. One show too much cleavage , one literally held by fucking strings , the other has a slit so high , and that fucking net on the corset. The style is not above her comfort.

" Rudra ! Say something. " The attendant leave us alone.

" You look good in everything you wear Shivanya. " I say as a matter of fact.

What do I even tell her now.

We toss and turn a few more gowns before stopping on the one that looks better than the rest. I turn around to hand Shivanya the gown but stop mid sentence. I see her looking at the gown that's put up on a mannequin. Earlier also I saw her looking at it. She quickly turns in my direction Taking the gown from my hand and going behind the curtains .

" Can you get us that one ? " I ask the attendant .

" Sir Mam also asked about that one but it's a size smaller. " She says confirming my suspicion .

" Can you alter it by five in the evening today. " She looks confused.

" I don't think today will be possible but.... "

" But what ? " I ask. If my wife wants something she gets it.

" Since you are a friend of Mam I think we can make it work , she told us to make sure you get what you need. " She says.

I don't know Nandani well but since she is Rishi's sister this wasn't something unexpected.

The gown Shivanya comes out wearing is also stunning. " We are taking this one. " I say looking at the one she is wearing. Shivanya looks happy with my reply. The attendant smiles taking it as a cue to keep her mouth shut. It doesn't matter if I buy two things instead of one. The look on her face when she sees it will be worth it.

Before leaving she found some dresses for the lunch today and tomorrow.


We both enter the Skylight hotel , which has been the base of The Brotherhood Club for years and most importantly owned by one of my competitors. A fact that piss me off the most. I take in everything from the entrance to the terrace area where lunch is. Who the fuck have lunch on the terrace. Anyway I observe everything just like anyone else would do and see what he has in store. I don't find it anything extraordinary the only thing is that it has a name established before Me that's it.

" If you are done observing then step in the elevator. " Shivanya says suppressing a smile.
The dress she chose for lunch is a pink colour ankle length dress.

" I wasn't observing anything. " I say stepping in.

" I know. Anyway, your Hotels are ten times better than this one. " She says winking at Me. Her words act as a boost to my ego even if I don't to want.

" Really. " I say pulling her closer. And she nodes.

" Just ten times. " I ask and her smile widens.

" A hundred times OK. " She says her laughter echoing in the closed surroundings as she clings to me. But only for a few seconds , stepping back as soon as the elevator opens and Ratan Kumar the man who owns this hotel enters.

The man can't control his expression to even save his life. His smiles fade the second he sees Me , he opens and closes his mouth like a dumbfuck , wanting to say something but don't know what to. How are people like him running a business.

I know what kind of person he is , he already has a molestation case running in the Court but instead of being in jail like a normal person should be , here he is roaming around like he did nothing. One more reason for me to hate him and how undeserving he is.

He stands next to Shivanya coming in a straight line with us. I can see him looking at her through the reflection in the mirror which fucking piss Me off. Shivanya looks down still flustered from our closeness earlier.

" Keep your fucking eyes off her before I scoope them out with a fucking table spoon. " I know I said a little more than needed but I don't give a damn. He looks at her one more time with those eyes and I am definitely giving him a black eye.

" My hotel , My Eyes Why do you always have to poke your nose where it doesn't belong Rathore. You can't stop Me from looking at something beautiful. Am I right miss. " He says laughing which dies when he sees Shivanya didn't join him as he expected. I bring her to my right away from the fuck face as I come in front of him. I like how I tower over him by more than a few inches and he has to look up at Me.

" I know how beautiful My wife is , but if you look at her then you won't have anything to look at because I will be taking your eyes out just the way I said. " I yell in his face choking him , my grip on his neck tightening making his face turn red.

The door slid open and I left him coughing rubbing his neck, conveying my message loud and clear. Shivanya glares at Me as we enter the open area which is already filled with everyone that is fucking congested.

Most of the time not all members are present because of some reason or the other but because of the voting every one is present today with a plus one.

" Don't you think you said too much. " Shivanya says intervening her fingers with mine.

" Nothing that he didn't deserve. " I say looking at Madhav who is approaching us. He side-hugs Shivanya but doesn't say anything , they met yesterday so I don't expect a heartfelt reunion. But I can definitely see Rishi and Nandani talking near the railing maybe catching up on each other's life.

The gathering is in full swing Shivanya is with Nandani both of them talking like long lost friends. Leaving the women behind everyone shows the membership card and enters the conference room.

