Outcast | Dottore X M! Reader

By frenchie_duvar

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"One cannot deny your intelligence and your genius. But Doctor, I must affirm your brilliance cannot surpass... More

Before Reading
Chapter 1: Expelled
Chapter 2: A new path
Chapter 3: Il Dottore
Chapter 4: Essay
Chapter 5: experimentation
Chapter 6: Meeting
Chapter 7: Factory
Chapter 8: Liyue
Chapter 9: "Holidays"
Chapter 10: Welcome back to Snezhnaya
Chapter 11: Assistants
Chapter 12: Clones
Chapter 13: The Baladeer
Chapter 14: Medicines
Chapter 15: Solitary confinement
Chapter 16: Morepesok
Chapter 17: Farewell Rosalyn
Chapter 19: Sumeru
Chapter 20: Zandik
Chapter 21: Dance of the Sabzeruz
Chapter 22: It is only a question of time...
Ending 1: But tell me...
Ending 2: Was it actually worth it?

Chapter 18: Curse of the Gods

396 21 0
By frenchie_duvar

Art by @mojiuxuan on Twitter

TW: slight 🍋 + Blood


Dottore's lips crash again against yours, pushing his tongue inside your mouth. You moan at his action. His hand travels under your pants, caressing your ass cheeks. When he pulls away, he smirks down at you and his other hand caresses your cheek.

"So, darling, how does it feel to have been promoted to ' The Doctor's right arm ' in only four years of work among the Fatui?"

"I will just miss our little moments here." you smile at him and he kisses you again.

"Don't be dramatic; we will always have time to spend together."

You hum and wrap your legs around his waist, bringing him closer. You place your hands on his clothed torso and trace his beautiful features.

"Besides..." He brings his lips closer to yours, "you can always come visit me if you feel like it." He catches your lips, leaving a sensual kiss on them.

"But you must be aware that if you do bad work..." He slides his fingers from your ass to reach your asshole. You inhale sharply at the sensation, looking into his crimson eyes. "I will have to punish you." He squints his eyes slightly and bites your neck. You let out a moan when his fingers enter you. He gives you a side eye, his lips almost brushing your skin.

"Bad boys need to be punished and good boys have to be rewarded right?"

"Then be a good boy for me now."


You leave Dottore's laboratory while avoiding his new assistant so he won't see your flushed face and weird way to walk. However, the two guards rapidly noticed this but they, of course, did not bring this up.

Everyone knows your relationship with Il Dottore. During a Snezhnayan Festival, people heavily noticed how close the two of you were since you wouldn't stop sticking together.

Sure, rumours ran everywhere in the Headquarters, and even more when you have been promoted "The Doctor's Right Arm" after his former right arm died when exploring deep depths of The Chasm.

To choose who would be his new Right Arm, a practical, written and combat exams have been put in place and as expected, many people postulated, including you. Dottore had heavily recommended you to postulate to this post, which you would have done even without his advice.

The practical was a mere experiment that you had already worked on with your superior. The written was an exam in an Akademiya style, but harder when it came to results and demonstration. The combat one was the hardest in your opinion. You had to fight a lot of ruin machines, which was no easy task when delusions were not allowed.

Nonetheless, you were the one who had the highest score in total. Perfect results in practicing and writing, and rather good performance at fighting. It has shut people's mouth since some said your promotion was due to you fucking Dottore.

As Dottore's Right Arm, you are only getting orders from him and are kind of the director of the Fatui's scientific side since Dottore always stays hidden in his lab. You prefer to follow this way rather than getting orders from everyone.

You let out a small sigh and walk down the stairs of the building, directing the entrance. Some materials had to be taken outside and you decided to get them yourself. They won't be too hard to find, they are simple specialities of Snezhnaya that can be found in forests.

The guards bow down slightly as you cross the door. A butler asks you if you would like to be escorted somewhere but you refuse, simply because you don't need anyone accompanying you.

The snow crackles under your heavy boots while your attention remains on your surroundings. Snezhnaya is known for its cold, but very few know the dangers outside, such as wild animals. Polar bears, snow tigers and creatures of this kind are present. And that is without counting the monsters.

Concerning the Abyss Mages, let's say that as long as you stay away from "The Fault", you should be fine. From what you have heard, this fault brings directly to the Abyss. You were told that the eleventh felt in it when he was 14 and came back to Snezhnaya entirely changed mentally.

Your eyes spot one of the things you are looking for. You kneel down and pick some light blue berries. These berries have a light toxin that is used to create medicines. Due to the fact they are common fruits, they have become the most used ingredients for Snezhnayan medicines.

As you pick some and put them in a bag, you hear some sounds coming from behind you. You stop for a second, processing if this sound was real, and look behind you.

