The Ark of War (Crossover x E...

By Primarch_MJ

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I do not own WH40k, Arknights, Azur lane, or references to other franchises, or Halo for that matter. I don't... More

Prologue (Revised)(Mostly)
Bio Pt. 1 (Revised, little change)
Chapter one: A new Faction. (Revised)
Yelena's Birthday (Revised)
The Twin-Headed Eagle (New-ish)
A Simplified Explanation of the Imperial Navy & HIM Kansens
Pest control. (New)
Beginning of a bizarre adventure (New)
Midway, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
H.I.M. Texas & Wyoming Complement (New-ish)
Midway, Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Eagle Union, The Imperium, and the UN. (New)
Bio: Pt. 2 (New)
Take a Break! Or we'll make you. (New-ish)
Rhodes Island Operator Tracking. (New-ish)
Tail terror. (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 2 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 4 (New)
Gancaster Reinforcments Pt. 5 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 6 (New-ish)
Gancaster Reinforcements Pt. 7 (New-ish)
Gancaster reinforcements Pt. 8 (New-ish)
Preparations. (New-ish)
Other Gancaster Officers (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 1 (New-ish)
Awakening the Giant, Pt, 2 (New)
Awakening the Giant, Pt. 3 (New-ish)
Scarab Troubles (New-ish)
Neck deep in trouble and a whole lotta 'Nids
The Fall of Ursus, Pt. 1
The fall of Ursus, Pt. 2
Thanks to those reading.
The Search/Meetings and Discoveries
Lost and Found
Treatise of a Treaty
The Debate (Arrival)
The Debate (The Foundation/Tala's 'fun')
The Debate (Politics . . . Ugh.)
Reactions/Slice of Life 1
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 1 (new)
Meet the Fleet, Pt. 2
Meet the Fleet Pt. 3
Dies Commemorationis
Authors Note 1
Dies Aurorae
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. 1 (edited slightly)
The Western Front: The Serran Dragoons, Pt. II
Fools and defiance
The Pacific Front: Hood's Understanding/Selene's panick
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival (emperor-class specifications edited)
The Pacific Front: A New Arrival Pt. 2 (shorter)

Just another day/Western Front: Beachhead

56 5 0
By Primarch_MJ

I do not own any pictures, franchises, or media used in the making of this story/chapter, and al credit goes to the original creators.

Most of this will be somewhat of a slice of life chapter . . .


The second part of this chapter will be some action from the concurrent Operation Overlord.

Also the above music video will be used a few times in the story. This song specifically I'm using as a Lumenite (Those people from Luminos and the fallen Luminos Imperium) folk song or cultural song.

Also soon I'm going to pull a Phineas and Ferb and have three sub-arcs running. Maybe even four once I get my footing.

The third one will include HS Dxd but it won't be perverted and will start REALLY late into the DxD storyline.

I blame Trihexia for giving me this idea.

Also I'll be making a lore book eventually as well, but it will mainly focus on the more confusing things in my lore or the history of Imperial worlds, regiments, people of interest, etc. It will also detail characters and summaries their pasts and their skillsets, other info, etc.


Azur Lane Pacific Base, three days later (Current date is 11/19/1948)

(ALPB Island)

(ALPB and Harbor)

Hood POV

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . . w-wha . . . Ugh . . . my head . . . my whole body hurts . . . 

I opened my eyes, despite the pain. I was greeted by the flash of light and now audible beeping.

. . . W-where am I?

I looked around the best I could and saw I was in a hospital? No, no, the Azur Lane Medical Ward. 

 . . . The question is, who brought me here? The last thing I remember is . . . T-that voice? A voice? And a Kitsune . . . A Sakuran aircraft carrier . . . Akagi. Akagi and Kaga. I remember now, what happened. I should be dead! Especially considering-AUGH!

I attempted to move and sit upright, but my body refused to, every time I pushed myself to get up unassisted I was met with a sharp pain in my side . . .

. . . It seems whomever it was that brought me here removed the enormous piece of shrapnel buried into my side . . . It was likely . . . V . . . Vestal? Yes, Vestal, I should thank her.

I notice that my memory is still a bit groggy . . . and my mind is clouded, I can't think clearly.

. . . It seems I may need some rehabilitation . . .

I hear someone open the door. I look to see someone I haven't seen before, or at least don't remember seeing. It was a destroyer of some sort from what I could see . . . But, with odd clothing, the letters IMC on the sleeve of her jacket. I don't know what it is . . . her affiliation maybe? I don't remember Azur Lane having any . . . IMC?

She was doing something on a tablet of some sort, but of a make and model I've never seen.

She then noticed I was here, and visibly awake. She smiled a warm smile.

???: Oh! Mrs. Hood! You're awake! I'll go get vestal right away!

She rushed out esthetically.

I still wonder how Vestal managed to heal me . . . or well, treat me at least. W-wait-

I notice two large holes in the wall near me, just to the right of the door. I see Enterprise and Cleveland in a similar state as me. Cleveland noticed me and attempted to wave, but ended up freezing in pain and dropping her hand.

How was Vestal able to repair everyone?

Vestal walked in through the door . . . Though it seemed . . . comedic almost, since the giant hole was next to it.

