Ⓗunting Ⓨou (Hunter X Reader)

By sun_ve

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Y/N is 21, and is a wild witch, specialized in Beast Keeping, plants, and Potions. Once she left Hexside, she... More



553 26 91
By sun_ve

The movie finished that night and you've never seen Hunter that invested in anything before. At first he was iffy about it, and judging some of the things about it, but later on the more the plot developed he would not take his eyes off the screen.

You decided to walk him out of the guild back to the sewage entrance.

"O'Bailey has the best character development, that's what I think the most strongly of. If you think about it the entire plot line is centered around the enemy planet and his relation to it. It's what built the plot to begin with." Hunter explains.

"You're obsessed with this character." You smile.

"But his background is the most interesting! You notice this right??" Hunter looks at you.

"It is, yeah." You smile.

"I need to find those books, maybe there's more." Hunter furrows his eyebrows.

"I think it's only a human realm thing." You say.

"O'Baileys actor was spot on with his role too, he even looks the role and plays it exactly how you'd expect it to be played." Hunter grins.

"And he was also good looking?" You ask.

"I- well- um... yeah I guess." Hunters ears go a little pink.

"B-but that's beside the point!" Hunter blushes and holds up a finger.

"Damn I need to find those books." Hunter mumbles and folds his arms.

"You should come over more and watch more movies. You seem to really like them." You grin.

"That... would be nice..." He blushes.

"I wish you could spend a night." You say and hold his arm.

His ears turn pink.

"...yeah...um... maybe I can some time.. I'll try." He smiles awkwardly and scratches the back of his neck.

"I'm excited to look for those time looks tomorrow, traveling in the past sounds so cool." You grin.

"It does sound interesting, you could see different time periods in person." He says.

"This is such a good idea, I was starting to think there would be no hope for my sigil. But we might actually have a chance." You grin.

Hunter holds your hand and smiles. You're in front of the exit. You look at him and smile.

"Thanks for giving this a chance." You say.

"I... wanted to... I did I just... was nervous... and um.. I'll keep coming." He nods.

"You should. This gives you something to think about." You smile.

Hunter doesn't respond his smile just turns into an expressionless face. He lets go of your hand.

"Where should we meet tomorrow?" He asks.

"In the forest. I feel like that would be good." You say.

He nods.

"You alright?" You ask.

"I'm okay." He smiles.

You put your hands around his neck and look up at him.

"I love you. A lot, I do." You tell him.

His cheeks get pinker and he smiles brightly. He puts his hands on your waist and he pulls you into a nice hug.

He holds you tightly and you smile. This feels nice, it feels normal, hugging him like this. You like that.

His face is buried in the book of your neck as he hugs you and he tilts his face towards your ear.

"You make me feel like I have a sense of importance." He whispers.

Your eyes sparkle and your grip on him tightens. He closes his eyes and holds your tighter.

"Or value.." He says and runs his hands up your back.

He pulls away and looks you in the eye. He's a little red and he seems like he's trying not to smile too big.

"...Thank you for that." He whispers.

"Of course." You say and hold his face.

You pull his head to yours and leave a little kiss on his cheek. He closes his eyes and looks at you with a lovely smile.

"See you tomorrow." You smile.

"See you." He says and starts walking away.

"Oh wait." His eyes widen and he goes back over to you.

"What? You forget something?" You ask.

"Yeah I did." He says approaching you.

"What did you leave? I can bring it back tomor-"

He holds the back of your head and drags it close to him. He leaves a little kiss at the top of your head.

"That's what I forgot." He smiles.

You heat up and blush.

"Um... I'll see you tomorrow." He blushes and goes off.

"Bye." You say gently holding your cheeks.

You get home to see Viney smirking.

"What?" You say.

"You are so red girl." She points at you.

You get even redder and rub your face. You laugh nervously and lean against the wall.

"I dunno what you're talking about." You blush and laugh nervously.

"What are you thinking?" She nudges you.

"So much things. Titan. I never thought I'd like the golden guard. But the thing is, he's not even the golden guard he's Hunter. And t-that's amazing." You blush.

"When I met him I assumed he'd be such an idiot... but he's perfect." You smile.

"Awww you're getting all sappy." She grins.

"Shhh! Am not." You say.

