The beginning of forever

By GL0005

151K 5K 650

Freen Sarocha Chankimha, the magnetic force on campus, effortlessly weaves intelligence, charm, and talent in... More

1 - Little Bear
2- True meaning
3 - Seed of affection
4 - Flavor of the month
5 - You saved me and then drowns me.
6 - More questions than answers.
7 - Composition
8 - Sister
9 - I'm going to do it!
10 - Locket
11 - Secret
12 - Flavor of Forever
13 - Break a million promises
14 - Plastic tulip
15 - I'll cut your life short
16 - Exam
17 - Pageant
18 - What you think I deserve.
19 - Do you feel that?
20 - Just a tease...
21 - You are my stupid
22 - Clingy
23 - Freedom
24 - No touching
25 - The Heir
26 - Sunflower
27 - England
28 - A proper kiss
29 - Farewell
30 - Thousand miles away
31- Right thing to say
33 - New Friend
34 - Let her go
35 - It will always be you
36 - Option
37 - Breathe Becky!
38 - Patricia
39 - Changed Status 😅
40 - Goodbye Freen
41- A little longer
42 - Just a taste
43 - What do you wanna know?
44 - Just love, trust, and us
45 - Special Chapter 1 - Sick of You
46 - SC 2 - My Everything!
47 - SC 3 - Not those eyes!
48 - SC 4 - Nothing's gonna change my love for you
49 - SC - Surprise
1 - I miss you, though
2 - Forever Jewelries
3 - Monthsary
4 - Where is the boss?
5 - You cheated on our forever.
6 - No longer a secret
7 - Make me understand
8 - Extra love
9 - Girlfriend
10 - Divorce
11 - Five more minutes!
12 - Her favorites!
13 - BB
14 - Still Sore?
15 - Have me tonight
16 - I'll play nice
17 - I said no!
18 - Her home
19 - Diet!
20 - In love! 😍
21 - Let's make some babies
22 - Beautiful reality
23 - My darling Sam
24 - Nothing Less
25- Rainbows and Butterflies
26- NOT ME
27- Promises
28 - What if?
29 - Our own love story
30 - I can't believe it
31 - Hear me out
32 - Last Night
33 - An Angel
34 - My truth
36 - Scorching Hot
37 - You've got to be kidding me
37 - Lunch surprise
38 - Another sunrise
39 - Growing together
40 - I'm home
41 - Take the wheel
42 - A treacherous maze
43 - Something is wrong
44 - ICU
Fan Meet
45 - The plan
45 - Becky's wife
46 - A big thank you

32 - Sun and Moon

1.1K 45 15
By GL0005

Becky's POV

It was early in the morning when I answered the phone and heard Irin's cheerful voice. "Happy Birthday, my dear best friend!" she exclaimed, her words filled with warmth and affection.

I grinned, touched by her thoughtful gesture. "Thank you so much, Irin," I replied. "Your birthday wishes mean the world to me."

As we continued to chat, the early morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow in the room. Our conversation was a welcome start to the day, providing a sense of warmth and connection, which I deeply cherished on my birthday.

As I conversed with Irin and enjoyed her birthday wishes, a part of me had quietly hoped that Freen would be the first to greet me. However, I understood that Freen was known for her fondness for sleep, and the time difference between England and the United States likely played a role in her delay.

"I really wish we could celebrate your birthday together," Irin continued, her voice filled with sincerity and longing.

I sighed softly, deeply touched by Irin's sentiment. "I wish that too," I replied. "But I'll make it up to you when I get back, and that will be a celebration to remember."

"We'll definitely make it happen. And, by the way, please don't forget the favor I've asked of you," Irin reminded me. "I understand it's your birthday, but I can't personally check the jewelry before purchasing it for my mother."

"Of course, I haven't forgotten. I'll make sure to handle it for you," I replied, reaffirming my commitment to helping Irin with her request.

"I'll check the driver's availability later. Our appointment with the jewelry store was still set for two in the afternoon UK time, correct?" I verified.

"Yes, that's correct," Irin confirmed.

"Great," I replied, appreciating the confirmation. "I'll get back to you soon with the details."

Irin and I continued our conversation, sharing updates on our lives and making plans for her return. Despite the physical distance, our friendship remained strong, and we looked forward to reuniting soon. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the meaningful connections in my life and the love that surrounded me on my birthday.