Vestal: Good morning Hood. Did you sleep well?

I attempted to speak, but my voice was a bit scratchy.

Hood: I-I d-don't . . . W-how?

I pointed towards the hole the best I could.

Vestal: Oh . . . I see you've noticed the holes in my walls. Sorry, I haven't gotten around to getting them fixed yet.

Hood: W-what h-happ-ened?

Vestal seemed exhausted.

Vestal: *Sigh* It's a . . . long story, to say the least. I'm not even sure what happened myself. We were all being annihilated by the Axis and their air power, having lost most of our carriers during the opening wave of bombers, and then a Lone Fighter with a crown-like butterfly insignia showed up and destroyed the majority of the Axis' aircraft, taking away  their air superiority. It even managed to take out an Aerial Dreadnought . . .

Hood: A-an Aerial D-dreadnought?!

A single fighter . . . a siren aerial dreadnought? Is this what the voice was talking about?


???: Ahh . . . It seems my new host is awake.

I jolt in fright, but am immediately halted by intense pain, my injuries still seem to be recovering.

Vestal: Are you alright Hood?!

She rushed towards me.

Hood: I-I'm fine. It's nothing . . .

Vestal: Well, alright then. I'll run a few checks to see if you can get up on your feet again. Everything should at least be somewhat functional . . .

???: So, you gonna talk or what? I know you're just ignoring the disembodied voice in your head from fear that you've gone insane but come on!

I ignore the voice.

I am curious though . . . what did Vestal use to treat me? And the others? Because other than my right arm in a cast and a splint on my left leg, nothing is broken.

Hood: V-Vestal . . . H-how did you repair me? and the others?

Vestal looked alarmed, and both thankful that I asked.

Vestal: Did I forget to mention it?

I nod my head.

Vestal: Well, it wasn't me, that's for sure. At least not by myself, there's no way I would've been able to treat everyone's wounds and repair their rigging in time. Especially not without help from the little drones he brought . . .

Hood: He?

???: My Master's relatively more stable non-fragmented other persona, which isn't saying much. Especially since there's nothing really separating the two other than the two being more like brothers than the same person . . .

Vestal: Oh, I keep forgetting to mention-

???: Yes, yes you do.

We both freeze.

Hood: The . . . voice in my head is not in my head anymore?

???: Look, I'm not just an imaginary friend, alright? The one who helped Vestal unknowingly had his subconscious and alter persona agree that sending a Loyal Daemon to ensure you don't die along with the portion of life force he accidently sent was a good idea.

Me and Vestal both looked in the direction of the voice and there was . . . A snake? a shadow snake?

(This is the ??? voice right now, or at least the owner of said voice. Get rid of the tail for now, it's currently attached to Hood's back through some black mist.)

Vestal didn't seem very surprised.

???: Heh, looks like it's not this one's first time seeing complete and utter bullsh*t.

Vestal sighed.

Vestal: After the Day of the Attack, nothing can surprise me anymore . . . especially now that I know magic of sorts exists . . .

Hood: I-I'm sorry . . . Who are you? and who is this he you keep referring to?

???: I am Yu!

Hood: No, I am me, you are you!

???: That's what I just said!

Hood: But you just said that I am you!

???: No! You are you! I am me!

I simply gave up . . . and then realized that the name of this odd creature was Yu.

Hood: Oh.

Yu: And also, I'm a daemon of Malal . . . or Y/n, whichever persona or alter ego you wanna pick, they're the same person technically, just one gets more angry than the other. Actually no, there's no difference, just one of them can act separately from the main consciousness. I don't even know at this point, I'm supposed to represent anarchy as a Daemon of Malal and I can't even remember the difference between the two. Anyways.

Hood: W-wait, Y/n? The Imperial Emperor is here?

Yu: You got it sunshine! And I'm now apparently stuck with you until one of us dies! And I'm a daemon, so I don't die. Well, as long as my master can revive me, that is. Wait, would it be more appropriate to call him master or dad? I mean, he created me. But which persona would be my da-

Vestal: We get it! Though when that Oryx person told us that Y/n had given Hood a teeny sliver of a part of his life-force unintentionally, I didn't expect this . . .

Hood: Wait, he what?

Vestal: Oh . . . I don't know how to phrase this . . . but without him, everyone would be dead. He was the unknown aircraft . . . and apparently he has extensive ship repair facilities as well. Without him and his little drones helping I would have maybe operated on one person if we were lucky, especially coming from the other side of the island, which he helped with as well . . . but that's besides that fact that . . .

She began to trail off. She obviously wants to keep something from me-

Yu: No sh*t sherlock! OF COURSE SHE DOES!!! 

(A/n: Hood and Yu [not you, Yu] will have a relationship similar to Eddie Brock and Venom from marvel).

Hood: I hate how you can hear my thoughts. But also were you the voice in my head before I blacked out?

Yu: No, I wasn't, that was Khorne, I'dunno how he did it though. Or it was Oryx, either way. Also just tell 'er Vestal, cause' I'm not going to.

She sighed . . .

Vestal: Fine. Hood, I don't know how to phrase this-


Vestal: I'M GETTING THERE!!!! *Sigh*, Anyways . . . y-you died, Hood.

I-I, what? How could I have died? My brain stopped working for a moment.