The next day you're in the forest. You were checking out the time pool tracker and it seems to be picking up something already. This is a good sign. Hunter should be here momentarily.

You couldn't fall asleep much that night. All you were thinking about was him.

What's making you so annoyed is you want him to tell you he loves you so badly. Its driving you insane.

You did your hair differently today, you tried to make it look pretty so maybe he can notice you more. Maybe it'll make it slip out.

You want him to say it so bad.

Not only this but you're wearing a different outfit than usual so you have a disguise for when you use the time pools.

You hear a woosh noise and turn around and see him. He's on flapjack and he hops off and looks over at you.

"Sorry. I'm always late aren't I?" He says and walks over to you.

"It's okay. I wasn't waiting long." You say.

He blinks a few times and scratches his arm. He looks at you and then he looks at his pockets.

"Um... you did your hair differently." He says.

"I wanted to try something new." You smirk.

He blinks a bit more and puts his hand against his cheek and his ears turn pink.

"It's a nice look." He looks down and digs his foot in the dirt.

His ears are still little pink. You grin.

"The trackers already picked something up, so I say we check it out. Are you all ready?" You ask.

He nods and walks beside you. He looks down at his pocket and then back at you. He shoves his hands on his pockets and blushes.

"What time period do you wanna travel to?" You grin.

"So many different ones. I'd love to see how things ran." Hunter says.

"I kind wanna see what the isles were like before Belos became emperor." You say.

"That... would actually be very useful to investigate." Hunter says.

"I think so too. I wanna see what life was like without all the covens." You say.

The tracker goes off and your eyes widen. You follow the direction it's pointing too. Hunter keeps up with you.

"What? Are we close?" He asks.

"Yes, I think it's just over here." You say and continue running to the location.

Hunter runs along with you and you eventually come to a complete stop. He comes to a complete stop.

You're both standing at a little river bank next to the forest. Hunter looks around.

"I don't see anything." He says.

You furrow your eyebrows and starts walking around the area and you trip and your leg gets sunk in.

"Woah!" You exclaim and pull your leg out.

"What?" He says and goes over to you.

You dip your hand in the spot where your leg sunk in. It's not quicksand it's something else. You motion Hunter to kneel down next to you and he does.

"I think this is it." You say.

You dip your head in and Hunters eyes widen and he grips your arm go make sure you don't fall in all the way.

On the other end you see some people playing by the same river bank only in the past. They're wild witches, you can tell because they're all using different types of magic and using it to play some sort of game.

You smile and pull your head back out.

"This is it!" You grin.

"They're using different magic types this has got to be a time without Belos." You grin.

"What do we do we just jump in?" He asks.

"Yep, but before we do I wanted disguises. I wanna make sure we fit in, we need new names too. What are our new names?" You say going through your bag.

"O'Bailey." Hunter smirks.

You giggle.

"Okay O'Bailey." You grin.

"What about you? Oh I know! You could be Mistress Vega. O'Bailey definitely has a thing for her anyway." Hunter smirks proudly.

"Heheh! Okay! Sounds good! I'm Vega, and you're O'Bailey." You laugh.

Hunter smiles proudly. You pull out some of your things you packed in your bag for disguises. You got a beanie and a leather jacket for him. As for you you're already in your disguise, your wearing a larger coat and boots with a big hat.

"Do I look good?" He asks.

"Oh yeah you look good in a leather jacket." You grin.

"You think?" He smiles.

"No yeah, it really does like damn." You grin.

He smiles and rolls his eyes at your comment.

"I'm kinda nervous." He says.

"Don't be. I think it'll be fun. It should be a lot easier right? Don't we just head to eclipse lake? Wouldn't it be filled during this time period?" You ask.

"It should be." Hunter says.

You grab his arm.

"Let's go!" You exclaim and hop in.

He hops in along with you. It felt like you needed to hold your breath while you jumped in because it felt like a pool. You squeeze your eyes shut and let yourself submerge completely in.

Once you finally get to the other side you let go.

Hunter pulls himself up and lets go of his breath as well.

"Woah." You mumble.

"That was... weird." He says and gets up.

"Hurry let's go." You whisper and grab his arm running another direction.

You don't want the witches playing at the river to see you both. Hunter quickly and quietly follows along.

"Where to? just the titans knee?" He asks.

"It's still early, why don't we look around the villages I wanna see what this world was like!" You say.