We wrapped up our call, promising to catch up again soon. Just as I was about to put my phone down, I heard my mother calling me from downstairs, so I made my way to her.

When I reached downstairs, my family greeted me with warm and heartfelt birthday wishes, creating a welcoming and festive atmosphere. Behind my family were my closest cousins and friends, and I noticed Billy among them.

My mother approached me with a warm smile and open arms, wrapping me in a loving hug as she said, "Happy Birthday, my dear." She planted a tender kiss on my cheek, and her affectionate gesture made me feel truly special.

My brother and father joined in, offering their own hugs, kisses, and heartfelt birthday greetings. Their collective love and well-wishes filled my heart with a deep sense of gratitude, making my birthday a truly wonderful and cherished occasion.

I know you asked not to have a grand celebration for your birthday, but I couldn't resist creating an intimate gathering and baking a cake for you. I want to celebrate the day God has blessed me with such a beautiful and loving daughter" My mother narrates

My mother's words touched me deeply, and I was grateful that she had respected my wish not to have a grand celebration. The surprise intimate English breakfast gathering felt perfect for the occasion.

"I appreciate it, Mom," I responded with a genuine smile. "Your love means more to me than anything in the world."

As we savored our breakfast, my brother Richie leaned in and whispered, "You know, Becky, this might not be the grand celebration, but it's definitely full of love and warmth."

I smiled at him, appreciating his understanding. "You're right, Richie. Sometimes, it's the intimate moments that mean the most."

He nodded in agreement, and we continued to enjoy the meal, grateful for the simple yet profound joy of being together with our loved ones on this special day.


Freen's POV

"Is it ready, miss?" I inquired with a polite tone, addressing one of the store's staff members.

The store staff responded, "Yes, Lady Chankimha, everything is well prepared."

"These are the rings you requested," she added, presenting the jewelry with care.

It's a couple's ring set with a design of the Sun and Moon that interlock when placed together. The rings were crafted with meticulous detail. The Sun ring featured intricate golden rays that radiated outward, while the Moon ring showcased a delicate silver crescent. When placed together, the two rings formed a seamless and captivating celestial harmony, symbolizing the connection between two individuals.

As she spoke, I examined the rings with interest. The design was indeed beautiful, and the symbolism of the Sun and Moon connecting resonated with me. It was the perfect choice for Becky's special gift.

"They look exquisite," I commented with a smile, deeply appreciating the craftsmanship. "I'm sure my girlfriend will be absolutely delighted. Thank you for your assistance."

As I continued to admire the jewelry, I noticed the staff whispering to her manager. Shortly after, the manager approached me and said, "Your guests have arrived, Lady Freen."

I nodded, acknowledging the manager's message. "Thank you for letting me know," I replied. It was time to proceed with the planned event. The rings were safely in my possession, ready to be presented as a special gift, and the day held a sense of excitement and anticipation.

I rose from my seat, taking a moment to freshen up and ensure everything was in order. With the bouquet of tulips in hand, I wore a radiant smile.

I positioned myself in a hidden corner with curtain, out of sight, patiently waiting for the right moment to make my presence known and unveil the surprise to Becky.

I overheard one of the staff members saying, "This way, Lady Armstrong, to the private viewing room for the jewelry." The moment was drawing near, and my heartbeat with excitement.

I heard Becky's voice as she expressed her gratitude, saying, "Thank you for your assistance." Her words reassured me that everything was going as planned.

The staff's response was courteous and accommodating. "You are very much welcome. I'm happy to serve," they said. "You may be seated for now, and the jewelry will be presented to you shortly." It was all unfolding smoothly.

As I heard the door lock click into place, my heart began to race. This was the signal I had been waiting for. With anticipation and excitement, I readied myself to step out of my hiding place and reveal the myself to Becky.

With a pounding heart, I carefully made my way out of the hidden corner, clutching the bouquet of tulips and wearing an eager smile. My steps were deliberate, and the surprise I had prepared for Becky filled me with a mixture of excitement and affection.

I stepped into the room, exclaiming, "Happy Birthday, Baby! Surp...prise!" But as the last syllable left my lips, it fell flat as if all my strength had drained away. A sharp pang of pain coursed through me. There, beside Becky, was a boy – the one who had sent her a bouquet of flowers and written messages of love, claiming to be her boyfriend.