You see a silhouette of a man standing and unmoving. You get up and turn slightly your bust to have a better view of the person.

It's a tall golden haired man with a Fatui uniform. The mask covers a bit of his face so you cannot really determine who the person is, but one thing is sure, his presence is rather suspicious.

"What do you want?" You ask in a cold tone, "I did not ask for any escorts."

"I am no butler." He replies with the same tone and you squint your eyes.

"Then don't disturb me. I have business to do."

You stare at the man and he chuckles a bit. He takes some steps near you.

"That is rather careless to wander in the wilderness alone." He looks around, "What I mean is that if something happens to you, no-one would be here to help."

You see...

"Well, I hope nothing happens to you as well." You take some steps to the side to have some distance. You are perfectly aware he is not here for good attention.
He stays silent for a moment.

"How is it like to have become... The Doctor's Right Arm?"

You look at him again with a bad stare.
"How do you know who I am?"

Your face never really left the headquarters, so only the people working there could potentially know what you look like. That must only mean he works there.

"I have heard a lot about your selfishness and self-assurance (Y/N), and not great things actually." He continues walking around, "You can't even recognize the people you cross paths with."

"Get to the point. Don't waste my time with your lowlife's sayings."

"I was one of the candidates to the submission for the job you got. The name is Elchingen, one of the Doctor's former assistants." He gives you a nasty stare that you ignore.

"I don't see what Master Dottore sees in you. You're merely a school dude who only got half of his education because he was expelled from one of the most prestigious schools in Teyvat. I don't want to know how you managed to get him into your bed either." His tone shows disgust.

"I am not saying you are not smart, but you do not deserve your position. I have been working for years to get a small glance from Master Dottore while you have caught his attention without even noticing and caring."

"You are starving for attention, so what? It is not my fault if he finds a liking to my work. Maybe try harder?" You spat words without a care.

You had met some Dottore simps, but they quickly stopped liking him as soon as they saw the real Dottore.

Dottore is a liar. He was born a liar. He is quick to befriend people when he wishes to, he is not always insane.
Or actually, he is insane but acts friendly when he needs something from someone. These "simps" have mainly fallen with his, we're not going to lie, stunning and handsome look. He is a gorgeous man. Until he let out the beat.

You give a deadly look at Elchingen. You are not a jealous person, far from it. You simply know how difficult it is to actually get along with Dottore so you are sure he wouldn't go to anyone in the blink of an eye.

"I need my dear Master Dottore's approval but there is only one obstacle in my way: you."

"And that is why I shall get rid of you."

He takes out some daggers and runs in your direction, ready to strike once he is close enough. You manage to dodge him in time and take out your polearm to fight back. Elchingen infuses his daggers with his Pyro delusion and makes them spin around. You manage to block them with your polearm but you miss to notice he disappeared in the air.

You feel a sharp pain in your arm and immediately jump back to try to spot where he could be. The footsteps carved on the snow are rather helpful and you manage to dodge most of his attacks.

Once he reappears, you attack him but unfortunately, he dodged rather quickly. He took it at his advantage to give you another cut on your back. You fall on the snow and wince at the pain.

However you get up and attack once more. You do not want to let some pitiful shit take your life that easily. You cast your spear in his direction, which he dodged once more, and you use martial art to bring him down.

You punch him in the chin, bring your knee to his genital parts and then crash his head against it. You cast him away in the snow and look at him from above. He coughs a bit of blood, not enough to your liking.

"You are no-one to disrespect me like this, and even more to even dare laying a finger on my figure. You are nothing compared to me, that is why we are different. Your master sees something in me, something that you do not possess and you should seriously put yourself in question for this." You kick his head with your foot, sending him a bit further.

"I do not care about his attention or approval; I am only here for the laboratory and funds given for experiments. You see him as a god but I only see him as a human who is no superior to me." You chuckle and walk a bit away from him, a smirk on your face

"I do believe I am superior to him in many ways, and that is what makes me superior to you. You let people step on you while on the other hand; I do not let a single person bring me down."

"You're only a pitiful brat who has childish dreams. Open your eyes a little!" Elchingen says while coughing a bit.

You scoff and speak in a louder and more assured voice.
"People bow before me. To some I crush the brains, to others I would break arms and legs, to others I would dislocate the spondyles of the neck, to others I would unmold the loins, crush the nose, pock out the eyes, split the mandibles, sank the teeth into the mouth, collapse the shoulder blades, marble the legs, dislocate the hips, and destroy the giblets."

"If someone wants to hide between, why not, the thickest vines of a winery, I would rub the whole ridge of their back, and break it like a dog. If another wants to save themselves by fleeing, I would simply blow their head to pieces through the labroid commissure. If someone thinks they can escape me by climbing a tree or whatever, thinking they are safe, I would impale them with their staff through a foundation."