"It shouldn't be that different." Hunter shrugs.

"It should be loads different!" You say and grab his arm and run to the village nearby.

"I wanna see the jobs they have!" You say.

"Like what?" Hunter asks.

"Like anything? Jobs that are mixed between the types of magic! Like plant potions, or singing animals because you know like bards and beast keepers!" You grin.

"Look even the grass is redder!" You grin.

You guys approach the city and it looks just as you expected it to be. Beautiful.

Everyone had a palisman, they didn't look so hard to get anymore they were everywhere with everyone. Not a sigil on anyone's wrist. There was free use of magic.

Someone was sculpting ice sculptures and pairing them with some assorted flowers. It was pretty. And others were giving little shows performing their magic. The town looks so much more lively than bonesburrow or Latissa.

This must be bonesburrow back in the time because it's where bonesburrow is in your time.

"OOH! Silky worms! Me and Vineys favorite!" You grin and go over to a little vendor.

Hunters eyes widen and he wanders off somewhere else. You immediately purchase some silky worms.

"How much is it?" You ask the vendor.

"1 snail each." He says.

Your eyes widen, normally they're 10 snails a pack. Right! It's the past so everything is cheaper!

"I'll take 10." You smile.

"10??" The vendor asks.

You grin and nod. You slap 10 snails on the table meaning 10 silky worms. The vendor thanks you and you take your bags of silky worms and put them in your pocket then you look around to see Hunter isn't behind you anymore.

"Oh fuck." You say.

"Hunt- or- I mean O'Bailey!" You exclaim looking for him.

You furrow your eyebrows. You cannot loose track of him not now. You nervously hold your hands together and look around the town to see if you can find him.

That's when you see him he's at another Vendor selling some books. He's smiling excitedly and his fists are clenched.

You go over to him.

"Don't run off like that." You smile and put your hand on his shoulder.

"I was gonna come back! Do you know what these are??" Hunter grins excitedly.

"What?" You ask.

"These are banned books. Belos had a lot of them burned when he took over." Hunter whispers.

"It's about old wild magic practices that they would teach students in schools. Like proper ways to mix two at once and what they're useful for." Hunter grins.

"Wait really??" You ask.

"Yes!" He exclaims.

"That's actually, really useful! The guild could use some of these actually.." You say.

You smile and look at Hunter.

"I can get an extra copy for you." Hunter grins.

"Really?" You ask.

"Yeah." He smiles

"Thanks... I would totally get it myself but I just bought a bunch of silky worms." You grin.

"You and your friend really like those." He says.

"We snacked on them a bunch since we were kids." You say.

Hunter finishes buying out the books and you put them in your bag to hold on to for now.

You both walk off around the town looking at all the other things. Hunter seems actually interested in everything as much as you are.

You look up at him and smile.

"You wanna know what's also awesome about being here?" You ask.

"What?" He asks.

"I can hold your hand in public~!" You sing and grip his hand.

He turns red and nods. He looks down and laughs awkwardly to himself.

"Heheh.. yeah.. um... you're right. T-that is nice isn't it?" He blushes and scratches the back of his neck.

"And guess what? I can do this too." You grin and quickly scoop his head down to yours.

You give him a quick peck on the lips and let go. Hunter looks dizzy and smiles hazily.

"Y-yeah- heh...wow..." He blushes and widens his eyes placing his fingers on his lips.

"It makes me feel like I'm actually going on a date." You say and lean against him as you walk.

"You like being affectionate in public I take it?" Hunter says grilling your hand tightly.

"Sometimes." You smile.

Hunter laughs a little and looks up ahead. He then goes quiet and lets go of your hand immediately.

You look up at him curiously as to why he let go of your hand.

He's staring up ahead and he looks somewhat shocked. His eyes are widened and he looks confused.

"What?" You say looking up ahead.

"...That kid... he looks just like me." Hunter says softly.

You look over at the kid he's talking about. And your eyes widen. The boys peeking around an alleyway corner around at the townspeople.

He has Hunters eyes, nose, everything. The only thing different is he's younger perhaps 12 or 13, doesn't have any scars, and his hair is slightly different.

He makes eye contact with us. Specifically Hunter and he looks just as confused seeing how similar Hunter looks to him.

...You don't feel good. This might not be good.

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