" What do you think the club is sold to some badass king ? " Rishi whispers as he takes the seat next to Me. I heard the same rumours in the last hour I spent here.

" There is no smoke without fire. " Madhav says as he unbutton his suit jacket sitting on my other side.

" You know something. " I ask. To which he just smirked and ignored me.

" I knew it," Rishi exclaims a little too loud but there aren't many men around to witness our gossiping session.

" Come on Man tell Us , Don't be a jerk. I am not good with surprises. " Rishi says this time controlling his tone. I don't know when they become so friendly that he is cursing in front of him. When he doesn't usually , he barely talks to his own brother in law and here he is getting all cozy with mine.

" Patience is a virtue , ever heard of the saying. " Madhav says. Making me feel like a third wheel in between them.

" Not my strongest point. " Rishi says pulling his chair closer to mine leaning my side of the table.

" Stay on your fucking side and shut your mouth for some time. " I say glaring at him. They both just now acted like a girlfriend boyfriend in a long-distance relationship meeting after a ages.

" Don't be jealous Rudra. " Rishi says making a face I want to punch. He turns to Madhav raising his both eyebrow.

" The board of members lost their mind if I am being very specific. They were not able to handle so much attention , every businessman wanted a membership. So they wanted to show off more and make it more luxurious , something even the rich can't attain. So they in want of more made some bad investments and are in huge debt now. " He says calmly like he hadn't dropped a bomb. Does he have any idea it will be a clusterfuck if this news comes out?

" Are you kidding Me. " Rishi says.

" Do I look like. " My dear brother-in-law says.

" What's the connection with the King? " I say finally breaking the silence. I see a group of men entering.

" The members refused a king from the membership making a big deal out of it. Thinking they are above him. Messing with the wrong person. So He dug about their investments, pulled some strings and now the board members are forced not only to pay the entire debt which they were going to take from us but also sell everything the Brotherhood Club own to Him which includes the club with all the rights. " He says.

" Now what about us and how do you know all this ? " Rishi asks , again leaning on Me and I push him back.

" What ! I am curious. " He mumbles to Me.

" Fuck your curiosity. " I say.

" I don't think that's physically possible , but you are kinky you can tell Me how how to fuck curiosity. " He says getting on my nerves.

" Will you both stop bickering like kids. " Madhav says and Just then Raghav enters with a permanent scowl on his face. He rounds the meters long table to come and sit next to Madhav. I got a good guess about their bonding at his wedding.

" Sometimes I feel like Raghav is giving you competition. " Rishi says in a low tone.

" Raghav , how. " I ask wanting to know.

" Who has the most not so friendly aka poker or you know expressionless face whatever you say. " He says.

" You know , you don't need to fool Me with this fake enthusiastic personality that you are trying so hard to show. So stop pretending. " I say for only him to hear. He doesn't say anything. I know his defence mechanism is to talk and distract himself from the chaos in his head.

" You don't like him. " I say distracting him , regretting my words earlier.

" I don't understand him exactly , he isn't Nandani's type. Not that I know her type but their personalities and nature are a little different. I haven't seen him ever crack a smile for God's sake. " He says sounding concerned about her sister.

" She is old enough to make her decisions, independent and smart so stop thinking that she is still your little sister. " I say knowing very well that I don't know shit about a sibling relationship. I just came up with something practical.

Raghav and Madhav are engrossed in a conversation that looks private , they are talking in low whispers ignoring the board members giving a welcome speech followed by what Madhav said but they try to show that they weren't at fault if Madhav hadn't told us everything before i would have believed what they say just like everyone else.

" Now Who want to retain their membership can sign the contract in front of them , everyone take their time no hurry. We will be meeting the king of Udaipur in the evening. " The head says.

Before anyone can even flip the folder open , Raghav and Madhav both sign the document and leave the conference room. Like they already knew what exactly was written. I take the folder and leave , Rishi falling in step by my side. We both aren't fools to sign legal papers without reading , that's practically digging your own grave.

" Were you bored ? " I ask Shivanya as we enter the elevator.

" No everything was fine..... " I freeze at the flicker of lights. I can't clearly register what she says my entire focus on the lights that are switching on and off , my heart picking up an unnatural rhythm. "

No not here.


Let's see what happens next. 😨

I haven't written the next chapter yet but I will try to write it fast. So try to be a little patient.

(Patience Is a Virtue As Madhav Said. 😂)

Thanks For taking out your time and giving the story a chance by reading it.😀
Do share your views.


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