"I can be people's worst nightmare if they dare come in my way-" You stop net as soon as you feel a sharp pain behind your knees. You fall on your knees and notice a dagger filled with blood.

Elchingen was almost up and you would curse yourself for not having noticed him grabbing his weapon near him.

"I wonder what people's worst nightmare would look like without his head." He slightly laughs while taking some steps in your direction.

The wounds on your knees are rather deep and for the moment, you cannot get up. You slightly wince at the pain and your eyes widen as they look directly at the man's eyes.

"Killing me would only make your situation worse than it is. Dottore has a liking in me right? Then please, kill his interest and watch his reaction. I bet he would be delighted." You chuckle and grip your knees tighter.

"You won't get rid of me this easily and be sure that your head will decorate my office. Your and other people's lives are not matter to me. I am only interested in my success and research. Watch me get more and more powerful."

He laughs at your state but you ignore him.
"That is right; watch me being promoted to higher grades, to the point of joining the Harbingers and why not stepping on Snezhnaya's throne. Watch me discover the secret of science and wisdom. My research will be known throughout Teyvat and first, I will not let you take my life today!"

With these last words, a bright glow suddenly appears in front of you, as descending from the sky. You two squint your eyes to be able to perceive whatever it could be. Elchingen takes some steps back in case but you don't move. The glow then gradually stops, revealing a purple orb with Inazuma's symbol on it contained between the straps of a Snezhnayan ornament.
One could recognize this object between a thousand.

A Vision has just appeared right before you and you seem to be the receiver. You let it fall in your hands and stare at it without any special thoughts coming. Your brain has a hard time processing what just happened.

At the sound of footsteps, your head snaps to look up and you frown.
"Get out of here at this instant before I take care of you!"

Elchingen starts running at the sight of the vision glowing and sending small electric waves around.

Your eyes go back to the vision. You simply stare at it, not of admiration, no, it is something completely different. The time around you seems to have frozen, just like your body.

Though you are not sure how you feel at the moment, many questions start to flow through your head.

Why did you receive this? Why would Celestia look upon you? Why receiving it now? Why exactly an electro vision?

You stay sat on your knees, not caring about the coldness of the snow and your wounds, your attention fixated on the object.

You absolutely do not understand why Celestia would give you a vision. Sure, you are someone ambitious, but Pantalone who is extremely ambitious never had a vision.

Maybe they thought you cannot achieve your goals without their help?

Your grip tightens on the vision and you get up, determinedly walking toward the Headquarters.


Arriving there, you immediately went in the direction of Haeresys and stormed through the hallways. Some employees give you a look as you cross their paths but none interrupt you.

You enter an exam room which is actually used by Prime at the moment. Since he is present, you decide to change rooms and use another one to not be bothered.

"Hon, you came b-"
You don't let him finish his sentence that you close the door and head toward another room. A few seconds later, the exam room's door opens and Prime catches your speed.

"Hey, is something the matter?" He asks, his tone showing a slight of concern, "You're bleeding, are you alright?"

You stay silent and open the other room. You rapidly walk toward an exam table and put down the vision on it before walking toward a closet.

Dottore's eyes stay glued to the vision.
"What the- Where did you get it?" He turns toward you but you again do not respond.

Instead, you take out a sword that was hanging on the wall and walk toward the table again, preparing to strike the object.

"Wait (Y/N)-!"

Your eyes shot open and you inhale sharply, your hand gripping tightly your vision. You pant slightly and look around you.

The carriage, right.
You are on your way to Sumeru City.

You feel two strong arms wrapping around your waist and you look to your right, seeing the blue haired man that you love.

"Are you alright? You never woke up this way." Dottore asks with concern in his voice.

You lazily nod, processing your coming back to reality and he brings you closer to him, hugging you. You wrap an arm around him and he lets his head rest on your shoulder.

"Visions are such a curse." You simply say, looking out the window. Your lover kisses your neck and rubs his thumb against your back without saying anything.

You are aware he hates visions as well as their bearers, but his love for you does not allow him to feel a single negative thought about you.

He knows you have never accepted your vision simply because you believe it means that you cannot achieve your goals as a human and will need the help of gods. You tried to break it many times, your first attempt resulting in nothing but getting hit by a heavy shock wave.

By the number of attempts to destroy it, people knew very much to never mention the vision to you, unless they wished to suffer your wrath.

You had contacted Baizhu to ask him questions about visions, and he simply told you that you will become more attached to yours than you would like.

And even after this, you are still carrying your vision like a curse, though that is you were to cross paths with some dangerous areas, you'd throw your vision away with the slight hope for it to finally disappear. But it never worked since it always appeared in your room, like waiting patiently for your return.

Since that day, you have deeply hated Celestia.

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