Hood: H-how? How could I have died?!

Vestal: Well . . . The only reason you're alive right now is because I saw Y/n somehow, literally grab what seemed to be your soul, and shoved it back in your body. The look in his eyes . . . it was panicked. I've never seen someone want someone else to live that badly during a medical operation. Not only that, but your body seemed to be in such a condition that no medical operation would be able to heal it fully. Your right arm was literally falling off, and your left leg was bent in ways I don't even wanna describe . . . 

Hood: Then how did he fix me?

Vestal: Well . . . you heard me say he unintentionally gave you a portion of his life force?

I nodded.

Hood: Yes . . . Though I'm not sure I understand completely, I at least know of the importance . . .

Vestal: Essentially, he used "Warp-Magic" and risked his own life in doing so, or at least part of it. I'm not aware of the intricacies of it, but it revolves around him being something that the Imperials call a "Psyker", apparently only they have them at the moment. He also rules the Warp, which the magic is derived from . . . Soooooooo . . .

Hood: I-I really did die?

I took a moment to ponder upon my situation . . . I am still weak . . . and Y/n risked his life to bring me back from the brink. I could feel myself begin to heat up, but I was unaware as to what was causing it.

Hood: I have to find some way to thank him . . . To thank Y/n.

Vestal: Well, you're definitely in better condition now than the other two, I'm clearing you, just take it easy . . . Or else.

I flinched a small amount.

Vestal: Well, let me help you up, too much strain on your body right now will cause your nerves to start screaming . . . or that's what Y/n said at least, a side effect of the Warp-Magic. Come to think of it, he's supposed to be in here too!

Hood: Helping?

Vestal: As a patient. He lost his eye in an assassination attempt and hasn't sought out any medical aid. His mom also grounded him, so he won't be leaving the base any time soon.

I feel relieved . . . I don't know how I would thank him if I wasn't able to find him. Especially in my injured state.

Hood: Do you know where I can find him?

Yu: He normally hangs out at a grassy cliff face overlooking the harbor with Tester Beta and Balroth. Either that or he's at the Airfield in one of the Hangars. None of you really used the hangars so it's been taken over as the Imperial portion of the base, including as a barracks.

Hood: Balroth? And also why didn't they just take one of the dorm buildings?

Yu: His executioner. Also the other Imperials thought your dorms were too bright and clean to be military, normally ours are situated inside of rockcrete bunkers or dug into trench lines. Not to say we don't take maintenance or cleanliness seriously, but normally our barracks are dim and gloomy . . . and constantly pummeled by artillery.

Hood: Oh . . .

Yu: Also Balroth  is often the one master sends to deal with people he really wants dead, but otherwise just acts as an enforcer, guard, and trusted friend.

I wonder what he's like . . . I've interacted with him before, but only once and briefly. From what I've seen, and have apparently experienced, he's a good ally to have . . . And he cares about his family and friends more than anything . . .

But I've also heard he cares little for himself . . . it seems we have another Enterprise situation.

Oh dear.

Befriending him may not be a terrible idea though . . . I do still need to thank him for apparently bringing me back from the dead . . . Though I am curious about this companion he gave me-

Yu: -I'm more of the devil on your shoulders thank you very much.

He gave me a toothy grin, and sucked himself back into . . . My body? I mean he looked to be connected to my back?

Yu: Yep, your body. More specifically I'm linked to your soul. Don't worry, I'm a type of what's called a Soul-Symbiote, a type of Warpspawn (A/n: That I made up) that can bind with people's souls and either act independently like a familiar, or grant you power . . . or both. Currently I am able to extend some of my regenerative and healing abilities to you. You're also able to use some of my warp-energies as extra appendages, like my creator and master. Said appendages can act as wings as well 

(Think of like angel wings from diablo but black, that's what the warp-appendages look like. Y/n's are similar but are both black and a blinding whitish-gold. The colors in general vary. He also has a near infinite number of them that he can summon at will . . . and don't even get me started on the other appendages he has due to being the Primordial of Light and Dark. Said appendages will merely be called 'tendrils' for now so I can find a better name for them.)

Hood: Regenerative abilities?

Yu: Yep! I can also reinforce your body so you can walk . . . you'll still have to use crutches and your casts though, your soul still has to recover from being shoved back in your body before I can fully bind to it and share my power's full extent.

Vestal, seeing that I was fine and having a new . . . I don't know how to refer to hi-


-Left. I could see her go to tend to Enterprise and Cleveland . . .

Now, to go find Y/n and thank him . . .

le small timeskip, because I refuse to write more fluff in this already fluff-based chapter than I need to.

Me and my new companion, Yu, had reached one of the Airfield Hangars, I was still extrordinarily weak and my body was significantly frail currently. Healing, but frail. I was walking with the assistance of my crutches trying to keep my left leg, that has a cast, off of the ground. My I'm still in a hospital gown, but I have a white undershirt and shorts on under it. I don't know where my actual clothing is.

We see two Imperials in our immediate vicinity, there are others but they are scattered about the airfield . . . Speaking of the airfield, I can see several groups of those . . .  I'm assuming they're the drones that vestal was speaking about, flying about working on new construction projects . . . mainly new buildings and hangars.