The room seemed to freeze in that moment, and a mixture of emotions washed over me.

Becky's eyes widened in shock, and the boy by her side looked equally surprised. The atmosphere was charged with tension as the room remained silent, broken only by the faint ticking of a clock on the wall.

My heart ached as I tried to process the unexpected turn of events. I had planned this surprise with love and care, and now, it felt like the ground had shifted beneath my feet.

In that heavy moment, Becky's gaze shifted between the two of us, and she stammered, "Fre...Freen, I can explain. He is..."

"Billy!" I interrupted; my voice tinged with a mixture of emotions. "I know who he is."

Becky was taken aback by my interruption and revelation. Her eyes widened in shock as she processed the situation and the fact that I knew Billy's identity. The room remained charged with tension as we navigated this unexpected twist in the story.

"That day I saw Irin as she was carrying the bouquet. My curiosity got the best of me when I noticed the card lying on the floor."

"Your name was on it. I know I should've not, but I did. I read the card. Irin didn't know that I have read its content coz I just called her and put back the card as if nothing happened. The truth is, Rebecca, I've been aware of this all along."

"I've been waiting for you to confide in me," I admitted with a heavy heart. "And yes, the nightmare you laughed about was true. That night, I had a nightmare about you choosing him."

As I shared my confession, Becky appeared to have lost her strength, and she slowly sank back into a chair, her expression a mix of emotions. The weight of our revelations hung heavily in the air, and the room was filled with a palpable tension.

I stood there, utterly drained, with no energy even to walk away. My tears flowed freely, a wordless testament to the emotional storm within me. The room seemed heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions, and it was as though we stood at a crossroads, uncertain of the path forward.

Breaking the silence, Billy spoke up with a smug expression, saying, "So, you know I'm her boyfriend."

Becky, her patience seemingly worn thin, shouted at him, "Shut up, Billy!"

The tension in the room continued to mount, fueled by Billy's smugness. My tears remained unchecked, and Becky appeared to be grappling with a mixture of emotions. The situation had become increasingly complicated, and the way forward remained unclear.

Becky slowly approached me, her voice trembling as she held my arm and said, "Let us talk this out, baby," tears streaming down her face. The raw emotion in her plea was evident.

I faced her, cupping her tear-streaked face in my hands, and asked with a heavy heart, "Is the nightmare turning into reality? Have you really cheated on me, baby?" The question lingered in the air, burdened by the weight of our emotions and the undeniable truth we needed to confront.

Billy interrupted, his voice tinged with anger, "She didn't cheat on you! She cheated on me—with you."

His words only added to the turmoil in the room, deepening the complexity of the situation.

The truth was finally out in the open, and we were all left to grapple with the emotional aftermath of our revelations.

So that was it all along? I ask myself.

Becky shouted at him, "Shut the hell up! What's wrong with you? We already talked about this!"

"Yes, we did, and I told you I won't let you go," Billy shouted back, his voice reflecting the intensity of his feelings. The tension in the room continued to escalate, making it clear that this was far from a straightforward resolution.

Becky rushed towards Billy, forcefully pushing him away as her voice trembled with emotion. She pleaded, "Leave now, Billy, please. I'm begging you." Her actions and words were desperate.

The weight of the situation became too much for me to bear. I yearn to break free, to escape from the turmoil in the room. I longed to confront Becky, to hear the unvarnished truth from her lips. I wanted to know everything, to understand the complexities of our situation. But above all, what I wanted most was Becky. I craved her presence, her truth, and her love. It is her, and only her, that I desire with every fiber of my being.

Observing that Becky was struggling to make Billy leave, I made the difficult decision to take matters into my own hands.

"Stop!" I cried out, my voice cutting through the charged atmosphere in the room. Every gaze turned to me, and I felt the weight of the moment.

Becky slowly made her way to me, and with trembling hands, I extended the bouquet of flowers and the box containing the rings towards her.

"I will leave," I said, my voice filled with emotion. "Happy Birthday, baby. I love you." I said, pressing a soft kiss to her lips, a kiss with unspoken feelings before I turned and made my exit, the room still reverberating with the intensity of our emotions.

Authors Note:

Readers, what do you think so far? Has the story been engaging or it's already boring you out?The story is about to end. Though I'm considering a sequel, I'm hesitating to write it. 

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