Yu materializes over my left shoulder.

Yu: They're called Constructor Sentinels. Cute little things, but don't let that fool you. They're generally friendly but if you get in the way of them and their task, they have a mean streak. They're prone to 'Strategically Transferring Equipment to an Alternate Location', AKA they like to S.T.E.A.L., most of the time they just steal materials though.

I make my way towards the two Imperials near us, but am stopped but one of the Constructor Sentinels.

Hood: What?-

It scans me and it makes some . . . happy beeps?

Hood: I'm sorry . . . I'm not quite sure I understand?

The constructor looks to Yu.

Yu: You want me to translate?

The constructor makes some beeps of affirmation.

Yu: The little guy is glad to see you're up and about. He's one of the ones who worked on your rigging, his Sentinel ID Code is ASD-445-2. ASD stands for Automated Systems Drone. He goes by 445 for short.

Hood: He?

Yu: They all have pre-programmed gender personalities, but other than that and their main functions their AI is self-adapting and learning.

Hood: Hmm . . . Well in that case, thank you 445.

445: *Happy beeps*

445 then floated off, seemingly satisfied.

Hood: What an interesting drone . . .

We continued our short walk to the two Imperials, both in front of Hangar 1. One of which was sitting on a metal crate of some sort, stacked on top of several wood ones, and the other was conversing with him.

???1: All I'm saying is that we should put the first Pillbox here-

-he pointed to part of a map that he was holding. He had somewhat clean military gear on, what the Imperials call BDU . . . what does it stand for again? He made sure that woman in the more formal attire was able to see.

Yu: Battle Dress Uniform, from the looks of it he's probably an Imperial Marine. The one he's conversing with however . . . She's not even Imperial Guard? She's wearing the uniform of the Commissariat, must be fresh out of the Schola Progenium.

We both listen again.

???2: Look, I know! but we need the Emperor or one of the Battle Barge's approval on this, either that or get Odyssey on board . . . And the other officers haven't even decided where to put the main structures yet!

???1: Yeah, well, tell them to hurry the frack up! The other leathernecks are gettin' anxious! No to mention the 'Krieg boys-er, girls . . . Whatever they are . . .

It sounds like the Imperials are agitated . . . They seem to be planning the construction of defenses . . . which is good

???2: *Sigh*, Yeah, yeah, just gather and requisition the materials. There should be enough on Gancaster to build a small hive city, so there's more than enough for defenses . . . How are the drydocks for the IMC ships coming along? The new shipyard by the place Gancaster is floating (on the water)?

???1: They're nearly complete, those Constructors work fast, but other than that all other projects are on a temporary stall, most of the materials that we brought with us are on frigates that are patrolling nearby waters, we'll have to wait for a week or so for them to make their rounds and unload . . .

Sounds like the Imperials are attempting to make up for our shortcomings . . . how nice of them?

I approach the two as they continue to converse, as Yu follows over my left shoulder. We share a body now after all.

Hood: Excuse me-


I jump as well, not expecting the outburst. I don't scream though, it was more of a jolt.

???1: Never thought I'd see you scream . . .

Yu: Oh! Athena! it's just you, I thought it was some other newbie. Also who's this Marine?

Athena: Yu? What are you doing? And who is this . . .

This Athena person looks at me, making no attempt to hide her judging eyes.

Athena: Undisciplined Kansen?

Hood: Undisciplined?! And how did you know I was a Kansen?

Athena: First off, no sense of uniformity with the rest of your navy, second, based off of the first, no uniform. Not properly groomed. You also look like you just got out of the Medical Ward. Your eyes show that you've been in battle but show no sense of combat discipline. For the second question, only an allied Kansen would approach an imperial without fear of death.

Hood just looked at her, she was incredibly rude and blunt . . . then again, Imperials are known for getting straight to the point of things, and prefer to be violently honest, so . . .

Hood: H-how rude!

Athena: I wasn't being rude, I was simply stating facts. Rude would be me spilling promethium on you and not at least organizing your funeral. That or not cleaning my weapons and handing them to the quartermaster.

I am simply . . . I don't know what to say? Imperials are known to be blunt but this?!- This is more than being just blunt! 

Yu: Still didn't answer about who the marine is?

Athena: And you didn't tell me why you're with this . . .

She's glaring at me again.

Yu: I would appreciate it if you would stop glaring at my host.

Athena: Host?! On who's authority?

Yu: Dad's and my own. Still, would it be master or would Y/n be my father?

Hood: Just stop asking the question please?

Yu: Fine. I'm using both. And again, who is the marine?

Athena: The marine would be my assistant, First Sergeant (FSG) Henry. I was assigned to the IMC 1st Expeditionary force, 3rd division of the 'New' Imperial IMC 4th Crusade Corps (I will explain the different corps types in the lorebook more in depth, but it's just the corps version of the standard IMC Expeditionary Force, AKA a standard non-specialized unit)(Also composed of 8 divisions). Henry is from Alpha Company of the 1st Expeditionary's 2nd Battalion. Though I command the entire regiment as a Colonel-Commissar (A rare Commissar rank used to denote a commissar's command over a regiment or equivalent unit rather than being attached to one's commanding officer).

 Yu: Yeah, I'm not gonna remember that.

Athena: Didn't you say Father assigned you to Hood?

Yu: Well, his subconscious did . . .

Athena: Malal?

Yu: Yeppers. Either way though, he's still our father. Or your father and my master? I really gotta get this answered. Anyways, you know where he is?

Athena: I don't know. He's been distant lately. Especially with that approaching.

FSG. Henry: You sure it's hi-


He is bonked on the head by a chair.

Athena: Yes, I'm sure. Anyways, if he's anywhere, it's probably in his hanger . . . I believe it's hanger two?

Hood: Thank you.

Athena: You're welcome. And don't do anything crazy.

Hood: What do you mean?

Athena: Judging by Yu's groxsh*t eating grin I'd say you like father or something. Could be wrong, I just want to be notified first if I end up having a mo-

Hood then unknowingly lashes out one of Yu's black Warp-tendrils in embarrassment, which then smacks Athena and interrupts her.

Hood: Oh dear! I'm terribly sorry!

Athena: No worries . . . I think I deserved that. This is why they tell us to forget humor in the commissariat, huh . . .

Hood began to 'walk' off with the aid of her crutches. Yu then speaks to Athena while slowly floating his 'body' back to hood's shoulder.

Yu: You definitely deserved it! That's what you get for being a stuck up commissar to my host! And I don't care if you're technically my sister or not!

le small timeskip

We approached the entrance to hangar two, seeing several of the Constructor sentinels fly out and two more go inside, while some fly past as well. In addition, there are Imperial Guardsmen and IMC Marines all walking about, doing their duties around the airfield, some Imperial Utility vehicles also zip around the airfield, loaded with what appear to be supplies and tools. Several more humanoid Imperial constructs . . . Wardroids if I remembers correctly, assist in the day to day duties . . . if the rest of the base was as industrious as these Imperials, who knows what it'd be like. Definitely more efficient.

One of the Wardroids approaches me as I approach the hangar. It appears drastically different than the others . . .

(The droid, not an IMC Greenhorn).

???: Halt.

I stop, and turn to the droid.

???: Who are you?

Hood: I am HMS Hood, of the Royal Navy. With me is the Imperial Warp-Symbiote Yu. Who are you?

???: I am Echlesiarchal Inquisitor Droid 767, formerly Greenhorn Command Droid 767, recently transferred and upgraded to a new chassis and purpose as one of the emperor's Onyx Guards. What is your business here? (A/n: Yes, he's back, and upgraded. He could go toe-to-toe with General Grievance right now in his new chassis.)

Hood: I am here to speak to the Emperor. 

The war-er, Inquisitor Droid 767, processes for a moment.

He then relaxes.

ID 767: You are cleared for an audience with the Emperor. Be warned, his mother is in there arguing with him, as well as Lady Mordred.

Hood: Thank you.

I then enter the Hangar through a nearby door, the main aircraft door not being open, and head inside while accompanied by 767.

I hear Lady Iron-Duke, or Lady M/n, as she now goes by, and Mordred shouting.

I turn the corner and see the Emperor in a dirty, oil-stained tank top, denim jeans, laying down under his suspended fighter, seemingly repairing and working on it. There are several Imperial Sangheili Elites in a dark, Crimson armor and what I know as Brutes in a Black, bulky armor. (A/n: Scarlet and Onyx Guard respectively).

I see a two custodes in the room as well . . . but in all black armor along with red visors and aesthetics rather than the usual gold . . . 

And then there are Mordred, who is in casualwear, and Lady M/n, in her normal attire.

M/n: Y/n, I said you're grounded!

Y/n: And?

M/n: What do you mean and? You're supposed to be actually having a life instead of thinking about logistics, repairs, or missions! 

Y/n: All I'm doing is fixing my Strike Wyvern!

Mordred: Which you don't need at all since you're not leaving on any missions any time soon, and don't you have other people to do this?!

Y/n: Something you two never understood about father, or even my Primarch brothers and sisters, or even my home of Luminos, is that the one thing a leader is absolutely obligated to do is lead by example. If a leader delegates their responsibilities to their subordinates, are they truly a leader? An Emperor even?

M/n: Yes, in fact, that is exactly what normal emperors do!

Y/n: Well I'm the latest in a long line of Imperial Emperors. There's nothing normal about us. Doing things by ourselves is a tradition, not only that, but in the Luminos Imperium it is expected that royalty are able to do things themselves.

Mordred: Luminos this! Luminos that! LUMINOS IS GONE!!!

I hear metal bending, and Y/n drops a wrench and comes out from under his aircraft, walks up to Mordred, and glares directly into her eye.

Y/n: What was that?

Mordred: Luminos is gone! It has been! There's no way to bring it back! You think that if you pay your penance and work yourself to death, by some miracle, it will come back! IT'S NOT!!!

Y/n: LEAVE!!!

There's a shockwave of-

Yu: warp energies.

Yes, that, thank you Yu. Anyways, the Warp energies blast Mordred into some nearby crates, and she's not in her armor, so she receives some scratches.

M/n: Mordred!

I look to Y/n, shocked, and his expression lightens, conflicted with what he had just done. He falls to his knees and looks towards his hands, which appear to still have Warp-energies arcing around them.

M/n: Y/n! why?!

His eyes then turn black . . .

Yu: Malal.

Malal?: I am not Y/n . . . He made a pact with me long ago, his . . . 'Inner' Daemon so to say, though demon would be more fitting . . . As part of the pact my personality merged with his own, doing that which he couldn't, bound by honor and morals . . . Tsk, Honor . . . such an outdated concepts . . . Me and him are one in the same, our souls one, and yet . . . Individual beings, more akin to brothers . . .

M/n: Then how could you do that to your sister?!

I rush to aid Mordred, as she begins to get up. The Guards around us do nothing, being subservient to Y/n . . . er, Malal.

Malal?: She was never our sister!- 

As I am helping Mordred, she looks visibly hurt, but begins to tear up at the verbal slugs directed towards her and Lady M/n.

Malal?: She is a Cousin from a far-flung empire that fell to the Darkness long before they had established any sense of traditions! And yet she acts as if she has been in our life as long as our other siblings, caring not for our trauma, our fealty towards Luminos and our traditions! She has no right to call herself our sister when she has never been one to begin with. Our  closest sister was AMANDA!!! And she abandoned us to follow the whims of DECAYING GODS!!! 

Mordred was crying, but not sobbing, it seemed to be subconcious as she stared directly at Y/n.

Malal?: We will do things as we see fit, and you, have no right to call yourself our mother when you abandoned the Imperium and our father to the Darkness, he is dead! because of YOU!!!

Lady M/n was taken aback.

Mordred then stood up on her own, mouthing thank you to me.

Mordred: Then what of the rest of the family, do you hold contempt for them as well? Do the memories we've made with each other and our siblings mean nothing Malal?!?!?!

Malal?: I personally hold nothing but contempt  for the others, the only ones who I still consider sisters are either likely or are dead. Our true brother is DEAD. And those who we considered family went traitor, consuming our sons in their war's flames, and we blindly sent them to the slaughter believing it could be solved through peaceful banter!!! NEVER AGAIN!!! We shall pay our penance, and you will do nothing to hinder it. If it weren't for our death hurting others and crippling the Imperium, or making our goal of finding Luminos void, we would have died in the fires of war already on a GRAND CRUSADE against the great Archenemy! 

Y/n's/Malal's body begins to shake violently, and warp energies begin to arc around it in different colors, one white and one black, the white begins to overtake the black energies.

The black eyes recede with the energies.

Y/n: MALAL!!! That's ENOUGH!!!

The ground shudders and Y/n rushes over to Mordred.

She tenses up, but Y/n hugs her. Mordred was caught off guard, but eventually returns the hug.

Y/n: I am so . . . so sorry Mordred, you are my sister. Malal is just being overly emotional . . . since, well, that is approaching.

Hood: I'm sorry for interjecting . . . but this is the second time I've heard of someone referring to that. What is it? I know Eagle Union celebrates thanksgiving in a week, so is it a holiday of some sort?

M/n: One of the most important Imperial Holidays . . . er, it would be more accurate to say holiday week. 

Hood: What is it? 

Y/n: Septimana Memorialis Bellatorum . . . Translating directly from high gothic to "The Week of Memorial for Warriors". As you know, we Imperials have a very strong martial culture . . . This week is so we never forget the fallen, to remember those that gave their lives in the many wars that have plagued our history. Some time ago, it had a purpose to commemorate the lost souls of Luminos and the Great Crusade, along with my Chaos Crusade . . . more recently, it is also commemorating those who gave their lives in Cadia's defence, a fortress world and the homeworld of the Cadian Shock troops, who hold it dearly in their memory.

Hood: Oh, I'm sorry . . .

Y/n: Don't be, though I doubt you wish to take part in it. It may be viewed as boring to outsiders, though all know of it's significance.

Hood: Can-Will you allow me to take part?

Y/n lets go of his and Mordred's long hug.

He seems visibly surprised.

Y/n: I mean, of course-It's meant to commemorate all of the fallen, not just ours. We respect warriors above all else . . . but why?

Hood: Well . . .

Y/n's POV

I question hood when a familiar Symbiote materializes.

Yu: She came here to thank you for saving her life, and she views learning about Imperial traditions as a way to get closer to you and thank you. I think she has a crush on you too.

Hood had a betrayed look on her face.

Y/n: What's about to crush me?

Everyone facepalmed unanimously themselves, even my guards and 767.

Y/n: What? 

M/n: Maybe it's a good thing your so dense.

Y/n: I'dunno what y'all are talking about.

They facepalm themselves again . . .


Location: Normandy.

Date: 11/19/1948, M42.

Theatre of War: Western Europe.

Allied Operation: Overlord

                            Objective: Invade and liberate the Axis occupied Iris, currently Vichy Dominion, to return the Iris Libre their home and unite France once again. Will also provide a way for additional troops to take the fight to the Crimson Axis in Europe.

Imperial Operation: Cetus

                            Objective: Annihilate any hardened enemy emplacements and defenses in Northern France, specifically Normandy, to help provide a beachhead for the Allied assault. Disrupt enemy Supply chains and cause chaos among Iron-Blood's ranks. 

Instill a fear of the Imperium in Crimson Axis ranks. 

Take any valuable assets or strategic resources. 

Occupy any Strategic or tactically advantageous positions to assist the initial landing.

Other Notes:

Deployment of Imperial Adeptus Astartes Authorized in limited numbers (One company/10,000 Astartes [A/n: larger legions means larger companies]).

Imperial IMC forces will assist in the initial allied landings, supported by their Paris-Class Heavy Frigates.

Imperial ODSTs and Astartes of the Ultramarines Legion will hot-drop in under the cover of night, and eliminate any Anti-Aircraft Gun emplacements to allow for additional Air support and granting access to Imperial dropships for troop insertion behind enemy lines. 

Imperial forces will then proceed to do the following.

1: Eliminate any hardened foxholes or Artillery batteries (will allow access for Allied Nautical warships for shore bombardment)

2: Intercept any enemy troops enroute to reinforce the naval fortresses.

3: Disrupt enemy supply chains.

4: Assist in Naval Landings via flanking Iron-Blood's rear.

5: Intercept any retreating enemy officers of notable rank.

6: Once Naval Landings have been completed, Imperial forces under the command of Imperial Major General Grievance will assault enemy lines farther inland. Imperial Death Korps of Krieg regiments will be held in reserve temporarily so Additional siege equipment may be delivered to them, such as heavy artillery.

7: After the Allied forces are finished preparing after the Naval Landings, Allied forces will advance to wherever the Imperials have pushed towards to assist in retaking Iris.

Allied High Command would prefer avoidance of any collateral damage, but understand that a low amount is unavoidable due to the lethality of Imperial weaponry and tactics.


(Iron-Blood standard Soldier)(Often armed with MP40s or K98s)

(Iron-Blood Heavy Trooper)(More common than their Standard counterparts later on as war progresses)(Often armed with the K290 Assault rifle, shown in the below pic)

(Iron-Blood Automated Combat Drone, Model 100)(IB-ACD-100)(Armed with the shown weapon, the K290 Pulse Assault Rifle [K90PAR], two firing modes, semi-auto or burst fire. 5.56 caliber rounds and propelled by a primitive Mag-rail system. Significantly weaker than Imperial kinetic weapon models. The Drone itself has primitive AI in addition, requiring orders from an officer or soldier with a command node, and can be very easily hacked by Imperial Sappers, not that the Imperium has any use for them)(Can withstand a single Lasrifle shot without completely breaking down, still receives significant damage).

(Iron Blood Tanks, Crews of four, Armed with two 128mm guns on a dual turret, smoke launchers, and with 300mm of effective armor plating [akin to a non-imperial superheavy tank])

(These are for reference in this part of the chapter).

3rd person POV (Also, if there are any Germans, don't hate me if I butcher your language, I'm using google translate.)

Several Iron-Blood Soldiers were chatting around a small fire situated near a deep trench, some ways inland from the coast. One was playing a guitar of sorts while his MP40 was slung around his shoulder. Another was cleaning his K98 while humming to the tune of the guitar, and three others (two with K98s and one with an MP40) were playing poker with some cigarettes and chocolate as the prize pot. 

Guitar?: Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein Erika . . . [Translation: A small flower is blooming on the heath, and that means Erika-]

MP40#3?: Drei gleiche! Dein Umzug Otto![Translation: Three of a kind! Your move Otto!]

Otto? (K98#2): Felix! Du schlauer Hund! Bußgeld! Ich falte! [T: Felix! You sly dog! Fine! I fold!]

The soldier known as Otto proceeds to throw his hand face down into the pot.

Otto: Ich kann nicht glauben, dass ich gegen Felix verloren habe! [T: I can't believe I lost to Felix!]

Otto then takes his rifle and storms off.

Otto: Ich werde patrouillieren. [T: I'm going to patrol/I'll patrol]

Felix: Meine Güte, was hat sein Höschen so verdreht gemacht? [T: Sheesh, what's got his panties in a twist/My goodness, what got his panties so twisted?]

Guitar?: Macht dir nichts aus, Otto, heute hat seine Tochter Geburtstag. [T: don't mind Otto, It's his daughter's birthday today.]

Felix: Ahh, das erklärt es. Armer Kerl, ich fühle mich schlecht. Danke, dass du mich informiert hast, Emil. Friedrich, geh mit ihm. [T: Ahh, that explains it. Poor guy, I feel bad. Thanks for letting me know Emil. Friedrich, go with him.

The soldier that was cleaning his K98, now known as Friedrich, sighs and gets up to follow Otto. The guitar soldier, now known as Emil, continues to play 'Erika'

Emil: In der Heimat wohnt ein blondes Mägdelein Und das heißt. [T: A blond girl lives at home, and that means-]

Felix: Wie auch immer, was ist mit dir, Heinrich? du bist dran. [Anyways, what about you Heinrich? Its your turn.]

The other poker-player smirks and . . .

Heinrich: . . . Royal Flush [Apparently the English and german of this are mostly the same, royal is just pronounced royale]

Felix throws his entire hand in the air, with all of his cards fluttering to the ground.


Heinrich: Sieht so aus, als wäre die Schokolade meine! [T: Looks like the chocolate is mine!]

There were then a series of loud booms, as if things made impact with the ground-coming from the nearby trenchline, screams, and gunshots.

Friedrich and Otto come running back.

Otto: Habt ihr das alle gehört?! [T: Did y'all hear that?!

Emil and the poker-players then jolted up, loaded their weapons, and put their gas-masks on.

Emil: Es klang, als käme es aus dem Graben! [T: It sounded like it came from the trench!

The squad then rushed to the nearby trenchline, but it was too dark and foggy to see anything.

Felix: Nebel? [T: Fog?]

The squad then turned on their weapon-attached flashlights and slid into the trench, they advanced a bit and came across . . .

Friedrich: Blut . . . [T: Blood . . .]

They walked further, but before they could even get ten meters in front of them, they found bodies . . .

Bodies of Iron-Blood Elites (the Heavy troopers), along with destroyed bits of IB-ACD-100s.

Heinrich: Mein Gott . . . [T: My God . . .]

Otto: Knallharte Eliteeinheiten, allesamt KIA . . . [T: Badass elite units, all KIA . . .]

Their nerves started getting to them, they were anxious, they didn't want to be here any longer than they should . . .

Felix: Was könnte das getan haben? [T: What could have don this?]

They then heard several other loud booms and more gunfire. It sounded as if it was close by. 

Three Iron-Blood Tanks rolled by overhead . . .

Heinrich: Sehen! Sie wissen, was los ist! [T: See! They know what's going on!]

They then hear something running at them . . . 

Emil: Was ist das für ein Lärm? [T: What's that noise?]

There was a sizzling sound . . .

Friedrich: Achtung! [T: Look out!]

Friedrich then tackled Emil, they looked with the rest of the group to see something that can only be described as alien . . . or a monster.

Four, teeth-ridden mandibles. Two extra joints in it's leg, eyes that lust for blood and combat . . .

But the most terrifying thing?

It was looking, right back at them. Taunting them almost. It wanted them to shoot . . .

What was even worse is that they could only see it's eyes and silhouette. Everything else was obscured by the fog . . .

And that's when it occurred to them . . .

Heinrich: Dast ist kein Nebel . . . [T: This isn't fog . . .]

Felix: Es ist Rauch! [T: It's smoke!] (A/n: They can't smell it because they have their gas-masks on)


The creature lunged at Otto, picking him up by the neck. It was enormous, at least a foot taller than everyone present, if not two. Heinrich and Felix opened fire with their MP40s as Emil and Friedrich got up. 

When Emil and Friedrich were up, they too opened fire with their K98s . . .

But it did nothing. Not a damn thing. Every bullet that 'hit' the monster was stopped by some sort of barrier that shimmered every time a bullet hit . . . and they caught a glimpse of something on it's body . . .

A Gold, dual-headed eagle on it's chest . . . or at least they were assuming it was it's chest.

The creature gained an amused look, and threw otto at Emil and Friedrich, who caught him, albeit barely. 

The creature then did something unexpected . . . it said something . . .

In German.

???: Laufen.

Everyone froze.

Though it butchered the pronunciation, they all understood . . .

It wanted them to run.

The thing was enjoying this.

It wanted to chase them, to feed on their fear.

It wanted to see them suffer . . . 

And with that final thought, the squad took off, exiting the trench on the side opposite to where they came from . . .

And it was a bloodbath. They couldn't hear anything in the trench but the loud booms and feint gunfire, but what they saw was horrific.

It was a warzone. Bombs of some sort were dropping from the sky, and there was gunfire and Flak everywhere, unknown aircraft destroying Iron-Blood tanks, but that was all that they caught a glimpse of before they heard a sound behind them . . .

Otto: Scheisse! [T: Shit!]

The monster had followed them . . . but now they could see it more clearly . . . and it was even more horrifying, not because of the creature's grotesque, inhuman features . . . 

But because the squad finally understood what was going on.

They remembered the Golden, dual headed eagle on the creature's chest plate. 

The aggressors weren't just some monsters . . .

They were the Imperium . . .

Which in their eyes, was worse than hell itself.

They could clearly see their pursuer now . . .

(An Imperial Sangheili Armiger, the standard melee Sangheili specialists in any imperial conflict)

The creature's black armor glistened with blood.

It's 'face' was contorted into a smile of sorts . . .

It knew that they were afraid. It knew that they knew it was an Imperial Warrior . . .

And it wished to instill that fear even deeper into their souls.

It would let them live, yes . . . but at a terrible cost.

Emil Opened fire with his MP40 while backing away from the Warrior, but it was all blocked by it's energy shields. It didn't even need to use it's hard-light shield, and it was taunting them further.

The thing sneered at them, and charged.

Emil: SCHEISSE!!! 

Felix: LAUFEN!!!

The squad all ran, ran into the firestorm that would come to be known as . . .

The Massacre of Bayeux.


Morning y'all! hoped you enjoyed the chapter, if you read the beginning, I will be creating a lore book for easier access to info about the Imperium and such. There will be another concurrent story arc going in a little while, I just need to find out where I want it to go. The fourth concurrent arc will be introduced after that, but later into the story.

Also the next couple of chapters in the main 'great war' arc will be shorter due to detailing Imperial Septimana Memorialis Bellatorum festivities, with some little snippets from the D-day landings if I have the time.

Cya and peace out!

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